In today’s modern world, the only friend most of us have is an “imaginary friend” established in a virtual reality (VR). I had one for 30 years - I was so desperately lonely and felt so worthless during my first 30 years of life whilst trying to make it in this Beast system, I needed this “imaginary friend” to survive. I called him “Jimmy Jones”.
“Jimmy Jones” promise too me was I could become a champion Australian Rules Footballer (AFL). We trained together for years. He encouraged me to become like my football idols. “Jimmy Jones” and I were well on our way to achieving his promise because “Jimmy Jones” had given me an uncanny judgement of the ball so even at 18 years old I could out fox and out SMART even the most senior players. I was finally given the opportunity to train with one of the AFL clubs in Melbourne - this, in Australia, is perceived as the BIG time in “Jimmy Jones’s” world of sport and entertainment.
Then “Jimmy Jones” offered me something grander. My “imaginary friend” told me we could become a Top Gun airline pilot together - and that is what I eventually became. I had no idea at that stage about the spiritual realm and how “Jimmy Jones” became my friend. Many years later I learned that my father and mother had made a decision to try to abort me during the 2nd Trimester in an attempt to survive on food rations after WW2. The attempt was unsuccessful and I was born a very, very angry being who hated my father and my perspective of my spiritual Father was only hatred. Now that I have a single mind that is entangled to the Mind of God, I know without a shadow of doubt that my “imaginary friend” was a demonic entity.
I call them spiritual parasites because the only way they can survive is through our detachment from God’s Spirit - and in that dark space - or void - they suck the life energy out of us humans. Our wayward iniquity or corruption of heart enables us to become their host.
I no longer entertain my “imaginary friend” “Jimmy Jones” - he is no longer welcome in my space.
This is such an important topic to face up too and deal with in our lives. If you are in any way embracing the Beast system in order to survive in this life, I can almost guarantee you have “imaginary friends” we call spiritual parasites or spiritual strongholds, controlling your life. More than likely they are hiding within the dark soil of your unconscious energetic heart, mind, soul, spirit and body. But be assured, your “imaginary friends” are ruling and controlling your life. They are in essence Luciferian entities that control your mind and heart.
Do you think I’m smoking grass or full of sh*t? I’m sorry, but this is a smoking gun in society that needs to be addressed - otherwise we will all be trodden down by these spiritual parasites and even made extinct. These spiritual parasites are literally manifesting in our lives in order to kill us.
Studies show that up to 85% of the population by age six has had an imaginary friend during their childhood years. According to Oxford Dictionary, an “imaginary friend” is a childhood phenomenon where children create their invisible companions for entertainment or as protection from loneliness.
Walt Disney and cartoon producers have played on this phenomena to demonise our children for years.
Engaging with an “imaginary friend” involves a lot of talking, storytelling, and role-playing. An imaginary friend is a fictional character or entity that is invented by an individual’s imagination, typically a child, as a trusted companion or confidant. This friend is considered to have distinct personality, traits, and behaviors, despite being entirely unfathomable to others.
These imaginary friends possess various unique qualities, such as being invisible to anyone except their creator and have the ability to engage in conversations, games, and adventures alongside their human companion. In every case, a child who possesses an “imaginary friend” has been subject to some form of suffering or trauma. Trauma is a harrowing experience that appears too much to handle - therefore the need for a companion. According to research, children who are introverted and have imaginary friends are more likely to suffer mental disorders later in life.
Big Pharma then uses psychiatrists to declare people with “imaginary friends”to have a mental disorder so the authorities can institutionalise them in order to study how their brains and minds function. This is called modern science. It enables Big Pharma to use their quantum computers to determine what parasite combinations to place within the likes of their COVID-19 bioweapons. It is all about inciting fear in society and the control of our minds.
Does the fear of something in the unseen realm seem ludicrous? Well, actually no …. think about it - even the reported SARS-CoV-2 virus and even the Spike protein are kept hidden in the imaginary, unseen realm. What physical evidence do we have that they even exist? There is even growing evidence that all viruses are not real, but are merely a figment of our imagination that generates the emotion of fear. That is why Big Pharma keeps their “proven science” hidden in the unseen, imaginary realm.
The bottomline is - every part of Big Pharma and the MOB’s Kabbalah narrative is based on a mystical, unseen, imaginary belief system - it is not natural and it is not Real. In fact, the whole Beast system narrative is a lie that will collapse.
All forms of religion and even Christianity can be a form of escapism into other ‘Alternate Realities’ . The “imaginary friend” scenario is not as woo, woo as we may think and is in fact a real phenomena under the heading of Alters, Alternate Identities (AI) or what the bible calls strongholds. These are all one and the same problem humanity has evoked and are impacting our minds big time, right now.
I want to share with you a letter written by a lady to her therapist, who entertained two “imaginary friends”. The therapist had diagnosed her as having Dissociative Identity Disorder. This ladies’ unconscious crime (as perceived by society *?) was the trauma she experienced as a six-year-old being raped and molested against her will.
This is her therapist Grantley Morris’ account of how he helped his client resolve her two “imaginary friends” with reunion, connection and association…. and how she became single minded once again when her spiritual Messiah, Yeshua haMashiach was invited to show up in her imagination.
