The April 8th Solar Eclipse Is Highly, Highly, Highly, Highly Significant - PART 4
X Marks the Spot
“YHWH brings what was hidden out into the light.” This is where we are at! This is the Real meaning of the April 8th Total Solar Eclipse.
“Therefore judge nothing before the appointed time; wait until YHWH comes. He will bring to light what is hidden in darkness and will expose the motives of men’s hearts; and then each will receive from God whatever praise he deserves.”
Now we are going to tie all of this topic together. Remember I said we will cover 4 (four) Substacks on the significance of the Total Solar Eclipse on April 8th over America? We mentioned the significance of the number 4 (four) and the number 3 (three) in the unseen realm of the occult. The reason is, these two numbers are also Highly, Highly, Highly, Highly Significant in God’s spiritual Kingdom, and the spiritual mafia MOB can only counterfeit what our Creator has designed and ordained, both in His spiritual realm and the natural realm.
I felt God say to me to do 4 (four) Substacks and He would reveal the keys to the true meaning of both the “X” associated with the fallen angel’s Enochian language and the “TAV” sign associated with God’s spiritual kingdom - and He would bring to light what is hidden in darkness and will expose the motives of men’s hearts.
Well guess what - wait for it [drum roll……….] [suspense] [tension music]….. the Word of God, Yeshua ben Joseph, our Saviour kept His divine, undivided Word. So now I can pass onto you the Truth….
The key to God’s spiritual kingdom and Satan’s spiritual kingdom is now revealed. This is YHWH’s appointed time and He is now painting the picture clearly in the heavens - the 2nd heaven - for the entire global population to see. The key sign for this is the Hebrew letter Tav which is the twenty-second and final letter of the Hebrew alphabet. God speaks to us predominantly in Hebrew because He is a pictorial and participatory God - He speaks to us in pictures and parables. Nothing is hidden in God’s economy!
In Satan’s spiritual kingdom, everything is hidden because the occult leaders believe they alone hold the secret keys to their Enochian, or Vril Luciferian energy of the gods.
That is what they force onto us - if we are ripe for the picking!
So here is what God has just revealed to me that is Highly, Highly, Highly, Highly Significant. It all comes down to two bloodlines at the beginning of time with the same name; Enoch. Enoch #1 was the son of Cain, the one who hated his brother Abel so much because Abel found favour in the eyes of God, that he murdered him. Enoch #1 went on to name a city after himself called Enoch. This is significant because there in no doubt that this Enoch #1 is the father of the Enochian, or Vril Luciferian energy of the gods. Enoch #1’s grandson was Jubal, who mastered the harp and the flute [the father of rock-n-roll, sexual dancing music and entertainment]. He can be likened to Lucifer who woos people with his musical entertainment ability, being the Pied Piper for Satan. Enoch grandson to another wife was Tubal-Cain. Tubal-Cain forged tools out of bronze and iron. The reference here may be to copper and iron. It seems that Tubal-Cain was the world’s first coppersmith, and the father of the 1st Industrial Revolution.
The Nazi leader of the WEF has recently announced the MOB’s plan of a 4th Industrial Revolution. Hmmm… there is that #4 again! Number 4 in the occult means the completion of the black 4-sided box that they have us all living in!
X, or x, is the twenty-fourth letter of the Latin alphabet. Wicked-pedia, which hails from modern day Israel btw, even states that the letter ⟨X⟩ was inherited from the Etruscan alphabet. It also acknowledges that “Mining of metals, especially copper and iron, would have led to early enrichment for the Etruscans, and to a higher material culture than other Italic peoples.”
This is not new to me as I wrote about this corrupt bloodline in detail in my eBook Are you con-CERN-ed? in which I detailed the Etruscan, CERN and Swiss involvement in this Enochian, Luciferian energy of the gods.
Honestly, I had NO IDEA of the relevance of this topic when I wrote Are you con-CERN-ed? back in 2021….. now it is manifesting just as I told the story! It is almost supernaturally insightful, uncanny….. a miracle from God maybe! Whatever it is - I’m very, very grateful for the “heads up”! It was this “heads up” that prevented me from taking Bill Gates’s first fantastic offer of injecting an experimental mRNA, directed graphenated synthetic hydrogel, biological, nanotechnology weapon inside my body.
This is a quote from that eBook….
“However, the origin of the letter X is Pharaonic and passed from Egypt to Greece, with the Etruscans taking this language from Greece to Italy. The belief system of the Etruscans was Pharaonic in nature. The Pharaonic belief system passed from Egypt to Greece, to Italy then finally to Switzerland. The Etruscans were the medium by which it passed to Italy. The Etruscan civilisation flourished in central Italy between the 8th and 3rd century BCE. Etruscan influence on ancient Roman culture was profound. The Etruscan system of belief was, like those of the Greeks, polytheistic, based on the worship of many gods and goddesses.”
