This is a very sensitive topic therefore if you have not done so already, it maybe a good idea to read the last couple of Blogs first in order to get a handle on what I’m presenting. This is not based on worldly knowledge but on experiencing Godly wisdom and understanding.
There is a vast difference between these two realms and thus a completely different perspective…… one you may not have considered before…….Click on this button >
The world is in chaos. I think most would agree with that statement. The world is preparing for a major showdown. Most also believe that this present world system must be destroyed so that a mystical “New World”, “Great Enlightenment” or “Great Awakening” can come forth. The Golden Age, the Age of Aquarius and the New Atlantis are other mythical terms to describe a narrative that generates hope. The hope is the return of ancient civilisation that satisfies our mythical beliefs.
This false belief is nothing more than hopium - hopium is defined as irrational or unwarranted optimism. Hopium is a portmanteau of the words "hope" and "opium" used to describe a fictional mind bending drug to help one stay hopeful in times when there is none. Regardless, as I described in my eBook, Beelzebub - Descarte's Demons, both hopium, opium, all other drugs and alcohol create in our mind an ‘Alternate Reality’ or ‘Augmented Reality’ [or superimposed reality] that generates a form of Christ Consciousness.
The hopium drug is also rife amongst our Christian friends - the “Hopi-ists” are looking for a “saviour” to arise and rapture them out of here before the trails of the Tribulation period begins. This is labelled the “Pre-Rapture theory” and was a novel presupposition devised by the Jesuits back in the 1560’s. It was the Jesuits that created John Nelson Darby’s (1800-1882) “Dispensationalism” and Pre-Rapture theories that would years later catch on and ignite theoretical corruption within the Protestant church. Many “Hopi-ists” are now looking for a “godlike” or even a “Christlike” figure to intervene and save the day. This is a spiritual mafia MOB created and engineered myth.
It must be said that I salute Teal Swan for embracing the topic Do Demons Exist? - in this video. Let’s face it, in this world of cancel culture, it takes great courage to debate such topics - especially when the topic is the root cause of all the MOB’s corruption tactics. So, Teal Swan, even though I do not agree with much of what you say - I honestly applaud your open point of view.
It is true, a demon is an entity that is disconnected from and seperate to the God of creation. Demons are spiritual parasites that live off the dark energy generated by humans beings - normally unredeemed, unconscious beings that have little conscience nor sense of morality. It is all a matter of degree. Fallen angels and demons need humans to function and that is why they employ human’s creative skills. Humans also need to experience demons in order to gain “knowledge” from the spiritual ‘tree of knowledge’.
This demonic invasion of earth is literally the The Fourth Industrial Revolution the WEF spokes persons, Klaus Schwab and Yuval Noah Harari are referring too. If you don’t believe this is true, listen to several of Harari’s videos - the message is clearly, blatantly and openly spoken.
An individual’s separation from God causes the fertile soil of iniquity of heart in which these spiritual parasites can survive and grow. They are like spiritual leeches - instead of sucking blood from us, they suck the life force from our energetic heart and soul. Remember, the definition of a parasite is; an organism that lives and feeds on or in an organism of a different species and causes harm to its host. Therefore a parasite needs a host to live in and draw energy from.
Also, as Teal Swan says, demons are the masters of the “zero-sum game”. The zero-sum game is a mathematical representation in game theory and economic theory of a situation that involves two sides [dualism], where the result is an advantage for one side and an equivalent loss for the other. In other words, player one's gain is equivalent to player two's loss, with the result that the net improvement in benefit of the game is zero. Derivatives trading, options contracts and futures contracts may also be considered a zero-sum games, as each dollar gained by one party in a transaction must be lost by the other, hence yielding a net transfer of wealth of zero.
Which brings us back to this chart - everything in the Beast System including everything associated with the spiritual “tree of the knowledge of good and evil”, is a “zero-sum game” - it is specifically designed so the spiritual mafia MOB takes everything, and we end up with - nothing! Klaus Schwab of the WEF has warned us that in the near future - we will loose everything - and “be happy with it”. For the public to run towards this sinister proposal will take a great deal of mind control - however, the MOB literally means this!
All of our “good” works and all the evil and corruption hidden in our hearts, are two sides of the same coin - one representing Lucifer, the other Satan. Notice also that what is classified as “conscious awareness” is not God consciousness - in fact it is planted squarely within the capsule of spacetime and this worldly Beast system. It is only perceived to be “conscious awareness” because it is a false hope and a false light emanating from Lucifer, the "light-bearer".
Humans act narcissistically because they are spiritually and energetically entangled to this tree of “knowledge” within this capsule of spacetime. You may have noticed the exponential increase of narcissists in the world of recent times? This is definitely demonic possession to some degree. The proliferation of people manifesting demonically is also increasing exponentially. When people close to us flip personalities unexpectedly, we can be sure it is dualistic and demonic in nature. This understanding may help us feel compassion for them and pray that that area of their life maybe redeemed spiritually. Do not judge them for this behaviour - merely observe it and try to help by being the solution to eradicate these imposters from their lives.
