Does anyone know where the derogatory and belitterling term “conspiracy theorist” comes from?
It was actually a term devised by the CIA during the fake Warren Commission that investigated the assassination of President John F. Kennedy on November 22, 1963. The conspirators devised the term to cover up and divert attention away from their wicked and despicable actions of assassination.
The spiritual mafia MOB are experts in creating propaganda campaigns - they particularly home-in on things from the unseen realm. The production of fear in one’s mind is the number one ingredient in mind control. Fear and terror is easily commanded in the mind of the masses if they cannot physically see the magical trick and sleight of hand being processed. The transmission of unseen viruses is a good example of these propaganda tactics. Our belief in a higher spiritual authority is another great arena of propaganda and deception - because it cannot normally be physically seen and measured.
And what can be seen is man-ipulated by the MOB, to twist and distort the narrative in their favour. We finished the last Substack by saying….”But wait - there is more to this mass deception! Who do you think interpreted, twisted, distorted, wrote, printed and distributed the bible Christians now call the “Word of God” today?”
So let’s investigate this further - however, in doing so, let’s remember to also answer this important question; “If you were a part of the Jewish losers who crucified their own Messiah, how would you manage your shame and guilt - and cover up the evidence?” Also remember that this shame and guilt will exist in the bloodline of those perpetrators - until such time that these offenders are forgiven by the divine Grand Judge sitting in the heavens of the Most High.
Historians have estimated that Johannes Gutenberg produced around 180 copies of his Bible during the early 1450s. Like everything else created by man, the MOB stole Gutenberg’s technology and ideas, then wrote, printed and distributed their own versions of the bible. They produced two different versions, of course, just to maintain their dualistic Hegelian Dialectic model of controversy and confusion.
Both the Geneva Bible and the King James Version were translated into English - one in the Canton of Geneva and one across the Channel in London. Both were different enough to cause controversy, but were essentially written with the same spiritual energy, containing gross errors which were an expression of the Rosicrucian and Freemasonry spirit that ruled the Pharaonic Aristocracy of that day. Both reflected the Jewish crafted Kabbalah belief that originated in Babylon, that Lucifer is their LORD.
In other words, neither of these translations into English were the inspiration of God’s Holy Spirit. And why did the MOB target English to be the main language of the bible, and not say French, which was the language spoken by the MOB in Geneva? Someone had obviously read the script of the coming, planned New World. The Mayflower landed in America on November 21, 1620, right at the beginning of the 30 year War in Europe - and just 28 years prior to the signing of the Treaty of Westphalia in 1648 after the Swiss Knights Templars slaughtered thousands of German Christian believers during the Thirty Year War (1618-48).
Just like WW2 when the MOB used the terror of war to push the Jews to form a new homeland they now call Israel, so too the MOB used the terror of war to push the Pilgrims to settle a new land they called America.
It was all scripted in their playbook.
On script, in October 31, 1517, Martin Luther posted his Ninety-five Theses on the door of Castle Church at Wittenberg, Germany. Sean Hross shows evidence that Luther himself was Pharaonic Nobility and related to Knights Templar bloodlines. There is established vertical Christianity [the Catholic Church] formed by the feudal Kings (OWO), and then Luther helped create horizontal, Protestant Christianity, that is ruled by the republican Templars (NWO). Therefore both together (duality) make up the shape of a Cross.
Under the centralised environment of the MOB’s mind control programmers, the bible translators were being prepared to go to work. The Jesuits who are known for mind control became prominent after 1540 and the Geneva Bible was published in 1560, all this occurred around the same time period. The spiritual mafia MOB were already planning ahead by inciting Martin Luther to post his Ninety-five Theses, forty three years ahead of the publishing of the Geneva Bible - which of course was the first bible in the history of Christianity to use the words Jesus Christ. Previously, the Greeks spelt it Iesus because there was no J.
