The Demiurge Of Technocracy: Recreating The World In Their Image
Through Gnosticism, Occultism and Esotericism
In Platonism, Demiurge was a deity or creative force that shaped the material world. The term was adopted by early Gnostics to represent a deity as the creator of evil. This is a deep dive into the thinking of Technocrat elitists, which rests on Gnosticism, occultism and esotericism.
This is a deep dive into thinking of Technocrat elitists, which rests on Gnosticism, occultism and esotericism. Technocracy and Transhumanism seek to remake the physical world in their own image, including all living things and all non-organic matter. They have openly stated that they are talking over evolution as the “intelligent designers” while ignoring the original designer, God. ⁃ Patrick Wood, TN Editor.
For a while, Elon Musk left a tweet pinned to the top of his X account that read “X as humanity’s collective consciousness.” Although it seemed innocuous, the metaphysical undertones of the message alluded to an underlying influence that categorically shapes the agenda of the ruling elite: esotericism. While the idea of a collective consciousness is often examined through an exoteric lens in which its surface level application on a sociological level is analyzed, the deeper dimensions of the concept give insight into the motives behind what drives the ruling elite. The power harnessed from that deeper knowledge is evident from the god complex the elitists in the upper-most echelons of society exhibit. In an age of ascending technocracy influencing the fabric of society instilled by the powers that be which govern it, another esoteric concept illustrates not only how they operate but what their ultimate aims are.
That all-enveloping concept is that of the Demiurge. Although the term is rooted in Platonic philosophy, schools of Gnosticism would most heavily influence its development. To the early Christians that would later be labeled by the church as Gnostics to make their iconoclastic beliefs against the ruling ecclesiastic order seen as heresy, the creator of the material universe was not a benevolent figure. Instead, the flaws of material existence which even mainstream Christianity would come to hold as being the force creating sin and evil were the byproduct of a malevolent creator. In its role as the creator of the material realm, the Demiurge was subordinate to a supreme creator whose omnipotence shaped being beyond the realms of finite human perception all but entirely shaped by the tangible world.
Though subordinate to a higher power, the Demiurge held domain over his material creation. That dynamic parallels the manner in which the ruling elite govern the world as they seek to reshape humanity in their own image, mirroring the Gnostic conception of creation. In this epoch of humanity, nothing is more analogous to the role of the Demiurge than the growing influence of technocracy.
One of many means by the technocratic elite employ to achieve their aims is the use biotechnological innovations meant to change the fabric of society and reshape the very foundations of humanity in their image. As it was written in Genesis 1:27, God made mankind in his own image. While that tenet of Christianity is accepted without refutation, its acceptance has alienated its adherents from examining the deeper meaning of the text which give further credence to the beliefs that the elite build their god complex on. In the verse immediately before Genesis 1:27, a different picture of how mankind was created is given. Although its difference to Genesis 1:27 is only slightly nuanced, it raises doubt about the dominant Christian belief of a single creator. Genesis 1:26 reads: Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.”
The use of the word ‘our’ is one of many instances of the application of the plural form of the Hebrew word ‘elohim’, meaning god(s) depending on the verbiage it is paired with. Although whether or not the word is appropriately used in its plural form is a point of debate for theologians, linguists, and the like, one prevailing school of thought is that its usage in the Old Testament and elsewhere does indeed imply that the existence of a plurality of gods within the constraints of the religion. The 12th century rabbinical scholar Maimonides, one of the most influential scholars of the Torah wrote that the use of the word not only referred to a plurality of gods but expounded upon how the elohim were divine beings who occupied the seventh of ten ranks in the hierarchy of Jewish angelology. The most often analyzed example of the use of the plural form of the word comes from Genesis 3:22 “And the Lord God said, ‘The man has now become like one of us, knowing good and evil.'” In that verse, the god believed to be YHWH is speaking to the figure of the serpent, who had tempted Adam and Eve to eat from the Tree Of Knowledge. The same imagery of a serpent is prominently featured in the illustration of Yaldabaoth, the Gnostic name of the entity who is the Demiurge.
