“When the whole world is running towards a cliff, he who is running in the opposite direction appears to have lost his mind.” ― C. S. Lewis
We are living in a zombie apocalypse - and the majority are not even aware of it! Those who are not running towards the MOB’s carefully designed cliff are the only ones who have any sanity of mind left!
I have the utmost respect for these people - more importantly, God our creator, and spiritual Father, has the utmost respect for them. God is watching and urging us on through an unseen quantum mechanics principle called “quantum entanglement”. This is actually more real than the physical matter we can see, but can be manipulated through spiritual deception.
Keep this in mind when I describe the evidence based science of “quantum entanglement” in the next Blog. This is unquestionably the most important topic out there in the public forum to grasp and understand - because what [or who] you are “quantum entangled” too spiritually will determine your spiritual destiny - and that destiny is eternal, with no time limitations - it is infinite.
Is that important? - I definitely think so. That is the main reason I’m writing this Blog - to make you spiritually aware and conscious of this Truth.
For those of you who are resonating with this message and vibrating at a frequency that is enabling you to connect with me in “quantum entanglement” - I applaud you! I respect you! I honour you! That “quantum entanglement” is not subject to distance nor the speed of light. It is powerful and it is instantaneous! This is not scientific theory anymore. This is now proven, evidence based science. Those at CERN know it! Those who resonate with Lucifer in order to build the Quantum Computers that are now controlling our lives, know it! But the chances are - you are not even aware of it, nor knowingly spiritually attuned to it.
Geordie Rose, one of the original founders of D-Wave knows exactly who the little spiritual critters - or spiritual parasites - he [and we] are dealing with and entangling ourselves too!
Your Creator is also resonating through and communicating to us through “quantum entanglement” - but on another frequency - the frequency of affirmation and unconditional love. In fact He created “quantum entanglement” for our benefit - but we humans in our hubris walked away from that and sought to resist and abuse God’s gift to humanity! Resist this temptation of pride and super ego. Tune in with your spirit, your mind and your heart - and ALL will be well. If so, God’s hand will protect you, not matter what the MOB throws at us!
Can I just add - that New Agers talk about unconditional love, however they have no idea what unconditional love is [this world view is a joke - really!]. The real Messiah and our spiritual Saviour, Yeshua haMashiach - who was from the Jewish bloodline of Seth and King David - is the only Being who has ever lived on this planet who can [present tense] love unconditionally. Sure, it is our goal to be like Him, however we will never reach it completely whilst living in this Beast system because of the judgement we hold in our hearts - about - well everything - including God.
We would rather live in shame and fear than to resonate with God’s Spirit and communicate with Him relationally. Therefore, what we believe about our creator God is way, way out of kilter!
Meanwhile Lucifer has absolutely zero respect for you. Neither does Satan. In fact their one goal is to destroy you and even sacrifice your life for their own selfish purposes.
Whereas Yeshua sacrificed His life for you - on your behalf!
Father, please forgive me for trading in this spiritual tree of judgement. I understand that justice can only be found in You and your spiritual Kingdom!
What is zombie? Our minds of course …. we are witnessing a military backed take-over of our minds…..
I find human behaviour extremely interesting. I’ve done some consultive counselling in my time. In fact I personally counselled a very talented female artist in Dubai whose parents where original employees at CERN, Switzerland in 1952. She was raised and persecuted in occult mythology and her heart was heavily bound by the occult - that means that from her childhood her heart was totally imprinted with occult ideas and methodology - to the point it was very difficult for her to break free from them.
The chances are, you do not have that heavy burden.
This evidence of indoctrination is what drove me to study the topic of energetic entanglement, a major construct within quantum physics - and thus my interest in CERN, undoubtedly the modern Tower of Babel.
It is also extremely interesting to observe the data associated with the human behaviour of the readers of this Substack Blog. As soon as I published the last Blog called “BOOM! Do You Desire To Know The Truth?” the opening rate dropped 25% and the number of views dropped a staggering 258%.
People obviously stopped sharing because it was too much for them to digest themselves.
That indicates that many just do not want to acknowledge the Truth - God’s Truth -that we should be totally entangled too - but we are not.
In fact - we are energetically entangled to other spiritual entities that we are not even consciously aware of because of the level of deception by the spiritual mafia MOB has woven over, and clouded our minds.
That is why most people have their heads in the sand and refuse to acknowledge the Truth - therefore, we now have a totally fear based society ruled by a Technocratic, Nazi regime.
This is a hard one to digest - however the masses get the leadership they deserve - and that shadow leadership is now global!
