This is a Red Alert. What is fast approaching is the culmination of everything I have written about over the last three years. Anyone who does not read this Substack in its entirety and process it with action will be deemed foolish in hindsight.
One must ask - who is the President of the U.S.? Is he really real - or is he some sort of cloned hybrid entity? Have you ever suspected that Joe Biden's not really running America? Have you wondered who's really pulling the strings behind the scenes? This article tells us. Biden and every leader in the world has a Puppet Master - he is clearly the World Economic Forum (WEF) leader Klaus Schwab. This U.S. based economist is now admitting that the Swiss based Klaus Schwab is the one who is really running America. Joe Biden is just a mouthpiece for the Nazi/Technocratic WEF. Klaus Schwab’s father was an actively engaged Nazi during WW2, working directly with and for Adolf Hitler.
I prove this in my eBook Are you con-CERN-ed?: We Are Being Set Up - Epicentre CERN CIA Switzerland. The Nazi takeover of the entire world is now coming to fruition…….
Who really won WW11 is now slowly being revealed…… The Nazi movement was instigated in Burdorf, Switzerland centuries ago. Hitler was specifically targeted and trained using Jesuit mind control methods from a young age. The Pharaonic Swiss didn’t just want Germany - they wanted the entire world converted to Nazism…… so here we are!
The entire Beast system is run by spin [the definition of iniquity of heart], lies, propaganda, distraction and mind control. Washington DC and Hollywood are controlled and run by Nazi Jesuits and Kabbalah, Zionist Jews. America is used as the main distraction or public diversion away from the Intelligence nerve centre within CERN.
Adolph Hitler and even Greta Thunberg were/are MKUltra trained victims of mind control. “We’ll be watching you” is the main theme of mind control.
Be warned….. the chances are….. you are also a victim of subtle mind control. It is a violation of God created quantum mechanics. Particle spin is the basis of quantum mechanics.
Spin is used to deceive humans…. Lucifer -“the angel of light” - is the spin Master. He appears good - he appears to be like our saviour Yeshua - even Godlike - yet he is a spiritual imposter - a spiritual fraud. Lucifer is exactly 180°the opposite to our creator God. God creates - Lucifer destroys - subtly mind you - without you even being consciously aware of it!
Actually, Klaus Schwab is not the main Puppet Master - he is just the spoke’s person for the main Puppet Master - King Charle’s 111. Charlie Boy represents the Celtic based Old World Order (represented by the colour red), whilst the NWO is represented by the colour white. Both are using a bogus global warming crisis (blue represents destruction and war) to implement a global emergency which is used to instigate the most radical change in history - the Fourth Industrial Revolution" (4IR).
“Blue was associated with the barbaric Celts who supposedly dyed their bodies blue for battle and Celtic women with blue eyes were thought to have loose morals”. King Charle’s 111 was the Princes of Wales for many years - the Welsh are the fore-bearers of the Celtic race that covered most of Europe. This is the heritage of the blue bloodline that one must be to be a President of the U.S. - or even Donald Trump or Elon Musk! These are merely play actors - Hollywood - Luciferian. Notice that the colour blue to the masses represents peace in opposition to red, for war. Blue is often associated with peaceful rest, profound insight, and spiritual realisation. To the global elite, the definition is exactly 180°the opposite. Blue actually represents conflict, disruption and destruction - which will enable them to “build back better” - their way and according to their laws and rules!
‘1984’ laws and rules according to Ashkenazic, Talmudic Law……
King Charle’s 111, the former Princes of Wales, is THE main promoter of the climate change (CC) hoax - ‘an act intended to deceive or trick’ the public into fearing that which is not true. They are using the climate change philosophy to bring about a global Nazi driven coup - doing everything to convince us that CC is an eminent crisis - when in reality this is far from the truth. This is a typical ‘Alternate Reality ’ or ‘Augmented Reality’ that they are enforcing on us.
Operation Climate Change is, to the global elite, called ‘code red’ - red [the dragon, Satan] is associated with the British Crown OWO. Klaus Schwab’s WEF is code white [the supposed answer to the OWO dilemma - being Lucifer - the bearer of light]. Code blue is the enforcer of war and destruction.
