What we believe in our energetic heart is so important. Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D., a renowned cell biologist was originally widely known for his pioneering research on cloned human stem cells. Then Lipton awakened to the truth! Lipton went face to face with the spiritual mafia MOB’s Darwinian universities by teaching 'We can control our lives by controlling our perceptions and beliefs.'
Lipton who became internationally acclaimed for the new science he labelled Epigenetics and helped revolutionise our understanding of the link between mind and matter, and the profound effects it has on our personal lives and the lives of the collective consciousness.
In his ground breaking book The Biology of Belief, Dr. Bruce H. Lipton determined that our genes and DNA do not control biology, but instead, DNA is controlled from outside the cell, including the beliefs emanating from our spirit, mind and hearts. Lipton included our beliefs in what he called ‘the environment’.
Also, Lipton claims that the cell nucleus itself is not the brain of the cell - the membrane surrounding the nucleus is the brain of the cell. It is the membrane’s effector proteins, operating in response to environmental signals picked up by the membrane’s receptors, which control the “reading” of genes, so the worn out proteins can be replaced or new proteins created. Lipton defines the membrane as: “The membrane is a liquid crystal semiconductor with gates and channels.” Therefore the cell membrane is a structural and functional equivalent of a silicon chip.
Bruce Lipton goes on to say, “The fact that the cell membrane and a computer chip are homologues means that it is both appropriate and instructive to better fathom the workings of the cell by comparing it to a personal computer. The first big-deal insight is that computers and cells are programmable. The second corollary insight is that the programmer lies outside the computer/cell. Biology behaviour and gene activity are dramatically linked to Information from the environment which is downloaded into the cell…. In this biocomputer, the nucleus is simply a memory disk, a hard drive containing the DNA programs that encode the production of proteins. Data is entered into the computer/cell via the membrane’s receptors, which represent the cells “keyboard”. Receptors trigger the membrane’s effector proteins, which act as the computer/cell’s Central Processing Unit (CPU). The CPU effector proteins convert environmental Information into the behavioural language of biology.”
Bruce Lipton also adds a very pertinent paragraph on the topic of quantum physics. “Quantum physics discovered physical atoms are made up of vortices of energy that are constantly spinning and vibrating; each atom is like a wobbly spinning top that radiates energy. Because each atom has its own specific energy signature (wobble), assemblies of atoms (molecules) collectively radiate their own identifying energy patterns. So every material structure in the universe, including you and me, radiates a unique energy signature.”
Slow down, breath deep and read this again! Take note of Bruce Lipton observations that each cell is like a personal computer, taking Information from the environment outside of itself and processing it with a unique energy signature.
Just like every flak of snow has its own unique God-given design, so we too have DNA that has an energetic vibrating frequency that is unique to each one of us. We are all vibrating energetically at a specific vibrating frequency. Keep this fact in mind, because the spiritual mafia MOB is now using this one reality against us with very sophisticated mind control technology that comes out of CERN.
It is important to note that during the creation week God “said”…… in fact Yeshua, the Word spoke, and it was so. God is the creator of every vibrational frequency - being designated a wave that then manifests itself as a particle [matter]. God is the creator and sustainer of the quantum field. We can be absolutely sure of that because the spiritual mafia MOB has counterfeited this Reality in order to create a mirror image of that with the idea to create the sophisticated mind control technology at CERN. They are creating all of this technology to destroy you and me, who were created in the image of God. Yes, Transhumanism is all about destroying our image, that is made in the image of God.
Even Bruce Lipton admits; “We are made in the image of God, and we need to put Spirit back into the equation when we want to improve our physical and our mental health.”
What Lipton is saying here is that what we believe in and what spirits our own spirit entertains determines the Information that is processed in our mind, our heart, our subconscious mind, our blood and then the cells of our body.
Not only does the microtubules and tubulin dimers in our brains turn spiritual Information into digital Information that is energetic in nature, but the cells of our body also act as a computer, controlling the input and output of the digital Information that is impacting our lives.
Rubbish in > rubbish out is the general motto of the computer world. So too with the health and wellbeing of our body. If we instigate toxins into our body, either in the form of spiritual parasites or physical parasites, we can be sure it will bring destruction and death to the cells of our body.
Am I saying that dis-ease of our soul [stress and our emotional life] and disease of our body comes from what we believe? Absolutely, I am. The spiritual entities we give authority to will not only determine our beliefs, but also our wellbeing. The spiritual entities are either demonic or they bring divine Intelligence from God’s Holy Spirit. The spiritual entities that we ‘quantum entangle’ with determine our physical state of being as well as our eternal fate.
In fact we could say that “DNA is controlled from outside the cell”, is emblematic of “belief being controlled from outside the body”. One is a micro representation of the macro. Our beliefs are formed when our own spirit quantum entangles itself with one of the two spirit realms. This is then processed in the quantum computer in our brain that in turn forms our energetic mind, thoughts and beliefs.
This process and the importance of our mind is detailed in my eBook Beelzebub - Descarte's Demons.
We are going to discuss ‘quantum entanglement’ at CERN in the next couple of Blogs. This is the most important topic to understand if we are going to have any idea where the spiritual mafia MOB are trying to take us in the next 7 years, leading up to their well defined 2030 Sustainability targets. You will come to see that 2023 is a very important year in their programming of humanity. It could well be the beginning of the NWO [as they now claim] and the beginning of what the book of Revelations calls “the Tribulation” period. This is a self fulfilling prophecy - one in which mankind’s hubris if creating their own demise.
Lets’ consider this video which claims that CERN is the epicentre of the Beast system….
