In the video below, Dr. John Campbell records a sincere explanation as to the authenticity of the Shroud of Turin and the resurrection power emitted from the divine-Man called Yeshua ben Joseph in AD 30.
This is scientific based evidence that such a divine Being existed and overcame Lucifer and Satan’s power of DEATH after being physically confined to a grave for three (3) days.
His Shroud PDF or Powerpoint is also well worth seeing -
I’m always looking for evidence based scientific proof that supports why I trust our Creator God instead of Lucifer’s invasive Beast system. However, the truth remains that nothing will convince others until such time they personally experience God’s Presence, goodness and His provision of redemption firsthand.
I’m about to write on the topic of God’s provision of redemption because few have experienced this personally as the institutional church, in general, does not understand or apply this life changing supply of God’s grace. For us, this involves the application of God’s resurrection power towards those who are created in His image. Our redemption is possible because Yeshua overcame Lucifer’s spirit of death on our behalf - and the evidence based scientific proof of that is Yeshua haMashiach’s resurrection. His life bearing spiritual energy is a free gift to humanity - given to us through the medium of quantum physics. All we have to do is become aware of our unredeemed state and appropriate our Messiah’s free gift. This is accomplished through real, heartfelt repentance.
To see the need for this, we have to ask our Creator God to move us beyond our own unconscious, iniquitous state of mind.
If we are redeemed with the blood of Yeshua, Lucifer’s spiritual parasites - or demons - cannot possibly cling onto the iniquitous energy within our mind, heart, soul or spirit. It is legally impossible - legally within the confines of the Law Court of heaven. Lucifer is our accuser and Yeshua is our attorney defending us before God.
I posted this comment below Dr. John Campbell video - “John, have you ever considered that the image on the Shroud of Turin, that you state is "a total enigma" - and produced by "a very short burst of intense light radiation" - could be an imprint formed by a quantum physics process? That is how I believe God communicates with our DNA using quantum entanglement. In this case He is communicating and revealing Himself to the whole world through this quantum imprint. When CERN supposedly discovered the "God Particle" on July 4 2012, in the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), they did not capture the evidence with a photograph, but merely with an imprint of the quantum particles. This "intense light radiation" captured on the Shroud of Turin is the glory of God which will be seen by every eye when Yeshua returns soon as a roaring Lion. It is an imprint of the intensity of our Messiah’s glory.”
The 'God particle'….
The herringbone woven cloth known as the Shroud of Turin measuring 1.21m by 4.42m (4ftx14ft), is stained with human blood and appears to show the imprint of a crucified man. It is purported to be the burial garment that wrapped Jesus Christ's body after his Crucifixion. Books have been written and videos made detailing the scientific causes of the image on the Shroud under the realm of quantum physics. Some conclude that the hypotheses about the genesis of the shroud "involving the Resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth cannot be rejected". The Resurrection power of Yeshua haMashiach and the Presence of God is way, way beyond what we can even imagine.
It is not something to be feared, but to totally embrace. We were created in His image for this purpose.
This experience gives us an overwhelming sense of peace that we find impossible to explain with words. Embracing Yeshua in His pure quantum field is the most transformative experience one can ever have.
One may argue that they are saved and right with “the gods” - until they experience the glory of true God - the Source of all Creation.
In this video, nuclear engineer Robert Rucker brings 40 years of nuclear industry experience to his study of the mysterious Shroud of Turin. With over 30 scientific papers on the Shroud to his name, he makes the conclusion below….
This imprinted Shroud not only proves the Resurrection power of the Messiah who was born of the Hebraic bloodline as Yeshua Ben Joseph, but it also proves the legitimacy of the God created Quantum Field. Lucifer and the spiritual mafia MOB - the Kenites of this world - have been holding us humans as ransom against our conscious will and using a modified, distorted, twisted, warped, crooked, depraved form of the God created Quantum Field to build out their quantum computers, blockchain, AI and other technology for sinister purposes.