Even the founder of Greenpeace Patrick Moore says “Climate Change is based on a false narrative” and there is no climate emergency.
If we spiritually experience Lucifer in any form, we experience a false narrative!
CC is a fear mongering campaign designed to take full control of our lives. You are unconsciously being placed into a digital prison - and you are not even aware of it - because they have taken from you, God consciousness. Their goal is to track our carbon footprint - consistently and permanently.
They are going to enforce your personal "carbon allowance" by introducing a new type of U.S. dollar... A digital dollar that will give them complete control, not only of your money, but also full control of your body, soul and spirit. This will happen automatically because the digital dollar will be coded to "stop working" for certain purchases under certain circumstances. If you do not take the coming Microneedle Array Patch for instance, then…..Sorry, your digital dollars won't work anywhere until you take that Nazi Final Solution.
Make no mistake….. Hitler’s Final Solution is now here…. many Wall Street financial pendants are suggesting that the beginning of the NWO is scheduled to begin on the 13th September, 2023…… just like the prelude to this momentous event was scheduled to begin on the 11th September, 2001 - exactly 22 years ago [2+2 = 4 - another occult coincidence!] All Masterminded by the very same Puppeteers.
One of the best investigative journalists in the real world, Whitney Webb, states in her very revealing article Schwab Family Values, “On the morning of 11 September 2001, Klaus Schwab sat having breakfast in the Park East Synagogue in New York City with Rabbi Arthur Schneier, former Vice President for the World Jewish Congress and close associate of the Bronfman and Lauder families. Together, the two men watched one of the most impactful events of the next twenty years unfold as planes struck the World Trade Center buildings. Now, two decades on, Klaus Schwab again sits in a front row seat of yet another generation-defining moment in modern human history.”
Yes, religion has a major contributing factor to the NWO movement - the spiritual mafia MOB based at CERN Switzerland consists of both Zionist Judaism Kabbalists and Catholic Jesuits.
Both groups were involved in the planning of 9/11 2001. Both groups are now involved in the planning of 9/13 2023. [BTW - 9+13+2023 = 47 - 4+7=11 - the occult’s favourite number along with 13]. That is the way the global elite think and move! Humanity’s digital prison is all played out on Luciferian numerology, codes and encryption. It was John Dee’s communication with fallen angels back in AD1570 that gave humanity the keys to Satan’s Intelligence network that is now based in Geneva.
You may also want to read one of Whitney Webb’s recent articles called ‘Building the Global Police State’. Particularly note this comment, “We find the UN’s digital ID objective tucked away in its SDG Target 16.9: ‘By 2030, provide legal identity for all, including birth registration’.” This alludes to the proposed “digital” ID.
It is now time for us to investigate the personal and collective consequences of this destructive mindset.
It is almost unbelievable……..!! We are now far removed from God’s design for us….
I love this video. This is how sad and ‘laughable’ our society has become.
Some of our self-righteous, prudish Christians may protest however they too are a part of the problem we now face as a collective. Our identities are in tatters and very few know who they actually are, being created in the image of the creator God. Meanwhile, confusion, conflict and disruption rules the hearts of the collective.
In fact, one could say everything in Freemasonry revolves around a PENIS or DICK - a Digital Insertion Combat Killer. That adequately describes the coming MicroNeedle Array Patch! It is designed by the MOB to be a Military weapon used against mankind.
We are now just weeks away from the MOB’s plans all coming to a head. The date all Wall Street wiz kids are talking about is September 13th 2023.
What I warned the world about in Are you con-CERN-ed?: We Are Being Set Up - Epicentre CERN CIA Switzerland is now here. Time has caught up with us!
I’m not asking you to follow this Wall Street advise - what I am suggesting though is you watch this video because this advisor Larry Benedict is telling us directly how all market crashes occur - they are planned events that create volatility. Just like 9/11 2001 was a planned event. Planned by the spiritual mafia MOB in CERN, Switzerland - the core of global Luciferian Intelligence, and epicentre of the Beast system.
