Our lives are all about perception. How we perceive God and how we perceive life is so important to our health and wellbeing. However we now live in perceptual servitude - this is not normal, nor natural.
How would it be if the way our mind perceives reality could be changed into a Virtual Reality - or a Alternative Reality - permanently? How about if the MOB could use this change of reality to deMORALise society? It is no longer a question of “Is it happening?” It is happening at an alarming rate……
The key to understanding this is to answer the question ….. Why is it happening? The answer to this question lies in the fact that the electromagnetic spectrum is the grand sum of our reality and visible light is a narrow band within it that we can observe. We were created to observe our world from within that narrow band.
Listen closely to this video filmed in 1993: This guy in the video below was an electrical engineer for a Military Industrial Contracting company operating at Montauk Airforce Base on Long Island, N.Y. base back in 1972. He says, the mind of a human being is naturally electromagnetic and can also be influenced by electromagnetic fields from outside of our being - this is the principle of epigenetics. The spiritual mafia MOB was working this out more than 50 years ago. So why were we not taught this in university?
He poses the question; “Is our intelligence inside the brain or is it some quantum function outside of the brain?” He believes the brain is a physical computer interface and our mind’s intelligence is outside the brain. I also happen to believe that our mind is an electromagnetic energy receiver and transmitter. Our brain is actually the world’s fastest quantum computer designed by God Himself and the data and information our brain CPU produces energetically is what we call our mind. In other words, our mind is an energetic field of pure Information - or distorted disinformation - or a mixture.
Using the Montauk Airforce Base bases’ radar they carried out what they called the “Microwave Oven Experiment” which could potentially fry a human’s brain - literally. By using the right amount of power output, and somehow reversing the radar’s output, they discovered a means of entering a human’s mind and controlling them by typing in logic computer commands…. and then the human could be made to manifest what he was thinking in his mind. Alien intelligence told them how to create a Virtual reality from our mind whilst it was acting as an amplifier. This Virtual reality is an artificial presentation of computer data instructions to do work, that would interface with our mind.
This artificial information could overtake a person’s normal defence system and the person would become subject to the formate that was presented by the computer’s commands, thus manifesting the scenario he was imagining in his mind. This Virtual reality - which is really a demonic reality - demonstrated the power of the mind to integrate with, and change not only a persons thoughts and behaviour, but also his auric field, soul and spirit - which is a combination of our own energetic /electromagnetic field.
This has become a direct means of mind control…..
The formation of any form of Virtual reality in our mind, whether it be through smoking, taking any form of illicit drugs or Big Pharma drugs including coffee, alcohol, TV, watching movies, corporate entertainment or by creating a VR in our minds, exposes us to a synthetic, esoteric, mystical reality - which are all a subtle forms of controlling the mind.
The Lawnmower Man is a 1992 science fiction movie about a simple gardener who is turned into a genius by computer science and Virtual reality experiments, but he rebels against the scientist and the technology. It is where the imaginary world of our mind becomes real.
This of course is a preemptive movie that preconditions us to accept what has now become a reality in 2024. Enter Apple Vision Pro which has an alien designed computer interface that has the ability to take human thoughts that are visualising artificial images, and then manifest a complete physical reality out of that visual image, that we now know as a Virtual Reality (VR).
This is a magician’s trick that is now manifesting in the real world…….
The radar transmitter this electrical engineer is talking about is our modern day 5/6G towers. They are nothing more than microwave transmitters that produce electromagnetic information that will be directed into our minds - and will interface with the likes of the Apple Vision Pro technology. As he says, “thought form” is transmitted in Continuous Waveform (CW) power. The CW power output of the “Microwave Oven Experiment” was in the order of 100 megawatt (MW), and the Pulsed Power was in the order of Terawatts which is equal to one trillion watts…… and is so named because it can TERRORise people.
Pulsed Power is defined as ‘technology that consists in accumulating energy over some period of time, then releases it very quickly’. This is the same principle used by the MOB to release Direct Energy Weapons from a Synchrotron located at Brookhaven, Long Island, NY, [which is located midway between Montauk and Manhattan btw. Oh, this must be another coincidence!] that fired laser beams to bring the Twin Towers down in dust on 9/11, 2001. 9/11 was an inside job, just like the erection of 5/6G towers all over the globe was, and still is, an inside job. Inside the spiritual mafia MOB [or OVERLORDS].
This technology that was refined back in 1993, is now rolling out in real time… this Virtual Reality is becoming our reality. I wrote about Virtual Reality or Alternate Reality in detail back in 2022 in Beelzebub - Descarte's Demons. Now read how the new technology targets our own ego with its self-centred, selfish desires that will re-wire our brain and eventually destroy us……
This is how we will fall into the trap of entertaining demonic entities in our own mind!
Patrick Wood’s Technocracy News published this article on Feb. 12th 2024……..
