There are so many ways to depict the physical brain and what the spiritual mafia MOB is doing to it. However, the main target is your energetic mind - because what you believe about yourself, your world and your creator God is what manifests itself in the physical realm.
Scientific research has a common goal; that is to provide a scientific framework for the current and future development of eBRAINS with the one common goal to poison our minds [essentially, the poison it to hate our Creator God]. I have summarised this assault on humanity, detailing not only the history of these occult alchemist scientists, but also how they are using quantum physics to apply the greatest scam in history in one eBOOK - available here. The plot of the MOB’s global play is the demise of mankind and everything in nature. That is the endgame.
Before you accept this truth, you may have to become consciously aware that you have been lied too and deceived ever since you were born. That is how the Beast system operates. The Jesuits and the Kabbalist, Zionist Jews have your belief system covered right from the gecko!
In the last Substack we touched on a group within the spiritual mafia MOB controlling the world from Geneva, Switzerland called the Catholic Jesuits. Geneva and the Vatican are highly entangled together. The speaker in this video above refers to the other group of criminals controlling the minds of the world population - the Kabbalist, Zionist Jews. As he says, this group of psychopaths are druck on the idea [belief system] of a Jewish supremacist, largely Talmudic ideologists, who perceive Gentiles - the goyim - as worthless cattle, only to be taken to slaughter.
This is the group of Rothschild psychopaths who ransacked Palestine in 1948, that the Christian church in the West are now supporting. This is an unbelievable concept to a sane, critical thinking mind.
Most of what you have been taught in the Western schools, university and Christian churches [and therefore by your parents] is absolute BULLSHIT. I can guarantee it! You were born to be Godly, sovereign and a worthy human being, not to be perceived as a worthless piece of SHIT by the MOB and thus by default, all of society.
In fact you can be certain that the word ‘BULL-shit’ originates from one of the 13 Elite Papal Bloodlines, the House of Borja. The same Borgia crime family who created the Jesuits. The words ‘Papal Bull’ and the ‘Bull of Wall Street’ are also likely derived from the Bull of the House of Borgia which is an icon of perceived strength.
Set aside 6.5 hours to watch The Greatest Story Never Told and resolve in your own mind what a beaten, thus traumatised, mind controlled, Catholic raised, confused, targeted individual (TI), one called Adolf Hitler meant when he said “The victor will never be asked if he told the truth”. Which raises the question; “Who exactly was the perceived victor of WW2, and who were the real victors?” Notice that Hitler was perceived by the Germans as a risen hero who like Neo in the movie, ‘The Matrix’, had the ability to stop the bullets in their tracks. He thus became a powerful messiah figure - albeit a false one. This is how Georg Hegel's theory of the dialectic PROBLEM, REACTION, SOLUTION works. Therefore they worshipped and gave homage to the Fuhrer - whilst a mere man was perceived as their saviour.
It was designed to be that way. The MOB in Geneva, Switzerland created the narrative they called “Marxism”, then “Communism”, then created the anti-thesis they called “Nazism” before presenting the synthesis they today call “Technocracy” or its evil twin “Transhumanism”.
Today’s cultural environment is no different - it has now been staged that way on a global level - where everyone is seeking a powerful messiah figure - albeit a false one.
Radiation poisoning using graphene oxide has been used to make human beings to be a cell tower that receives and transmits radiation signals continually. Oxygen deprivation is what causes all disease. Dr. Robert Young tells how it is in this video….
It may appear insane to believe that those who were initially seen as God’s chosen people -Yeshua ben Yosef, our Savior came to us through the lineage of the Jews - would contemplate crucifying their own Saviour, then cover up the evidence for 1,994 years with a feeble narrative that everyone believes. Then go on in an attempt to create their own feebile messiah - one they will soon discover is a false messiah. And you may find it difficult to believe that this same group is the Death Cult that are trying to bring the spirit of DEATH to your being through 5G destructive interference waves that you cannot even see. This is a spiritual death ritual permeated through society by the MOB. It maybe hard to believe because most of it is done by these mystical mystians in the energetic/spiritual realm - BUT embrace yourself for the Truth!
