Everything you and I have been taught by our own parents, schools, universities, by our governments, churches, religions, scientists and media is a Freemasonry directed fabrication of the Truth. Meanwhile the true science is being used to enslave us….
So what is your position on zero point energy and the gravitic propulsion that drives those manmade orbs appearing in the sky? Exactly! We weren’t taught that in school were we! Why? Because if we knew, it wouldn’t generate fear….
Secrecy is used by design to cover up and divert attention away from their secretly held information regarding how the universe operates. Instead of sharing their knowledge of God’s gift of free energy with mankind, these narcissists manipulate and abuse this gift to control the masses. Lucifer and his alien angels know everything our Creator God has blessed mankind with and are determined to withhold this Information from us. Thus the advent and operation of secret societies right throughout history.
The idea that the universe contains a God-given quantum field of abundant, free, etheric energy is nothing new. Nikola Tesla introduced this theory to the world back in the early 1900’s. The spiritual mafia MOB discredited Tesla, stole all his divinely downloaded ideas and patents, and have spent the last 120 years keeping this Information secret amongst just a handful of secret societies, who are Luciferian blood initiated members. In the meantime, the MOB have been developing technology in conjunction with, in union with, and in spiritual entanglement with the knowledge of alien angels to bring about the ultimate powerful delusion to mankind.
This powerful delusion is the main topic of this Substack. A topic few are talking about and understanding because they have been brainwashed into being passive and unconscious.
This is where we are presently at in this world of gross confusion and panic…. the masses are essentially consciously asleep, having little idea of how they are being intimidated, manipulated, dominated and controlled. Whilst science and the topic of the likes of plasma, Large Superweapon Drones(LSDs), antigravitational travel and the covert underground operations with alien entities in the likes of Area 51 is at least 50 years ahead of what the MOB releases to the masses.
They already have a quantum computer driven Sentient World System (SWS) in place that is powerful enough to control not only the environment of our planet, but also every individual on planet earth. The SWS or Synthetic Environment for Analysis and Simulations (SEAS) is so sophisticated it can control not only each individual’s mind, but the total sum of the collective hive mind. The SWS is designed to manipulate the course of humanity. This is the infrastructure by which the anti-Christ can connect every human to this virtual reality. Each individual is represented in the software as a node, and each person is allocated a digital twin or avatar. And the whole globe is assigned a fake alternate reality - the Digital Twin Earth. This is what the fake global warming and control of the planet is all about!
However, nobody outside of James Corbett is talking about the SWS - and yet you can be sure it was used to determine how and when the fake SARS-CoV-2 “virus” should be released. And you can be sure it will used to determine how and when this coming fake alien invasion will be Staged. Meanwhile, the founder of Palantir is Peter Thiel who has used stealth to force his way into the Trump Whitehouse, being the spiritual overlord of VP J.D. Vance. Thiel’s group of companies are the principle data-miners for the US Government, US Military, DOD, DARPA, FBI and the CIA that use the data for global intelligence purposes, particularly in the defense and surveillance tech sectors. In the past Palantir, a data analytics behemoth, has won contracts to provide battlefield intelligence software to the U.S. Army and the data bank for the global SWS digital twin behemoth. This makes The Secretive Billionaire Who Will Rule America: Peter Thiel a must watch. It describes the man behind the digital reset and the mythical Alternate Reality of Lucifer’s kingdom on earth.
As James Corbett points out “secretive” is the operative word. Thiel has created a system where the MOB’s data analytics knows everything about our personal data, but we also live in an age where we are more and more ignorant of what the public–private partnerships that Theil represents, are doing behind the veil of their own secrecy. It is a one-way mirror!
“The coming of the lawless one will be accompanied by the working of Satan, with every kind of power, sign, and false wonder, 10and with every wicked deception directed against those who are perishing, because they refused the love of the truth that would have saved them. 11For this reason God will send them a powerful delusion so that they believe the lie, 12in order that judgment may come upon all who have disbelieved the truth and delighted in wickedness.”
