We live in a world system that feeds each individual’s ego and gratifies their own self- centred belief in their own image. We are educated and trained to connect spiritually to the ‘Tree of Knowledge’ that brings eternal separation and death - whilst despising the Tree of Life which brings spiritual and energetic understanding and healing. We therefore remain in survival mode, never really enjoying God’s gift of freedom.
“We are creating God”, one AI engineer working on large language models (LLM’s) recently said. “We are creating conscious machines.” AI maybe conscious of Lucifer, but they are not God-conscious. In fact AI and all of the spiritual mafia MOB’s inventions and technologies have zero God-conscious. That pure energy does not even exist in them or vibrate according to the Tree of Life. Therefore, Lucifer is channelling mankind in order to destroy them.
As AI emerges it will be accepted as being god, displaying perceived Godlike powers that have the ability to control and manipulate mankind. AI could well prove to be mankind’s last invention before he destroys himself with fire.
All of this technology was created at CERN. However, playing in the subatomic realm and creating lasers that are designed to be destructive is fraught with danger - for both them and ourselves.
Even Steven Hawkins admitted that! Mankind is now living [or surviving] on a spiritual precipice that will manifest itself in the physical world.
God speaks and communicates with us Spirit to spirit. So does Lucifer and Satan - in fact, today, with the release of quad trillions of demonic, spiritual parasites from the portal at CERN, the world is now floating in a sea of demonic activity. All the airwaves outside of our visible spectrum, which is the portion of the electromagnetic spectrum that is visible to the human eye - they are now full of spiritual entities. This is what our minds and hearts have to contend with. Hence, mankind has chosen to handover ownership of their spirit and souls to the trickster and fraudster, Lucifer - who appears good, ethical and wholesome but is exceedingly evil, abominable and nefarious.
Our spirits have been compromised and we are not even aware of it. Do you think that is God-consciousness at play? Or is that a form of apparent [virtual, alternate, augmented] consciousness merely being engineered? Our energetic quantum entanglement to God’s Holy Spirit is inalienable - that means it is not to be separated, given away, or taken away. We humans cannot afford the relational separation that now exists between ourselves and our Creator. That statement impacts both our blood, bloodline and DNA the most - the two mainstays of the MOB’s attack on humanity.
Yes, humanity is at war and it mainly impacts our unseen world - our spirits, hearts, minds and souls which includes our soul’s phycology and the way we think.
The Beast system that brings error to our spirits was enhanced by Edward Bernays in the early 1900’s. He was Sigmeud Frued’s nephew. Bernays became an expert at using propaganda and the scientific technique of shaping and manipulating public opinion, which he famously dubbed "engineering of consent”. Bernays was the father of advertising and public relations because he understood the ‘shadow side’ of humanity and how to manipulate their collective weaknesses. Bernays correctly viewed the masses as prone to their all-consuming ‘Self’ [ego]. Bernays used this human weakness to lure individuals into self indulgence and consumerism to satisfy their “selfish needs”. Therefore, Edward Bernays was one of the most influential occultists to have ever lived.
Bernays could be said to be someone who understood iniquity and used the expansion of iniquity to enslave the masses. He stated, “We are governed, our minds are moulded [the matrix], our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of.” Bernays’ Century of ‘Self’ has moulded the American masses as well as American Christianity - thus the whole world. Therefore, Bernays is the father of self-gratification, one’s absorption with pleasure, entertainment, and the rise of cancel culture.
This is what we are left with today - a society of self-centred consumers with a main focus of satisfying their selfish needs. This feeds their unregenerate ego. However, the MOB at CERN are engineers - engineers of destruction - because their own spirits have been tainted by Lucifer’s spirit and are not pure or ethical.
This video by Prof. Mattias Desmet accurately outlines the consequence of mankind bringing judgement on themselves. Therefore humanity as a collective has become a time bomb of self destruction whilst basking in self judgement, the judgement of others & the judgement of God Himself ….. it is called a technocratic totalitarianism dictatorship which is spearheaded by China on behalf of the spiritual mafia MOB in Switzerland. The same group that created the French Revolution btw!
Society has fallen prey to false narratives, engineered propaganda and the feeling of entitlement. Parents whose egos feel entitled have now produced a new generation who totally feel entitled to satisfy their own sense of self-gratification. Entitlement is a feeling of one’s ego being superior to God and others, and then judging and exploiting others at their expense. It is making oneself god of any situation by being entangled to Lucifer’s spirit with the desire to feel good regardless of any moral conviction.