Mankind has quantum entangled themselves with the energy of deception. This is the essence of the spiritual portals built at CERN and the 60-80 Synchrotrons built all around the world. Remember that the Lucifer/unredeemed mankind combination can only create that which is a counterfeit, an imitation or forgery of that which is Created by God.
Our Creator God has a plan to redeem those who unconditionally love and energetically entangle themselves to Him. Then when Yeshua returns in the near future, He will destroy Satan and Lucifer’s iniquitous plans and thus redeem the whole earth.
Satan and Lucifer’s plan is to destroy any trace of God’s imprint of Creation - including humanity and God Himself. Can you believe their arrogance, hubris, ego and stupidity to even think they can accomplish this feat?
Remember we keep saying that everything in the spiritual and energetic realm manifests itself in the physical realm? This is pure quantum physics - this is God’s design and how life on planet earth operates.
Well right now is the time of Revelation. Not only is Satan and Lucifer’s spiritual kingdom being revealed and manifested, so to Yeshua haMashiach’s Kingdom is being revealed and manifested.
Below Dr. John Campbell is interviewing embalmers and Funeral Directors who have noticed fibrous white clots having formed within the blood circulatory system of bodies after the early-mid 2021 time period. This is a physical manifestation - thus evidence based proof - that the COVID-19 mRNA “vaccinations” were impregnated with substances that self-replicate demonic entities that in essence produce death. This is what these white clots are - the physical manifestation of spiritual/energetic Luciferian parasites.
The U.S. Military-Industrial Complex is a major contributor to the development of advanced self-assembling nanotechnology, micro and nano electronics and nanoweapons worldwide. This explains the bio engineering of microbes into full computers and sensors - and filaments that are as effective as Carbon Nanotubes. This is why they are pumping Graphene oxide (GO) into our bodies and beyond the blood-brain barrier into the brain.
These single walled carbon nanotubes are a counterfeit of the natural C60 fullerenes that constitute the microtubules in the brain. Remember the plan is to digitise all life on earth, computerise it, utilise it for data harvesting for AI, surveillance and battlespace interrogation of humanity.
Maybe it is time to review my Substack Quantum Consciousness, as to how our brain operates as the most powerful quantum computer in the world to generate our energetic mind. The mRNA injected Carbon Nanotubes act as 'smart' microtubules in the brain to form a deviant energetic mind thought processes that are Luciferian in essence.
Karen Kingston from The Kingston Report confirms this in her Substack ‘MILLIONS of Self-Assembling Nanotech Entities’ in COVID-19 Injections on August 13, 2024: “400x magnification of 54 COVID-19 vials further confirms mRNA injections contain millions of undisclosed, bioengineered 'smart' entities that respond to electromagnetic signals and are highly toxic.
In review of Did You Hear That? it says…. In Moderna’s U.S. Patent US 10703789 B2 Modified polynucleotides for the production of secreted proteins it states clearly that contained within the “vaccine” is polymer-based self-assembled nanoparticles or microsponges [hydrogels] that are fully programmable nanoparticles. That means it is not a vaccine, but contains self-assembling nanotechnology that is used to deliver cargo into the nucleus of the cells. It openly declares that the mRNA nanotechnology contains gels and hydrogels. Hydrogels are a network of polymer chains that are hydrophilic, meaning they are highly absorbent (they can contain over 99% water) natural or synthetic polymers. Polymer maybe used to form sheets [graphene] that re-assemble into nanoparticles. The gels and hydrogels are quantum dots! Quantum dots are a part of the hydrogel family. We are being injected with multi-functional magnetic hydrogels containing graphene that can be remotely activated. In fact, hydrogel is made of graphene oxide lipid nanoparticles.
