“Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.” Winston Churchill
It seems Shakespeare was correct when he penned: “All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players.”
“All warfare is based on deception.” ―Sun Tzu, The Art of War
If you want a more detailed explanation of the Monkeypox Cover Up by Dr. David Martin click here…. or on the photo.
The technocratic Orwellian OVERLORDS have weaponised EVERYTHING against humanity. This war involves fifth generation warfare and mind control technologies. Everything, including all religions and in particular, Christianity itself has been weaponised against sincere believing Christians. Christianity is merely Christianized ancient Babylonian mysticism wrapped in an outer garment and sugar coated with what I call “Christianese” mumbo jumbo. It has no real spiritual authority or power. It literally is a wolf in sheep’s clothing. Therefore most Christian church services are not operating in the energy of the Holy Spirit, but ‘in the flesh’ or in the power of a subtle Luciferian energy that appears “good” and “enlightened” but is an inversion of YHWH’s True Life-giving energy that is in essence Yeshua’s resurrection power - it can overcome anything - including destruction and DEATH.
There is an awakening happening, but it is not the spiritual mafia MOB’s “Great Awakening” - the counterfeit fantasy that will never come to fruition. Dr. Michael Lake, the founder and chancellor of Biblical Life College and Seminary describes this spiritual awakening in his book The Shinar Directive. Lake gives a factual account of the return of the ancient Babylonian gods and the imminent return of YHWH’s divine Son, Yeshua haMashiach who is coming to judge this Beast system and destroy all the followers of Lucifer and Satan. Most of this Substack is taken from the information presented this book. I believe Dr. Lake’s perspective is one of the few who reflects YHWH’s perspective.
As far back as the beginning of time and within every major culture of the ancient world, an astonishingly consistent story is told of “gods” that descended from heaven and materialised in bodies of flesh. From Rome to Greece - and before that, to Egypt, Persia, Assyria, Babylonia, and Sumer - the earliest records of civilisation tell of the era when powerful beings known to the Hebrews as Watchers and in the book of Genesis as the Benei ha-Elohim (“Sons of God”) mingled with humans, giving birth to part-celestial, part-terrestrial hybrids known as Nephilim.
The bible records that when these ‘Sons of God’ saw the women’s beauty, they took wives from among them to sire their unusual offspring. ‘The Nephilim were on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of God came in to the daughters of man and they bore children to them. These were the mighty men who were of old, the men of renown.’ Genesis 6:4 These part-human, part-animal, part-angelic hybrids are what began the manifestation of the ‘warrior spirit’ amongst human males. Females were taught vanity and males received information on how to build weapons to war against and destroy their fellow man. This is confirmed in other ancient texts, including the books of Enoch, Jubilees, Baruch, Genesis Apocryphon, Philo, Josephus, and others.
According to Enoch, two hundred of these powerful angels departed “high heaven” and used women (among other things) to extend their progeny into mankind’s plane of existence.
Thus the bloodline of Cain who murdered his brother was continued with the heart energy of the ‘warrior spirit’. After this Cain confided in YHWH saying: “My iniquity is greater than I can bear.” Genesis 4:13 This is the first time the word iniquity is referred in the bible - it is a word that holds great significance to the condition of our energetic heart. Iniquity refers to the corruption in our hearts. The battle between YHWH’s pure righteousness and Lucifer’s evil iniquity had began, both vying for the energetic hearts of mankind.
YHWH is continually monitoring the energetic condition of our hearts - because this is what manifests either, His pure righteousness or Lucifer’s dark field of iniquity.
Genesis 3:14,15 is one of the most important verses to understand in the bible. One needs to understand this to have any chance of understanding the rest of the bible and God’s process of redemption through His divine Son, Yeshua haMashiach. Cain took Abel’s blood, therefore only Yeshua’s sacrificial blood can redeem that and our like-minded corrupt heart attitudes.
Then YHWH said to the serpent,
“Because you have done this,
cursed are you above all livestock
and above all beasts of the field;
on your belly you shall go,
and dust you shall eat
all the days of your life.
15I will put enmity between you and the woman,
and between your offspring and her offspring;
he shall bruise your head,
and you shall bruise his heel.”
The ‘he’ here is Yeshua who bruised the serpent’s [Lucifer’s] head 4,000 years latter on the cross at Calvary, Jerusalem. When Yeshua arose from the dead, he overcame separation, destruction and death associated with the forbidden knowledge of the ancient gods. Now, nearly 2,000 years after that, Jerusalem is once again the focus as the culmination of this prophecy comes to a head at the battle of Armageddon. Yeshua is literally coming to destroy Lucifer, the nefarious ‘Nachash’.