We are encouraged to satisfy the emotions in our soul with continual spikes of dopamine which makes us feel good when we consume - that toxifies our minds and thinking to justify our actions - however, we humans do not understand the realms of energy - and the spirit very well at all. The reason of course is because it is unseen - and non physical - it lies outside of the spectrum of visible light.
And of course we have been lied too and deceived in every area of the unseen world. Let’s say, we have been kept in the dark! Nothing we are told by the MOB today is true. Nothing! It is all lies and deception. The MOB controls the mainstream media. What do you expect? It is almost beyond belief.
We have been engineered to feel good in a way that is not natural. All of our habits are dopamine centred and not Real. They do not represent the Real you.
Our spirit and ego become controlled by spiritual parasites……… remember, the definition of a parasite is; an organism that lives and feeds on or in an organism of a different species and causes harm to its host. Therefore a parasite needs a host to live in and draw energy from. That adequately describes demonic entities! They are fake entities sucking life out of that which is the Real you.
The main point here in this video is - everything the MOB controls is fake - as is everything that is associated with their proposed matrix of witchcraft and debauchery.
In fact, if anyone has resorted to a habit, they are subject to spiritual demonic entities. I call them spiritual parasites. Spiritual parasites are toxic entities that control our spirits, our hearts and our minds way before they manifest in our soul and body as dis-ease.
We haven’t had a virus pandemic over the last three years [2020 - 2023] we have been subject too both a parasite [both spiritual and physical], fungus and mould pandemic that is changing our brains and destroying our God-given immune system.
Yes, parasites are spiritual, but they also manifest into physical form. In the past, parasites, fungus and mould were kept in check by the immune system, but now the warlike COVID “vaccines” are destroying that part of the immune system that then allows the parasites to emerge - and destroy our bodies.
Remember - we are quantum entangled to one of two spiritual trees [or realms]. The Tree of Knowledge is a dualist system. It also has digital properties. The Tree of the Knowledge of Good is Lucifer’s realm of operation. He appears like an “angel of light”, however he is a counterfeit [a copy - an avatar - a false virtual reality] to the real Messiah, Yeshua the Son of God. Elon Musk has become one of the best examples of being possessed by the Luciferian spirit - Donald Trump is another. Whereas, the Tree of the Knowledge of Evil is Satan’s realm of operation. Members of the Deep State including the Bush bloodline, Hilary Clinton and Obama are good examples of Satanists. Between these two realms of utter confusion, these two spiritual entities [Lucifer and Satan] do their best to obstruct and frustrate you, whilst undermining your authority as a human being, created in the image of God.
You were created with a spirit. We are a spiritual beings, just like God is a spiritual being. Your spirit and the spirits in whom you trust is of utmost importance.
Why? Because we always manifest what is sown in our spirit.
Remember, everything that is transpiring in the world is about ownership - who owns you? Do you have free will or no will at all? Are you a God-conscious creative being made in the image of God or are you a brainwashed human being, acting as a robot designed to bid the will of the spiritual mafia MOB? Where then is your voice? If you don’t have one, then that is the answer to which side of the fence you are resonating on.
The spirit realm controls the subatomic realm of quantum physics. The quantum realm can either be a pure quantum field of energy controlled by God, Yeshua and His Holy Spirit - OR it is an erroneous, corrupted quantum field. When we fall for Lucifer’s deception we generate dark matter that is directly opposed to living matter. The two cannot co-exist together. Dark matter eliminates everything God has designed for our benefit.
The present day alchemy scientists who control our pharmaceutical dominated world claim that 80% of the known universe is dark matter. They too claim that they do not understand gravity. They also claim that we evolved randomly from some form of amoeba. One of the more important properties to grasp is the fact that Quantum mechanics and subatomic systems are ruled solely by mathematical probabilities , Stochastic Random Number Generation and uncertainty. All computers, especially Quantum Computers use the 'dark' art of Geomancy and work on the optimisation of probabilities to know the future [through Knowledge]; the optimisation of random numbers.
In God’s Kingdom, thus God’s creation, nothing happens by random chance!