This is a good example of the process of spiritual reconciliation.
The main problem is, people do not want to change. They don’t want to “loose” or give up what they think they have. They would rather live with the known entropy in their life than break through to a new level of energy which is called a quantum leap. The inertia of their present state of being keeps them trapped in the same old, same old motion. Inertia is the tendency of a body at rest to remain at rest, or of a body in straight line motion to stay in motion in a straight line unless acted on by an outside force; it is the resistance of a body to changes in momentum.
Spiritual reconciliation and the experience of God’s redemption requires a willingness to change in order to experience transformation. Why are we fearful of this?
Some may believe that this article on Dissociative Identity Disorder is too sexually ‘Explicit’ to share with you. But hey…. I don’t care who you guys are, or how important think you are, you struggle with these same strongholds of “Self gratification” everyday - and you need to know how to overcome them. It may not be explicit sexual lust, or for a male pornography, however I can guarantee you that there is some unconscious hidden gremlin lying dormant in your heart that will one day manifest itself when you are under pressure.
If your mind is not totally aligned with God’s Mind and His perspective of righteousness, then this is for you!
This account emphasises the power of our imagination - an attribute we all have because we are created in the image of God Himself.
Grantley Morris: This is a sober, first-hand account of a woman’s journey of discovery about the unexpected cause of her sexual dreams.
Although it would be rash to suggest her experience definitely applies to you, what makes her astonishing discoveries worthy of serious consideration is that in my counseling I have encountered other people whose experiences with sex dreams and/or fantasies have been almost identical.
*** This is Grantley’s clients’ account of her therapy - highlighted emphasis and notes are mine to help bring this into context of our propensity towards iniquity of heart.
For as long as I could remember I had a ‘friend’ who showed up in my dreams. He was a tall, blonde, blue eyed, muscular man. I enjoyed those dreams because they were full of sex. I would wake up on the cusp of an orgasm and the slightest move would push me over.
Eventually, I learned to control these dreams. I discovered I could make this man look like anything I wanted – even a woman or a dog. All I had to do was ask. Then it hit me: if things changed because I asked him it meant I could talk to him and he would respond. I experimented and soon learned that he and I could talk about anything in my dreams. My life was full of abuse and he was the only one that would listen to me.
One day, he appeared outside of a dream in the real world. He took my hand and showed me how to masturbate. He enjoyed watching me and I didn’t mind giving him the show. The only cloud was that it was a sin. I was so desperately lonely and felt so worthless, however, that I pushed that concern aside and continued with my ‘friend’.
The more time I spent with him, the closer I got to real trouble. I stumbled onto porn at my uncle’s house and my friends encouraged me to watch more of it. My window faced the road and he encouraged me to give our neighbors a show. They hooted and hollered. He encouraged me to stare in fascination at children’s genitals. I’d drive around naked and wave at people. Masturbating at work and with other people’s things became another way to get a high. At age 26 I was a nanny for three different families. One of them caught me masturbating while their daughter napped. I was immediately fired and that family told my other two families and they fired me as well.
That shocked me enough to realize the depths of my sin and sent me on a search to deepen my relationship with God. I drew near to God and, knowing that my sexual activity did not please God, I made every effort to break my sex addiction. I threw myself headlong into a Christ-based 12 step recovery program [a religious program - none of them work] but, try as I may, to my crushing disappointment and frustration, I kept falling. I almost drowned in guilt and shame.
My ‘dream friends’ kept giving me dreams that left me with strong sexual cravings. Then, throughout the day, my ‘friends’ appeared to me and attempted to seduce me. I cried out to God but I continued to fall.
I tried looking in my past to find anything that would account for this. I thought that if I could find some source of pain I could bring it to God and he would heal it. But no matter how hard I tried, nothing came to mind.
Despite learning much about receiving God’s forgiveness and forgiving others, I continued to languish in defeat. The guilt was unbearable at times and God’s only response was, “Keep trying and repenting. My grace is sufficient for you here.” I grew to hate those words: I craved not just grace but victory. I had no idea that throughout this ordeal God was working on making me strong enough to cope with what I would eventually learn about myself.
Then, eleven years later, I started having nightmares [this is the point the “angel of light” turned into Satanic energy as the evil-one pulled out his sledge hammer] I didn’t even know the content of the dreams because I couldn’t remember them upon waking but the feelings they caused stuck with me throughout the day. I dreaded going to sleep. I pleaded with Jesus, “Tell me what the dreams are about or take them away. Either way is fine with me. I just want to sleep.”
Jesus chose to tell me, but he did so in an unusual manner. One day, I became aware of another presence in my mind. It was a six year old girl. Terrified for my sanity, I asked Jesus about it. “She’s a little girl,” he said. Treat her like it.”
As I talked to this six-year-old over the next few days I started remembering rapes and being molested. Once again, I feared for my sanity. So I talked to Jesus. “Find a therapist,” he said.
The therapist diagnosed me with Dissociative Identity Disorder. Apparently, I had suffered significant trauma as a child and, in order to cope, my personhood had split into different ‘people’. Each one held back certain traumatic events from my conscious memory so that I could function in this world.