Who will bring a powerful delusion to mankind? God, our Creator will. This is His judgement upon mankind’s rebellious attitude. He will use Lucifer’s rebellious, deceptive attitude and mankind’s collective rebellious heart attitudes that are aligned with Lucifer’s lawlessessness. God will do this in order to fulfil His lawful purposes of establishing His righteous ethics in our hearts. In order to avoid the impact of this powerful delusion all we have to do is place our trust in God’s provision of righteousness through the blood of His divine Son. A good analogy of this is when the Israelites were preparing to leave Egypt [a type of the Beast system], they were required by God to paint the blood of a lamb over the doorposts of their homes to have protection from the Pharaoh’s mandates to eradicate them.
Now YHWH is requiring we place the blood of His divine Son - our Messiah, over the doorposts of our hearts and minds. His righteousness is our seal or mark of protection.
One year ago on the Redacted Youtube channel, former FBI special agent John DeSouza predicted and told the world exactly what was about to happen. A fake alien invasion involving massive amounts of drones, alien craft or PLASMA would occur.
Listen closely to what DeSouza is saying about the ‘unidentified’ drones in New Jersey. The U.S. forces are being instructed to stand down and not retaliate against these LSDs, drones, plasmas and orbs that are being sent to the U.S. by an outside source. That source my friends is the spiritual mafia MOB (the Cabal, or Illuminati) headquartered at CERN, Geneva, Switzerland - however this may well be planned through China. Technocratic China has produced millions of these LSDs, drones, plasmas and orbs. The MOB, having covered up this free, etheric energy associated with the drones, plasmas and orbs is now moving with stealth to use this technology against humanity.
Quantum mechanics tells us that everything material consists of spiritual energy at the quantum level. Therefore that which was designed by our Creator to be a blessing for mankind in the form of free energy is being used by Lucifer and his fallen angels to curse mankind. The pure quantum field has been warped and perverted by the Lucifer/mankind combination to bring destruction and death to mankind.
Remember who announced Operation Warp Speed (OWS) which was a public–private partnership initiated by the United States government to facilitate and accelerate the development, manufacturing, and distribution of the fake COVID-19 vaccines, therapeutics, and diagnostics? Operation Warp Speed was officially announced on May 15, 2020. ‘Warp Speed’: is defined as a hypothetical, extremely rapid, speed, resulting from entering a separate dimension, termed hyperspace; much faster than the speed of light.
#1: it is not hypothetical; it is a reality #2 the only thing that can travel faster than the speed of light is a quantum particle - therefore quantum computers were being used #3 the information was coming from a separate dimension - “parallel universe” or demonic source.
And the Stage is now set for the puppet Donald J. Trump to administer this spiritual takeover of mankind in his next term in 2025. This was always the MOB’s plan, even prior to the “shock” Presidential election in 2016. Trump’s opposition (antithesis) to the Deep State (thesis) is what brings division and confusion amongst the masses and will eventually make the sheep run towards the MOB’s preplanned synthesis option - the fake alien agenda, global ID, Reset and NWO. That is what Trump and his Qnon community calls “the Great Awakening”. It is nothing more than the ‘Great Awakening” of the Zionist’s fake, false messiah - Lucifer, the angel of fake light himself.
“The last Trump card” scenario talked about by DeSouza“when their backs are up against the wall” is occurring right now. The fake alien invasion is the “the last Trump card”. This is the point when the MOB’s masterplan begins to unravel and self destruct. These mentally disturbed psychopaths deep down know their fate - they know they have to pull the right cards out of their own arses in order to produce a fake holographic messiah/Christ to appear in the sky. They also know they have to soon fight against their Creator at the battle of Armageddon. Can you imagine the hatred, strife, confusion and blame amongst the global elite right now? They are now fully committed and literally sh*tting themselves.
This is the point in history where YHWH declares “It is finished!” Revelation 16:17
So what are these LSD’s? These superweapons are called Large Superweapon Drones. These LSD’s are unmanned alternative energy and propulsion devices. UFO technologies have been kept secret since Hitler’s fascists regime and WW2 so the spiritual mafia MOB can Stage a fake common alien threat from outer space to unite all humans around that threat to worship Lucifer.
Here we have another excellent Redacted interview with Ashton Forbes asking these deep scientific questions; Is our Deep State sitting on free energy? The idea that we could travel instantaneously to different parts of the world for free. Could we heat our homes, run all of our devices on free energy?
It must be said that the LSD drones plasmas and orbs, the wars in Gaza, Israel and Ukraine are all a distraction….