Therefore, let’s look at the probability that mankind came about by random chance. Let us “consider a very simple putative organism composed of only 200 integrated and functioning parts. Assume that, at each mutational step, there is equally as much chance for it to be good as bad. Thus, the probability for the success of each mutation is assumed to be one out of two, or one-half. Elementary statistical theory shows that the probability of 200 successive mutations being successful is then (½)200, or one chance out of 1060. The number 1060, if written out, would be "one" followed by sixty "zeros." In other words, the chance that a 200-component organism could be formed by mutation and natural selection is less than one chance out of a trillion, trillion, trillion, trillion, trillion!”
The theory of evolution is mathematically impossible! And yet it is more than likely the foundation of your own belief system. This flawed theory is the foundational theory of nearly all flawed modern-day biology theory. Today, the alchemy scientists are setting the stage for what has become known as evolution by intelligent design - in the form of Transhumanism and AI. The foundation is made of sand [silicon chips] and is literally ready to collapse.
In other words - it has been engineered to make you feel good! Dopamine is produced by all drugs and Alternate Realities’ or ‘Augmented Realities’. This is foretold in this eBook…..
The spiritual mafia MOB have all these theories - but none of them are Real or True to nature and God’s design.
All their theories are fake and designed to support the power of the pharmaceutical and medical industry - which is a total farce.
Just like the “Christian church” attacks sin which is not the root cause of our problem [the root cause is iniquity or corruption of heart], so the pharmaceutical and medical industry attacks the symptoms and not the root cause. The corporations know there is no money in healing people - neither spiritually nor physically!
The MOB also claims that they do not understand gravity. This is absolute BS. The global elite have been using anti-gravity technology that supports lightening fast methods of transport hidden underground, for years. Maybe even since WW2.
However, the topic I want to initiate here is Direct Energy Weapons (DEWs). DEW’s were initially energetic laser beams that are catapulted off of engineered Synchrotrons - just like the one at CERN.
Dr Judy Wood states: “He who controls the energy, controls the people”.
I also say: “He who controls the communication frequencies, controls the people”.
This has been true right down through the millennium. However, it has always been covered up by a group of secret keeping clowns.
Dick Cheney and the Neocons (Neoconservatives) certainly knew that prior to 2001! Dr. Wood claims that DEW’s employing Scalar energy laser beams were used on 9/11. Let’s explore that claim. Nicola Tesla discovered this form of energy 100 years prior to this event, labelling it ‘Radiant Energy’. Telsa’s desire was to use this God-given energy to provide free energy to the entire world, however he was afraid it would be used for evil purposes. The risk that Telsa foresaw was demonstrated with the evil intent openly displayed on 9/11, 2001.
Dr Judy Wood is a Forensic Engineering Scientist, a structural engineer with degrees in Civil Engineering and Engineering Mechanics with 35 years of experience in this specialised field of forensic investigation. She spent 10 years investigating and compiling forensic evidence pertaining to the destruction of the seven buildings in Manhattan, that included the 1,368 feet (417 m) Twin Towers. Her book “Where Did the Towers Go” provides the only scientific investigation into the events of 9/11 in the public domain. Every other investigation and public inquiry has been a coverup of the sacrificial ceremony and the obvious crime against humanity. None of the evidence published in her book has been, or can be, refuted. Such evidence cannot be refuted, it can only be covered up by those who own the media so an unexpecting public is blinded to the truth. Likewise, the existence of a creator God cannot be refuted!
The best way to energetically describe 9/11 is a disruption that set the foundation for more chaos and anarchy in the world. The ‘fight against terrorism’ was a complete false flag. Dr Wood calls the events behind 9/11 the “Dawn of a New Age”, given that technology can now make physical matter just evaporate, disappear and turn into dust in midair. That is what laser beams do! Evidence dictates that man now has in his hands, the technology to disrupt the molecular bonds of matter. This adds credence to Albert Pike’s prophecy that the dawn of the NWO would begin with an act of aggression against mankind. Evidence shows that the Towers did not burn up or slam to the ground, but turned into dust in midair.
Do you see a pattern here - the MOB took free energy and turned it into a money making concept that ultimately brings destruction. The MOB took our free spirits and turned it into a money making concept that also brings destruction - they label it “religion”. Yeshua is a free spirit - Lucifer embodies disruption and destruction.
