This Substack focuses on relationships and blood covenants - why are they both important? And how are these two topics are related to each other!
What are your thoughts?
According to Tej Steiner, the founder of the power of communicating in heart circles many years ago, if we want social resonance in our relationships we need to learn to make verbal agreements together. The purpose of all social interaction between people is to support one another in receiving what each person wants from that interaction. He says that the closer we feel related to others [like blood relatives and family], the easier relationships will be. If we perceive we are seperate from another, we will fail to relate to them in a meaningful way. This perception of separation is a myth and an illusion, because essentially we are all related - and that false perception destroys relational resonance one with another. In order to relate, we have to make an agreement that we are in this together to support each other in reaching our God given desires.
This could be said that generally, this was how it was prior to March 2020 when the myth of separation consumed the world. So what transpired?
So what was the trigger for the myth of separation - fear. The fear of death. People are terrified to meet their Maker.
As I’ve said many times. We are relational beings because we have been created in the image of God - and we are spiritual beings because we have been created in the image of God. If we perceive the myth that we are separate from our creator God, then there is no relationship to be had. At that moment fear and a lack of trust enters our heart. Given time, we rationalise and try to justify our predicament, then find good reason to hate God.
Have you ever considered what your Creator wants from you in order to make the relationship work? God certainly knows what you want. However a relationship is a two way deal. And our wants need to be congruent, otherwise it will not work. I want to consider the whole issue of ‘agreements’, and who we are spiritually connected and contracted too. Who have we pledged our spiritual allegiance too? To whom have we secretly sworn an oath too?
A spiritual connection with God encourages complete openness and honesty. However, that cannot transpire when we are hiding in fear. We cannot fear someone and love them too. That is impossible.
If that is so, who filled our spiritual void? According to Lucifer, it was him. According to Lucifer WE ARE THE PYSWAR SOLDIERS FIGHTING HIS WAR AGAINST GOD. That is the contract Lucifer and Satan have made with mankind - a trade or agreement that allowed mankind to gain technical Information and demonic Intelligence. This recruiting video for the US army summaries the game at play. Listen and watch it intently. This movie literally gives their game away! It is called Ghosts in the Machine.
The spiritual mafia MOB, or our OVERLORDS, know that if we have knowingly or unknowingly broken our spiritual agreement with God and maintain a a myth and an illusion that creates a perception of separation, then we have automatically given our birthright over to Lucifer.
We cannot have a foot in both camps, like so many try to do!
This final battle, which will soon include WW3, is all about who own us spiritually. It is a battle for our minds. If we do not trust our creator God, and we have broken that covenant with Him, then we are in agreement with another spiritual entity. This agreement is a legally binding contract in God’s economy.
Yeshua said to His disciples, “But who do you say that I am?” Simon Peter replied, “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.” And Yeshua answered him, “Blessed are you, Simon Bar-Jonah! For flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but My Father who is in heaven. And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.”
What is the “rock on which Yeshua will build His church?” It is the revelation direct from heaven that Yeshua is “the Messiah, the Son of the living God”. This is the main verse of Scripture that the ‘Roming’ Catholic Church took and bastardised by misinterpreting the Truth right from the establishment of the Christian church in AD 312. The Roman Catholic Church was created in separation from God - and outside of any relational agreement with God.
Our spiritual Saviour, Yeshua created a blood covenant with every human being in AD 30 in order to enable us to reenter the Tree of Life and resume relationship, and agreement with God.
The Roman Catholic Church raped mankind of the power of that blood covenant, and illegally instilled their Pope and priests as mediums between man and God.
We DO NOT need any mediums - nor do we need to make any blood covenants - to have relationship with God and be quantum entangled to Him and His Holy Spirit.
In order to highlight the power of a blood covenant, oath, treaty, seal, agreement or contract in relation to who we belong too spiritually, let’s acknowledge that all of the original indigenous tribes [like the Aboriginals here in Australia, American Indians, Mayans, Incas, Polynesians etc.] all have the same version of ‘the gods’ they worship and have a common theme of the cutting of wrists together and the mingling of their blood as a sign of peace and friendship.