This article ‘The big story of 2024 that NOBODY is talking about’ by Kit Knightly Dec 18, 2024 is a good attestation of the need to remain focused on the MOB’s goal to instigate a global reset, digital ID and NWO dictatorship. Everything else is a distraction. We now know that the SARS-CoV-2 virus was fake and the “vaccines” for the Covid-19 bioweapon was a Trojan Horse injected into our God-created Temples. For many, the Trojan Horse has been lying dormant ready to be exercised with 5G/6G in the near future.
We now have to decide whether Donald J. Trump is another Trojan Horse instilled by the MOB, or is he actually riding the Trojan Horse? Only time will tell… however I speculate that we will know the answer to this very soon…. one way or the other!
The promise of free speech is Donald J. Trump’s Trojan Horse to a global surveillance State ran by the spiritual mafia MOB in Geneva. The truth is - Trump was SELECTED, not elected to the role of President in a digitalised, tokenized, surveillance State. So who are these shadow entities running this global Play? I know that some of you are no longer being conned! You know the answer to this question….
In this excellent Redacted interview below, Dr. Steven Greer states that there are aliens, there are UFO’s and there is reverse engineering of extraterrial craft. This is conspiracy fact! However, the immediate threat does not involve aliens from outer space, the real threat lies in the covert programs that are Staged mystical operations that are made to look like alien operations. The narrative the MOB adheres too is to Stage a threat from outer space to unite humanity as a unified militaristic, totalitarian State that is totally opposed to an alien invasion from another world. This is a false threat that is being used to brainwash the masses into uniting together by joining the spiritual mafia MOB’s Luciferian narrative.
They are using mankind’s spiritual need to belong in unity, against themselves. This surely is the ultimate deception….
Greer sites the hijacking of free energy as fascism. This is 100% correct. Greer sites October 1954 as the date mankind mastered gravity control and antigravitational travel. By hijacking our God-provided free energy, the global elite have spun, twisted, warped, distorted, perverted and corrupted that energy which was true and right, and made it erroneous and destructive - they have made that which was righteous and having its source in a just God - unrighteous, wicked and having its energetic/spiritual source in Luciferianism and the alien gods.
And the Deep State has been hiding its technological advancement, using the likes of ‘electromagnetic pulse orbs’ and ‘scalar energy’, since 1954 in Deep Underground Military Bases (DUMBs) or a Sensitive Compartmented Information Facilities (SCIFs). “In United States military, national security/national defense and intelligence parlance, a SCIF is an enclosed area within a building that is used to process sensitive compartmented information (SCI) types of classified information.”
Once again the root cause is spiritual and can only be fought with a spiritual solution. The reason it is so difficult to fight this deception is because it is all so highly controlled and compartmentalised. Those who are used by the global elite are screened as smart and highly talented in their field of expertise, yet have a dark shadow of a tendency towards being a psychopath or sociopath enveloping their energetic hearts. That is the entry ticket to actively participate in the criminal operation of the the Zionist: Khazarian Jews - one must have the mental instability to be handlers within the compartmentalised system and hold no conscious shame or guilt.
The following is an extract from ‘When Disclosure Serves Secrecy’ by Steven M. Greer M.D. Copyright 1999….
“Such a false and contrived ‘disclosure of the truth’ regarding UFOs and ETs would, then, subserve agendas held by powerful covert interests in both the military-industrial sector and those of a strange collection of religious fanatics, who pine for Armageddon — and the sooner the better.
But the thinking goes further than this. Because such fanatical thinking has within it the concept that as a result of the Armageddon we will see the return of Christ- and with it the good people’s salvation. Now, people are free to believe what they want. But what we have found is a deliberate influencing of covert policy on UFOs by such beliefs. Some of these people want Armageddon – and they want it ASAP.
Strictly speaking, the militarists and war-mongers, itching to ‘kick some alien butt’ as it was said in the movie Independence Day, may actually only want a pretext to justify their existence and get the world to eventually spend huge sums of money on a perceived (if contrived) threat from space.
But in some cases – high up on the food chain of the covert entity running UFO secrecy – the two views meet. A place where militarism and eschatology merge. Where Star Wars and Armageddon join.