The use of Martin Luther as a decoy is typical gamesmanship for the MOB. Gamesmanship is defined as ‘the use of aggressive or dubious tactics, such as psychological intimidation or disruption of concentration, to gain an advantage over one's opponent’. The MOB uses distraction or diversionary tactics continuously to divert attention away from themselves in Geneva and maintain the masses’ focus on foreign soil. Nazism, Hitler, WW1 and WW2 are all good examples of how the psychopaths in Geneva, used Germany as a decoy to divert attention away from their own scheming and planning behind the scenes. The MOB is a well oiled machine. The Knights Templars, the Zionist Jews, Rosicrucians, Freemasons and Jesuits are all experts at playing this hidden hand in their own game of chess.
The one common denominator that brings them all together is - they all HATE our Creator God, YHWH. Both Pharaonic Churches have set themselves up to act as God’s substitute or even the replacement of the icon“Jesus Christ” on earth. All religions, including Christianity are owned and controlled by our Pharaonic OVERLORDS.
First printed in AD 1560, the Geneva Bible became one of the most historically significant translations of the bible into English, preceding the King James Version by 51 years. It was believed the Geneva Bible was the first English version to be translated entirely from the original languages of Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek. The Geneva Bible was the first bible in English to add numbered verses to its 80 Books. It was also one of the first to include extensive commentary notes, which were later deemed “seditious” by King James when he banned the Geneva Bible in 1611.
Both the Geneva Bible and the King James Version were translated into English from the Codex Sinaiticus, the earliest known manuscript of the Christian Bible, compiled in the 4th century CE. But who exactly declared the list of 73 books – 46 in the Old Testament and 27 in the New Testament - to be the inspiration by the Holy Spirit, that then constituted the Canon of the Christian Bible? The bloodlines of the spiritual mafia MOB, the 13 Elite Papal Bloodlines, the Black Nobility or Black Aristocracy, the Venetian Lombard bankers, the Swiss Octagon, and later the Council of 200 in the Canton of Geneva were the ones who claimed the Canon of Scripture came from God Could this possibly be right? In other words, it was ultimately the Pharaonic believing MOB who claimed it was God who, not only guided and inspired the human authors, but ultimately decided what books made it in and what books were left out.
The Canonical books of the Christian bible were enumerated and approved by various councils, synods, and Popes of the Catholic Church, beginning with the Council of Rome in 382 A.D and being finalised at the Council of Trent (1546). 1540 was when the Jesuit Society was formed with its sole purpose to destroy Protestantism. The controlled Hegelian Dialectic model of conflict was now well underway within Christianity.
“Even before becoming the "Protestant Rome”, as it was to be called under John Calvin, Geneva was a centre of legalised usury. It is only when the Council of the 200, the patrician families of Geneva designed a constitutional model of a oligarchical Republic, directly modelled on that of Venice, and adopted the Reformation and the Christian theologian John Calvin into their inner sanctum, that they could fully exploit usury in the Republic. The rise of Protestantism freed many European Christians from Rome's dictates against usury. Usury was the real reason to form and support a breakaway group called the Protestants. It also leveraged another form of Hegelian Dialectic that will be discussed in full later. Essentially it created friction between two groups of Christians in order to bring forth a predetermined outcome.”
On the Lake of Geneva, Lucifer was being worshipped at the ancient Roman Temple of the Greek god Apollyon whilst the bible was modified to highlight Lucifer’s LORDSHIP. Saint-Genis-Pouilly, where CERN is now located, was the epicentre of the Luciferian OVER-LORDS. Lucifer, the angel of light was representing the NWO in the establishment of the white “Enlightenment”.
In this video below this young guy claims that the Creator God’s name YHWH which is a tetragrammaton, without vowels, was changed over 6,000 times [some claim 7,234 times in the KJV] to read LORD. I believe this …… YHWH is our Saviour, our Messiah, the spiritual door of entry and our “Way” etc., but He is not our LORD. A lord perceives himself as superior and supreme, having power and authority over others who are their subjects. This is a distorted perspective of the Real God, but an accurate description of Lucifer and Satan and their Pharaonic rule. The Creator God does not see Himself as superior to us - Yeshua was even prepared to sacrifice Himself for our freedom - how could that manifest as a spirit of pride, arrogance and superiority? The two do not mix…..
