I left the family farm this morning in country Victoria, a southern State within Australia. Victoria became the most militant State in the world since COVID began in 2020, outside of Israel and Canada. It was heart breaking to permanently say goodbye to my dearly loved brother who was forced to get vaccinated by the State government under mandate in August 2022. Since then he was falsely diagnosed many times by doctors after contracting shingles, which left his cancer vulnerable to escalation and he was finally diagnosed with Stage 4 cancer. My 32 year old daughter has also been diagnosed with myocarditis and her heart palpitations are continually brushed off by her doctors as being “long covid”……. but they have no idea what that means….. nor do they care! They are paid by Big Pharma not to care or have compassion anymore!
Big Pharma has corrupted the medical industry and we are suffering for it!
Whilst riding on a bus to Tullamarine Airport, my niece rang and I finished the conversation by saying “Btw, the Australian Open finished last night. The winners name was very appropriate for the State of Victoria…. his name was Sinner!” The guy in front of me burst into laughter. I said to him “Sorry mate, I didn’t mean to invade your privacy.” He replied, “Don’t be sorry, I agree with your sediments entirely.” The news headlines flashed on all the TV screens were SINNER WINNER!
It just feels like the Australian Open Tennis Tournament was totally rigged for the first time to give a predetermined result. If that is true, it is indicative of the global corruption prevalent in 2024. In saying that, I’m not taking anything away from the ability of this new tennis star, applicably named Sinner, however the MOB truly believe that the resonance of sin wins in their war against a holy God.
These headlines made me reconsider the semi-finals match between Sinner and Novak Djokovic the world #1 player. I’ve been watching Djokovic play for the last 25 years. I have never seen him play with such lethargy and lack of purpose. I suspect Djokovic was paid big money to ‘throw that match’ to enable SINNER to win the Australian Open Tournament. I now suspect total corruption, even in major sporting events that were designed to be fair play. The main subliminal, subconscious message is, God is a looser and SIN is a winner.
Therefore, corruption is now the name of the game whether it be at the level of State politics or at the level of sport.
The State of Victoria is no doubt a complete fascist, Communist, Nazi, Technocratic State - and the inhabitants are oblivious and unconscious to the fact.
The Australian Synchrotron, which is linked to the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) located in CERN, Switzerland, is a 3 GeV national synchrotron radiation facility located in Clayton, Victoria, a suburb of Melbourne.
Synchrotron technology, or particle accelerator, is the epicentre of all technology advancement - and more than likely the technology that destroyed the Twin Towers on 9/11, 2001. Synchrotrons emit infrared light beams that are used for various scientific and technical purposes in health, materials, environment, energy and more. However, they don’t tell us about the likes of their Direct Energy Weapons (DEWs) that are used to change the electrical charge in the Ionosphere which generates weather manipulation.
Modern technology is rooted in alchemy and the dark world of the occult…… and it is technology that is creating the digital prison in which we live…… therefore modern science and “global warming” is nothing short of blatant sorcery.
The Technocrats have found a way to broadcast their black magic via technology with the energy source of destruction and death. They have the ability to convert biological information into digital information and visa versa. The likes of the 5G towers are actually microwave generating frequency weapons that have nothing to so with high speed internet. Their frequencies are designed to target our brain’s nervous system to make us more docile, angry, sad or anxious depending on the situation and the outcome they so desire. Soon they will target the personal DNA of individuals to quantum entangle their minds with the ‘master mind’ of their Sentient World Simulation (SWS) Quantum Computers.
The artificial electrons, or ‘warm and wet’ qubits, that are entangled in our bodies, communicating cell to cell, will also be instantaneously entangled with the electrons, or qubits, in the centralised Quantum Computers, SWS. The embedded Quantum Dots (QD’s) now act as a Quantum Computer themselves, functioning as a brain/SWS computer interface. This system surreptitiously gives the Swiss Octagon automated control over the human mind, body and spirit. The SWS becomes like a mind control minder, administering commands. In other words, once 5G activates the process, Quantum entanglement becomes the operating system to control each person.
Here is where it all began…..
“Besides John Dee and Edward Kelly’s interest in alchemy, from AD1570 Dee advocated a policy supporting the political and economic strengthening of England and the establishment of colonies in the New World. It was Dee's colonisation dream many years before Bacon, who first referred to the new world as “Atlantis”. Dee would have been proud to have read Sir Francis Bacon's book called ‘New Atlantis’.”
It was John Dee's angelic communications which brought into focus the parallel roles of magic, science and religion. Therefore, it all began literally hundreds of years prior to the formation of the pit of hell at CERN, Switzerland in 1952.
Therefore, Technocracy and Transhumanism took root with John Dee communicating with fallen angels some 454 years ago. It is no wonder the first Quantum Computer to be built was a Canadian company called D-Wave - “Dee-Wave”.
Why is this important to understand? Because it has been made known that a quantum qubit chip can manifest millions of demonic entities which come from a parallel universe of fallen angels - these spiritual entities are intent on destroying mankind and everything associated with God’s creation.
What is common to all of these alien entities is that they despise God and the hatred towards the creator God is no longer confined to secret societies - it is unbounding in all of society.
These spiritual parasites have infiltrated the minds of humanity in order to erase all God-consciousness and thus destroy humanities’ only source of Life-giving energy. The essence of these spiritual parasites is destruction and death. The NWO philosophy is the subtle demolition of all of God’s creation.