Wall Street makes the majority of their money through planned financial shocks - or tremors of varying degrees. The coming financial shock September 13th 2023 is planned to be the Mother of all financial shocks and will give birth to the NWO, the WEF Fourth Industrial Revolution, the global ID, a digital currency and the loss of humanity’s freedom, liberty and the exercise of free will.
This is it folks…. and the MOB are telling us loudly and clearly, in plain sight …… they are singing it from the roof tops ….. and individuals amongst the general public still have their head in the sand…. unconscious and unaware of what is really going on! Spiritually asleep, whilst falsely believing they are spiritually attuned. All they are attuned to is - Lucifer’s deception!
Those who claim to be Christians are also spiritually asleep, thinking they will be Pre-Tribulation raptured. Think about it - if September 13th 2023 is the beginning of the seven year Tribulation period - and they are still here, bound to Time and mother Earth - then their theological theory is a bogus theory and they will be going through the Tribulation period. Won’t that take a massive change in their thinking and actions. Sorry to blow the bubble of this false/fake belief system.
But that is God’s reality…..
Notice in this video that all the financial shocks are advertised at 0830 EST or 0830 EDT, one hour before the Wall Street markets open. The Wall Street traders then have the time to place their Option Puts or Calls so that they benefit from the manufactured financial tremor moves. Therefore, it doesn’t matter if the market tremor is designed to go up or down, the investor wins. This is a win/win situation for the global elite! This predetermined Intelligence released by the corrupted United States Government triggers the huge financial shocks. The U.S. Government sends sensitive data to the trading terminals of 2,000 trading banks, 2,500 hedge funds and more than 5,500 registered investment advisors worldwide.
How can this be co-ordinated with such a degree of accuracy? Because all the Intelligence is coming from one source - the CERN spiritual Tower of Babel in Geneva, Switzerland. This manufactured spike in volatility creates the vehicle by which trillions of dollars flows to Wall Street traders and the global elite.
Washington DC and New York are merely a diversion of attention away from Geneva, the real hub of corruption. That is why, nobody reports or considers Geneva to be the epicentre of all corruption within this Beast system.
Watch it happen - on September 13th, all hell will break loose…… this is a literal statement! Hell is breaking loose from the spiritual portals of hell established within CERN. CERN is built right over the an ancient Greek temple of sacrifice to the gods.
In Roman times, Saint-Genis-Pouilly was called the Apolloacum, a town dedicated to the Greek god Apollyon, where an ancient Roman Temple was built to worship the demonic deities. The Romans believed this was a gateway or portal to the underworld. Apollyon, the Greek name, like its patron god Shiva, means “the destroyer”. It is described in Revelation as the angel of the bottomless pit. “They were ruled by a king, the angel of the Abyss. His name in Hebrew is Abaddon, and in Greek it is Apollyon —the Destroyer.” (Rev 9:11) BSB. At CERN is erected a 2m tall statue of the Hindu deity lord Shiva. It defines the MOB and CERN’s beliefs.
“Shiva is also associated with Time, and in this capacity, he is both the destroyer and creator of all things.” “Shiva destroys the universe at the end of each cycle which then allows for a new Creation. Shiva is also the great ascetic, abstaining from all forms of indulgence and pleasure, concentrating rather on meditation as a means to find perfect happiness. He also has a darker side as the leader of evil spirits, ghosts and as the master of thieves, villains and beggars.”
This is not me saying this - this is the Beast system declaring their hand. Shiva is associated with Time and he also has a darker side as the leader of evil spirits, ghosts.
Shiva is a god representing the Beast system - Shiva is Baal - they are one and the same. The Beast system operates within the confines of Time. The creator God only operates outside of Time - He is infinite, He is Omniscience, He is Omnipotence, Omnipresence and He is Transcendent. God transcends Time. Time did not exist before iniquity and sin entered the world.
Neither Satan nor Lucifer have these qualities that God possesses. That is why they have to deceive mankind in order to place their perspective of spin into our minds, hearts and souls.
Spin is defined as:
To rotate rapidly; whirl. synonym: turn.
To have a sensation of whirling, as from dizziness; reel.
To make thread or yarn by drawing out and twisting fibres.