God’s desire is to save us from ourselves, not to control, LORD it over us and destroy us.
Lord of the Flies is the 1954 debut novel of British author William Golding which translates into Beelzebub. Consider the definitions of the Online Etymology Dictionary….
Beelzebub: Old English Belzebub, Philistine god worshipped at Ekron (II Kings i.2), from Latin, used in Vulgate for New Testament Greek beelzeboub, from Hebrew ba'al-z'bub "lord of the flies", from ba'al "lord" (see Baal) + z'bhubh "fly."
The deity is said to have been worshipped as having the power to drive away troublesome flies. By later Christian writers it was often taken as another name for "Satan". Baal being originally a title, it was applied by the Hebrews to neighboring divinities based on their attributes; other examples include Baal-berith "the covenant lord," god of the Shechemites; Baal-peor "lord of the opening," a god of Moab and Midian.
Baal: name of a Semitic solar deity worshiped, especially by the Phoenicians and Carthaginians, "with much license and sensuality" [Century Dictionary], late 14c., Biblical, from Late Latin Baal, Greek Baal, from Hebrew Ba'al, literally "owner, master, lord", a title applied to any deity (including Jehovah; see Hosea ii.16), but later a name of the particular Phoenician solar deity; from ba'al "he took possession of," also "he married;" related to or derived from the Akkadian god-name Belu (source of Hebrew Bel), name of Marduk. It is identical with the first element in Beelzebub and the second in Hannibal ("grace of Baal") and Hasdrubal ("help of Baal"). The name has been used figuratively in English for any "false god".
This is why I called my two eBooks Beelzebub - Descarte's Demons and Beelzebub- Darwin’s Demons; Beelzebub [the coin with the two faces of Lucifer and Satan] is the LORD of our multiverse.
Finally consider - how many times was the word “Christ” or “Jesus” used in the Old Testament, original Hebrew to describe the, then, coming Saviour - the answer is 0!
However , it was the Puritan’s Geneva Bible that was loaded onboard the Mayflower when the Pilgrims and Puritans sailed for the already Rosicrucian/Freemasonry assigned ‘New Atlantis’ in 1620. Since then, billions of people all over the world have fallen into the trap of accepting Lucifer as LORD of their lives through American Protestant Christianity.
This was always a part of the long term plan.
Meanwhile, over the English Channel in Great Britain, the OWO were entertaining their red Dragon - Satan.
Now, the King James Version (KJV) of the bible was published in 1611 at the behest of King James I of England since King James was also the head of the Church of England. For James, his taking sides with the Church was a political move. Many believed the KJV was Authorised or sanctioned by the Crown - or indeed by God Himself. This is simply not true on either account.
Over a period of seven years, 47 scholars and theologians worked to translate the different books of the Bible. There was none more prominent than Francis Bacon. Even the high ranking occultist, Manly P. Hall stated: “The first edition of the King James Bible, which was edited by Francis Bacon and prepared under Masonic supervision, bears more Mason’s marks than the Cathedral of Strasburg.” - Manly P. Hall, from a lecture Rosicrucian and Masonic Origins 1929. That Bacon revised the manuscripts before publication and the approval of King Charles is certain.
“Sir Francis Bacon (1561 –1626) was a man of many talents, a lawyer, linguist and composer. He mastered every subject he undertook; mathematics, geometry, music, poetry, painting, astronomy,classical drama and poetry, philosophy, history, theology and architecture. He was a man of many aims and purposes, the father of modern science, remodeler of modern law, patron of modern democracy, and possibly the reviver of Freemasonry. His life and works are extensively documented, and his intellectual accomplishments widely recognized, particularly in academic circles. At the age of sixteen, he was sent to Paris ‘direct from the Queen’s Hand and there studied Egyptian, Arabian, Indian and Greek philosophy with particular attention given to the Ancient Mysteries and their Ritual Rites. He personally recorded that, while in Paris, he created a secret cipher system that could be inserted into a document without arousing suspicion. While living in Europe, Francis Bacon was initiated into the mysterious Order of the Knights Templar and learnt a very special secret. Before he returned to London, he travelled to France, Italy, Germany and Spain and at the age of twenty completely devoted himself to the study of law. From his understanding of the secret information he had learned during his initiation into the Knights Templar, he conceived the idea of reactivating various Secret Societies and in 1580 founded the secret Rosicrosse Literary Society in Gray’s Inn. Later in the same year, he founded the Lodge of Free and Accepted or Speculative Masons, also at Gray’s Inn.