The figure of Yaldabaoth features across various Gnostic texts, including the Pistis Sophia which recounts its creation and subsequent generation of the material universe and mankind, as well as the Apocryphon Of John in which Yaldabaoth is one of three names given to the Demiurge with the others being Saklas and Samael. In the Talmud, the foundational authority of Rabbinical Judaism, Samael is known as the magistrate in the court of the Kingdom Of Heaven. In that subordinate role to God, Samael is tasked with judging the souls of men and as such gains the name ‘the accuser’ for the accusations he brings against their sins. The title of ‘the accuser’ along with the word ‘adversary’ became translated as ‘ha-Satan’, with the prefix ‘ha’ indicating a divine form opposed to the word simply translated as ‘satan’ meaning adversary. Being bestowed this title led many to consider Samael as the serpent in the Book Of Genesis as his temptation of Adam and Eve was not an act of evil but a directive given to him by God in order to judge the righteousness of the creation of man. In turn, the interchangeability of the names Samael and Yaldabaoth across different schools of Gnosticism is the foundation of the belief that Satan is the creator of the material universe and thus the Demiurge. This is further evidenced by other Gnostic texts that equate Yaldaboath to the Roman god Saturn as well as the apocryphal works of the Gopsel Of Judas and the Hypostasis Of The Archons which both illustrate Yaldabaoth as a rebellious angel cast down from the heavens.
What makes the plural usage of the word ‘elohim’ so integral to the esoteric thought influencing the ruling elite is that it is the foundation of their belief that man can somehow ascend to the status of a god. No more is this evident than in the example of the Yale-based secret society Skull And Bones. The secret society is rife with symbolism alluding to Genesis 3:22, even recognizing the name Order 322 as one of its alternative title. The use of the allusion to Genesis 3:22 is most prominently featured on the esoteric order’s own emblem. Since its founding in 1832 by students William Huntington Russell and Alphonso Taft, members of Skull And Bones have risen to some of the highest ranks in industry and politics in the United States, highlighting the presence of adherents of esoteric orders in the ruling elite. Alphonso Taft was the father of future US President and Chief Justice Of The Supreme Court William Howard Taft. In the 2024 Presidential Election, the two candidates George W. Bush and John Kerry were alumnus of Skull And Bones, a point astutely addressed by the late Tim Russert who raised the point with both the Democratic and Republican nominees in his capacity as the host of Meet The Press. Russert would die 4 years later in 2008.
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Though it was shielded more carefully in days of old, the aspiration to ascend to the status of a godlike being shared by the vanguard of technocracy has become more visible in recent years. While the esoteric term ‘occult’ means to be hidden, the Demiurgian aims of the technocratic elite has become more apparent thanks in part due to supranational NGOs like the World Economic Forum. Perhaps the most prominent of this ilk is the Israeli author Yuval Harari. His works Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind (2011), Homo Deus: A Brief History of Tomorrow (2016), 21 Lessons for the 21st Century (2018), and Nexus (2024) explore how biotechnological innovation is posed to be the catalyst for the next stage of human evolution. However, unlike evolution arising out of the natural order of life, Harari postulates that the technocratically instilled deterministic forces of humanity’s evolution will lead to a class of human beings who surpass others in mankind. According to Harari, “Homo sapiens as we know them will probably disappear within a century or so, not destroyed by killer robots or things like that, but changed and upgraded with biotechnology and artificial intelligence into something else, into something different.”
Harari has featured as a speaker for the WEF multiple times. Despite being featured for his theories on mankind’s future under the influence of biotechnological advancements, Harari is far from the only technocrat to take center stage in Davos. The technocratic elite are ubiquitous across not just the WEF but other organizations whose pervasive influence has become more influential over leaders of nation-states throughout the world. By infiltrating governments worldwide and subjugating the autonomy of countries and the democratic recourse of their people against this dystopian vision for the future, the trajectory of history driving toward an epoch in which the technocratic elite may rule mankind as if they were gods is poised to occur sooner rather than later.
