Patrick Wood is a leading and critical expert on Sustainable Development, Green Economy, Agenda 21, 2030 Agenda and historic Technocracy. He recently released this article regarding the upcoming Micro Needle Array (MNA) Patch entitled “Gates, WHO, CDC See Peel & Stick Vaccine Patches Mailed Directly To Peoples’ Homes”. He says in his summary….
“Micro-needle patches can be mass produced, mailed to homes worldwide and self-administered by the recipients. Peel-and-stick patches can be adapted to any type of vaccine, including mRNA gene therapy technology. All of these affect and change body functions and especially the immune system. If creating Humanity 2.0 is the goal, then this delivery system is “groundbreaking”.
Why would Big Pharma and the biodefense industry be interested in peel-and-stick patches? Because it completely cuts out the middleman, that is, the healthcare system. It is “direct-to-consumer” and still has the same effect. Furthermore, it greatly expands the potential market.”
In May 2023, positive Phase 1 & 2 data from the first-ever clinical trial of micro-array technology in children was shared during the MICRONEEDLES 2023 conference in Seattle, Washington. Hmmmm…. let’s see…. which pedophile philanthropist is based in Seattle? Which city in the world publicly displays each year the MOB’s intent to change our DNA for everyone to see?
“If you look at the medical literature describing microneedle vaccine patches, what you see is a lot of hype about how much easier it will be for the vaccinators to slap a patch on a child’s skin instead of using a needle, and how the ‘painless’ patch can reduce vaccine hesitancy.”
Vaccine Microarray Patches (VMAPs)
VMAPs can increase vaccine coverage by increasing acceptability by caregivers and recipients, and administering vaccines more rapidly and easily with minimally trained health care workers.
Envisioning a future where ‘vaccine patches’ could be mailed directly to peoples’ homes. The appeal to the public is that it’s pain-free and convenient. It satisfies our ego!
According to CEPI (Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations) - which was launched at Davos, Switzerland 2017, VMAPs “could enable a future in which vaccine patches could be mailed directly to peoples’ homes, workplaces and schools, avoiding the delay and inconvenience of traditional needle-and-syringe vaccine scheduling and administration.”
According to Gavi [the Bill Gates financed Vaccine Alliance - previously the GAVI Alliance, and before that the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization] , VMAPs are “needle-free and pre-dosed,” simplifying the administration of vaccines, which can then “be carried out by minimally trained volunteers.”
Gavi also claims VMAPs “are safer as they overcome the risks related to operational errors” during administration, such as dosage errors and needle-stick injuries.
VMAPs are “easier to distribute”, according to Gavi, due to their light weight and “enhanced thermostability” which addresses “the problem of vaccine storage requirements” and removes “the need for cold-chains”.
Moreover, Gavi claims “The lower level of pain experienced during administration with MAPs would help reduce vaccine hesitancy and increase vaccine acceptability”.
“There are difficulties in reaching the last mile with the current injectable vaccines since they depend on a functional cold-chain and administration by well-trained staff … Furthermore, most vaccines are administered via injection that may cause pain, and discomfort that leads to hesitancy”, UNICEF states.
This is a one touch transition into a digital prison with walls we cannot see.
What you need to know is -
This is not new technology. This scientific article was published in Sept. 2018. I have personally known about the Micro Needle Array (MNA) Patch and Prof Mark Prausnitz’s Micron Biomedical since 2018. Micron is based in Atlanta, GA.
May 17th 2023, Micron Biomedical announces positive measles and rubella vaccination results from the first clinical trial of Microarray Injections - Free Vaccine Delivery in Children.
Micron has partnered with or received funding from private and public pharmaceutical and biotech companies, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), UNICEF, PATH and the Georgia Research Alliance. Its approval is a fait accompli, without consultation or discussion.
Goodbye syringe? - is a given! The vaccines administered via syringe were always designed to fail. I wrote extensively about this in 2020. It has played out perfectly to plan. The reason is - the MOB is not interested in inoculating say 60% of the global population via a clumsy method - they want 100% coverage via a quick and easy Patch that contains all of their poisonous venom and has instantaneous links to 5G/6G and satellite coverage.
There will be no place to hide! Literally!
