
True Intelligence Is The Glory of Your Creator God

Our DNA Is An Intelligence Antenna

Who would you prefer to believe - Julia Assange’s Wikileaks delivered from the MOB’s prison in London, or the spiritual mafia MOB’s media narrative of direct deception and lies?

What we will come to see in the next Substacks is that King Charles III’s Crown represents the Stick - his climate change notion is driving humanity towards destruction and death. As the head Monarch, that is his assigned role. However, we need to understand what and who is dangling the carrot in front of our eyes. The invisible Stick can often be ascertained by the affects of it - but the carrot is often so subtle, we cannot readily see it. All deception is! The carrot is like a Serpent lurking in the grass waiting subtly for its prey.

A Crown is worn as a symbol of sovereignty. The monarch as head of state. The Crown is defined as the power, position, or empire of a monarch or of a state governed by a constitutional monarchy. King Charles III has been chosen by the spiritual mafia MOB or Intellectual Illuminati, to be the head of state of their global empire. The CIA - the Central Intelligence Agency - in America is a satellite Intelligence organisation of the global Central Intelligence Agency based in CERN, Switzerland. The King's own Secret Intelligence Service - MI6 - is known to be the very best there is. The secret service's elite was depicted as James Bond 007 in the virtual reality movies.


Incidentally, the occult icon John Dee was instrumental in establishing Britain’s first Intelligence service, the forerunner of MI5 and MI6. Dee's angelic communications brought into focus the parallel roles of magic, science and religion. The Intelligence obviously came from communicating with fallen angels: nothing has changed today for the global Intelligence community based in CERN. Dee was a forerunner! 

By the time Queen Elizabeth 1 rose to the court in 1558, John Dee had already become her closest personal advisor. He became Queen Elizabeth I’s court advisor and astrologer. In his secret service, Dee often corresponded with the Queen on confidential matters. He took to signing his letters “007” to designate letters for the Queen’s eyes only. Therefore John Dee was the original 007 because he used 007 as his personal cypher when writing to the Queen. Since they control all British MI6 agents, Switzerland is also closely connected to James Bond 007!

According to author Ian Fleming’s fictional books, James Bond was born in Zurich to his Swiss mother who was allegedly from the canton of Vaud, near Geneva. Thanks to Ian Fleming’s personal attachment to Switzerland, the country has starred in at least five Bond movies. What a coincidence, a famous spy movie involving a MI6 agent in the home of the Swiss Intelligence  community! The most famous Swiss movie being ‘On Her Majesty’s Secret Service’ filmed at Mount Schilthorn, in the Bernese Alps with the best views of the famous mountains Eiger, Mönch, and Jungfrau.

It is no secret that King Charles III also has his own Intellectual Illuminati advisors who act as mediums with Satanic entities. All of the global Central Intelligence Agencies worldwide including the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service and the Chinese Intelligence Ministry of State Security are centrally controlled from CERN, Geneva. That is how they, and the public press, all act in unison.

The main goal for the Centralised CIA is the distribution of “misinformation” and “disinformation”. Whilst the two terms are somewhat interchangeable, the main difference is that “misinformation” is not necessarily intentional, whereas “disinformation” is. Without doubt, the global CIA is guilty of “disinformation”. 

This is the essence of Luciferian, Illuminati Intelligence. This is the core of the environmental Information impacting every cell of our bodies. The one Coronated King Charles III is at the head of this conspiracy [crime] against humanity. Now that he is Coronated, you can be sure Intelligence will no longer be used as a carrot - Intelligence will be used as a Stick!

'The Emperor's New Clothes' is a short tale written by Hans Christian Andersen, published in 1837. In this case it is King Charles III who is 'the emperor who has no clothes’. It has become a standard metaphor for anything that smacks of pretentiousness, pomposity, social hypocrisy, collective denial or hollow ostentatiousness. We, like the children in this story need to have the courage to challenge  authority and reveal the Truth about his false Intelligence.

King Charles III is the embodiment of occult Intelligence. Aleister Crowley,(1875 - 1947) was a British occultist, writer, and mountaineer, who was a practitioner of "magick" (as he spelled it) and called himself the Beast 666. He is primarily known for his occult writings, teachings and his influence on future generations. Crowley did write about summoning and commanding  demons, which he considered an exploration of the self rather than a working with literal beings. 

Aleister Crowley was a Satanist and without a doubt, the main spiritual “teacher” of those who became rock music legends. Crowley’s mission in life was to destroy any connection to God including Christianity, while exalting sex perversion, drugs, magick and Satan. The Beatles apparently took Crowley’s teaching very serious and inspired the 60’s flower power, LSD, and sexual revolution - “Make love, not war” was the collective cry.

Aleister Crowley desperately strove to fully embody Satan himself - however the timing and bloodlines were not right. Now King Charles III maybe that channel. He certainly is a willing vessel and he belongs to the right bloodline. 

In the occult realm, it is ALL about preserving their bloodlines. 