“Remember the former things of old: for I am YHWH, and there is none else; I am Elohim, and there is none like me, declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all My pleasure.” Isaiah 46:9–10 Here something amazing! The trinity of YHWH/Yeshua/H.S. does not change and He has declared the end, right from the beginning. All we have to do is become consciously aware of what He has declared.
The Apostle John - the one who experienced the Kingdom of heaven directly and wrote the prophetic book of Revelation declared in Hebrew, “In the beginning was the Son of Eloah. The Son of El was both with El, and the Son of El was Eloah. This one was in the beginning with El."John 1:1-2 or the Greek translation is, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.”
The Word of YHWH is Yeshua - a divine, heavenly Person. It is my personal belief that what has become known as “the inherent Word of God”, the bible, is not a fundamental document because it has been tampered with so many times by mankind - namely the Rosicrucians and Freemasons - and can now be used as an instrument of deception and propaganda. There is only One “Word of God” and that is the divine person, Yeshua the Son of YHWH. We need to be very clear here. He is the One from whom we can receive revelation. Yeshua was crucified because He claimed to be God or YHWH. And so He is! That is the Truth. The Moslems’ hate that statement of Truth. They will accept Jesus as a good prophet, however they totally deny and refute anyone who claims Yeshua is God.
The Hebrew bible refers to ancient Mesopotamia mystery religion, the source of forbidden knowledge, as Babylon - it is where an evil was born: the first world king, the first NWO, the prototype transhuman, the ultimate despot named Nimrod. Also named Osiris by the Egyptians, Gilgamesh by the Sumerians and Apollo by the Greeks. This part-human hybrid was the original Son of Perdition [a type of Judas Iscariot] who later devised a plot to enslave humanity through a global false religion of “the god’s” that would turn men against YHWH and the order of His creation. Of course, we all know how YHWH intervened at the Tower of Babel and dispersed Nimrod’s original coup. However few understand that this story is not over yet—it’s coming around and was prophesied to do so in a final end-times conflict during which the primeval powers of Mystery Babylon would gather again to build a new Tower of Babel [CERN, Switzerland’s NWO] for Nimrod/Apollo’s [from the British Monarchy’s OWO] second coming. We are living in a neo-pagan world that is completely controlled by the occult, and the ‘Christian Church’ is totally oblivious to this reality.
That time we are referring to is now! The Stage is set in America - as a diversion of attention. Greg Reece depicts so well how that is manifesting right now in this video Venezuelan Gangs Sent to America By Design: Destruction of America happening now from within!
The “Babylonian Mystery Religion” attempts to channel the power of the ancient gods through the figure of one, powerful man. Nimrod became that god initially - the antiChrist figure will be the next human to fully manifest Satan. The Beast system becomes a reawakening of iniquity that is then personified.
Conspiracy/misinformation is the game of kings and thrones since civilisation began.
Adam and Eve were barred from YHWH’s Tree of Life. Our only hope is to enter back into that heavenly experience. There we find the protection of Yeshua’s blood and the amazing experience of participating in YHWH’s Presence and His glory.
That is what every human being craves for deep down - but most never experience it! That is heaven on earth! It is the most amazing of experiences! One that is indelibly imprinted on our heart and mind - and never to be forgotten.
King Solomon was a good example of someone who experienced YHWH’s Presence, glory and His spiritual kingdom on earth - then he lost it - and then regained it in his elderly years!
At the moment the glory cloud of God (‘kaw-bode’) filled the Temple he built, Solomon’s heart was filled with awe. I believe this is of paramount importance for us to keep in the forefront of our minds as we seek to understand the level of warfare we find ourselves engaged in just before the Messianic Age.
With the resonant frequency of ‘a divine Word’, the YHWH we serve created our reality and used the speed of light as a container (or set the boundaries) of time itself. Time never existed prior to the fall of Adam and Eve. YHWH created time to give us the space and time to repent and thus enter His kingdom. Never lose sight of this truth: There is none like our Creator! Lucifer is like a spiritual wimp - a mere wizard - compared to the Almighty power of YHWH. Without our Creator’s Information in our DNA, we would not function; we would not even be alive.
However Lucifer does have the ability to read our mail. Like YHWH, he reads our energetic heart and knows our needs and weaknesses. That is why he is so accurate in his temptations of each of us.