Here is a good example of how a blood covenant enables tribes and individuals to become blood brothers ….
“In 1869, the New York Herald newspaper sent their overseas news correspondent, Henry Stanley, to find the Scottish missionary and explorer, Dr. David Livingstone. Dr. Livingstone had disappeared for six years and Stanley was sent to prove he was not dead. In 1871, Stanley found Livingstone.
During his expedition, Stanley came in contact with a powerful African tribe, but he was in no condition to fight them. When his interpreter suggested he make a covenant with the tribal chieftain, Stanley did so which required days of negotiations with the chief. After the terms of the covenant were reached, an exchange of gifts ensued. The chief wanted Stanley’s goat and nothing less in exchange for his seven-foot spear. Stanley reluctantly yielded, but felt he got the lesser end of the deal. The goat had provided Stanley’s much- needed milk for his health, so what good would a spear be to him? More than he realised.
Next, the tribal priest brought forth a cup of wine. The old chief selected one of his sons, a prince, and required Stanley to select an Englishman. Both became substitutes for the covenant-makers and representatives of the two parties. The priest made an incision in each man’s wrist and let their blood drip into the wine. The cup was stirred and they each drank from the mixed blood and wine. Then the priest pronounced terrible curses over Stanley. Then Stanley’s interpreter pronounced curses over the chieftain, his family and tribe; curses that would come upon anyone who broke the covenant. Finally, the two men rubbed their cut wrists together, along with gunpowder, to mingle their blood and become blood brothers. The gunpowder remained as a visible mark of their covenant.
This act not only bound Stanley and the chieftain together, it included the tribal warriors with the company of Englishmen. The blood brotherhood became permanent and a tree was planted as a memorial of the covenant. After the covenant ceremony, the chieftain declared to his people, “Come, buy and sell with Stanley, for he is our blood brother.”
From then on, Stanley and his men no longer guarded their possessions. Nothing was touched. To steal from Stanley and his men was to break the covenant and steal from the chieftain himself—an act which brought the penalty of death.
Everywhere Stanley went in Africa, the spear proved to be more powerful than the goat. That copper-wound spear carried the old chieftain’s authority and everybody bowed to him and submitted to him. Blood covenant was so sacred it was never broken by anyone. Neither Stanley or Livingstone ever witnessed anyone breaking it. No one could remain alive in Africa who broke a covenant. The curses would overtake them, carried out by the people bound to the covenant. Covenants were so revered that children to the third and fourth generations would keep it.”
Nothing has changed in Africa….and nothing has changed in the rest of the world…. blood covenants, or legal spiritual contracts are still required to be consented too.
Each member of the spiritual mafia MOB and the likes of high level Freemasonry are required to consent to making a blood covenant with Lucifer.
This whole article is worth a read, because it highlights what Lucifer and our OVERLORDS are demanding us to do the same right now. Break that word OVERLORDS down to over-LORDS. The LORD of this world is Lucifer and he demands that we come into agreement with him and cut a blood covenant that declares that we submit to his rule.
This is not a conspiracy theory - it is NOT a theory - this is literally the greatest conspiracy to ever be perpetrated and inflicted on humanity.
This is not futuristic, there is now hardcore evidence to prove that if we comply to the current CV-19 “needle”, or the forth coming PATCH, we are legally owned by the pharmaceutical company producing it. This is international law. That is why all vaccines are legally Patented both in the U.S. and worldwide.
The outcome we choose has permanent implications that are outside of this portal of time. How we respond to this dilemma will determine our spiritual destiny - eternally. We can either live “The Immoral Lie” or we can live “The Absolute Moral Truth”. As we have said, it all boils down to who owns our spirit and soul! The one who owns our mind and the Intelligence driving our DNA owns our spirit and soul. If you have willingly consented to being injected with the spiritual mafia MOB’s bioweapon, you are now “patented” and owned as property. You are seen as a commodity to be traded, not as a human being.