On 25 June 1607 Sir Francis Bacon was appointed Solicitor-General and Chief Advisor to the Crown. He had presented new ideas to the Government for the Reformation of the church and was officially instructed to commence restructuring the Bible. Research in the Records Office of the British Museum revealed that original documents still exist which refer to important proceedings associated with Sir Francis Bacon’s involvement with the editing of both the Old and New Testaments.”
Bacon was the Attorney General and Lord Chancellor of England under King James I. Yes, the main editor of the King James version was an medieval Rosicrucian, Sir Francis Bacon, who was also the author of the book, ‘New Atlantic’ - the Gateway to the New World - which as we now know, became the nation of America. America became, and still is, the MOB’s New Atlantis in order to act as a decoy for ushering in their NWO.
God did not sanction the changes to the original text in either of these bibles. Sir Francis Bacon, the Lord Chancellor of England did in conjunction with the Swiss Templar Pharaonic Order based in Geneva. Both were sanctioned by the spiritual mafia MOB to bring chaos, confusion, division and destruction to the minds of the masses.
Who made the icon of “Christ” to be a white man? The same people who think Yeshua is warring with the Devil, maybe! There is no war - the war against DEATH has already been won! Yeshua was Middle Eastern born through the bloodline of King David. We as a society have been lied too about literally EVERYTHING - so what make you think this man-made religion, the MOB labelled Christianity, is any different?
Now how does all this tie together? It is pretty simple really…… In The Gaining of Consciousness and Immortality Part 1 we stated….
“Because the Islamic religion was created by the MOB’s House of Pallavicini to rise up against political Zionism in Israel in this WW3 scenario as foretold by Freemason, Albert Pike, 153 years ago. Albert Pike received a vision in 1871 that prophesied there would be three world wars that were seen as necessary to bring about their fascist ‘New World Order’. That war would be between - wait for it [drum roll……….] [suspense] [tension music]…… Israel and Islam. Between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. Islam, lead by Persia! Do you get it?
The Persian based spiritual mafia MOB have been writing their script for the last 2,400 years. Since the days of Plato and the Greek Empire.”
What I am saying is, just like a movie, this has all been scripted and pre-produced well in advance. Nothing should be coming to us as a complete surprise to do with the present chaos, disruptions and conflicts - because it's all planned.
It has been "predicted" for decades that there will be one immense final World War, involving the East vs. West, and the reason these predictions exist and appear to be proving accurate, is that it is in fact scripted, not predicted.
If the screenwriters for your favourite drama show tell you what's going to happen next season, you don't think it's because they have masterful powers of prophecy - rather, they know what's going to happen because they are the ones writing it. And that's how the world stage works, too. This is why TV shows like ‘The Simpsons’ are able to "predict" major future events - ‘The Simpsons’ creator is a high-level social architect who's seen the blueprints and knows Lucifer’s plans. Whatever is scripted in Hollywood is the plan!
The Preface to the eBook Are you con-CERN-ed? about says it all….
“There is a play being directed behind the scenes. It has the record for being the longest play in history. You probably know it well. Enter into the writers storyline of intrigue, corruption, trauma, terror, chaos, isolation, fear, mind altering drugs, mind control, manipulation, coercion, compromise, insecurity, bribery, sexual liberty, compartmentalisation, loneliness, isolation, worthlessness, low self esteem, lack of meaning and purpose in life, anxiety, chaos, control, greed, confusion, uncertainty and malice. It is a play where the masterful Directors are subtly pulling the strings that are impacting the lives of the actors. The audience’s fear, hatred and division is the energy these masters feed off. You are more than likely noticing it more now as the play reaches its finality and the story line unfolds in full. The entire system has been so well hidden, as it was never exposed with all the actors/programmers have played their roles in secret. Now these dark forces are being exposed.