Truth and fear are diametrically opposed……
Be assured that this is the reason the MOB desires your data - to, just like me - observe your human behaviour traits with the one purpose - to control your mind.
That is why they know you better than you know yourself!
You are a marked ‘human being’…… soon to be a marked ‘being’ without human or God-like characteristics - if the MOB have their way.
Here is one important Truth - we were Created to have a free will - and for the MOB to succeed it requires our consent.
Our creative abilities and our God-given consent are extremely powerful spiritual weapons at our disposal.
Here is a shocking truth. Mind control and a corrupted heart are synonymous. The world religions do not, and cannot, deal with the iniquity or corruption within ones own heart. Religions cannot make a heart pure, therefore most people are operating and even prophesying out of a corrupted heart. Why? Because they are unknowingly energetically entangled to Lucifer - the one who appears to be the enlightened one!
Even our intuition or “gut feel” is often a corrupted version of the truth. There is a definite correlation between those who are adamant they are not mind controlled and those who are programmed to think in alignment with this world Beast system. There’s a saying, “If you’re not wondering if you’re under mind control, you probably are.”
The MOB Directors have subtle control of the masses’ minds because the masses have not dealt with the iniquity [corruption] in their own heart. This is the greatest level of deception because one is not often aware of it. One cannot fight an enemy when one doesn’t even have the clarity of mind to know they are playing in the enemies’ camp.
If you have been “vaccinated” in the last 3 years, the enemy is playing in your camp! The COVID-19 “vaccines” were literally the Trojan Horse that have now gained access into your own citadel - your spiritual temple.
Remember whilst watching this video, that it is an official U.S. Military employment recruitment funnel to trap young minds into serving their country……..
Consider stopping right now and trying to engage your conscious right brain. This recruiting video for the US army (above) summaries the game at play. Listen and watch it intently. This movie literally gives their game away! It is called Ghosts in the Machine. Who is pulling the strings in this PSYWAR against our minds? Read the script in the video - “HAVE YOU EVER WONDERED WHO IS PULLING THE STRINGS?” “Wolves hiding nearby, whispering do or die…. around me.” WHO….BORN FROM THE ASHES ….OF A WORLD AT WAR. YOU’LL FIND US IN THE SHADOWS, at the tip of the spear. “You say your last goodnight, while I begin my …….(fire?)” WARFARE IS EVOLVING AND ALL THE WORLD’S A STAGE! “There is another very important phase of warfare. It has as its target, not the body, but the mind of the enemy.” “The target of psychological warfare is against the enemies mind. It is words and ideas…… ammunition used by PSYWAR”. “Its mission is to influence the thoughts of the enemy soldiers to deceive, persuade, change, influence, inspire”…. “Gripping at my skin, the walls of night close in around me….” WE COME IN MANY FORMS…. “but the use of this force as an integral part of combat has now taken on new form”… WE ARE EVERYWHERE…. A FEELING IN THE DARK…. A MESSAGE IN THE STARS…. GHOSTS IN THE MACHINE…. WHAT, WHAT ARE WE?
This is a classical psychological warfare video, full of subliminal messaging. What you are probably not aware of is the fact that the real enemy is you! Yes, to those who have zero God conscience, we are perceived as ants to be trodden on, or at best, cattle to be culled. As well, we are the planned Targeted Individuals (TI) [a victim of human experiments, tracked and stalked and harassed by either a human programmer or remote electronic weapons].
Did you catch the actions of the digital gamer/ controller/programmer/handler at his console, whispering “everything we touch is a weapon”? The ‘Ghosts’ “gripping at my skin, the walls of night close in and coming in many forms” are demonic entities [illustrated as a ghost] subtly controlling your mind, heart, body, soul and spirit and you are not even conscious of it. This is the war we are in that Sun Tzu was referring too. The Department Of Defence (DOD) in the U.S. is being very open about the game at play right now. Their goal is to strip us of our God-given dignity, magnificence, personal righteousness and sense of justice.
All the world is a stage and the U.S. DOD - and now every Military Force in the world is attacking the mind of their enemies - you and your neighbours, friends and family! The citizens of the global world are targets of the zombie apocalypse.
All of this began in earnest during the planned attacks of 9/11, 2001!
Ask the repugnant Vice President, Richard Bruce Cheney what he was doing when the 5 buildings mysteriously collapsed on that day, September 11, 22 years ago…… you will find that the month of September - or more accurately, the Jewish Feast in remembrance to God - Rosh Hashanah or the Feast of Trumpets - is a very significant date in God’s prophetic calendar.