These magnetic hydrogels in biomedicine contain soft actuators which are synthetically created nanobots. These self-assembling, adaptable, configurable soft actuators are what is causing blood clots in those who have been injected. It is like a stem cell that uses genetic Information from the hydrogels that can regenerate itself. Karen Kingston calls them “biosynthetic AI technology parasites”. WOW! They are parasites in that they need a host to self construct, but at some point they become self actuating and self propelling. Magnetic hydrogels are cited as one of the hottest biomaterials in recent years. “Smart hydrogel is a kind of material that can perceive small physical/chemical stimuli (such as temperature, light, magnetism, pH) and make significant response behaviours. Because of this Intelligence, hydrogel has a fascinating application prospect in tissue engineering, drug-controlled release and soft actuators [those life-like biosynthetic robots]. Especially, as an external stimulus of stimulus-responsive materials, magnetic field has the advantages of instant action, contactless control and easy integration into electronic devices. Therefore, the research and development of smart magnetic hydrogels has been very active in recent years.”
Remember this fact - we are being injected with multi-functional magnetic hydrogels containing graphene that can be remotely activated. This biosynthetic AI technology are parasites. They are parasites.
Karen believes that COVID-19 mRNA 'vaccines' contain mRNA Quantum Dots (QDs).
Karen Kingston says: “Quantum dots and other nanotechnologies are foreign terms to most of us. They are alien concepts difficult for many people to comprehend even exist. Although not well-known, nanotechnologies such as quantum dot, hydrogels, graphene oxide, and single wall carbon nanotubes (SWCNT), have been used in consumer electronic devices, healthcare products, foods & beverage, military neuroweapons, and medical device research and applications for over a decade.”
In regards to Patent WO2020160397 which is the global patent for the mRNA lipid nanoparticle (LNP) vaccines granted by WIPO to Moderna on August 6, 2020, Kingston wrote; “I believe they will conclude that the COVID-19 injections are bioweapons that contain gain of function (GOF) chimeric viruses and toxins under the guise of mRNA therapeutic vaccines combined with a ‘diagnostic/therapeutic’ lipid nanoparticle (LNP) platform. Per the patent, the LNP can target specifics organs and systems throughout the body, including, but not limited to reproductive, cardiovascular, pulmonary, and the central nervous system, specifically crossing the blood brain barrier.” (emphasis mine)
Karen Kingston calls them “biosynthetic AI technology parasites”. We are being forewarned that what is coming is “the full physical integration of biological and digital entities” in order to “change human beings – our bodies, minds, and behaviours and change or create other organisms….”
Maybe it is time to declare exactly what these white blood clots are - the physical manifestation of biosynthetic parasites or demonic entities that generate death.
These entities come from one spiritual source only - Lucifer, the counterfeit false “light bearer”…. take time to review this video below that reveals the source of all unredeemed Luciferian energy…. Lucifer’s deceptive offer may sound attractive, but it will culminate in our destruction and death.
There is nothing surer…. Lucifer, the “light bearer” will soon be judged to be a complete loser.
The reason I can confidently state this is because the infestation of spiritual parasites amongst individuals has increased exponentially over the last 3 years - especially amongst those who have been “vaccinated”. This is completely obvious if one who is still God conscious. The jab obviously changes the way people think and the rate that people manifest demonic entities has been increasing exponentially - whether they be professing Christians or those who claim to be pagans - it matters not. My own observation tells me the ratio of stress and unconscious emotional reactiveness is the same if they are in any way connected to this Beast system….
Therefore, people are becoming totally disoriented…. and in their insanity, clamouring for a false messiah! The reason is - we are spiritual beings, therefore we need a spiritual answer to that which is driving us towards this insanity, unconsciousness and the embedding of rebellion and iniquity in our hearts.
Yes, there is an answer to our feelings of abandonment. We are being held at ransom by a spiritual imposter - however our Messiah has already paid the price for our debt to set us free.
You who have been made to feel worthless by this spiritual Jester - are in fact perceived as totally worthy by Yeshua haMashiach who loves us so much, He has made a relational covenant of His blood with each of us.
One of the attributes of the quantum realm is that beyond our physical realm of matter, spacetime operates instantly. When we communicate with our Creator God, there is no time factor since God operates outside of time - therefore the communication with the God of the 3rd heaven is INSTANT.
Just this revelation of understanding can transform our lives instantly. That is how resurrection power operates.