Breathe deep and enjoy the free flow of oxygen, because we are now in the last days of experiencing liberty and freedom in our society. 1984 is here in 2024. Exactly 40 years after the Nazi, George Orwell 4warned society of its impending rule. Totalitarianism is now, but a hairs breathe away. And yet the masses are still basking in Hitler’s Nazi Vril energy of ego, self glorification, self satisfaction and unconscious deception. Everything now, you may have noticed, exudes of Edward Bernays’ unconscious SELF.
Of course you can see it in everyone else, but the key is - can you see it in your own darkened, dimly light heart? The Truth is, our individual unredeemed egos is what is driving us towards the spirit of DEATH - and the masses are now running towards their own extermination camps. This is their own subtle digital prison prepared in advance for us by the spiritual mafia MOB at CERN.
Unconscious deception robes us of God’s resurrectional LIFE and generates DEATH instead in our being. Yeshua allowed Himself to be crucified in AD30 in order to be resurrected with the energy of God’s LIFE after 3 days and 3 nights so that we too can overcame the spirit of DEATH. However, next to no one accepts this FREE gift of unconditional love into their spirits. Time is a gift from God that enables us to seek His redemption and experience the Tree of LIFE right now in this present realm. However, that gift of time is fast running out and God is coming to judge man’s hatred towards Him.
So why is the number 40 so significant? In the bible, the number 40 generally symbolises a period of testing, trial or probation - 40 actually represents God’s gift of time. Time allows man the opportunity to repent and seek God’s plan of redemption and discharge from the consequences of the dark corrupt iniquity in their hearts. The gift of time is such an important ingredient for us in God’s economy. That is why those who are brainwashed or under mind control loose all awareness of time. Now time is running out and the majority are impervious - and even resistant to its existence……..
Time and the number 40 are so significant. Firstly, after Noah entered the ark, it rained for 40 days and 40 nights. Moses climbed Mount Sinai, on two separate occasions to expereince God Presence for 40 days and nights - whilst 4 million Israelites revelled in the ways of the Pharaonic, Egyptian world, building their own Golden Calf at the base of the mountain. Why did they resort to that? Because the own dark, unconscious, self satisfying beliefs of Egypt gods were still imprinted in their hearts. They wanted more of the “good times” and worldly revelling, feasting and making rituals to the gods instilled in their hearts that satisfied their own fleshly egos.
Nothing…. absolutely nothing has changed today. We are now witnessing the return of Babylonian and Pharaonic worship. Some call it the return of spiritual Atlantis or the “Great Awakening” everyone is foolishly searching for.
God’s redemptive, resurrectional power is the only antidote to such foolishness. Moses represented one person out of 4 million Israelites fleeing for the world’s Beast system in Egypt. Today, that ratio equates to approximately .000025% of Christians and Jews who have actually experienced the unconditional love and Presence of God like Moses did by actually climbing the spiritual mountain of the 3rd heaven of God’s Reality.
Because of their sins after leaving Egypt, God swore that the generation of Israelites who left Egyptian bondage would not enter their inheritance in Canaan (Deuteronomy 1). This is reminiscent of today. The children of Israel were punished by wandering the wilderness for 40 years before a new generation was allowed to possess the Promised Land. God is evoking this same spiritual law right now.
After Yeshua's resurrection from the dead he appeared to several groups of people over a period of 40 days. Then the big one! Yeshua, just days before his crucifixion in 30 A.D., prophesied the total destruction of Jerusalem (Matthew 24:1 - 2, Mark 13:1 - 2) in the future. 40 years to the day after His crucifixion the mighty Roman Empire destroyed the city and burned their beloved Jewish Temple in Jerusalem to the ground.
Why is Jerusalem so important to God and redeemed man? Because Zion in Jerusalem is where Yeshua haMashiach is coming back to rule from for the next 1,000 years. Now you know what the Hamas attack on Israel on Oct. 7th is all about. It will by the culmination of WW3 and finally Armageddon as prophesied in the books of Daniel, Isaiah, Revelation and many others. Armageddon is where the spiritual mafia MOB at CERN, in their pride will endeavour to take God Himself out before He returns physically to rule from Zion. That is what they are gearing up for with all their advanced technology that we are not even aware of yet.
God has given us 40 years of grace since 1984 so we could have TIME to repent and seek His redemptive power. That time is now! Then the time will be up and our own destruction will occur! It will begin with the destruction of America - modern day Babylon.