Alaskan Judge Anna Von Reitz shares the truth in this article: “In 2013, in a US Supreme Court Case, Pathology v. Myriad Genetics, Inc., 569 U.S. 576, the court ruled that changing the human genome via an mRNA injection creates a new genome that can be patented and owned by the patent holder. Everyone who received the purported vaccine is now “patented” and owned as property by the Vermin. Everyone who has been jabbed is considered “trans-human”. Trans-humans are not considered natural, so have no Natural and Unalienable Rights. Trans-humans are not considered humans, so they have no human rights. Trans-humans can have no equal civil rights, because any standard of “equal” rights has been destroyed. H.J. Resolution 48 of the 116th Congress, (2019-2020) proposes a Constitutional Amendment that those rights protected by the constitutional agreements apply to “natural persons only”.”
What you need to understand is that everything the spiritual mafia MOB is doing has been deemed legal under global Marine Law which is certified by Lord Lucifer and his alien and demonic benefactors. Essentially they are a law unto themselves.
These views are also shared by both Professor James Giordano, the chief antagoniser representing DARPA and Karen Kingston who is an expert in the interpretation of the thousands of global CV-19 Patents that have been legally actioned in order to secure your spirit and soul for their Baal and Pharaonic gods. Dr. James Giordano, Chief of the Neuroethics Studies Program, openly states that The Brain is the Battlefield of the Future.
Karen Kingston says: “Per a 2018 West Point lecture given by Professor James Giordano at West Point’s Modern War Institute, PEGylated lipid nanoparticles have been used as aerosolised neuroweapons to emotionally and mentally hijack influential leaders. Lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) can also be used to induce a pandemic of ‘the worried well’ or a ‘pandemic of strokes’ (blood clotting). Per PFIZER’s document submission for their August 23, 2021, FDA approval, there are PEGylated lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) and other LNPs in the PFIZER COVID-19 mRNA vaccines. The PEGylated lipids and LNPs found in the mRNA vaccines are both medical devices and military grade nanoweapons. COVID-19 mRNA vaccines not only meet the criteria as military grade bioweapons, but also meet the criteria of neuroweapons (crossing the blood brain barrier). The COVID-19 mRNA vaccines also meet the criteria of radioactive weapons containing technologies that emit radiation (Qdot and Bluetooth electronic devices). The COVID-19 mRNA vaccines also meet the criteria of chemical weapons (delivering toxins and neurotoxins from the WIV1 S-2P spike protein). On February 27, 2020, HHS Secretary Alex Azar authorized the development of mRNA vaccines to counteract the effects of a chemical, biological, radioactive or nuclear (CBRN) weapon. But the bottom line is that the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines themselves are chemical, biological and radioactive weapons. Not only do the mRNA vaccines meet the criteria for weapons of mass destruction (WMDs), they can willfully cause far more damage to humanity than a nuclear bomb.”
However, Pro. James Giordano’s plan requires our consent in order to succeed……
The ownership of our mind, spirit and soul all depends on which spirit we are wilfully participating in right now in the present moment. That spiritual participation plays out in the quantum field and determines which spirit we are ‘quantum entangled’ too. That spiritual ‘entanglement’ determines everything in this material world!
Either way, it involves blood sacrifice. Following the Serpent and “doing what thou wilt” requires the sacrifice of a life - it maybe even your life - whilst Yeshua haMashiach, the perfect Lamb of God, performed the only pure and sin-free sacrifice for the atonement of man's trespasses, sins and iniquities; past, present, and future.
This Reality brings me to my third premise regarding spirituality. It is a quantum reality that states that whatever we humans entertain in our lives spiritually, manifests itself in the physical realm. Therefore….
IT IS ALL ABOUT SPIRITUAL OWNERSHIP! Everything will depend on which Spirit/spirits owns your own spirit! If you are “vaccinated”, you are now “patented” and owned as property. Within the Beast system, your soul is then owned and traded by Lucifer and Satan’s representatives on the common market.
I know you would like to shoot the messenger - I would too if I wasn’t privy to the Truth!