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While the technocrats like Klaus Schwab, Yuval Harari, and Bill Gates are viewed as malevolent forces guiding mankind down this course of history, they share the same endgame of Elon Musk in many regards. While supporters of Musk see him as diametrically opposed to the likes of the WEF-axis of the technocratic elite, their affinity for him may be clouding their judgment. Musk’s self-avowed goal of using X to serve as a digitized collective consciousness is motivated by esoteric philosophy as it draws clear parallels to the concept of the Akashic Records. This concept was put forward by the spiritual medium and founder of the Theosophical Society, Helena Blavatsky.
In many respects, Blavatsky is the matriarch of the New Age Movement that has assimilated the esoteric teachings of a forgone age into modernity. She put forward the concept of the Akashic Records as a compendium of all the thoughts, events, emotions, and intent throughout the whole of existence and time. Blavatsky drew upon the teachings she channeled from the ascetic Aryan adepts of the Great White Brotherhood. She drew from their teachings by choosing the Sankrit word ‘akasha’, meaning aether, to give a name to the concept. The Sankrit word ‘akasha’ is also a homophone of the word ‘acacia’ which is a plant featured in the initial ritual for initiation into Freemasonry, symbolizing gnosis or godly knowledge. The symbolism of the word is derived from a tale in which a sprig of the plant is used to mark the burial mound of Chiram Abiff, the Phoenician architect sent to Jerusalem by King Hiram I of Tyre, who sent him to Jerusalem in order to build Solomon’s Temple as his understanding of gnosis made him uniquely capable of achieving. The Masonic ritual is meant to imbue the importance of guarding the secrets that initiates to the rite are entrusted with being stewards of.
While Musk’s tweet may not seem to draw heavily upon these elements, a holistic view of his endeavors illustrates the aims he shares with other technocratic elitists whose motives are undoubtedly shaped by esoteric influences. The most prominent of these endeavors is Neuralink. As it enters into higher stages of clinical trials, Neuralink is poised to reshape the inner machinations of the human mind. While the brain implant is being marketed for its medical applications, those are undoubtedly not the full extent of its potential. If brain implants like Neuralink were to be ubiquitous across the whole of humanity, they would theoretically serve as the agent which drives the creation of a digital version of the Akashic Records.
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Ed Note: Do not miss this video - it is the core of the whole article. If you don’t understand the spiritual invasion of demonic entities on the mind and heart of humanity now, you will never understand the physical release of the alien forces in the near future. Notice specifically that Alice A. Bailey foretold that the HIERARCHY would reveal themselves in AD 2025. Now that is fairly specific - wouldn’t you say? Learn about the hierarchy, ranking system of angels in different religions, such as Judaism, Christianity, Islam, and Zoroastrianism. This has been the case ever since the Jews in the Babylon captivity turned their backs on YHWH and embraced Lucifer, which resulted in the Jews creating the esoteric religion of Kabbalah, which became the foundational teaching of every secret society in the world. The Lucis Trust is an esoteric organisation founded in 1922 by Alice Bailey and her husband Foster Bailey. It was originally named the Lucifer Trust. Bailey wrote the eventual ‘Externalisation of the Hierarchy’ and ‘Preparation for the Reappearance of the Christ’. "The present cycle (1945-2025) is called technically "The Stage of the Forerunner". A “Great General Assembly of the Hierarchy” is held in the 25th year of every new century …. namely 2025.
The HIERARCHY are those spiritual MASTER entities - fallen angels - that rule the world from behind the scenes. All of the spiritual mafia MOB act as Grand Masters subservient to the HIERARCHY. And Alice Bailey has stated that these spiritual entities the MOB is affiliated with, will be revealed to the masses in 2025. Note that 2025 in nominated by these fallen angels as “the fullness of time”. Lucifer and Satan know YHWH’s timeframe exactly. That is why the global elite are now preparing the Stage for the battle of Armageddon. The Capital of Israel is preparing for this battle right now. That is the role of the Satanic/Kabbalah/Zionist/Sabbatean Jew/Khazarian Mafia (KM) leader, Benjamin Netanyahu. This has been in planning well before the State of Israel was formed in 1948 - maybe since the last “Great General Assembly of the Hierarchy” in 1925. Lucifer claims to be the planetary Word - this is why Lucifer will claim to be Jesus Christ - Yeshua haMashiach, the Word of YHWH. It is an absolutely impossible claim because Lucifer/Satan have no creative powers at all - zero! The only thing they have the power to create is through the creative powers of mankind - those made in the image of YHWH.