God is very methodical, coherent, logical, systematic, meticulous and conscious in His deliberations with mankind….. and above all forms of our own ego’s rational thought, we need His understanding and wisdom.
Today, I became consciously aware that I may not be able to write and distribute this Substack much longer. The reason is, Satan’s Nazi Vril energy hates God, hates the Truth and hates me for telling the Truth. There is coming a Black Swan event where we will loose all electricity and internet. Then we will all be forced to go back to survival mode - literally.
Therefore, make sure you read and download my Archives. In hindsight, you may understand what I’ve been saying.
And eBooks
This is a spiritual war we are living through, between the energy of LIFE and DEATH. Libertarianism, free of AI and computers vs Technocratic Nazism.
The reason I think time maybe very short is because of the major WEF, UN, WHO events that appear to be coalescing during Nov. and Dec. 2023. I think the outcomes are ominous and the spiritual mafia MOB appears to be getting their way, without any resistance from the public.
They will of course until our spiritual Saviour “The Way” miraculously returns to save us.
As I have said many times, Patrick Wood is the global guru on Technocracy and Transhumanism. As an example as to the state of this matrix, look at the 4 topics he published today….
Elon Musk: The ‘Age Of Abundance’, UBI And Technocracy Elon Musk is a plagiarist and huckster for Technocracy, period. Age of abundance? Universal Basic Income? These concepts arrived in the early 1930s, when Musk's grandfather (Dr. Joshua Haldeman) was the head of the Technocracy movement in Canada. People in the 1930s and 1940s quickly figured out that there was no such as a free lunch and threw Technocracy in the trash bin of history, where it belonged. Now, the world has disguised it, given it a new suit of clothes, and called it revolutionary new thinking. Bottom line: Don't be a sucker!
UNESCO Seeks To Regulate All Internet Content While citing the need for "multi-stakeholder" regulation of social media, UNECSO's 59-page tome is titled Guidelines for the Governance of Digital Platforms. This is Orwellian Double-Think at its worst, promoting free speech that is anti-free speech. The "major threat to stability and social cohesion" is all about their stability and the social cohesion they want to force on the world. Now UNESCO will spawn a feeding frenzy of eager NGOs and government tyrants to promote and defend the globalist narrative.
Your DNA: The Ultimate Global ID Is Here! Your DNA is beyond unique for every person, revealing all your genetic predispositions and all your family connections. It cannot be altered, ensuring "lifelong immutability." Now that DNA sequencing devices can "generate DNA profiles (DNA IDs) anywhere and within a very short time using mobile devices and fully automated processes," it is ready for prime time! This is the Holy Grail for Technocrats because it is the irreducible structure of all life on planet Earth.
Conquering Earth: Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars In 1938, The Technocrat magazine defined Technocracy as “the science of social engineering” that would enable its crazy new economic system. In time, it became clear that the economic system was the tool to forge pathways into the human psyche. In other words, it was "Silent Weapons for Quite Wars". Today, we see the effects of this at every turn. Technocracy has succeeded in shoving the world into a simulacrum. If you don't get it, then read this whole article.
Have you unconsciously swallowed the RED pill - or are you spiritually alert and awake?
Probably the scariest prospect for the control of humanity is Corinna Schindler’s article ‘With DNA Comes A New Level Of Security’ in which she states, “A DNA ID card created in this way offers numerous advantages over conventional biometric identification methods such as fingerprints or iris recognition. Because the stored information is enclosed and protected directly in the nucleus of the human cell, the DNA-based solution ensures lifelong immutability and rules out tampering.”
The occult, spiritual mafia MOB is targeting our blood and our DNA because that is where God stores all of His God-given information that instructs our subconscious mind and whole being how to function. The MOB desires to change God’s source of Information over to Satan’s source of Information at the level of the quantum energy within our DNA.
That is why digital identity is central to the WEF and spiritual mafia MOB’s planned NWO and global Reset which will usher in an authoritarian dictatorship.
….. and God will eventually judge and destroy.
We [including any section of mankind at CERN, the UN, white-witch’s, Christians or religious do-gooders] cannot save us….. only Yeshua haMashiach, our spiritual Saviour can! And that requires a personal intimate relationship with Him like Moses had - that spiritual energy eliminated all fear and hatred in his being. These emotional feelings of the flesh is what keeps us from experiencing God’s goodness and unconditional love.
Brilliant! This nails what is happening before our eyes.