The number one method of communication between Lucifer/Satan and mankind, and between members of both the 'dark' and 'light' side, is symbology. The events on 9/11 2001 were full of symbology. e.g. President Bush reading the famous children story, “The Pet Goat” whilst the destruction of the World Trade Centre occurred. Bush was noted reading the book upside down shortly before he was advised. This symbolism of “inversion” was a clear message of Satanic ritual, as Satan inverts everything God has created, since that is one of his character traits.
Eleven years (also symbolic) later, in 2012, ’I, Pet Goat II’ was written, directed, produced and edited by Louis Lefebvre.
Notice some of the relevant symbolism during this movie….
the mark of the beast barcode on the goats forehead
the goat is imprisoned, trapped and mindlessly not knowing how to escape
notice the puppet master is Lucifer and Satan, the MASTERMINDs, ARCHITECTs & BUILDERs of the counterfeit matrix. It is dualistic in nature, thus playing one side and/or the other.
the Masonic, dualistic black & white floor
the puppet representing humanity; the puppeteer representing the spiritual mafia MOB
notice the similarities to CERN’s SYMMETRY, the dance of the cosmos
the blond girl in the white dress is symbolic of a sacrifice (this is a requirement for increased Satanic power to be released by the FORCE) In the occult, a sacrifice is required to establish “new life”
notice the division of the apple into two halves (duality). From the seeds two stems grow, which come together to sprout a lotus flower; the sign of a new beginning. The lotus flower is a symbol of enlightenment and purity……..
This is a fake, counterfeit representation of a new beginning, enlightenment and purity of heart. By definition ‘counterfeit’ means - if there is an exact imitation of something valuable, then has to be an original, genuine new beginning, enlightenment and purity that comes from a just primary source of divine Intelligence.
For Technocracy and Transhumanism to proceed with its “Science of Social Engineering”, the masses must be micro-managed to segregate all dissenters into a digital panopticon. When an individual becomes sufficiently repulsive, there are multiple options to “legally” erase them altogether.
Who are the enemies of the Beast “system”? They may include the likes of truth tellers, constitutionalists, U.S. patriots, conservatives, individualists, some Christians, protestors at school board meetings, right brain thinkers, those who are God-conscious, owners of precious metals, anti-immigration advocates, gun owners, and those who spread “malinformation”, which is defined as “truth that causes distrust in authority”.
The most foremost enemies of the Beast “system” are those who love God with His unconditional love - the reason these people cause a major threat to the MOB is because they cannot be mind controlled and manipulated like the majority. And they have the spiritual seal of protection of God’s Holy Spirit, therefore they are fully aware and God-conscious of what is going on behind the scenes.
Michio Kaku asks “What happens when AI and Quantum Computing join forces?” For many years Oxford physicist David Deutsch believed “Quantum computation will be the first technology that allows useful tasks to be performed in collaboration between parallel universes.”
The trick in quantum computing is to harness the entanglement of different particles -- what Einstein called the "spooky action at a distance" - that allows one particle to affect another particle somewhere else, irrespective of the separation of distance. The MOB has essentially harnessed the law of cause and affect to further their occult practices.
Quantum Computers (QCs) are the wildcard acting behind the scenes. QCs will be used to fully integrate demonic entities into this world to create Humanity 2.0. The Chinese have now built the fastest QC in the world, the Jiuzhang Computer, being 100 trillion times fast than the world’s fastest Super computer. Don’t miss this - every added cubit doubles the the number of accessible parallel universes.
So when a QC chip has the power of 500 cubits, it has 2500 parallel universes exiting within that chip. That equates to 2500demonic entities residing in that chip. D-Wave now has a QC that operates with over 7,000 qubits. Therefore the numbers of spiritual parasites operating within our sphere of existence is innumerable - and the increase is exponential.
This is the real war humanity is fighting! It is an unseen enemy! These spiritual parasites are labelled by the MOB by many names - a ‘virus’ is just one of them. A ‘virus’ generates fear because it supposedly exits in the unseen realm. However, fear is the essence of spiritual parasites, and it is fear that spreads the energy of death amongst humanity, not a virus.
‘Deus Ex Machina’ is Latin for ‘god/s out of the machine’. This amply describes mankind’s possession with technology. It is empowering mankind to think they can control nature, control God and live immortality. The desire to feel empowered in his own right was why Adam believed Lucifer’s lure of temptation in the first place and fell into iniquity. Nothing has changed for 6,000 years and is now coming to a spiritual and physical climax. The root cause of our separation from God and quantum disentanglement is coming to a culmination.
Notice Jordie Rose states that they have already opened the floodgates (portals) of these ‘Great Old Ones’, or parallel universes, and are exploiting these in unimaginable ways ….
Mankind is tapping into, and experiencing these unseen resources in order to overcome his/her problems. The main problem they have is overcoming their hidden weaknesses, corruption of heart, iniquity or unconsciousness - all the problems associated with our separation from the only God, YHWH.
The bottom line is - mankind is playing God through the medium of multiple gods.
However, mankind will never resolve these problems himself or herself because consciousness comes solely from our creator God Himself.
God knows this whilst existing outside of time, therefore He provided a divine answer for humanity - the sacrifice of His only Son - His blood reestablishes the fusion of God and mankind through quantum entanglement.
The main point I would like to establish is, we can only experience the unseen realm through quantum entanglement. Jordie Rose is quite brazen about his direct experiences with the occult realm. However, very few Christians actually experience the creator God, YHWH, and His unconditional love through His pure quantum field. Therefore their faith is knowledge based and theoretical, not relational and experiential. It is this endeavour that expands our trust in the creator God, YHWH.