That is why Lucifer is the great counterfeiter - and deceiver of mankind. Lucifer needs mankind to sell their souls to him in order to make his revolution feasible.
Zoroastrianism is an ancient Persian religion that was founded in the abyss of Nimrod’s Babylonian belief system. It is one of the oldest monotheistic faiths and subsequently influenced the Abrahamic religions through the Medo-Persian Empire. Zoroastrianism and Mithraism were created by the Aryan Indo-Iranian race [yes the same Nordic/Aryan ‘warrior’ Vril spirit that Hitler’s Nazi regime worshipped] and are foundational to all the world’s religions created by the 13 Elite Papal Bloodlines who were either Pharaonic Egyptians or Persians. Don’t you find it fascinating and significant that Iran/Persia is the foremost country to be attacking Israel with missiles in the prelude to Armageddon?
Take note: the duality of Lucifer/Satan must impersonate Christ before the return of the Real and True administer of LIFE, Yeshua haMashiach on Mount Zion, Jerusalem.
Possibly the greatest deception of all time occurs when Christians from all over the world are deceived into believing that Donald Trump is their Messiah simply because he is a pro-Zionist Jew - and/or a visual hologram of a “Christ” is seen in the skies as an false illusion of his return. This delusional interplay is same way aeroplanes were seen to crash into two buildings in NY on Sept 11th, 2001. Their narrative is all a con folks foretold by the Hierarchy of fallen angels through ALICE A. BAILEY.
Neuralink is not the sole endeavor of Musk’s that shares these esoteric undertones either. SpaceX chiefly exists as the means by which Musk hopes to achieve his ultimate aim of making human life interplanetary. That mission is embodied by his ultimate goal of creating a human settlement on Mars. However, Musk is not the only rocket scientist whose fascination with Mars fueled his work. Jack Parsons, the founder of Jet Propulsion Laboratory was renowned for his contributions to aeronautics. Parsons invented the first rocket engine to use composite rocket propellants. Other contributions of his to the field of rocket science were fundamental to the early achievements of NASA, which assimilated JPL into it as its first contractor following Parsons’ mysterious death in 1952.
The enigmatic demise of Parsons was the conclusion of a life shrouded in mystery. Parson’s posthumous legacy as one of the most influential rocket scientists in history the esoteric motives that drove him to achieve what he had. Throughout his life, Parsons had been fascinated by esoteric studies. It is rumored that he even began many test launches of his rockets by performing a ritual invoking the Greek deity Pan. His interest in the occult would lead to him forming relationships with Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard as well as the infamous occulist and ceremonial magician Aleister Crowley. Parsons’ became a high ranking members of the Ordo Templi Orientis, a para-Masonic order headed by Crowley. He also became one of the most influential adherents of Crowley’s novel religion of Thelema.
In 1946, Parsons and Hubbard engaged in a ritual referred to as the Babalon Working put forward in Crowley’s 1929 novel Moonchild in an effort to invoke the eponymous Thelemic deity. Following the ritual, Persons would become disenfranchised by Thelema after his wife left him for Hubbard. She and Hubbard subsequently went on to defraud Parsons of his life savings, prompting him to resign from the OTO despite Crowley entrusting him to head its principle lodge in California in 1942.