Micron Biomedical has a sister biotechnology company based in Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA with their Development Operations located at the Translational Research Institute in Brisbane, Australia. The president and CEO of Vaxxas, David Hoey, says "This technology has revolutionary potential for extending the reach of vaccines in low resource settings and during pandemics". Vaxxas currently has patches against measles and rubella, COVID-19 and seasonal influenza in human trials.
Vaxxas is focused on enhancing the performance of existing and next generation vaccines with its proprietary Nanopatch™ technology platform. Vaxxas’ Nanopatch contains an ultra-high density array of projections – invisible to the naked human eye – that are dry-coated with vaccine. Application of the Nanopatch to the skin is pain free and rapidly delivers the vaccine to the abundant immune cell population immediately below the skin surface. David Hoey moved from Boston USA to Brisbane in Aug 2012.
Vaxxas' approach which has been validated in human clinical studies can enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of a vaccine's immune response. The company uses proprietary dry-coating technology that can eliminate or significantly reduce the need for vaccine refrigeration during storage and transportation - easing the resource and logistics burden of maintaining the vaccine "cold chain".
Vaxxas is targeting initial applications in infectious disease and oncology and has forged collaborations with leading global organisations in vaccine commercialisation, including Merck/MSD, the United States Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA), the World Health Organization (WHO), and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Vaxxas Vaxxas is a privately held biotechnology company that receives financial grants from the US Government Agencies worth billions of dollars and also the Australian Government.
This picture shows molecular diagnostics (MDx)—a technique used to analyse biological markers in the genome and proteome. Notice that it starts with blood samples, with them knowing the unique frequency of our DNA. A lot of this data was gained during the PCR tests during the Trojan Horse operation labelled COVID-19. This enabled them entry into your God-given spiritual temple. The Trojan Horse was a wooden horse said to have been used by the Greeks during the Trojan War to enter the city of Troy and win the war.
The spiritual war we find ourselves in is all about blood because life is in the blood. Our demise and our redemption is all about blood.
According to this article, the process of determining the complete DNA sequence of an organism’s genome provides the most comprehensive collection of an individual’s genetic variation. This knowledge has birthed the new discipline of personalised medicine and thus digital slavery.
DNA microarrays—a grid of DNA segments of known sequence that is used to test and map DNA fragments, antibodies, or proteins. The production of proteins is the most important function in the natural body. The production of artificial proteins by the immune system is what produced the likes of the Spike Protein.
Notice that if one is injected with a syringe, or their body violated with a Micro Needle Array (MNA) Patch, then they become owned and patented by the Serpents’ Pharmaceutical spiritual mafia MOB. They become a clone of their former self - essentially a digital twin of our God-created being. They are no longer a God conscious human being - but a cloned, trans-human 2.0, legally belonging to the spiritual realm of Lucifer/Satan.
We are first made into a spiritual clone, that is then manifested physically.
This is not futuristic…. this is now, present tense.
Whereas, the failed COVID-19 injections were the Trojan Horse that were used so the enemies [graphene oxide nanoparticles] could legally enter our bodies, the MNA Patch will contain Luciferase which is an enzyme that produces light. This fluorescent mark within the body is literally the Mark of the Beast. It will determine if we can trade within the beats system - or not.
Everyone is familar to varying degrees of the term “666” which is the implied Mark of the Beast - this is actually an energetic quantum mark imprinted in our energetic heart that is now manifesting as a MNA Patch……. however NOBODY is talking or debating God’s seal or mark of righteousness. It is also an energetic quantum mark imprinted in our heart by God when we ‘entangle’ ourselves to Him - and trust His natural creation. God’s pure quantum field is the key to living a righteous life and acquiring that Mark of pure Righteousness.
Rev. 7:3 says; "Do not harm the earth, nor the sea, nor the trees, until we shall have sealed the servants of our God on their foreheads." This is an example of God’s restraining hand for those who trust “the Way”.
It will be impossible to survive the Mark of the Beast unless we have the Mark of Righteousness burnt into, and imprinted onto our foreheads. God’s righteousness and God’s justice can only be resourced from another spiritual realm - heaven. This is God’s provision for us to overcome the Serpent and his spiritual parasites.
It is all related to the belief system we entertain in our mind - and which spiritual entities we place our trust in……. God’s spiritual seal is the antidote to the Beast system we are all entrenched in…… all we have to do is step into it!