We also need to understand that Lucifer has a spiritual/energetic anointing! That anointing was originally given by God in heaven, and then Lucifer perverted it for his own purposes. This is one reason I prefer the word “Messiah” over the word “Christ”. Messiah comes from the Hebrew word haMashiach. There is only one Messiah as promised by the Word of God. “Christ” comes from the Greek word Christos, which in the Greek culture can also refer to Apollo or Zeus. In paganism, the ‘gods’ can manifest an anointing too. Not every anointing is from God, and not everything that is supernatural is the Holy Spirit! The charismatic church needs to wake up to this fact.
The promise of the serpent was: He would provide knowledge [the root of Gnosticism] that would allow man to ascend into godhood and become like Elohim. The darkened hearts of men have been hungering for this forbidden knowledge and its promise ever since the garden. Those who labor in the army of darkness seek to become like God, live forever, and evade the judgment of the Almighty. Gaining this knowledge and its transformative power is at the very heart of the beginning of Babylon and all mystery religions on earth!
Luciferianism teaches that Lucifer is the god that created the earth and mankind. It also teaches that God was jealous of this new creation, portrayed Lucifer as evil, and took credit for the Creation. In the minds of the followers of this occult belief system, Lucifer is wonderful and wants to fulfill his promise of imparting knowledge (that was forbidden to be given to mankind by Elohim) to make them like God. They believe that the Elohim are evil, and Lucifer is the one who came to bring them light. Every move the spiritual mafia MOB makes is manipulating mankind for one express purpose: to discover how to become ‘gods’ through the forbidden knowledge promised by Lucifer.
The original intent of the kingdom of darkness was to accomplish two goals: 1. To so contaminate the human genome so that there would be no pure human bloodline left for Messiah (the Seed of the women) to be born from. 2. To replace the image of God within mankind with the image of the Beast. This would render mankind unredeemable. Although the image of God is marred within sinful man, it still provides a conscience. The conscience not only recognizes sin but the need for repentance. If that image could be replaced with another one (i.e., the image of the Beast), there would be no recognition of sin and repentance would be impossible. This is possibly why there is no hope for those who receive the mark of the Beast and worship his image in the book of Revelation.
Nimrod took the arcane knowledge of his family line and pushed it beyond what the Watchers themselves could do: He was able to alter his DNA and become a Nephilim. This transmogrification must have thrilled the kingdom of darkness. The fallen angels of Genesis 6 required the use of women in their genetic breeding program. However Nimrod accomplished this alchemical feat without the use of a woman’s womb. Daniel gives us a hint that the Antichrist will be able to reproduce the dark magic of Nimrod. The coming transmogrification of a man will invite Lucifer himself to come and co-inhabit this enhanced man-god. He will become the reincarnation of Nimrod -the Antichrist! Perhaps the realization of the next Nimrod will require intervention by the Watchers through a stargate (or dimensional portal) into our reality.
Nimrod possessed both a demonic intelligence and a supernatural strength that enabled him to enslave people through tyranny and force. He demanded that everyone ascribe their happiness to him and him alone. He became the first ruler of the known world (the first New World Order) and established the first one-world religion. Nimrod is the perfect type and shadow in the Old Testament of the Antichrist. The Antichrist will be unstoppable as a warrior, his cruelty will know no bounds, he will enslave the world as the new leader of the New World Order, and he will establish a one-world religion to draw all men away from the True God and Creator of mankind. No other figure in history or the bible, not even the pharaohs of Egypt, comes close to personifying the Antichrist the way that Nimrod did.
Nimrod’s spiritual influence was so great that families would willingly offer their children on the fiery altars of Molech. Nimrod was the first to attempt to rebuild Atlantis. He possessed a portion of the knowledge of the ancient Watchers; he was able to transmogrify himself into a gibborim; and he began to build cities that rivaled many of our own today!
Nimrod’s task was to draw men away from God through:
Human Sacrifice—All of the most powerful occult practices require human sacrifice to gain or release extra spiritual power. One of the purposes of the shedding of blood by the occult is for the formation of dimensional portals or stargates into other realities or parallel universes.
Child Sacrifice—The horrid practice of child sacrifice for the gaining of prosperity and sensual pleasure is connected with the worship of Molech. When you understand the concepts behind the worship of this Babylonian god you realise we have turned the wombs of women worldwide into altars of worship for this bloodthirsty demonic entity.