Like any magician, the Directors present one hand visually whilst with the other unseen hand they quickly pull another move, faster than our minds could process it cognitively. We are all intrigued by the masterful production. This whole plot is based on a deception about ownership; who owns you! The final scene in the play is called “Hacking the Software of Life” and is now fast approaching. The goal is to hack your God-given DNA and rape you of your freewill. The climax in the story line is; you will no longer be a living entity but a genetically modified cyborg. Then the curtain will close and the play will be over. What do we do then? Switch on the lights and go home?
What you may not fully comprehend is; this global game is just a play. It is a construct; a virtual reality. What we are experiencing in this world’s matrix is not real. It is an illusion. But we are all playing our part to keep it going! Then when the lights are switched on, you will awaken to the fact that you are merely a Targeted Individual(TI) of mass mind control and one of those actors in the play. Personal trauma and chaos are the foundational basis of mind control. Mind control, information control and media control are the primary weapon systems used by the corrupt Directors to program us. Disinformation is a major weapon. Then you realise this play has been staged in a parallel universe; a completely different spiritual dimension to what it was designed to be, or ought to be. It is a play that has placed spin on the truth to draw you into the intrigue of the story line. This play is a world religion infused into the Directors and programmers by Lucifer/Satan and his fallen angels. It is designed to imprint that spiritual energy into our heart because Lucifer/Satan claims he owns us.
We entertain the masterful Directors and we play our role because energetically our hearts have been unknowingly corrupted and therefore susceptible to the game being played. Corruption is the most accurate word to describe this play. This corruption is a heart issue. We are not referring to the physical heart here, but to the electromagnetic energy field that pervades our being, which is entangled to the spirit entities we personally give authority to, and that helps determine our persona and character. This unconscious act gives them authority to program us [mainly through TV and films] or maybe manipulate us through assigned controllers. If this is not your personal experience it will be soon, if you don’t awaken to the truth.
Here is a shocking truth. Mind control and a corrupted heart are synonymous. The world religions do not, and cannot, deal with the iniquity or corruption within ones own heart. Religions cannot make a heart pure, therefore most people are operating and even prophesying out of a corrupted heart. Even our intuition or “gut feel” is often a corrupted version of the truth. There is a definite correlation between those who are adamant they are not mind controlled and those who are programmed to think in alignment with this world system. There’s a saying, “If you’re not wondering if you’re under mind control, you probably are.” The MOB Directors have subtle control of the masses’ minds because the masses have not dealt with the iniquity [corruption] in their own heart. This is the greatest level of deception because one is not often aware of it. One cannot fight an enemy when one doesn’t even have the clarity of mind to know they are playing in the enemies’ camp.
Consider stopping right now and trying to engage your conscious right brain. This recruiting video for the US army summaries the game at play. Listen and watch it intently. This movie literally gives their game away! It is called Ghosts in the Machine. Who is pulling the strings in this PSYWAR against our minds? Read the script in the video - “HAVE YOU EVER WONDERED WHO IS PULLING THE STRINGS?” “Wolves hiding nearby, whispering do or die…. around me.” WHO….BORN FROM THE ASHES ….OF A WORLD AT WAR. YOU’LL FIND US IN THE SHADOWS, at the tip of the spear. “You say your last goodnight, while I begin my …….(fire?)” WARFARE IS EVOLVING AND ALL THE WORLD’S A STAGE! “There is another very important phase of warfare. It has as its target, not the body, but the mind of the enemy.” “The target of psychological warfare is against the enemies mind. It is words and ideas…… ammunition used by PSYWAR”. “Its mission is to influence the thoughts of the enemy soldiers to deceive, persuade, change, influence, inspire”…. “Gripping at my skin, the walls of night close in around me….” WE COME IN MANY FORMS…. “but the use of this force as an integral part of combat has now taken on new form”… WE ARE EVERYWHERE…. A FEELING IN THE DARK…. A MESSAGE IN THE STARS…. GHOSTS IN THE MACHINE…. WHAT, WHAT ARE WE?