Switzerland has never been attacked because the Knight Templars who have lived there since its inception in 1291 are a wealthy, corrupt and fearless MOB. The reason the independent, self-governing jurisdiction called “the Canton of Geneva” supports all the belief systems in the world - including Darwinism, Marxism, Nazism, Communism, Capitalism, Semitism, Islamism, Fascism, Satanism, Transhumanism, Transgenderism, etc, etc - is because the Octagon Knight Templars or the Pharaonic spiritual mafia MOB, are the instigators of them all. Every corrupted human philosophy flows out of the spiritual portal dedicated to the Greek god Apollyon.
In Roman times, Saint-Genis-Pouilly was called the Apolloacum, a town dedicated to the Greek god Apollyon, where an ancient Roman Temple was built to worship the demonic deities. The Romans believed this was a gateway or portal to the underworld. Apollyon, the Greek name, like its patron god Shiva, means “the destroyer”. It is described in Revelation as the angel of the bottomless pit. “They were ruled by a king, the angel of the Abyss. His name in Hebrew is Abaddon, and in Greek it is Apollyon —the Destroyer.” (Rev 9:11) BSB.
At CERN is erected a 2m tall statue of the Hindu deity lord Shiva. This statue is symbolic of, and defines the MOB and CERN’s corporate beliefs - the destruction of God’s creation and those who bear His image. The goal is to replace it with Lucifer’s image - thus the belief in Transhumanism.
The Temple dedicated to the god Apollyon became the home of the global Intelligence community - the global CIA.
How long has “the Canton of Geneva”controlled the world? On 24 October 1648, the Treaty of Westphalia was signed, marking the end of the Thirty Years' War. That Treaty declared Switzerland as a “neutral” nation state. Swiss neutrality is one of the main principles of Switzerland's foreign policy which dictates that Switzerland is not to be involved in armed or political conflicts between other states. That is because it is the self-declared home of the Pharaonic Octagon, Swiss mafia MOB.
One could say that spiritually, the NWO was formed in 1648, exactly 375 (3+7+5 = 15 & 1+5=6) years ago and is now physically manifesting itself in 2023. That is how the Swiss mafia MOB operates.
The numbered square is widely used in occult numerology, as no matter which way you add up the numbers [vertically, horizontally or diagonally] the total comes to 15 and 1+5=6 [the number of man] according to their logic [so each side = 666].
Do you think this is a co-incidence? Well, let me warn you - the Pharaonic spiritual mafia MOB from the Octagon Knight Templars DO NOT work on co-incidences - they are very precise with their timing.
At that point in 1648, Switzerland flipped from providing mercenaries from their own ranks [like during the Thirty Years' War] to providing mercenaries from other countries to fight the wars the Swiss planned and financed. The ancient Swiss mercenaries were known as Sôldner. By 1648 the Swiss mercenaries had mastered the new tactics and developed a reputation as invincible, fearless, and ruthless soldiers, and they were much in demand. The Swiss mercenaries were a powerful infantry force constituted by professional soldiers originating from the cantons of the Old Swiss Confederacy. After 1648 they colluded with the Genevan Council of 200 or the Swiss Octagon to finance and control both sides of every war on the planet. And so has it been ever since…..
That is the definition of insanity!
The Swiss hide behind an invisible wall of protection - and nobody asks questions since the MOB controls the world press. The only aftermath of the Swiss mercenary activity is about 500,000+ Swiss men keep a rifle at home, mainly because the militia system requires men over 20 to be ready for instant military service. The Swiss thus celebrate hundreds of years of precise target shooting and gun ownership. They also practise their shooting skills with live ammunition regularly at local government firing ranges.
Who do you think planned and financed Hitler in WW2? Who do you think is planning and financing the Wagner Group operation in the Russian invasion of Ukraine? Who do you think is planning and financing NATO and the Ukrainian actor and puppet master, President Volodymyr Zelensky?
I want to finish this Blog by challenging your subconscious beliefs because it is true that we organise our lives around what we believe ….. see Teal Swan’s video Why is Changing a Belief So Hard? Our beliefs have been scientifically predicated by the use of Predictive Programming right from our birth.
Often we are totally oblivious to our own weaknesses, but fully aware of everyone else’s. How often do we cast dispersion on anyone who challenges our own belief system. Instead, we become protective and dismissive. Judgement of others and God becomes our main method of defence.
Consider the Truth that our beliefs emanate from our spirit being. God doesn’t ask us to believe in Him - He asks us to trust Him. Believing is an external Greek concept, trusting in God is a personal interaction that has far superior Hebraic meaning. When we actually “experience” God’s goodness and His Presence, that experience is indelibly imprinted onto our heart - then we never, ever forget it!
“So we see that they [the Israelites] were unable to enter [the Promised Land or the Tree of Life] because of lack of trust.”Hebrews 3:19 CJB https://bible.com/bible/1275/heb.3.19.CJB
We need to learn from the Israelite and Jewish unbelief and mistakes, thus try not repeat them……
Remember…. “ships do not sink because of the water [the beliefs and spiritual entities] around them…. ships sink because of the water they take on board” [the beliefs and spiritual entities] …..
The sinking of the Titanic was symbolic of where the world is at right now…. it is sinking! The only option we now have is a spiritual lifeboat…. if you are willing [soul], ready [spirit] and able [body] to enter it……
But… to do that you may have to answer this very pertinent question for yourself…. Why is Changing a Belief So Hard? Because it may require a complete change of heart……..and a complete change of life!
Or are you prepared to be wilful enough, prideful enough and foolish enough to go down with the boat called the Titanic [the Beast system]?