Apotheosis—This is the ability to become a god. Nimrod became a demigod or Nephilim without killing himself in the process. In Freemasonry and Egyptian mythology, apotheosis only occurred after death, thus illustrating their pale accomplishments compared to him. Once Nimrod returns as the Antichrist, he will promise the Elite the final step in reincarnation: transcendence.
The MOB will hopefully step off the reincarnation cycle into apotheosis - godhood.
Reincarnation—After his death, Nimrod ascended to become the sun god, but later was reincarnated as Tammuz. This is also mythologised in Egypt as Osiris/Horus. Reincarnation became the chief mechanism of the occult and the Luciferian Elite. Their task to create a one-world, Luciferian empire would be spread over many generations. To die in the pursuit of Lucifer’s plans would ensure an elevated position on the next go-around on the reincarnation wheel. This ideology justifies human sacrifice within the minds of the Illuminati. When an individual becomes a human sacrifice, he (or she) becomes a part of Lucifer’s plan. This ensures that he will be promoted to a more enlightened state in his next life. Reincarnation is just another version of “for the greater good” justification that has been claimed by dictators and despots throughout time.
Incestuous Relationships—In Babylon, Nimrod married Semiramis, his mother. Even when Nimrod supposedly returned as Tammuz, he remained her lover. Not only was Semiramis the “Mother of God” twice over, but she was the continued lover of both. In the Egyptian version, Osiris (Nimrod) married Isis (his sister). In the highest ranks of the Elite, incestuous sexual relationships are used to create greater spiritual power and enlightenment. In Roman Catholicism, Mary is equivalent to Semiramis and her child, Jesus, is worshipped as Tammuz. The Rothschilds for instance believe they are of the Merovingian bloodline - a bloodline of "long-haired kings" associated with Norse mythology - this is where the portrait image of Jesus, with long hair comes from, because the ancient mystery religions claim Jesus allegedly married Mary Magdalene and that carried on the bloodline. This was depicted in The Holy Blood and The Holy Grail (1982), Dan Brown’s film The Da Vinci Code and The Matrix film series (1999).
This whole mythical Gnostic belief system was devised as propaganda to cause distraction, mainly because the ancient mystery religions refuse to believe that Yeshua was/is divine - that Yeshua haMashiach is YHWH, Yeshua ben Joseph was born of Mary as an immaculate conception, that Yeshua was immortal and arose again after (3) days and (3) nights to overcome DEATH on our behalf - and Mary Magdalene was the first to witness the risen Yeshua - AND this divine Son of God is our Saviour.
Pedophilia—Semiramis began her love affair with Nimrod while he was yet a baby. The origin of the cute flying baby with bow and arrow known as Cupid originated with the infant Nimrod. His sexual energies were so great that his own mother desired him, even while he was still feeding upon her breasts. Pedophilia is still an important aspect of occult sexual magic today.
Over time, this symbol for Semiramis was reduced to the horn-shaped crescent moon. In occultism, the crescent moon always represents Semiramis or the goddess, and the star represents Nimrod or the hunter god. The crescent moon is also connected to the religion of Islam and its use of the name “Allah.” Islam is looking for the Mahdi to come and bring the world under the banner of Islam and Sharia law. This Mahdi will appear after a great conflict that threatens to set the world on fire (perhaps World War III). But the Mahdi will not come alone.
The Unholy Partnership of the Mahdi and the Muslim Jesus. Likewise, in the Islamic narrative of the last days, we do not find a lone character coming to rescue the world, instead we find a team. We find both the Mahdi and the Muslim Jesus. And, as in the case of the Antichrist and the False Prophet, we find that one clearly fills a supporting role while the other leads. While the Mahdi is clearly described as “the vice regent (caliph) of Allah”, Jesus is described as one who will “espouse the cause of the Mahdi” and “follow him”. The partnership between the Mahdi and Jesus is one of a leader and his subordinate. And as we have already seen, and will continue to see, the partnership of the Mahdi and Jesus is indeed an unholy partnership - particularly if you are not a Muslim and have no intention of becoming one. If this is the case, then you are marked for death - plain and simple.
The Luciferian Elite - the spiritual mafia MOB - are positioning Islam to become the next favored religion to influence the world. It is simply being used as one of two Hegelian Dialectics. I believe they are convinced that they can contain and control Islam the same way they have historically controlled much of Christianity. But Daniel tells us that it does not work out so well. The spiritual mafia MOB created Islam when Muhammad received his first revelation in AD 622, for this sole purpose. We already know that one of the 9 Persian Zoroastrian Papal Bloodlines, the House of Pallavicini, not only created the Muslim religion, but still controls it to this day.