Parson’s infatuation with the occult ultimately led to his demise as it didn’t just cost him his life savings but his livelihood in the field of aeronautics. In 1944, he was forced out of JPL and his other company Aerojet due to his affiliation with the OTO. Those connections also led to him being a political target during the McCarthy era as Crowley and Parsons alike were loosely affiliated with Marxist movements. This left Parsons unable to work in the rocket science industry in the US, relying on a consulting role with Israel’s rocket program as one of the only sources of his income before he would ultimately die in a home laboratory explosion which was been steeped in unresolved speculation as to whether or not he was murdered to this day.
While Parson’s untimely demise saw him die at just 37 years old, his influence lived on. One of his contemporaries, former Nazi rocket scientist brought to the US by the CIA through Operation Paperclip, Werner von Braun, was one of many influenced by Parsons’ work. During his contributions to NASA’s space program, von Braun wrote a novel titled Project Mars: A Technical Tale in 1949 while he was stationed at Fort Bliss in New Mexico. The work of fiction was set during the first human mission to Mars in the 1980s. The humans leading the expedition to Mars in von Braun’s novel make contact with humanoid Martians bearing a strikingly resemblance to an entity Crowley had encountered whose government was run by a council of ten, the head of which was referred to by their title of “the Elon.” Although von Braun’s novel wasn’t published until 2006 due to 18 different publishers rejecting it due to his history as a Nazi, its technical appendix written in 1952 was published in 1953.
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The novel serves as somewhat of a template for the history that could be made if Musk is able to achieve his ultimate aim of colonizing Mars. If he is able to do so, the progression of humanity from Earth to Mars would undoubtedly thrust Musk into godlike status. That potential chain of events doesn’t just parallel von Braun’s novel but also has echoes of the Mesopotamian creation myth chronicled in the Book of Enki. The Sumerian concept of extraterrestrial intervention being the impetus of human creation is chronicled in the works of author Zecharia Sitchin. Throughout his career, Sitchin analyzed this theme in Sumerian culture. Sitchin’s focus would hone in on the Anunnaki, a pantheon of eight deities who like the Demiurge had domain over planet Earth. Sitchin theorized that the Anunnaki were actually an advanced humanoid extraterrestrial species whose interplanetary travels brought them to Earth and whose influence accelerated the development of human civilization, a theme that resonates in von Braun’s work about humanity colonizing Mars and Elon Musk’s desire to do so in reality.
Werner von Braun was not the only Nazi to be influenced by esoteric concepts like the Anunnaki. Nazism itself rose out of the influence of esotericism on the elite. The foundation of that historical progression was rooted in the nationalist movement that swept across Europe in the late 19th century which were fomented by Freemasonry. Central figures of the Italian Risogimento which led to the unification of Italy were members of esoteric orders. Giuseppe Mazzini and Giuseppe Garibaldi were at the forefront of that movement and both were Freemasons. Garibaldi would go on to found the Masonic Rite Of Memphis-Mizraim. The leadership of the Rite Of Memphis-Mizraim eventually fell into the hands of a German-axis of occultists, notably Carl Kellner and Theodor Reuss. Reuss was the last Grand Hierophant of the rite. He also was the founder of the Ordo Templi Orientis. While Aleister Crowley is the person who is remembered for the OTO, he usurped the para-Masonic secret society from Reuss.
The OTO wasn’t the only byproduct of the Rite Of Memphis-Mizraim that had the fruits of its labor manifest in an esoteric influence on the ruling elite determining the course of history. An offshoot of the rite more relevant to that historical materialism was the Thule Society. It was founded by a mason within the Rite of Memphis-Mizraim named Rudolph von Sebottendorf. Ultimately, its members would create the National Socialist German Workers Party. Adolf Hitler, Heinrich Himmler, and Rudolf Heß were just a few of the founding members of the NSDAP to be members of the Thule Society. Although Hitler gravitated to the political dimension of the society’s aims, Himmler and Heß maintained their fascination with the esoteric and occult for the remainder their lives. Heß’s decision to fly to Britain to negotiate a secret piece was prompted by his astrological readings. As head of the SS, Himmler would found a division within it dedicated to exploration of the occult named the Ahnenerbe. The SS insignia itself is taken from the Armanen Runes channeled by the German Volkisch occultist Guido von List. Although the Thule Society is often credit for being the first group in the Volkisch Movement that overtook Germany at the turn of the 20th century leading to the rise of Aryan supremacy to revitalize the swatzika, that credit should rightfully be recognized as being done by Jörg Lans von Liebenfels, who incorporated a swatzika into the heraldry and vexilography of the Order Of The New Templars nearly a quarter of a century earlier in 1900.