Apple Vision Pro highlights the dangers posed by blended reality goggles to literally re-wire your brain. Synthetic environments distort distance, disassociate your body in space and time, distort real objects, and create new ones. Your reality is manufactured by you and specific only to you, forfeiting shared reality by those around you.
Got pesky people in the room? Delete them. Don’t want to see homeless people on the way to work? Erase them. Want to turn your home into a perpetual “Ready Player One”, no problem.
“What we’re about to experience is, using these headsets in public, common ground disappears,” Bailenson says. “People will be in the same physical place, experiencing simultaneous, visually different versions of the world. We’re going to lose common ground.“
Losing the ability to share common experiences and perspectives turns your “reality” into a one-off hallucination known only to you.
This will eventually push millions of people into a condition of clinical psychosis:
Psychosis is when people lose some contact with reality. This might involve seeing or hearing things that other people cannot see or hear (hallucinations) and believing things that are not actually true (delusions). It may also involve confused (disordered) thinking and speaking.
The 3 main symptoms of psychosis are:
hallucinations – where a person hears, sees and, in some cases, feels, smells or tastes things that do not exist outside their mind but can feel very real to the person affected by them; a common hallucination is hearing voices
delusions – where a person has strong beliefs that are not shared by others; a common delusion is someone believing there’s a conspiracy to harm them
disordered thinking and speaking – a person’s thoughts and ideas come very quickly, which can make their speech fast and confusing
This is simulacrum! Does Apple understand what it is doing to humanity? Undoubtedly. That’s the point. If Technocrats already Live in a simulacrum, why wouldn’t they want you to live there too? ⁃ TN Editor
Then read this article Beware: The Apple Vision Pro may rewire our brains in unexpected ways POSTED BY: ADAM ROGERS VIA BUSINESSINSIDER
The reviews are in, and the tech press is lauding the Apple Vision Pro headset for delivering on the company’s promises. It’s well-designed, the video and sound are startlingly precise, the “Minority Report”-style gestural interface is future-tastic. Nobody’s exactly sure what it’s for, or whether even the Readiest Players One will spend $3,500 on it, but hey — that’s gadgets for you.
Still, this is a new gadget frontier. The Vision Pro, like the similarly kitted-out Quest 3 and Quest Pro headsets from Meta, uses what’s known as “passthrough” video — cameras and other sensors that capture imagery of the outside world and reproduce it inside the device. They feed you a synthetic environment made to look like the real one, with Apple apps and other non-real elements floating in front of it. Apple and Meta are hoping that this virtual world will be so compelling that you won’t just visit. They’re hoping you’ll live there.
That, unfortunately, could have some very weird and very messy consequences for the human brain. Researchers have found that widespread, long-term immersion in VR headsets could literally change the way we perceive the world — and each other. “We now have companies who are advocating that you spend many hours each day in them,” says Jeremy Bailenson, director of the Virtual Human Interaction Lab at Stanford. “You’ve got many, many people, and they’re wearing it for many, many hours. And everything magnifies at scale.”
Meaning: Our brains are about to undergo a massive, society-wide experiment that could rewire our sense of the world around us, and make it even harder to agree on what constitutes reality.
The short-term side effects of virtual reality are well established. People in synthetic environments tend to misjudge distance, both at a distance and close up. That’s no surprise: Even in the real, three-dimensional universe, our ability to determine how close or far away something is is subject to all kinds of external factors. Virtual environments, with their lower resolution and synthetic 3D, make all that worse — which is especially bad if you’re one of those users posting videos of yourself doing things like skateboarding and driving while wearing a mixed-reality headset. You think your hands are in one place, they’re actually in another, and pretty soon you’re driving your Honda Civic through a supermarket.
Objects in a headset can also get funhoused. That’s called object distortion — things get warped, and change size or shape or color, especially when you move your head. A video render can’t compete with the processing speed and fidelity of your eyes and brain.
These are all, as the IT people say, known issues. For a few minutes or an hour, long enough to play a game or watch a movie, they’re minor annoyances. But wear perception-shifting glasses for days at a time — as Bailenson’s team of researchers did — and the problems get worse. Way worse.
The team wore Vision Pros and Quests around college campuses for a couple of weeks, trying to do all the things they would have done without them (with a minder nearby in case they tripped or walked into a wall). They experienced “simulator sickness” — nausea, headaches, dizziness. That was weird, given how experienced they all were with headsets of all kinds. And they felt all the distance and distortion effects: thinking elevator buttons were farther from their fingers, or experiencing difficulty bringing food to their mouths. But as any of us would, they adapted — their brains and muscles learned to compensate for their new view of the world.