EVERY religion in the world - including apostate Christianity - are all rooted in worshipping the gods of the ancient mystery religions of Babylon. The Zionist and Jesuit spiritual mafia MOB have made sure of those distractions and thus has set us up for massive destruction.
The objective of the Luciferian Elite (to include all aspects of the mystery religion and its systems) is really all about completing the work that Nimrod began. Only when they reach a certain advanced point within this Babylonian working will the great despotic King Nimrod return to put the final pieces into place, complete his work, and reward his faithful with the knowledge of ‘godhood’. This work flows through the currents of history.
The culmination of WW3 is being fought between Islam and Israel - the modern day Zionist Jews - as was foretold by Freemason Albert Pike in AD 1871. Albert Pike foretold that there would be three world wars that were seen as necessary to bring about their fascist ‘New World Order’.
Grand Commander Albert Pike shares this truth regarding the Masonic Lodges: Masonry, like all the Religions, all the Mysteries, Hermeticism, and Alchemy, conceals its secrets from all except the Adepts and Sages, or the Elect, and use false explanations and misinterpretations of its symbols to mislead those who deserve only to be misled; to conceal the Truth, which it calls Light, from them, and to draw them away from it.
I have referred to the onion analogy many times. Its outer layer is pure white, but as you peel off each of the layers, they gradually become darker. The center is completely black and is pure evil; only a few individuals know the complete plan of destruction.
The calling into YHWH’s Kingdom begins at the point of salvation. However, this is only the beginning. After we are “born again”, we must depart from the Babylonian system and learn to walk with God moment by moment in a new and entirely different spiritual kingdom. As we mature in our walk with Him, He begins the process of making us “complete, entire, whole, unimpaired, having integrity, to be according to truth, and to be healthful”. If we are not experiencing that, we have either not left Babylon or we have not been taught how to walk with YHWH. YHWH can only walk with us if we have repented of our iniquity of heart.
Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness? We need the Holy Spirit to dwell in us fully; we need Almighty God to walk among us in these last days.
Now it was Nimrod who excited them to such an affront and contempt of God. He was the grandson of Ham, the son of Noah, a bold man, and of great strength of hand. He persuaded them not to ascribe it to God, as if it was through his means they were happy, but to believe that it was their own courage which procured that happiness. He also gradually changed the government into tyranny, seeing no other way of turning men from the fear of God, but to bring them into a constant dependence on his power.
This is a good description of Marxism, Fascism, Communism, Transhumanism and every other ‘ism’ devised by the spiritual mafia MOB.
There are only two real positions in life: dependence upon the forbidden knowledge of the Babylonian Beast system or dependence upon the Truth associated with the kingdom of God.
Religious Babylon: To understand the forbidden knowledge of Religious Babylon, we need to understand several things. At the time of Shem and Nimrod, there were only two religions on the planet. The religion of Shem was to walk with the God of Creation, submit completely to Him, and walk in His ways (i.e., obey His commandments). The Institutes (religion) of Nimrod were exactly the opposite. Nimrod opposed all of the commandments of God (lawlessness/iniquity) and set up a demonically inspired program of walking within a system rather than walking with God.
When Abraham was called out of Babylon (contained within his Shem bloodline), a departure from the Institutes of Nimrod occurred. Abraham and his descendants walked with God and learned His ways (commandments). Eventually however, the children of Israel rebelled against YHWH and found themselves in bondage as slaves in Egypt - another version of Babylon.
When Moses brought the Hebrews out of Egypt by God’s grace and they became a nation, Israel initially stood within history as the only religion that was the antithesis to the religion of Nimrod. All other religions on the planet were some variation of what started with its roots in Babylon. Of course the Jews stumble when they were in captivity in Babylon and thus turned their back on their Creator and started worshipping Babylon and Lucifer - thus taking on the religion of the Kabbalah which has become the cornerstone of the forbidden knowledge associated with all the mystery religions.
In fact, if you go to the Intertestamental Period during which Antiochus IV Epiphanes entered Jerusalem, erected a statue of Apollo, sacrificed a hog on the altar of God, and established the Institutes of Nimrod over Judea, these practices would have worked perfectly in any other nation. All other nations were based on the same concepts; they would just change the names of their ‘gods’.