The whole Plandemic was/is based on a lie about ownership; that is who owns you?! The bottom line is this; if you have taken their poisonous “vaccine” which is in fact a bioweapon against you; then you are effectively signing the ownership of your body, soul and spirit to the Corporations signed up with the WEF, who plan to rule the world as a dictatorship [search their website for ‘all our partners’]. If so, you are now “patented” and owned as property. They not only own your soul, but they own your entire being. You are no longer a living entity but a cyborg with a digital passport ID. You are no longer a human being, but an entity being, taking on the characteristics of Lucifer, your Lord. You are spiritually partnered with, and in agreement with, the spiritual kingdom of Lucifer/Satan. Once the MOB have legal ownership of you, you become a souless entity, just like them. It is a type of spiritual cloning.
Dr David Martin, who is a Patent law expert confirms that there is a global criminal cartel using mind control tactics to manipulate the minds of the masses.
In this video, Dr David Martin spoke in the European Parliament - at the International COVID Summit III 5-3-23 - addressing the weaponisation of nature against humanity with the issue of biological patents. Remember the definition of iniquity or corruption of heart being the root of the problem, and sin is merely the fruit? Then consider what Martin here says…. “Wake up people, stop fooling yourself. We debate the leaves on the tree, of what we call this pandemic, but we are not going to the root.”
This is how you can begin to move off the OVERLORD’S chess board. This is how you can STOP playing their game. Dr David Martin starts to explain why and how. In the next Substack we will pursuit this further…..
In the meantime, take Dr David Martin’s advise. Let’s STOP giving our OVERLORD’s any air time in our lives. Therefore, let’s STOP giving this Beast system’s LORD, Lucifer, any air time in our lives. However, there is only one “Way” we can do that……
For those who don’t yet believe that the Black Nobility - the merchant bankers from the Canton of Geneva and the Bank of International Settlements (BIS) from Basel, Switzerland pull the strings, listen to someone who has actually experienced their wrath…. Liz Truss, the former Prime Minister of theUnited Kingdom. Btw, notice how unconscious the woman standing on Liz’s left is….. a total mind controlled zombie - look at the expressionless face.
Now here is a word of hope for those who have been “injected”. There is hope. Your creator God is a God of justice, forgiveness and unconditional love. He cares for you like no other! God sent Yeshua as a blood sacrifice for you. That is a blood covenant that not even the Devil can break. If you choose to run to God, He will out run you! All He wants is communication, agreement and relationship. Try Tej Steiner’s method and sit in a circle and imagine yourself, Yeshua, God and God’s Holy Spirit in attendance - a communication circle works because that is how energy flows - in a circle, or more precisely, as a vortex.
No….. the MOB didn’t teach you that at university…. yet they know it - it is one of their hidden secrets! And they use this knowledge as a counterfeit measure against us. All Direct Energy Weapons (DEWs) and microwave technology is programmed to move as a vortex.
All your creator God wants is to transform your perception of separation from a myth and an illusion, into His natural Reality. It is all very natural and easily engaged in!
The blood covenant or patented contract that Lucifer is forging with you is a blatant counterfeit of Yeshua’s blood covenant, undertaking on your behalf. Yeshua defeated the Beast in AD 30 when He overcame DEATH for us all.
All we need to do to apply this is create a totally renewed perspective within our own minds……
So let’s be thankful for the spiritual mafia MOB who are now revealing their counterfeit narrative of deception to the world. If we didn’t have this, many would not come to an understanding of the Truth.
If you come to an understanding of the unethical counterfeit, just flip it 180° and you will discover the Truth. It is not rocket science - it is just ethical common sense.
The Truth can only be found in Yeshua’s blood Covenant - our spiritual forefathers called this a New Covenant or new agreement between God and mankind, the New Testament - which was a true written record until the OVERLORDs tampered with it.
But, they cannot tamper with Yeshua, the Word of God, and your creator. The Jewish Pharisees tried and failed miserably. He set the foundation for us to became a blood brother with Him, and so experience resurrection LIFE, in AD 30.
Isn’t that just amazing? Time is not a factor in God’s kingdom!
I’m guessing you are starting to understand that this war we are fighting is between LIFE and DEATH. However, from God’s perspective, the war is already WON. The Beast is DEAD! More about that next time…..
So herein lies the key…. the transformation must begin in the spirit realm.