This year, Rosh Hashanah begins on the 15th Sept. At least this website prophetically understands the timing - so does the spiritual mafia MOB! They know the significance of 2030 which is seven years hence!
Do you know?
9/11 2001 was a CIA operation instigated in CERN, Switzerland by the spiritual mafia MOB in conjunction with the DOD, Washington DC. So will everything that flows on from September 2023 going forward.
This time, it will no longer be a precursor, like 9/11. The CIA CERN, Switzerland spiritual mafia MOB will use the military in every nation to complete their mission.
Australia, for sure, is ripe and ready for a military takeover of their Government and everything else including our means of transacting financially. We maybe a targeted guinea pig ["one subjected to an experiment"], but we are not alone in the world!
At one time, scientists used guinea pigs for laboratory experiments. Today, we use the term "guinea pig" for a person who gets used to test something, like a new drug, product, or process. This is because guinea pigs are used by biologists as model organisms. Since 2020, every individual in the world has become a targeted guinea pig for Big Pharma’s mRNA experiments!
You are being used and abused! You are considered to be no more than a guinea pig. You are no longer referred to and considered to be a Sovereign child of God who has value and life flowing through your veins.
Think about this deeply! This is now evidence based science!
A brave Independent politician in Australia [for MANLY], Dr Phillip Altman BPharm (Hons), MSc, PhD is a retired Pharmacologist with expertise in the areas of clinical medical research and pharmaceutical drug regulatory affairs in Australia. Altman claims that the COVID-19 “vaccine” was in fact an ILLUSION. He should know! And he is also 100% correct. All manmade viruses are a destructive illusion. All “vaccines” are destructive because of the poisons being pumped into our bodies that our immune system cannot cope with.
The bottom line is - humanity is under attack from an unseen force. We are in, and have been in WW3 since 9/11 2001 - and that is not a conspiracy. There is now hard evidence that this subtle attack on our minds is well advanced and victory is inevitable. We are fighting for the survival of the species. 5.3 billion people have been injected with a lethal biological weapon - and the world still sleeps in a zombie stupor. But the MOB’s play goes on. There are now 20 million global deaths directly attributed to the mandatory “vaccines”.
It is classified as a psychological war - however it is actually a spiritual war. Instead of relying on force, Military Psyops Operations [psyops techniques used by military and police forces to influence the beliefs, emotions and behaviour of citizens] rely on influencing the masses through logic, desire and fear that evoke emotions and mental sensations that are limiting. These clandestine operations confuse, mislead, redirect and occupy our minds.
The MOB states: Warfare is evolving; All the world is a stage…. Join us!
“We are everywhere!” [the spiritual element]
“YOU’LL FIND US IN THE SHADOWS, at the tip of the spear.”
These are Luciferian tactics…….
All warfare is staged from one central command point - CERN Switzerland. They control and finance both sides of the battle whilst influencing the minds of the collective. Nato, Ukraine, Russia and China….. the MOB control and finance it all!
“When the whole world is running towards a cliff, he who is running in the opposite direction appears to have lost his mind.” ― C. S. Lewis
The 4th Psyops group……. the 4th Industrial Revolution …..“4th” comes direct from John Dee’s communication with fallen angels in AD1570. The occult icon John Dee was instrumental in establishing Britain’s first Intelligence service, the forerunner of MI5 and MI6 [the foundation comes from Switzerland’s secret Pharaonic global 007 Intelligence service].
The spiritual mafia MOB invented the Nazi regime - they mind controlled and trained Hitler. They also mind controlled and trained Churchill. Now they have mind controlling and trained every political leader in the world.
This is global warfare and you are the target! This is now hard, physical evidence of Hitler’s FINAL SOLUTION!
It is not the Twin Towers now……… the target has changed. The Direct Energy Weapons (DEWs) are the same. They are now just a lot smaller - quantum sized in fact.
This is not journalistic hype and sensationalism. This is reality. This is evidence based fact published by the U.S. DOD.
A very astute reader of this Blog sent me a fascinating article just published by Stephanie Pappason after their scientific findings were reported on July 24, 2023 in the journal Nature Physics. She states “For the first time, researchers have observed "quantum superchemistry" in the lab.”
That means the spiritual mafia MOB has known about this technology and used it against us for at least the last 30 years.
That is the nature of this unseen war we are involved in……
We’ll discuss more about “What is Quantum” and “Entanglement” in the next Blog….
Understanding this is the basis of your survival…………….
Until then….. Shalom