The notion of having different ‘people’ inside me was so overwhelming that I kept being tempted to think it must be just an overactive imagination. Nevertheless, more and more parts revealed themselves to me and shared the traumatic memories they had kept from me. I learned that as a child I had suffered satanic ritual abuse by the pastor of our church. This same man was also the principal of my school. He enforced a hierarchy, with men at the top followed by boys, then women and last of all girls. The rules were:
1. Never look your superior in the eye
2. Never speak unless you are spoken to
3. Obey your superiors without question.
Being a little girl, I was the lowest of scum. I endured beatings and found myself used as the sex toy of any man or woman or boy. I was called names, spat on, beaten and raped. I felt utterly powerless and without hope.
As memories slowly returned I learned that, though still a girl, I was eventually offered the chance to be treated as a woman. In desperation I accepted this opportunity, thinking it would be a way out of my misery. Then they brought a girl to me. She made eye contact with me, thus breaking one of the rules, since I was now a ‘woman’. My abuser required me to beat the girl for her insolence. Not wanting to do so, I lightly slapped her on the cheek hoping this would mollify my abuser. It didn’t. He pushed me mercilessly until I was afraid for my life. I felt absolutely trapped. I didn’t want to beat this girl but I didn’t want to die either.
It was then that I met my first special ‘friend’. He called himself Jonesy [remember, I called my “imaginary friend” Jimmy Jones…. is this a coincidence?]. He came into my body and used it to beat the girl. I felt awful for the little girl but at least I had not been the one to beat her and I was still alive. Jonesy came back any time I needed to beat someone. Eventually we became friends. He told me about how sorry he was that I was going through all of this and that he was glad to be able to help me out. He said he loved me and he’d never want to harm me.
I told him how scared I was of my abuser. I found safety in him. Over time, he began making small sexual advances. None of them were forced on me. They were gentle and couched in loving terms [Luciferian tactics]. I loved Jonesy and wanted to make everything in his life happy. So I accepted all of his advances. He protected me from the beating I have would received if I had refused to obey my abuser and in return I had sex with him.
I kept my relationship with Jonesy a secret. I was terrified that someone would take him away from me, leaving me friendless and in danger of losing my life. He was my lifeline and only source of comfort.
Later, another demon was intentionally given to me by my abusers. He was much smaller than Jonesy and called himself Albert. He was different from Jonesy. Albert reveled in beating other people and in forcing others to service me.
Between these two ‘friends’ I had everything I needed to cope with the abuse dealt to me day in and day out. Jonesy satisfied my craving for comfort. Albert kept me alive by doing what I was too afraid to do. For those times when everything felt bad, they gave me the high that sex produces.
As I processed my way through these astonishing memories, I stumbled upon who my ‘dream friend’ was. Jonesy fitted my ‘dream friend’ to a tee! I was shocked. I had been having sex with a demon! I asked Jesus what to do. He said there was a part of me that was still attached to Jonesy and until she willingly left him I would continue to suffer at Jonesy’s hands.
So the battle began. For days, this part of me debased herself with Jonesy and Albert right in front of me. They begged me to join in and they kept my body sexually aroused constantly. In time, Jonesy stopped asking and started demanding that this part gratify his sexual desires. Then they put her in chains and spewed baseless and sometimes outlandish threats.
All I could do was tell this part to run to Jesus. Doing so was not as easy as it might seem, however. A feature of the satanic abuse I had suffered was that a man had regularly dressed up as Jesus, claimed to be him, and sexually tortured this part of me. This fake Jesus had made her terrified of the real Jesus. She begged for there to be some other way to be freed from demons than having to go to Jesus. But there was none.
“I cannot save you without your cooperation,” Jesus told her. “If I did, you would forever question my judgement of Jonesy. You must come to me.” One day, she finally did, and Jesus stepped in to defend her but, to my surprise, he did not send the demons away. I questioned him about this and he replied, “My daughter is under my protection yet her heart cannot be mine until she rejects them and sends them away.”
She wrestled with guilt and was afraid that Jesus would reject her because of her past sins and she knew that if that happened she would have no choice but to return to the demons. Eventually she realized that holding onto guilt by regarding herself as unforgivable was the same as siding with demons. So, with a gentle steel in her bones, she commanded Jonesy to leave. On that day she broke all ties with Jonesy. Like never before, this breakthrough has empowered me to be victorious over even the strongest sexual temptation.
The end….
The bottomline is - we have to learn how to take authority over that which Yeshua has already set us free from….
The antithesis of freedom is a perversion of the Truth.
Learn about mind control training, abuse, the manipulation and perversion Anneke Lucas endured to serve the MOB as a 6 year old. Her story sheds light on the dark connections between power and the exploitation of children.
Anneke Lucas recounts the horrifying details of her childhood, being trafficked by an elite network involving powerful figures like David Rockefeller.
Everything in this Beast system is now directed at the perversion of a child’s sexuality. This is clearly a Jewish Kabbalah and Jesuit strategy for global dominance.
This is what you and I need to become aware of - otherwise their intent is to do the same to every individual on earth will become a reality.