Demons are nothing to be feared. They are wimps that cower in the fear that we may gain the authority to expose them and eradicate, eliminate and expunge them from their life source. I have personally eliminate thousand of demonic entities from people’s chakras - it is not the elimination that is difficult - it is keeping them eliminated that is more difficult. That can only be done by applying the blood of Yeshua, our spiritual Saviour, over the infected part of the body. Demons cannot cohabitate with the authority of the blood of Yeshua and His resurrection power. It is a no-brainer and so easy to do! Demons are merely fearmongering weasels or light weight serpents.
They hid within the energetic realm of the darkened quantum field. They are so minutely small, they cannot be seen. In physics, a quantum (plural quanta) is the minimum amount of any physical entity (physical property) involved in an interaction. The development of functional nanomaterials has been a major landmark in the history of science over the last 50 years. Nanoparticles with diameters ranging from 5 to 500 nm have unprecedented properties that are difficult to understand because they are unseen and spiritual in context. Sub-nanoparticles (SNPs) with particle sizes of around 1 nm are now considered a new class of materials with distinct properties due to the predominance of quantum effects.
This is the size of the graphene oxide particles that are being pump into our bodies and brains via the injections devised to “fight” the COVID-19 fear plandemic. They are also pumping it into our food, our water, skin products and the air we breath. nanoparticles effect our immune system and prevents our skin from healing.
Fearmongering is routinely used in psychological warfare for the purpose of influencing a target population. Demons are therefore incited in psychological warfare. The whole COVID-19 catastrophe was essentially a classic example of fearmongering and influencing using psychological warfare.
The last point Teal Swan makes is that demonic entities make people behave narcissistically. People with narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) are in love with an idealised, grandiose image of themselves. And they're in love with this inflated self-image precisely because it allows them to avoid deep inverse feelings of insecurity. This is how our unredeemed ego operates.
But propping up their delusions of grandeur takes a lot of work—and that's where the dysfunctional attitudes and behaviours come in. Narcissistic personality disorder involves a pattern of self-centred, arrogant thinking and behaviour, a lack of empathy and consideration for other people, and an excessive need for admiration. Others often describe people with NPD as cocky, manipulative, selfish, patronising, and demanding. This way of thinking and behaving surfaces in every area of the narcissist's life: from work and friendships to family and love relationships.
People with narcissistic personality disorder are extremely resistant to changing their behaviour, even when it's causing them problems. Their tendency is to turn the blame onto others. What's more, they are extremely sensitive and react badly to even the slightest criticisms, disagreements, or perceived slights, which they view as personal attacks.
Now, we have accurately examined the problems demonic entities bring to our entire body, soul and spirit when they act as freeloaders [in the sense of taking something and giving nothing in return] - we can safely say that demonic parasites are the foundation of the majority of dis-ease in our bodies.
The solution to the embodiment of demonic entities is where the likes of Teal Swan and I diverge. Have you noticed that the so called COVID-19 do-gooder “experts” are very good at articulating the problem through knowledge, but they have virtually no solutions. Their “solution” is to enable their audience to gain more “knowledge” and supposedly become more consciously aware. This is a complete misnomer. If there is nothing more you get out of this Blog, then consider this - the proliferation of people manifesting demonically is a spiritual problem. We humans are spiritual beings - demonic entities are also spiritual beings. A spiritual problem MUST have a spiritual solution. The principle of cause and effect demands that.
We humans are living in world environment that is temporarily the spiritual jurisdiction of Lucifer and Satan - demonic entities are also relegated to that spiritual jurisdiction. We cannot possibly embark on opposing psychological warfare within this spiritual jurisdiction of the Beast system. Justice cannot be found within this unjust system. It is impossible! Endeavouring to make something “good” in a dualistic, conditional system is a misconception. Truth and justice do not exist in this system of total deception. This system is trapped within our spacetime capsule.
As spirit beings, we must move outside this spiritual jurisdiction of injustice in order to find Truth and a solution to our problems. This includes the COVID-19 dilemma and the climate change deception.
Teal Swan’s solution is to sit in silence at the fulcrum of the infinity sign and observe both the conscious and unconscious at play. This dualistic approach within spacetime will never result in pure justice and the redemption of our spirit, heart and souls. This must occur outside of this spiritual jurisdiction.
As spiritual beings we all long to regain that which Eve and Adam lost on our behalf. Our hearts desperately seek reunification with the Tree of Life. God obviously knows all about our yearning - that is why He provided the spiritual means to reengage with His Spirit in the spiritual jurisdiction of His 3rd heaven. Yeshua, the divine Son of God has the ability and authority to reach down into our jurisdiction of spacetime and bring redemption to our being by eradicating all demonic influence.
This is our only hope………