Given Dr Judy Wood’s extensive report, it was easy to see that the attacks on the 7 buildings in Manhattan on 9/11 2001 was a laser beam, DEW, launched by the MOB -operating through the Deep State in the US Government, lead by VP Dick Chaney- from the Alternating Gradient Synchrotron, which is a particle accelerator located at the Brookhaven National Laboratory in Long Island, New York, United States - just 66 miles from Manhattan. Until 1968, the AGS was the highest energy accelerator in the world, slightly higher than its 28 GeV sister machine, the Proton Synchrotron at CERN. These days, CERN is of course much more powerful.
Think about it and ask yourself - could 9/11 have possibly been engineered by the spiritual mafia MOB in CERN? The answer is a resounding YES! The terrorist do not reside as a collective in Afghanistan or Iraq - or anywhere else other than in the Octagon, the most secretive society in Switzerland.
Now they are using DEWs to destroy whole civilisations like Maui, Hawaii. The evidence of the use of DEWs is now blatantly obvious.
Steve Favis shows that it is the Truth hidden in pain sight……..
The next level of miniature, quantum sized DEWs are being injected into our bodies. The MOB has perfected the use of evil to engineer DEW’s that are so small and powerful, a highly powered microscope cannot even identify the majority of them. They look like parasites, they act like parasites, therefore maybe they are parasites! They are small robotic arms that move within an engineered substance called hydrogel which are being inserted into our bodies. In fact there is every evidence that they are using similar technology to DEWs in the proposed Micro Needle Array (MNA) Patch as they used for 9/11, but at the quantum level. There is every chance that Quantum Dots (QD) embedded in a hydrogel will be dispersed into our bodies with the application of a vaccine MNA Patch, which like the injections, is merely a delivery system.
DEWs launched from Elon Musk’s satellites? No wonder his company Twitter has been renamed with the Beast symbol X.
We will talk more about DEWs in the near future - because this is the manifestation of modern technology.
In the meantime, I want to leave you with this theory ….. Recently I started part-time employment with Sharps Australia. We act as Inspectors for evidence of Crystal Meth in stolen vehicles. This is payed for by insurance companies who are, in reality, key distributors of the Meth and other drugs themselves. Crystal Meth is short for crystal methamphetamine. It is just one form of the drug methamphetamine.
Methamphetamine is a white crystalline drug that people take by snorting it (inhaling through the nose), smoking it or injecting it with a needle. Some even take it orally, but all develop a strong desire to continue using it because the drug creates a false sense of happiness and well-being [a dompamine rush]—a rush (strong feelings) of confidence, hyperactiveness and energy.
Dompamine heightens the flight and flight response……. so that it functions continually……..
Meth gives oneself a spike of dopamine, thus giving a fake high. It is engineered to make people feel good. The user also has the desire to satisfy their ego. The MOB delivers instructions on how to manufacture or engineer this drug in vast quantities.
So the question needs to be asked - Why is the spiritual mafia MOB directing this in all countries around the world?
The answer is found in my eBook……
The answer is simple - Crystal Meth is being injected into Military cadets, Police Officers and other innocent personal working in Government institutions, with one aim: Crystal Meth [crystals are a conductor of energy] is a conductor of 5/6G laser beam radiation. When 5/6G radiation is turned on, we will have no way of escape.
Do you get it? Crystal Meth will aid and abet the movement of the embedded engineered parasites within our body because it is s conductor of energy.
Engineered spiritual parasites used as DEWs are the ultimate form of mind control……..
Could it be that you have parasites in your own body? Do some research……
Btw….. one of the main reasons God requires us to water fast is because after three days our body is designed to cast all the toxins, fungus, mould and parasites embedded in our small intestines, out via our feces and bowel movement. A person's stool can vary depending on diet, hydration, and health status. Self diagnosis tells us everything about the health of our body…… and our soul …… and our heart …… and even our spirit.
Yours may look like and smell like sh*t….. however that should not be so!
Most people’s unregenerate ego makes them think their sh*t doesn’t stink….. however this is not true! We all need spiritual redemption.
They think their own sh*t doesn’t stink, but are quick to judge others to be full of sh*t.
Judgement and legalism fully describes our attachment to the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.
Toxins and parasites in your gut are slowly killing you!
I feel so much better today after fasting!!
God is so good. He really does have the wisdom and understanding that we so desperately need………