That seems like a solution, but it ain’t. When people adapt to a perceptual change for long enough, the real world starts to look wrong in the opposite direction. If you wore glasses that turned your vision upside down, let’s say, you’d have to adapt again when the glasses came off. The longer you’re inside a funhouse world, the longer the weird perceptual aftereffects last. So people who spend their workday inside a Vision Pro might go home at night with a miscalibrated targeting system and what feels like a shroom hangover.
Here’s where the passthrough video gets uniquely important. Old-school cyberpunk envisioned virtual reality as an all-encompassing synthetic environment. New-school techies, meanwhile, proposed an augmented reality of digital pop-ups floating on see-through lenses, Google Glass-style. But both of those approaches have limits. Full, sense-isolating VR hasn’t progressed much further than niche entertainment, while AR tends to make both its apps and the real world look bad. From a visual standpoint, passthrough is the least-worst solution — but its social consequences are scarier.
Because passthrough captures and then re-renders reality, it can have an unnerving, distancing effect over time. When Bailenson’s colleagues actually tried to talk to people, the world turned into a giant, confusing Zoom. Video chats, as we’ve all experienced, are plagued by delays in responses and missed social cues. Conversations lose subtlety, but it’s good enough for a meeting. But passthrough magnifies the effect — the people you talk to start to seem unreal. Up close, they look like avatars. Farther away, they become just part of the background.
Bailenson describes the feeling as one of social absence. Other people just aren’t fully there. He doesn’t put it this way, but I’ll wave the warning flag: Long-term use of passthrough headsets could make it easier to think of other people as unhumans — non-player characters in a gamified, uncanny valley.
We all live in our own perceptual bubbles. Every person has slightly different sensory thresholds — we see colors a little bit differently, hear at different levels of acuity, are more or less sensitive to different odors. And we process all that with brains uniquely tuned first by our genes, and then by a lifetime of neural changes, of thinking and doing.
But in general, we agree on some common ground. Even if your blue looks a little different than mine, we can agree on what color the sky is. Maybe my tolerance for chili peppers is higher than yours, but we both know when we’re eating them.
Headsets make the walls of those sensory bubbles even thicker, and harder to bridge. We already lack for common ground politically. Now, as millions of Americans wear VR headsets for hours at a time, we may find ourselves unable to agree on our physical reality. The headsets will put things into our visual world that aren’t there for anyone else. The objects aren’t objective.
And that’s not all. “These headsets can not only add things to the real world, they can also delete them,” Bailenson says. He first realized VR’s strange editing function while he was playing a game on the Quest 3 that “knocked out” portions of the real walls around him and replaced them with a virtual scene. “I’ve been doing VR and AR for a while,” he says, “and I had never in my life seen deletion work so well.”
At first that seems pretty great. Stuck on a crowded bus? Delete everyone and replace them with the first-class cabin of a jumbo jet. Hate intrusive billboards? Replace all the commercial images with soothing vistas of your choosing.
But what happens when the technology gets good enough to delete, say, homeless people? Or Pride flags? You can see where I’m going here — literal erasure. When the sci-fi writer William Gibson came up with the concept of cyberspace, he described it as a “consensual hallucination.” This is the exact opposite — billions of discrete, unshared hallucinations, each one snowflake-special.
“What we’re about to experience is, using these headsets in public, common ground disappears,” Bailenson says. “People will be in the same physical place, experiencing simultaneous, visually different versions of the world. We’re going to lose common ground.”
This link is well worth it…..
This technology will be used by Lucifer to ensnare our minds with demonic entities. That will be the cause. The affect will be, mankind will become ‘gods’ in their own right. We individuals will become the judges of right and wrong, not the just divine God of heaven - our own unjust decision making will be entirely subjective according to “do as thou wilt”.
So what happens when the technology gets good enough to delete say a “conspiracy theorist”? Or someone who loves our creator God? Or someone who loves unconditionally as opposed to hating someone?
Remember one definition of X = delete! Delete who?
SHAWN PAUL MELVILLE says “Transhumanism is a multi-tiered grand design that is a full spectrum weapons systems devised to interface, cyber enslave and harvest every man, woman and child in order for the hereditary elite to achieve their Singularity. Transhumanists are bringing about their Singularity utilizing 5G, Graphene Oxide, mRNA technology…… and your FEAR.”
For further knowledge on this topic of 5G transmitters and microwave technology, I encourage you to subscribe and read “GQD Particle: The Transhumanist Quantum Agenda” in the Substack app.
Remember, all FEAR is a physical manifestation of Lucifer and Satan’s demonic entities that I call spiritual parasites - because that is exactly what they are - a parasite requires a host to live off. We unredeemed humans are that host! “A parasite is an organism living in, on, or with another organism in order to obtain nutrients, grow, or multiply often in a state that directly or indirectly harms the host.” If spiritual parasites have no humans to feed off and suck life out of, Lucifer and Satan remain powerless.
Absolutely POWERLESS!
Think and meditate about that Truth!