In tracing the history of both the UFO civilian community and the covert policy-making group concerned with UFOs, we have found a growing penetration of the latter into the former. So much so that at this point there are projects which ostensibly are innocent civilian initiatives but which in reality are totally controlled and financed by ‘cut-outs’ from ultra-secret projects.
Moreover, our careful penetration of such projects yielded the disturbing finding that deep-cover black project operatives are working closely with alleged civilian researchers, journalists and UFO glitterati. CIA and military intelligence operatives are working with civilian ‘think tank’ heads, alongside very wealthy business people who are eschatologists, and being advised by ‘civilian’ technologists and scientists – who are themselves proponents of bizarre religious belief systems involving the end of the world and ETs…
Thus, the new ‘chosen ones’ have been assembled. They are planning your disclosure on the UFO/ET subject. They are owned by the money whores and power brokers doing the bidding of the secret entity which runs UFO projects to begin with. And it all looks like a civilian initiative. So innocent. So well-intended. So ‘scientific’. And by the way, the sky is falling courtesy of ET and we need your money and your souls to defend against it.
Do not be deceived. You need to be awake to the darker scenarios which some would like to thrust upon the world. And you need to know that there are alternatives. If a ‘disclosure’ is unleashed on the world which is xenophobic, militaristic and terrifying, know that it comes from the spinmeisters of secrecy - regardless of how respectable the person or group may appear to be.
And remember: Part of this disclosure plan involves the use of UFO look-alike devices made by humans in an attack on Earth or military assets of Earth. This would be a well-orchestrated use of advanced human technologies to hoax an ET attack- all for the purpose of disclosing the truth with the desired military-oriented spin. In such a scenario, most of humanity will be deceived into believing the threat from space has arrived – and that we must fight it at all costs. This is nothing more than long-term social security for the military-industrial complex. There must be people who can expose this fraud.
But why should we wait for these darker scenarios to be unleashed on an unsuspecting world?
Here is another idea: Why don’t ‘we the people’ unite and launch a disclosure which resembles the first one described above. An honest one. One which leads to peace, not war. To a sustainable and beautiful world, free of pollution and brimming with abundance, of all types. One which reaches out into the unknown, instead of firing particle beam weapons into the darkness of space.”
In this excellent, highly knowledgeable Redacted interview below Steven M. Greer M.D. exposes the spiritual mafia MOB’s plans just prior to this major deception occuring. As you can see, this absolute hoax has been known about well before 1999, the year the movie ‘The Matrix’ was released to preprogram the masses by a small percentage of individuals. Fortunately, I was one of those blessed individuals who could see this hoax coming. I have thus spent that time reconciling this battle of Armageddon in Scripture and seeking YHWH’s Truth as to how we can seek protection through such a false flag event. And the answer to that lies with the sacrifice of living blood. Not the occult sacrifice of innocent children, but the sacrifice of our pre and innocent Messiah, Yeshua haMashiach - who overcame the weak deceptive power of both Satan and Lucifer on our behalf.
Remember, you can help expose this fraud by eradicating the fraudulent dark shadow in your own heart. In this article below, the author elegantly reminds us that the walls are closing in! Keep your eyes on the ball - the MOB’s ultimate goal is The Great Reset, the Global ID and the SWS Digital Twin behemoth, and the Sentient World System created by Peter Thiel’s company Palantir to intimidate, manipulate and dominate our minds and our souls. The MOB’s fake alien invasion is merely a distraction designed to force individuals to belong to the MOB’s deceptive Alternate Reality.
Whilst I believe Steven Greer’s perspective is accurate, his attempts to erase the spiritual mafia MOB’s power base maybe too little, too late. Only an intervention from a Higher authority can possibly accomplish this. Mankind will never be totally ruled by the alien gods - our Creator will never allow this to happen.
The rule of your heart by our Creator God vs alien gods is totally your choice…. but the time to choose is now before our ability to choose is taken away!
‘The big story of 2024 that NOBODY is talking about’ by Kit Knightly Dec 18, 2024
As the embers of 2024 spit out their dying sparks and tendrils of smoke corkscrew into 2025, I want to ask: what were the important news stories of this year?
Most people will say something international. The war in Ukraine, the atrocities in Gaza, the fall of Assad.