I add - Lucifer’s ability to twist our minds and deceive, swindle, defraud, ensnare, entrap and beguile, enchant, charm mankind into acting in a way that separates and disentangles/ untwists them from the Presence of God Himself.
Spin occurs at the level of quantum mechanics……
It is the MOB’s goal to destroy that which the creator God created in His image, with the desire to “build back better” with new form of hybrid/chimeric entity that resembles the energetic and quantum spiritual signature of Lucifer and Satan.
Finally - Why September? Why 2023? These are great questions.
Firstly I need to point out that I do not profess to be a spiritual prophet. Maybe I am a spiritual seer. I have learnt to see the mind of God through a dim glass. I am not an expert. However I have experienced communion with God and entangled my spirit with our spiritual Saviour, Yeshua haMashiach, the Son of God, within the realm of the 3rd heaven. I have experienced God’s pure justice in my own life - and His divine redemption and healing. I have stood before God’s throne and sort justice for the errors established and manifested in my own life.
Entangling myself with God in the quantum realm has transformed my life and set me free of past weakness that continually triggered in my mind. God has redeemed my past spiritually. I am now free of fear of the future.
I say it again - I have experienced God in a way very few Christians have. That is my Reality.
Therefore, God does reveal to me where we are at in Time. Time is finite; so is the Beast system. So when the likes of Теslа and X СEO Elоn Musk sаys - "Тhе оffісіаl роlісу оf Сhіnа іs thаt Таіwаn shоuld bе іntеgrаtеd. Onе dоеs nоt nееd tо rеаd bеtwееn thе lіnеs, оnе саn rеаd thе lіnеs." - I know what the spiritual mafia MOB are saying.
It is the same message that we use on the keyboard of a computer to erase anything - ‘Command X’ - also equates to the elimination of mankind.
X represents the elimination of mankind.
However, the main theme comes from studying the book of Revelation for years - trying to understand the mind of God written by the one man Yeshua haMashiach Himself openly declared loved Him the most - the Apostle John. John’s Revelation or Apocalypse is the Word of God to mankind. It needs to be heeded seriously.
Whilst everyone around me laughed and sneered at me, like Noah, Abraham, Joseph, Moses, David and Daniel, I listened to God’s small voice over the years. The fiery furnace of Babylon is now becoming our reality. We, as a collective, have resisted and separated ourselves from God. However, God’s Presence will soon be our only form of protection from what is manifesting on earth right now.
I probably resemble Joseph the most. My natural father often affirmed me as being a Joseph, with a coat of many colours, when I was really young. His prophetic words have always blessed me. The coat of many colours - 7 colours - not six - is a sign of God’s protection whilst within the fiery furnace of life.
The spiritual mafia MOB may have twisted the written Scriptures and modified the King James version and the original Geneva Bible, however they cannot and will not change the spiritual Word of God, Yeshua haMashiach, who speaks to us directly through His Holy Spirit - should we choose to quantum entangle our spirit with His.
All major events occur on Hebraic Feast celebration dates. These Feasts were designed by God so the Israelites would remember their interaction with the divine God of the 3rd heaven. The Israelites and the Jews from Judah failed miserably in their mission to entangle themselves energetically and spiritually with their God.
The consequences were - and still are - diabolical.
However, the celebrations still remain valid because God is still God - and He demands our faithful worship and gratitude.
The author of this webpage states the consequences saying: “The 120th Jubilee was 2015-16 from Feast of Trumpets Sept. 14, 2015 to Elul 29, 2016. 2016-17 is the first year of 7 years of plenty to 2022-23. What follows are 7 years of famine (the Tribulation) from 2023-24 to 2029-30. From Feast of Trumpets Sept. 16, 2023 there are 2,520 days (7 x 360) to Tisha B'Av Aug. 8, 2030. Tisha B'Av was when the 1st and 2nd Temples were destroyed.”
This interpretation of Scripture is accurate and therefore relevant to today’s Timeline for humanity. Because it is accurate, it is True - it is in fact, God’s Word coming directly from Yeshua. This is God’s Timing. Time is an attribute of God - administered from outside of Time - but presented to mankind through the spiritual mafia MOB.