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What are some of the signs of Serpent bite? Silence, lethargy, cutting someone off, severing ties, the whole cancel culture, judging others, lethargy, suffering from fear, having no desire to fight for Truth.

We need to make sure that we are not unconsciously bitten!

Think about it! The glory of God is holy, divine Intelligence. Everything natural is operating according to God’s divine Intelligence - and we take it all for granted. Every organ and system in our body is operating according to divine Intelligence. That is why we need to worship the Creator, not the created.

Those who see us as the “useless eaters” are vibrating in harmony with a different Intelligence - Lucifer’s divine Intelligence. It is false, it is synthetic, it generates a virtual reality, it is deceptive, and above all, it is a fanciful reality. Some fascinating synonyms of a fantasy is: figment of imagination, pipe dreams, daydreams, visions, ideas, delusions, unrealities, illusions, hallucinations, chimera, escape, imaginativeness, creation, fiction, invention, myth, fable, make-believe, image, fabrication, fairy tale, make believe, a rainbow.

This world of fantasy is the complete opposite to absolute Truth. However fantasy rules the world. America has been made into a world of fun and fantasy. Hollywood, Disney Land, television, radio and the internet are all pervading our minds with this ‘Augmented Reality’ of hallucinations, delusion and fantasy. 

Your mind is being shaped for the future even watching the nightly news. 

Trauma and fantasy are the two extremes of MKUltra mind control. If you don’t question the MOB’s widespread official, now traditional narrative of JFK’s assassination, you are more than likely suffering from the psychic conditioning of mind control. If you don’t question the MOB’s widespread official, now traditional narrative of the moon landings you are more than likely suffering from the psychic conditioning of mind control. If the final mission of NASA's Apollo program Apollo 17 (December 7-19, 1972) was not fake news, why hasn’t NASA been back to the moon for 50 years now? That is what the acclaimed film director Stanley Kubrick, who helmed such groundbreaking films as Dr. Strangelove, 2001: A Space Odyssey, and A Clockwork Orange, was trying to tell the world just before his life was terminated. Kubrick felt guilt and remorse for having deceved millions whilst helping NASA fake the Apollo program moon landings.

If you don’t question the MOB’s widespread official, now traditional narrative of the collapse of the Twin Towers during 9/11, you are more than likely suffering from the psychic conditioning of mind control. That too was creative film work, capturing the holographic shapes of two aeroplanes smashing into the towers. Another ‘Augmented Reality’ of hallucinations, delusion and fantasy. If you don’t question the MOB’s widespread official narrative of America’s overthrow of numerous Middle Eastern countries as being the conquering of global terrorism, you are more than likely suffering from the psychic conditioning of mind control. If you don’t question the MOB’s widespread official, now traditional narrative of the formation of groups like ISIS, you are more than likely suffering from mind control [when in fact the MOB in Geneva created ISIS]. 

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If you don’t question the MOB’s widespread official, now traditional narrative of the fantasy disappearance of MH 370, you are more than likely suffering from the psychic conditioning of mind control. That was more about bringing Malaysia, and ever other country in the world, into line with the MOB’s upcoming COVID fantasy and forcing them into alliance with the WHO in Geneva. This was not a carrot, but a stick - and Malaysia then became subservient to the NWO.

If you don’t question the MOB’s widespread official, now traditional narrative of the fantasy they labelled COVID-19, you are more than likely suffering from mind control.

The virus called SARS-CoV-2 was always merely a fantasy of fear. It was the  “vaccines” for Covid-19 that did all the damage to our bodies. The  “vaccines” were actually biological weapons of warfare designed to set up an operating system inside our bodies that the MOB can link with harmonically and thus control our minds and entire being. 

I think maybe you are starting to see how CERN’s divine, occult Intelligence works - it is a total con for ALL concerned. It makes the fairy tale of a “Great Awakening”, or the Christian Pre-Trip Rapture or the Moslem’s promise of unlimited virgins in paradise appear true, when in fact it is all an illusion based on lies. Notice I labelled all of these events as “now traditional” because there is nothing “novel” about them - deception has been a part of society since Adam & Eve. God hates human tradition - that is why God hates human manmade religions.

“Watch out, so that no one will take you captive by means of philosophy and empty deceit, following human tradition which accords with the elemental spirits of the world but does not accord with the Messiah.” Colossians ‭2‬:‭8‬ ‭CJB‬‬

The spiritual mafia MOB have become experts at creating human traditions that are based on deception and outright lies. It may appear sacrilege and even profane to question your own beliefs, however if your desire is to engage in absolute Truth, it maybe required in order not to drown in this sea of deception.

Their whole narrative is in opposition to the glory of God which is holy, divine Intelligence. This Intelligence is the absolute Truth that we have been designed to tap into - but largely we don’t! That is the Intelligence that you and I are made of - God not only created us, but He sustains us. 

In this Age of Deception, if we want clarity of mind instead of confusion, we have no option but to return to our ethical roots. Only then will we find justice and move beyond this fantasy world of injustice.

Which ever spiritual Intelligence we tune into, our DNA becomes the antenna to that frequency and that determines our heart motivation. 

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