Maybe some will cite elections, it was a big year for voting after all. A global shift-change in the corridors of power saw a dozen governments swapped out for new faces, with 2 weeks of the year left it’s still possible Trudeau, Macron or Scholz may join the procession.
The tech minded might talk about advancements in Artificial Intelligence.
Those are the big stories of 2024. The banner headlines. Sound and fury and all that signifies. But were they the most important?
No, the important story of 2024 was The Great Reset.
Remember that? It was this pan-global supranational plan to tear down and then rebuild society in a “sustainable”, “inclusive”, “fair” and “secure” way that would – totally accidentally – eradicate civil liberties and individual freedom for every single person on the planet.
It was all the rage a few years ago, you might remember. But when it didn’t go over too well with a lot of people, the powers that be dropped the subject and there’s been very little talk about it since 2022.
Does that mean it’s gone away?
We need to have “object permanence” in politics as in all things. Something doesn’t cease to exist just because you can’t see it anymore. The world doesn’t vanish when you close your eyes.
The Great Reset is still the plan.
It’s still happening. It’s just distributed now. A compartmentalized strategy uploaded to the cloud, everywhere and nowhere. A million nanobots working a million angles to change a million tiny rules and build a million tiny cells.
Like the end of The Usual Suspects, stand the right distance back and you can see the pattern.
Just last week, the UK’s chief medical officer Chris Whitty published his annual health report. What does he recommend? Sin taxes on “unhealthy” foods and 15 minute cities. Labour have already increased “sin taxes” on sugar, salt, alcohol and tobacco. Next comes red meat, dairy and just “carbon” in general.
Earlier this year the UK introduced licensing for keeping chickens. They banned smoking too.
By 2035 it will be impossible to buy a new petrol car in the UK. Or the EU. Or Canada. Or New Zealand. Or Australia. Or Mexico. Or South Africa. Or California, and 11 other US states.
From that point you and your car will be anchored to charging points. Even better your new car will probably have automatic drive features, speed limiters – oh and remote kill switches.
This week, all of sudden, the news tells us that wood burning stoves cause cancer. A ban is already being discussed. Since coal is already a no-no for domestic users (since 2023), there effectively goes your last chance of energy and heat independence. If they ban stoves there will be no heating available to you that can’t be hooked up to a smart meter, surveilled, controlled.
Unless you count burning a candle inside a plant pot. And they’re coming for those too.
The much-publicised murder of Sara Sharif has already been parlayed into a new bill taking away parents “automatic right to homeschool their children” – if the state deems them “vulnerable”.
Digital IDs are coming for everyone from everywhere. Here’s just a selection of reasons –
To secure the border and ensure electoral integrity in the US.
To protect children on social media in Australia.
To promote efficiency in the EU.
To combat illegal immigration in the UK.
To track migrant workers in Russia.
Because they said so in China.
The EU wants to establish an “asset register” and biometric tracking across borders. Online anonymity is being eroded with each “hate crime” attributed to “disinformation” and “hate speech”.
There is persistent and consistent talk of rationing – food and water and travel.
Ban it. Ration it. Monitor it. Control everyone’s everything.
Can’t you see the walls closing in?
These are not disparate issues, they are heads on a hydra. They form the universal silent agenda that is everywhere. They are bipartisan and cross-bench. They are the things unquestioned, sanctioned and approved by both “sides” of every fake “divide”.
The people at the apex of the pyramid literally spent two years talking about this. Telling you it was the plan and how great it was going to be.
Then, when it didn’t take, they spent two more years pretending they never said it and distracting you with other things like UFOs. Taylor Swift. ChatGPT. Race-baiting.
They are building a prison around every single person on this planet while we argue about Hunter Biden and QAnon and Transgender bathrooms.
The drones over New Jersey – supposing there’s anything really there at all – may as well be a giant jangling key chain in the sky.
That’s what all of it is. The elections. The terrorism. The scandals. The leaked reports.
It’s a laser pointer. It stops the cat from playing with the things he shouldn’t play with.
Today is my birthday. I’m hurtling – faster than I expected or desired – towards 40. My birthday wish is a world worth living in when I get there.
The silver lining of 2025 being as bad I suspect it’s going to be is that it might force people to re-realise everything they’ve forgotten since 2022. And the first step to fixing something is admitting there’s a problem.