God’s Timing is very accurate. Yeshua foretold that humanity would receive 2,000 years of grace - 2,000 years from the date of His resurrection in AD30. Yeshua’s resurrection and victory over death transformed the state of play between Himself and a human being - forever. It is a period of time in which an individual can learn how to feel connected, integrated and quantum entangled with the Creator of the entire universe.
2030 is indeed a very, very significant year in the history [His- story] of mankind. The spiritual mafia MOB obviously know it, Satan knows it and sleazy little termite [well spiritual parasite, at least!] Lucifer knows it. The whole spiritual spectrum knows it - except you! More than likely, you my friend, have been mind controlled since your birth - or in my case since my conception - to believe a false narrative that has deceived you - and is not true at all.
Lucifer’s narrative and the resultant iniquity, or corruption, that resides at the quantum level within our hearts is fake, counterfeit and not genuine.
God’s divine Son, Yeshua haMashiach defeated Lucifer’s narrative [his deception and lies that brings death to humanity] in AD30. Yeshua overcame death, iniquity and sin on our behalf. All we have to do is to consent to that Truth and apply it in our lives.
It is that simple. Too simple for most complicated logical minds!
Everything man does outside of a relationship with his creator God is engineered.
All Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO’s) are engineered.
The sole reason the mainstream Jews are trying to engineer a new Messiah is because they crucified their own Messiah, 2,000 years ago.
Do you get it?
Yes, we can only experience, and then share unconditional love if we are “quantum entangled” to God and His divine Son, Yeshua. Justice is all about genuine spiritual relationship - it has nothing to do with the law that is associated with religion!
God’s provision of unconditional love cannot be engineered by anyone. We now live in a world almost void of unconditional love. If the MOB eradicates God’s creative energy, can you imagine life void of all unconditional love?
Relationship is the foundation of our redemption and the healing of all of our disassociated parts.
Here is the bottom line - before the Titanic sinks and hits the bottom - God is giving everyone - both Jew and Gentile - the opportunity to enter His spiritual lifeboat - it is still a matter of free will. The choice is very real - it is either a relationship with your Creator - OR - a relationship with this Beast system and Lucifer, the master and lord of the world of lies and fantasy?
Lucifer’s message to the world is - I Put a Spell on You - because you are mine!
IT IS ALL ABOUT SPIRITUAL OWNERSHIP! Everything will depend on which Spirit/spirits owns your own spirit!
You are now “patented” and owned as property. Within the Beast system, you are owned by Lucifer and Satan.
You need to change that - otherwise it means eternal separation from God and everything He has created. Imagine that? A life immersed in complete darkness!
You have both the free will and the ability - having been created in the image of God - to reconnect with your spiritual Father. In doing this, you can overcome spiritual death and live eternally connected to the author of the Tree of Life.
The secret spiritual key to the Tree of Life is a code, or spiritual encryption for mankind, is a person - Yeshua haMashiach. It is no longer a secret covered up by the spiritual mafia MOB. This is the Revelation speaks of! It is the unveiling of the spiritual scales that cover our eyes.
We need to behold Yeshua’s spiritual presence within our spirit, soul and body.
This is the Way! This is the Truth! This is the Life!
Remember we established that the #1 human need is connection? Relational connection is the number one need for a human to live or even survive. If a baby is deprived of human connection, they will go insane within a short period of time. This methodology is what the MOB called ‘mind control’. The Jesuits have become experts in the application of this sinister psychological technique of unscrupulous manipulation. Separation is the name of the game - the world’s Beast system is its physical manifestation.
Not only is pure connection the #1 human need between humans - the #1 human need is pure connection between our creator God and His creation.
God is a God of justice - if we don’t reconnect with Him, we will never experience True justice and be able to connect with other human beings with unconditional love…………….
The world needs a Saviour…. a Real One - not a fake clone!
Our Saviour and Redeemer, Yeshua haMashiach IS unconditional love - that is HIS ESSENCE!
We are all going through a fiery furnace - that is God’s way getting rid of the dross and purifying us to be like pure gold. So get used to it! That is God’s strategy. He demands purity of heart amongst His subjects.
Disconnecting us with our creator God, and with one another, is Lucifer’s #1 strategy.
Do not comply………..