Although members of the Nazi Party would distance themselves from von List and von Liebenfels, their development of Ariosophy was crucial to the dawn of the Volkisch movement in Germany. The Order Of The New Templars was created in an effort to instill a desire for a fascist state in the German zeitgeist. Ariosophy itself was a vestige of the influence of Theosophy. The secret order was a precursor to the Thule Society which served as a model for how esoteric orders would influence the political climates of nations in order to install a ruling elite under their influence.
Following the conclusion of the Second World War, the overt fanaticism that was used by esoteric orders to shape society took a much more covert approach. Instead of radical populist movements, the elite turned to more exclusive organizations including NGOs, PIRGs, and the like such as the Bilderberg Group, Club Of Rome, and World Economic Forum. Although this new approach was much more sterilized than that which drove the rise of fascism in the early 20th century, each of those groups also sought to advance the agenda of an elite ruling class like its predecessors influence by esoteric order had. Technocracy simply replaced overtly esoteric philosophies as the foundation of what drove these new political vehicles.
Despite the evolution of this tactic, the ultimate aim of the technocratic elite ultimately still shares an important commonality with the esoteric influences that drew upon the concept of the Demiurge. Just like the process detailed in the Gnostic tradition, the aims of the technocratic elite to create a the world in their image are confined to the material realm. Gnosticism teaches that the inherent flaws of the material existence fashioned by Yaldabaoth are what created the strife that plagues mankind. Unlike a supreme creator, the creation of the realm the Demiurge holds domain over is made through material and not ethereal means and as such cannot escape imperfection and the woe that manifests from it. Those imperfections of material existence that serve as the foundation for evil are even more pronounced in the technocratic Demiurge of this age. Yet unlike the apocryphal texts of the Gnostics that were made verboten by the church by being labelled as works of heresy, the reality of the aims of the technocratic elite of this epoch is impossible to dismiss.
The prophetess of the United Nations and Lucifer’s NWO….
Let the Forces of Light bring illumination to mankind. Let the Spirit of Peace be spread abroad. May men of goodwill everywhere meet in a spirit of cooperation. May forgiveness on the part of all men be the keynote at this time. Let power attend the efforts of the Great Ones. So let it be, and help us to do our part. — 1935 Let the Lords of Liberation issue forth. Let Them bring succour to the sons of men. Let the Rider from the Secret Place come forth, And coming, save. Come forth, O Mighty One. Let the souls of men awaken to the Light, And may they stand with massed intent. Let the fiat of the Lord go forth: The end of woe has come! Come forth, O Mighty One. The hour of service of the Saving Force has now arrived. Let it be spread abroad, O Mighty One. Let Light and Love and Power and Death Fulfil the purpose of the Coming One. The WILL to save is here. The LOVE to carry forth the work is widely spread abroad. The ACTIVE AID of all who know the truth is also here. Come forth, O Mighty One and blend these three. Construct a great defending wall. The rule of evil now must end. — 1940 Copyright ©1998 LUCIS TRUST Twenty-Four Books of Esoteric Philosophy From the point of Light within the Mind of God Let light stream forth into the minds of men. Let Light descend on Earth. From the point of Love within the Heart of God Let love stream forth into the hearts of men. May Christ return to Earth. From the centre where the Will of God is known Let purpose guide the little wills of men— The purpose which the Masters know and serve. From the centre which we call the race of men Let the Plan of Love and Light work out. And may it seal the door where evil dwells. Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth. — 1945
ALICE A. BAILEY’s prayer to Lucifer and the ‘Externalisation of the Hierarchy’ in 2025. This is Lucifer’s Great Awakening!