“When the student is ready, the teacher will come.” Someone is ready for this truth!
This is a pictorial of what our minds often look like - fragmented and disillusioned.
Here is my claim. What I call the spiritual mafia MOB has one underlying objective - to cause every individual on the planet to fall into a superficial trance - a state of mind control - a state of being where everyones mind is fragmented. They have controlled the education system for centuries to ensure this happening.
They being the Jester - the King always has a mystical Jester in his court - the fool, the clown, the trickster, the myth maker - whereas we, the subjects have become the puppets in the play - the duped, deceived, fooled ones.
Everything in this Beast system is designed to imbed this into our being so that we are no longer a human being created in the image of God - but a being possessing an ‘Augmented Reality’ - something that is not true to who we really are.
Before we look closer at what mind control actually is, it maybe beneficial to easy into the topic with a couple of short videos….
Teal Swan claims Everyone Has Multiple Personalities - Fragmentation, is the Worldwide Disease - and I agree. Teal is speaking to the root of societies problem here. She says, “Understanding Fragmentation as a worldwide disease comes when you understand that fragmentation is something that everyone suffers as a result of coping from our childhoods. Also called multiple personalities, or how most people describe it within themselves are sides or parts of self. "I have a very passionate side", "I have a protective side" etc... Many of these are coping mechanisms developed from perceived or real threats during childhood.”
It needs to be said that I’m not witting this to condemn any reader. I’m with you - not against you on this issue. The mind controlled society we live in has been engineered to take away your freedoms and encaptured you in a digital prison that you more than likely cannot see because they have scattered your 20/20 spiritual vision. This began in earnest in the year 2020…. believe it or not. My desire is to make you aware of the war tactics that are rapidly escalating so you as an individual can choose your own sense of freedom. The chances are, you a victim of mind control and to a degree brainwashed to a very narrow form of critical thinking, reasoning and the gaining of worldly knowledge.
We could call this proposed cleansing a spiritual detox….. it all begins with conscious awareness.
Of course there’s a big difference between having so-called multiple personalities [i.e. different sides to ones self] and having the more dramatic, but real Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID). I’m not saying I even endorse Teal Swan’s solution to resolving and re-calibrating the many different fragments - there is a much easier and beneficial way to re-calibrate our fragmented mind - that is asking God to redeem our past and allow His Holy Spirit to restore that which has been robbed from us through trauma.
However, I am endorsing Teal Swan’s description of what fragmentation is - this is critical information to process - so let’s break it down - maybe you will pick up on something I am missing……
All fragmentation is caused by some form of trauma - trauma is defined as an experience that causes stress that cannot be resolved. It is a severe emotional or mental distress caused by an extremely painful experience.
We all experience traumas and the fragmentation of our mind at some point in our lives.
Dissociation is a very real condition of mind - and often we don’t even know consciously that we are dissociating - just like we are not conscious of the fact that we are spiritually dissociated from our Creator God.
We dissociate within the confines of what Freud called the unconscious mind.
In times of trauma a part of our consciousness branches off, splitting from our God consciousness, becoming seperate from the main source of Information flow.
It occurs as an act of sustainability and preservation.
By splitting - we fragment our ego. All of this takes place in our soul. The majority of people confuse our soul and our spirit - often mixing them into one. They are not one - our spirit and our soul are totally independent - yet our soul is greatly influenced by the spiritual entities we place our trust in within our spirit being.
However, when fragmentation occurs, we ourselves become one physical body, with multiple personalities.
This maybe a bombshell dropped into your own thought patterns and beliefs - these multiple personalities are demon entities. They are demonic parasites hiding within our energy chakras and come forth at will.
Mind controllers use trigger words associated with a trauma to make one particular personality come forth - often one they want to use and abuse.
Dark energy like trauma, shame, lust, fear, grief, denial, judgement and injustice are all unseen energies, however it is the rich soil in which demonic parasites live and feed off these unseen energies.
