The Serpent’s deception of Eve in the Garden of Eden was no doubt the greatest spiritual coup d’état in the history of mankind. This robed mankind of their energetic entanglement with the God of creation. The Serpent’s deception of the original church called the “Way”, enacted by Constantine in AD 313, was the second greatest spiritual coup d’état in the history of mankind. This robed those who trusted in the resurrection of Yeshua haMashiach, the energetic entanglement with His divinity. The Serpent’s deception of each individual and the establishment of the Beast’s New World Order is the third greatest spiritual coup d’état in the history of mankind. The release of the Global Reset and the implementation of digital currencies will be the finale of any freewill choice. This has never happened before on such a huge scale in the history of mankind. This means the Serpent’s deception has made many believe that he has won the victory for the souls of mankind.
But for now, let’s focus on the second greatest spiritual coup d’état in the history of mankind, because if we are not consciously aware of this deception, we will automatically fall for the third deception. This is not an illusion or a video replay - this permanent distortion is happening in real time, right now.
Each of these deceptions have, and will, create a permanent distortion [that is what iniquity of heart means]. It is a permanent distortion of both God’s Truth and the evidence of His unconditional love for each individual.
In my second Substack article, I inadvertently left out the picture of Baphomet or the Goat of Mendes. He is a deity that was, and still is, allegedly worshipped by the Knights Templar. The Judas Iscariot, betrayal spirit is a major spiritual parasite used by the “spiritual mafia MOB” in enforcing their agenda upon the innocent. This is used to control ones mind to move the masses towards a predetermined outcome/solution that they would not have chosen to do, if given a sovereign freewill choice.
Known as a Hegelian Dialectic, it is a virtual reality using an artificially created problem [something that creates division] to provoke a reaction, then to bring about a predetermined solution. The Hegelian dialectic is actually an old alchemy motto Solve et Coagula as represented in this picture of Baphomet. The alchemist model was called ‘Solve’ [meaning dissolve] et ‘Coagula’[meaning rejoin]. The spiritual mafia MOB uses the Hegelian dialectic [thesis, antithesis, synthesis] over and over again to bring about their global spiritual coups. Hegelian dialectic is used repeatedly to shape our perceptions of the world.
Typically, a coup d’état is an illegal seizure of power by a political faction, politician, cult, rebel group, military, or a dictator; or by Baphomet himself. What we are witnessing now is the third largest, and final coup d’état which involves Baphomet’s attempt to overthrow and defeat the One God of creation. A coup d’état is defined as ‘the sudden, violent overthrow of an existing government by a small group'. In this case, the existing government is the kingdom of God.
Constantines’ Edict of Milan agreed upon in February AD 313 to treat Christians benevolently within the Roman Empire was the establishment of a thesis that is only starting to reveal its synthesis, or final solution 1,710 years later. The spiritual mafia MOB are very patient with their longterm goals. The establishment of the Roman Catholic Church raped the narrative of Yeshua haMashiach of His divinity and also raped each individual of the power of His resurrection.
Whereas the whole known world ran towards Lord Yeshua’s message of reunification with His Father God, Constantine’s Roman Catholic Church forced everyone to join the church - or die. The State and church became one, and the freedom of one’s soul and spirit became atrophied through a lack of use. Individual’s relationship with the living God therefore wasted away and became rudimentary, immature, undeveloped and really basic.
So you may argue, “Well that maybe so for the Roman Catholic Church, but we are Protestants and that is not so!” Really? How deceived we have become! The Protestant church and the Roman Catholic Church have together formed a Behemoth in the sight of the creator God. Like the other chaos monster Leviathan, metaphorically, the name has come to be used for any extremely large or powerful entity. Both these beasts are extremely strong, unruly and untamable in nature. They are more interested in “do as thou wilt” and thus living unrighteously, than they are in calibrating their own lives to be ‘as it ought to be’ and thus living righteous, regenerated lives.
These Beasts make an appearance again in Revelations 13 in the Great Tribulation as they try to fight against the creator God and can only be slain by Yeshua haMashiach Himself. Like the self-righteous Jewish Pharisees who crucified Lord Yeshua, the self-righteous Christian Pharisees have crucified Lord Yeshua over and over again. Whilst denying the the power of Yeshua’s resurrection to overcome their own iniquity of heart, gentile Christianity has also lost its “Way”.
I call the entire Christian church “ChristoMasonry”….. because it has been infiltrated with a permanent distortion of the Truth. It is essentially Freemasonry [the wolf] in “Christian church” sheep’s clothing. There is no resurrectional power or God given authority in the Behemoth “ChristoMasonry” church. The spiritual mafia MOB or the Pharaonic Octagon, Knights Templar in Geneva, Switzerland have designed it that way in order to implement their final coup d’état!
Be sure to watch the video of this Rabbi right throughout and consider - “Jesus is coming, but he is not Yeshua….”. I know….. it smacks you right in the face. I was floored! I had the wind knocked out of my sails when God revealed this to me! This is a knock out blow to the religion we have placed our faith in for years and years. However….. I’d rather be knocked out now than to be totally knocked out when the true Messiah arrives on judgement day.
Praying for years “in the name of Jesus” has never worked for me…. and if you are really honest with yourself, it has never worked for you! Why? Because the creator God is not in agreement with our ‘flesh’. It is a counterfeit associated with the Beast system.
“Now this I say and testify in the Lord, that you must no longer walk as the Gentiles do, in the futility of their minds. They are darkened in their understanding, alienated from the life of God because of the ignorance that is in them, due to their hardness of heart.” Eph. 4:17-18
Remember - hardness of heart is iniquity of heart. I cannot say it any clearer than that!
“For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths.” 2 Tim 4: 3-4
That “time” is now! I am convinced that the icon, ‘Jesus Christ’ that was created by Constantine in AD 313, is a myth. The spiritual mafia MOB are experts in making myths and distorting the TRUTH.
Next week I’ll begin to prove what this Messianic Rabbi is saying is the truth.
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