When will the people in the West wake up to the fact that the Allies didn’t win WW2. The Allies lost against Nazism when the spiritual mafia MOB sent Nazis to the U.S.A. with ‘Operation Paperclip’ to supposedly harness Nazi German scientific talent and technologies developed by the German military-industrial machine. These Nazis were used to infiltrate American society and begin the spwo process of occult indoctrination. Britain also created ‘Operation Matchbox’ which exported Nazi Germans to its colonies like Australia and Canada to infiltrate their Governments and universities with Nazism and the belief system that was the foundation of Nazism - essentially Norse Virology and Pharaonic Hermeticism. Even more than 6,000 people were transported from former Nazi Germany as war reparations to the Soviet Union which as called ‘Operation Osoaviakhim’.
The Allies didn’t win WW2, and the Germans didn’t lose WW2. The occult Swiss Pharaonic Octagon MOB stopped the physical fighting and changed tactical maneuvers because they were not satisfied with Hitler merely taking one country and indoctrinating just Germany with their occult belief system. They were determined to take the whole world no matter how long the process took - another 79 years is nothing to these psychopaths and megalomaniacs.
This reminds me of the old ‘Old Bull Young Bull’ tale where the young bull looks lustfully at the cows in the pastures afar, and with enthusiasm suggests to the old bull that they run down to the field and take a cow. Whereas the the old bull says “No son, let’s walk to the field and take the lot!” To the occult Swiss Pharaonic Octagon MOB, Hitler was the eager young bull who only had the Revolutionary vision for Germany. Whereas the Swiss Pharaonic Octagon MOB had eyes to take the whole world.
That is what you and I are witnessing right now.
We live our lives in a sea of lies, cover up and deception. It is very difficult to see and perceive much when living in a sea of excretion we call ‘BULL-shit’. It takes persistent optimism and energetic entanglement with the only spiritual “Way” to swim to the surface and begin to see for miles, in order to grasp the big picture of what is really transpiring.
What I’m describing to you is all found in the book of Revelation Chapters 17 & 18. The Apostle of the “Way” who loved Yeshua the most, the Apostle John, prophesied this would manifest itself in this present generation, about 1,934 years ago. Right now the book of Revelation is coming to life for us, as it was prophesied to do by the Jewish prophet Daniel about 2,600 years ago. Daniel is known for his unshakable consecration to his God, YHWH and his loyalty to those who trusted in Him.
Revelation 17 & 18 describes a woman - one who is perceived as a harlot in God’s kingdom. That harlot is called “Mystery Babylon the Great” in Revelation 17 & 18. It has been a “mystery” up until now, because nobody has known who “she” is or was. Now we know! “Mystery Babylon the Great” is anyone who has spiritually married Yeshua, “the Messiah, the Son of the living God”, and then turned away from Him through fear, apathy and anxiety - often unconsciously, and with no conscious awareness because they are drowning in the sea of ‘BULL-shit’ and propaganda.
We have to acknowledge the videos Greg Reece presents which are “right on the money”….. or “right on the corruption”! Click here or on the photo below…..
Ray Kurzweil’s book title, ‘The Singularity Is Near: When Humans Transcend Biology’ is another way to proudly state “When the combination of human creativity in combination with Lucifer’s Intelligence transcends God’s Creative Power and Mind, we will have outSMARTed God”.
In 2008, Ray Kurzweil claimed that humans would become infused with nanorobots. The non biological Intelligence associated with the new “machines” Kurzweil is referring to being placed in our bodies and brains, which are greater than us, more subtle, more intelligent, more creative and more beautiful than humans - are merely malevolent spiritual entities that we know as demons, spiritual parasites, fallen angels or the daevas of Zoroastrianism - but we are not consciously aware that they reside within us because they are unseen.
They are implementing the spirit and energy of DEATH to try to replicate God-induced LIFE. It is an impossible exploit. These guys are effectively blaming God for disease and DEATH - and refusing to accept that mankind’s estranged relationship with our Creator is the sole cause of DEATH - in quantum science terms it is called quantum disentanglement.
Listen closely to this statement; “If the self replicating nanobots are able to replicate within the human body, that means they are using some form of the human body as food…..:” Allow that vital statement to sink in! Self- assembly and self-replication are the predominant words when it came to the COVID-19 bioweapon. Even they admit that self-replication causes disease. “Nanorobots are naturally much stronger than biological systems…. so if they self-replicate, that “disease” could be a tougher problem than biological disease.”