These fragments each have a personality in their own right and can actually be openly communicated with if they trust the one speaking to them - each has a name they respond too!
Each fragment has its own personality - its own identity, desires, needs, perspectives, weaknesses, strengths and appearance. All of these manifest in our soul and take on a demonic life of their own.
In a trauma event, there is a split between “the vulnerable self” and “the one that copped with that vulnerability” [the protector] as a means of self preservation. Therefore, each personality has a defensive opposite. They are all soulish or dualistic in nature and create conflict within.
Therefore, the protector personality - whoever and whatever presents itself becomes our main method of defence in a hostile world.
The problem we have as individual human beings is, we don’t think we have multiple personalities - nor do we admit we are infested with demons [or spiritual parasites] - but we do! All of us! That is the state of fallen men and women who have subsequently become disconnected to God’s Holy Spirit and His divine Presence.
Instead, we merely make a judgement, self declaring our own innocence and finding others and God guilty as we accuse them.
There is not a person on this planet that doesn’t have multiple personalities - it is all a matter of degree. This creates insanity of mind and dysfunction within our entire being. However, this can be redeemed spiritually. The only person to have walked this planet that didn’t have multiple personalities is our spiritual Saviour, and our Messiah, Yeshua haMashiach. He is our template - the “Way” in which we need to follow in order to become integrated as one being.
This is huge: our degree of suffering is proportional to the degree of harmony or lack thereof between these internal selves or egos.
Yes…. our unredeemed egos are in essence demonic. Our real integrated, whole redeemed Self or regenerated Ego [which in Greek means “I Am”] is connected too or spiritually entangled to our creator God [“I Am”].
Our physical world is a reflection of our internal state as human beings. This is a true observation - our spiritual environment always manifests itself physically.
We always identify with the protector. That personality becomes who we perceive ourselves to be. That perception is fake - in fact it is an illusion. Ooch! Yes, what the spiritual mafia MOB have created in your own being is superficial - it is not the real you!
What we need is to come into a state of integration and cohesion within each part of our being -Yeshua calls this, a state of righteousness or uprightness. Reintegration of our minds is the key to the reintegration of our entire being. What I’m claiming is this - a state of wholeness can only be found spiritually through connection with the righteous God of creation who resides outside of this timeline - not through belief in false “gods” who reside within this realm of spacetime.
I’m concluding this Blog with a word Teal Swan uses here - “recalibrating”. It is exactly what is required - when we connect our spirit with God’s Holy Spirit, He recalibrates our past areas of fragmentation within our own spacetime continuum.
True awareness is God consciousness. This God consciousness is outside of this spacetime continuum - it can only come to us when we seek recalibration from the 3rd heaven and allow God’s Holy Spirit to reach into this spacetime continuum and restore that which we cannot restore.
The answer to this root problem within each of us is not found in this dualistic system. Dualism is the manifestation of Lucifer and Satan - good and evil - consciousness and unconsciousness. The answer to this root problem is found outside this realm in the only place true redemption can be found - the spiritual abode of God’s Tree of Life in the 3rd heaven.
Freud correctly defined the unconscious part of our being - it is the unseen energetic quantum realm of all those aspects of what the bible calls ‘iniquity’ - trauma, shame, lust, fear, grief, denial, judgement and injustice. It is the unseen subtle energy that corrupts our heart and places us into “error” by decalibrating our spirit being.
Everything that is happening in this Beast system is rooted in our shame and generated by our fears. Yet we are led to think that this perverse disposition and “waywardness” in our character is normal.
This is a heavy topic which is all apart of God revealing Himself to us at this period of time. Like Teal Swan suggests - go inside and discover what is so often obvious to others - the fragmentation of self - and its consequences in your life, both for yourself and also collectively. After all - everything has a cause and effect!
It is after all - the world-wide disease and possibly the greatest coverup in the history of mankind!