This is a classical psychological warfare video, full of subliminal messaging. What you are probably not aware of is the fact that the real enemy is you! Yes, to those who have zero God conscience, we are perceived as ants to be trodden on, or at best, cattle to be culled. As well, we are the planned Targeted Individuals (TI) [a victim of human experiments, tracked and stalked and harassed by either a human programmer or remote electronic weapons]. Did you catch the actions of the digital gamer/controller/programmer/handler at his console, whispering “everything we touch is a weapon”? The ‘Ghosts’ “gripping at my skin, the walls of night close in and coming in many forms” are demonic entities [illustrated as a ghost] subtly controlling your mind, heart, body, soul and spirit and you are not even conscious of it. This is the war we are in that Sun Tzu was referring too. The Department Of Defence (DOD) in the U.S. is being very open about the game at play right now. Their goal is to strip us of our God given dignity, magnificence, personal righteousness and justice.
The lyrics and video of Robbie William’s song “Let Me Entertain You” adequately describes one of the Director’s main tools to keep our minds diverted away from the truth. Who exactly is entertaining you? It is the same Ghosts described in the DOD recruiting video. They are spiritual entities vying for your mind, heart, body, soul and spirit. AND ALL THE WORLD IS A STAGE! People will never realise they are Targeted until it is too late! The interpretation of the play is whether or not they will own you! It is the FINAL SOLUTION! Do you consent?”
“By AD 1464 Geneva could be classified a city and held the special attention of the “Lombard bankers”, the North Italian bankers from Venice and Genoa [the Black Nobility] because of the city-state usury laws. The financiers of Genoa therefore made it a major station in their international network, which already dominated the world finance. The theatrical stage was now set! The play called “Global Fascism”, “Global Nazism”, “The Beast System”, “The Pharaonic Octagon” or “Mystery Babylon” was about to begin!
The Council of 200, the patrician [members of the hereditary Aristocracy] families of Geneva had become the Directors of the play. The Directors of the play became the spiritual mafia MOB and in 1954, the stage finally moved to CERN. It doesn’t matter what we call the play, as we will discover, this esoteric mafia has a foundation of Pharaonic belief resonating spiritually from Egyptian roots.
Sir Francis Bacon, the same British Pharaonic Aristocrat who edited the King James bible to force us unconsciously to worship Lucifer, also set the stage for the Rosicrucian and Freemasonry spirit to rule over the “New World” - America.
Therefore, the Total Solar Eclipse on April 8th, 2024 set the stage for the FINAL SCENE. It is also scripted. The MOB had to invent a “Christ” years ago to oppose the coming “anti-Christ” - this is all apart of the play. America became the world stage to spread Christianity globally. The FINAL SCENE will include WW3, Armageddon and the collapse of America. The spiritual mafia MOB don’t need America anymore - their job of destroying the world spiritually is done. Hollywood’s job to twist and distort minds is done! The stage is now set for America to fall into Civil War. That is how Lucifer operates - he will use us, abuse us, then discard us.
Iran’s attack on Israel is also a part of the script. So is a cyber attack that will last for days and make us realise just how dependant we are on CERN’s technology. So is a global earthquake that will be bigger than any earthquake ever seen. All of these things generate terror and fear - the main ingredients of Luciferian mind control.
I encourage you to listen to Dr. Naomi Wolf reading Exodus 12 from the 1560 Geneva Bible. According to the Jewish Calendar, Passover begins before sundown on Monday, April 22, 2024, and ends after nightfall on April 30, 2024. Exodus 12 is all about the Passover the Israelites experienced in Egypt before being eligible to pass over the Red Sea on their way to the Promised Land. Naomi Wolf makes the accurate analogy or parallel that we are now living in similar times. The physical Egypt in the times of Pharaoh was a type of the worldly Beast system we are now experiencing.