There you have it from the mouth of the devil himself…… the devil’s self-replicating spiritual parasites which feed off of our dark energy are going to cause more disease and DEATH - which [or witch] is the ultimate goal of the eugenics physcopaths.
Folks, these eugenics psychopaths are telling the public exactly what is transpiring - and it has spiritual connotations with a hidden meaning!
Evidence now clearly shows that the vaxxed are shedding these spiritual parasites, that operate in the quantum realm, to the unvaxxed. Whilst the vaxxed are brainwashed into fearing that the opposite is true - and the unvaxxed are shedding these spiritual parasites to the vaxxed! Can you see the 180° inversion?
This is how the destructive contradiction of dialectic confusion works. This is one of the main strategies of The Digital Brainlessness we are now experiencing.
Confusion is one of the main traits of the ‘Whore of Babylon’ we briefly discussed in the last Substack…..
The ‘Whore of Babylon’ is the spiritual entity that rides and empowers the Beast system - it includes the AI technology that provides iniquitous power to the Beast system.
Meanwhile there are two important dates approaching in May, 2024. The first is Pentecost 2024. Pentecost is important because it is a celebration of the date God released His Holy Spirit on His followers, 50 days after Yeshua’s resurrection. Yeshua’s resurrection represented the day He overcame the spirit of Lucifer’s DEATH spirit in toto. This is what the Jesuits and the Zionist Jews are so desperate to cover up and turn our focussed attention away from. The MOB is becoming desperate to continue to hide the Truth.
Pentecost 2024 is on the 19th May. Remember we said that the 19th May is also 40 days from the 8th April when God wrote the symbol ‘TAV’ [it is finished] in the skies over the U.S.A. - thus declaring a the 40-Day “Nineveh” Window of repentance for the people of the entire world. We made it clear that God always gives His people warning when he is about to judge an individual, a country and/or the whole world.
Well time is running out! There are 5 days remaining to Pentecost.
Most are likely unaware of the proposed new World Health Organisation’s (WHO) Pandemic Treaty or the 2005 International Health Regulations (IHR) Amendments which are currently being discussed in Geneva and will be voted upon, on their behalf, in the week of 27 May this year. If this bill is passed to empower the WHO to administer authority and invoke mandates over health issues in every country of the world, our freedoms as citizens are essentially GONE! Our digital prison will manifest as a reality in the physical realm.
Once this is bedded down, there will be no stopping the next plandemic, already labelled Disease X.
“It is a fearful and terrifying thing to fall into the hands of the living God [incurring His judgment and wrath].” The sword of divine justice is about to fall….
Maybe it is time to listen to one of the most powerful sermons ever preached in the U.S.A. - ‘Sinners in the Hands of An Angry God’ which was one of the most famous of all fire and brimstone sermons, first preached by Jonathan Edwards, a prominent Puritan minister, in Enfield, Connecticut, in 1741….
Oh how Christendom has slipped into debauchery since then…. it too has joined the Kabbalah, Zionist Jews as “Mystery Babylon the Great”. It has become a harlot from God’s perspective who has abandoned its first love. It too has become a Brainless and Heartless dead corporation.
Do you know what makes God angry? God judges our hearts, and when iniquity and corruption rules our energetic hearts, it locks God out and eventually we throw away the key to His offer of resurrection LIFE.
Let’s personalise this: If you offered your son as a blood sacrifice so that others could live in freedom and they responded by turning their back on you, and despising you, how would you feel? Where is the justice in that?
That is essentially what the word iniquity means - gross injustice!
Only a personal relationship or spiritual quantum entanglement with our spiritual Saviour, Yeshua haMashiach can possibly erase any iniquity from our hearts. Iniquity is an energetic counterfeit of the Hebrew letter “TAV” - which means Yeshua is our righteousness. There is only one antidote for our iniquity, or corruption of heart - and that is God’s free provision of Yeshua’s righteousness - or right standing before God.
Then maybe review Goodbye Pfizer - "It is finished”! before it actually happens.