
Wait... Has Society Sunken So Low?

Your Mind is the Hottest Real Estate. Is it FOR SALE?

This video supporting depraved pedophiles stopped me in my tracks. Pedophilia is defined as“the deriving of sexual gratification from sexual fantasies or acts involving children of either sex”. Some definitions say: “it is a specific disorder where there is a preference for sexual activity with a prepubescent child or children.” The definitions are changing rapidly to make pedophilia acceptable and inclusive in a society controlled by these sexual deviants.

This young lady says “pedophilia is a natural, sexual orientation, just like heterosexuality”. The spiritual mafia MOB that is full of pedophiles and sexual deviants is trying to normalise pedophilia. That is what the LGBTQIA+ movement is all about. It is an abbreviation for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer or questioning, intersex, asexual, and more. The + is referring to pedophilia because that is the driving force behind all of these independent movements.

Apparently, there was such a public outcry concerning this video, it was taken down from Youtube; however the movement continues unabated »»»»»» 

What they don’t tell us is that like Greta Thunberg, this innocent sounding young lady is also a mind control victim of MKUltra or Project Monarch which are programs designed to deliver a predetermined message to the world. Like all movie stars these days, this young lady is a puppet on a string, programmed with the exact words to say and when to say it.

“Then Adonai saw that the wickedness of humankind was great on the earth, and that every inclination of the thoughts of their heart was only evil all the time.” Genesis 6:5 TLV This was the state of society before the Great Flood.

The same condition is manifesting itself, right now. Back pre-flood, mankind created chimeric hybrids which were part human and part demonic angels. Today, the spiritual mafia MOB is changing our DNA to also create chimeric hybrids. They are using our bodies’ as a platform to carry out the same objective.

And the “Christian church” - or the religious version of Christ Consciousness - is spiritually, mentally and physically asleep. The reason the “Christian church” is consciously asleep is because its members have also been subject to mass mind control.

Mass mind control focuses mainly on 1. words 2. images 3. resonance to impact our DNA. TV, movies and the internet are all used to control and manipulate the masses. If you want to discover the truth about who is involved, and the symbolism behind the veil of ‘The Order’ of psychopathic pedophiles, sociopaths, child traffickers, drug traffickers, and mind controllers, watch Australian singer-songwriter Altiyan Childs exposing Freemasonry and the New World Order, particularly from the 2:00 mark. Symbolism is a language used to reinforce mind control programming.


Between BC 626 to BC 586 when Jerusalem finally fell to the Babylonians, Judah was warned by Jeremiah of the impending destruction - “The heart is deceitful above all things, and incurable—who can know it?” I Adonai search the heart, I try the mind, to give every man according to his ways, according to the fruit of his deeds.” Jeremiah 17:9-10 TLV. The Jews failed in their assignment to remain faithful in their trust of the creator God.

Today, Yeshua haMashiach is blowing the same trumpet, warning the “Christian church” of the impending destruction and their failure to remain faithful in their trust of the creator God. The common cause and denominator is the corruption in our evil hearts. There is now “no line” drawn in the sand neither for non-Christians, nor for the “Christian church”. The whole system is a spiritual harlot in God’s eyes.

What we have to conclude is the “Christian church” is compliant with, and complicit with [associated with or participating in a questionable act or a crime] the same charges as the deviant pedophiles themselves. Yeshua often said “if you are not with Me, you are against me.” Matt. 12:30


Notice that BC 626 to BC 586 = 40 years. The number 40 has great significance in the bible and is often associated with the time of testing, trials and judgment. Notice also that AD30 [the possible resurrection date of Yeshua] to the destruction of the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem in AD70, was also 40 years - a time of testing for the Jews before impending judgement. Maybe the book 1984 was a prophet warning that 1984 was a time from which the “Christian church” would be tested before impending judgement. 1984 + 40 = 2024 which may usher in another destructive period of time when God sifts the chaff from the wheat.

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Let’s wait and see….. all we know is, the time is neigh! The fruit of iniquity is almost overripe on the spiritual tree of destruction. All we can do is be like Jeremiah and repent for the corruption in our own hearts……..and pray to the real Messiah for mercy!

1984 certain held great significance for me. I had taken a year of unpaid leave to go to Ethiopia as a do-gooder Christian and I left totally confused, realising for the first time that all wars are financed and controlled by one single source of human depravity. I came to label that source of depravity as the spiritual mafia MOB -pedophiles. The good thing about it is - it sent me on a 40 year journey to discover the Truth in all facets of life.


Right now…. your mind, heart, soul and DNA are collectively the hottest real estate on the planet. The spiritual mafia MOB pedophiles are the global real estate market makers and marketers. They own the majority of the press and advertising rights. Satan/Lucifer claims ownership. Is your real estate FOR SALE? If you have been vaccinated at all, you have already allowed the Trojan Horse to enter inside your body. The FOR SALE agreement is contained within the Trojan Horse - if you willingly sign that spiritual agreement, it is game over spiritually as far as Yeshua, the real Messiah is concerned! That is the Truth…….

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