I want to put it to you that the coming Passover for the Jews equates to the 40 Day Nineveh Window we are now experiencing, right up to the Day of Pentecost on May 19th, 2024. As Dr. Naomi Wolf correctly says, this time of repentance is for everyone - it is both for the Gentiles as well as the Jews. However, the most accurate statement Naomi makes is this - as a child she was taught that the ‘the angel of death’ marked the doorposts with blood. Now she realises, and is consciously aware, that it was God Himself who walked through the Israelites and marked their firstborn with either the mark of LIFE or the mark of DEATH.
This Jewish Passover may well be when the Zionist Jews march out their Red Heifers and the Third Temple. Don’t be surprised! This is considered Jewish witchcraft from God’s perspective, because He has already made the perfect sacrifice as the Messiah of both the Jewish race and the Gentiles.
Trust me, nothing has changed. What we saw happen to those Israelites in Egypt is happening again right now. During this 40 Day Nineveh Window we are now experiencing, firsthand, in the moment, in the Now, God Himself, YHWH moving about in His pure quantum field, marking those who He perceives as righteous with the eternal mark of “TAV”, and those who remain rebellious and unrighteous, He is marking their foreheads with an “X”.
Lucifer has made a huge strategic mistake in his war against God. Lucifer and the spiritual mafia MOB have diverted attention away from Yeshua shed blood and placed the emphasis on the cross - the “X”. Whilst the power to overcome is in th epower of the resurrection.
The importance of Yeshua shed blood is where we can experience resurrection LIFE. That is why the Pharaonic Templars emphasis the importance of blood sacrifice as a means of legally satisfying Lucifer and Satan. It is a requirement because it is a complete 180°counterfeit of the Truth. ”By trusting, Moses obeyed the requirements for the Passover, including the smearing of the blood, so that the Destroyer [‘the angel of death’] of the firstborn would not touch the firstborn of Isra’el.“
The spiritual mafia MOB created Christianity, Islam and Zionist Judaism to generate chaos like seen in this video…… this occured last night in Sydney. This is manifested hatred in action.
I do not make these predictions to generate terror and fear in anyone’s life. If this message has that effect on you, then you definitely need to repent of being connected and quantum entangled with the Vril energy of Lucifer instead of your Creator God. Rather, this is a forewarning, as to be forewarned is to be forearmed and to have a far better chance of successfully responding consciously to what is coming.
All I’ve done is successfully interpret Apostle John’s prophecy of Revelation. Not many can do that because not many are quantum entangled with YHWH. It has taken me 40 years of dedication - but one thing I have learnt over the years - our Creator is an instant God. He can change and transform your life instantly. Just like He did to the criminal on the cross beside Him. Resurrection LIFE is instant - but first we must apply Yeshua’s blood to our own heart. Our own heart is equivalent to the doorposts in Egypt. Resurrection LIFE is God’s quantum field that any of us can experience if we repent!
All one needs is God-consciousness and spiritual awareness - then understanding flows our way. I’m not considered “the sharpest chisel in the woodshed”, so if I can work it out, so can you!
In conclusion, the original Hebrew Texts may have been the written, inspired Word of God - but even the Jews started corrupting their texts when they included the pagan philosophy and worship of Lucifer way back when they were in captivity in Babylon. Then came the erroneous texts like the Babylonian Talmud, compiled by scholars in Mesopotamia (Babylonia) around 500 CE, as well as the Jerusalem Talmud.
In reality, the only True Word of God comes directly from heaven via the Holy Spirit. That is His job to reassure us and draw us closer to our Father, God. But to call the Hermetic FORCE or Lucifer’s Vril energy the Holy Spirit is blasphemy. God really takes offence at that.
I cannot tell you anymore than this - if you respond to YHWH’s unconditional love, you have just uncovered the greatest communal hoax - HOA-”X”, in the 6,000 year history of mankind. Otherwise, you have been duped and ensnared by a complete DOPE - Lucifer is a loser - and he is finally going to discover the Reality that he has totally lost his war against God, our physical Creator and spiritual Saviour. “The writing is on the wall” - as they say! MENE, MENE, TEKEL, UPHARSIN