Within Judea, such things were an abomination. Antiochus found himself hunting down and killing all of the faithful who refused to bow to his demands. Eventually, the Maccabees rose up and drove him out of Judea three years (3) to the day from when he started his war on the ways of God. (By the way, this war began on December 25, 168 BC - the birthday of the sun god of Babylon. He was driven out on December 25, 165 BC. This is the reason Christmas and Hanukkah overlap many years.) After the death, burial, and resurrection of Yeshua, Gnostic Christianity began as a new branch of Judaism: Yeshua’s followers were known as the Nazarenes or followers of the “Way”. Jewish and Gentile followers of the “Way” stood together in unity against the Institutes of Nimrod.
Rome began its persecution of the Jews in both the first revolt in AD 70 that resulted in the destruction of the Temple and the second revolt in AD 132. That resulted in the complete destruction of Jerusalem; all Jews were forbidden to even travel through the area. With this persecution, Gentile believers began separating themselves from their Jewish counterparts. There was also a great deal of animosity against both Jewish and Gentile followers of the “Way”, because they would not fight in the second revolt. At the beginning of the second revolt, Rabbi Akiva declared Simon bar Kakhba the Messiah. Because of this action, the Gentile followers of Yeshua felt that if they fought, they would be endorsing Simon as Messiah and would be denying their Saviour.
Church leaders such as Origin declared that God gave Greek philosophy to lead Gentiles to Jesus, while the Torah was solely for the purpose of leading Jews to Jesus. This separation of Gentile believers from their Hebraic heritage was completed under the leadership of Constantine in AD 312.
This was never Yeshua haMashiach’s plan for His church. Yeshua never came to create a seperate Gentile church - nor an American-style Gnostic/Zionist lead gospel. He died a sacrificial death and rose again so both the Jews and Gentile believers may be empowered as One. The Gentile believers were to be grafted into the original Jewish disciple’s belief system based on obeying the Torah that was established on Abraham’s promise from YHWH. This is covered by the Apostle Paul in his letter to the Romans 9,10 & 11 when he discusses “the seed of the promise”.
Constantine’s goal was to create a catholic (universal) religion based upon the power of Rome and its stream of the mystery religions - namely Mithra. Following the occult “onion” principle, the outer wrap was a veneer of Christianity, but within, it was completely Mithra and Zoroastrianism. Persian religions is where Hitler’s concept of Aryans came from. Therefore, the Feasts of the LORD (which are all about Messiah) and the commandments of God had to be replaced with new universally understood pagan holidays and new catholic commandments.
The only ones who resemble the faith of Shem, Abraham, Moses, and Paul are the Remnant - those who have purged themselves of the influence of the Great Whore and are walking in the power of covenant with Abraham’s Almighty YHWH. This is those who have dealt with the dark, iniquitous condition within their own hearts.
Now, Hermes was the great original prophet of idolatry; for he was recognised by the pagans as the author of their religious rites, and the interpreter of the gods. One of the foundational elements of the establishment, as well as the continuation, of Babylon was communion with dark spirits—whether these spirits were fallen angels or chief demonic entities. We will define these spirits and examine their fellowship with the Elite, which empower all of their endeavors with dark, satanic energies. Read Part 2: Communion with Darkness.
Today, it is the military-industrial-agricultural- chemical-pharmaceutical-medical complex. It has grown to the place that it has become like a stage-four cancer within humanity. However, we need to understand that there is nothing the Elite or Lucifer can do to catch YHWH off guard. We serve the God who knows the end from the very beginning - even the ancient things that have not yet come to fruition. We need to become a people who are spiritually entangled and connected to the Real “Word of YHWH” once again.
We are bearing either the image of Lucifer or the image of YHWH because we have allowed one of the two spiritual Kingdoms to mould us. The first time Yeshua came, He was YHWH in the flesh—the Mercy of God. The second time He comes, He will be Elohim—the Justice of YHWH.
In the next Substacks I’m going to share the keys to entering the Kingdom of YHWH - our Creator. No evolution - no human sacrifice - no reincarnation - no mythological worship - no striving to be a “good” person. It is pure relational quantum entanglement with our Creator and He is hanging out for your acknowledgement.
This is the only “Way” to experience Shalom - the peace of YHWH in your own heart! Yeshua calls it the narrow road. In Arabic the word for peace, “Salam” refers to a hope of worldly peace and the end of war. Meanwhile, the Hebrew word Shalom goes straight to the heart. The true biblical Hebraic Shalom means an inward sense of completeness, wholeness, inner completeness and tranquility.