For our purposes, the most important point to know is the fact that the Etruscans ruled in Italy at the same time the 13 ancient Papal Bloodlines who came together and started their quest to conquer the world some 2,400 years later. This is the same time the Greek Empire was in power. “The Papal Bloodlines are the secret, shadow hierarchy of the Jesuits with authority even over the Black Pope. These 13 ancient Papal Bloodlines were established prior to BC 300 by the Etruscan civilisation which created a two-pronged Babylonian spiritual empire including the Babylonian Persians and the Pharaonic dynasties who over time consolidated their property holdings in Italy.”
Read that again - and digest it - the 13 Papal Bloodlines went on to create every religion in the world - yes including Islam and Christianity - both Roman Catholicism and Protestantism - were formed by the Babylonian Persians and the Pharaonic dynasties. Then before printing the bible, they raped it of its original text and meaning. The reason this is SO important is because this is now going full circle. The original 13 Papal Bloodlines from BC 300, are now the spiritual mafia MOB who have their epicentre in the Canton of Geneva, Switzerland.
The WEF under the German Nazi, Klaus Schwab and the rest of the spiritual mafia MOB that are introducing the NWO, are taking us back to the Babylonian Persian and Pharaonic rule of the ancient mystery cult worship of Ogdoad, known as “the eightfold”, who were eight primordial deities worshipped in Hermopolis in Egyptian mythology. Ogdoad comprises eight (8) reptilian gods of Egyptian mythology.
This is why the MOB is pumping toxins into our bodies to change us into hybrids of half-human, half-animal, yet fully Satanic, Transhuman beings.
The Ogdoad of Hermopolis named so by the Greeks is located on the Nile River near the boundary between Lower and Upper Egypt. This is where the OWO (red) and the NWO (white) meet! In today’s world these two factions - represented by the Swiss Republicans and the British Monarchy - are held together by the Order of the Garter. “The Most Noble Order of the Garter is an order of chivalry founded by Edward III of England in 1348”. Do you see the Q in this symbol? This is absolute proof that Q & QAnon are an ancient Royalist group.
Hermopolis was a major cult center of the god Thoth during the Pharaonic period. Thoth was labeled "Hermes" by the Greeks . "The city of Hermes" or “the City of the Eight” [Octagon] became the epicentre of the occult belief system of Hermeticism.
Hermopolis is called "Eight-Town", after the Ogdoad, a group of eight "primordial" deities whose cult was situated there. The Ogdoad refers to the Eight consisting of four pairs [duality!] of primordial gods that were depicted with frog heads, while the goddesses were shown with the heads of serpents. The number four was considered as the number of completeness in Egyptian beliefs. Therefore, the Egyptians believed that these four pairs of gods represented the four creative powers of the universe.
Many deluded people are brainwashed into believing this today!
Hermeticism is a philosophical and religious system based on the purported teachings of Hermes Trismegistus (a Hellenistic conflation of the Greek god Hermes and the Egyptian god Thoth). Hermeticism is a branch of spiritual philosophy that dates back to ancient times. Now this is significant. The movement is generally traced to Alexandria in the first centuries of the Common Era, where it unified elements of Jewish and Christian mysticism with Hellenistic philosophy and Egyptian occultic beliefs.
The resulting composite tradition proved instrumental not only to western occultism, but also to the development of the modern scientific method - alchemy. This connection can be seen most clearly in the Hermetical and Alchemical treatises written by some of the most influential thinkers of their respective eras, including Giordano Bruno, John Dee, Francis Bacon, and Isaac Newton.
These unified elements of Jewish and Christian mysticism is where the heart broken Jews, who had escaped the destruction of their Temple in Jerusalem in AD 70, joined the Christian mystics to formulate a Gnostic Christian religion which eventually manifested physically as the Roman Catholic Church in AD 312. The spiritual mafia MOB had thus made their statement in detracting attention away from the power of Yeshua’s resurrectional LIFE. Thus a dead religion for the Gentiles was created - the Vatican was built on top of an old cemetery in Rome. This has become highly significant in regards American Corporate Christianity and its false Pre-Tribulation Rapture theory.
Today, Hermeticism provides the main belief system for the Alternate mind drug called “Hopium”. One day soon, the whole world will realise that it has been deceived and realise there will be no “Great Awakening” as the Ogdoad promises. False hope, false reality!
In fact, this corrupted spiritual belief system is about to manifest destruction, death and war. There is every chance that the Swiss Octagon, spiritual mafia MOB, who originated amongst the Etruscans in Italy, being 70% Babylonian believing Persians and 30% Egyptian Pharaonic believers in Hermeticism, are now ready to launch Iran - ancient Persia - into WW3 by attacking Israel.
Freemason Albert Pike supposedly received a vision in 1871 that prophesied there would be three (3) World Wars that were seen as necessary to bring about the MOB’s fascist ‘New World Order’. According to Pike, it will occur by “taking advantage of the differences caused by the 'agentur' (agency) of the 'Illuminati' between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World.”
There is every chance that this pre-planned WW3 could well escalate during the 40-day “Nineveh” window between the solar eclipse on April 8th, 2024 the beginning of Pentecost on May 18th. After all, the one thing the MOB has always tried to cover up, and divert attention from, is Pentecost which is the outpouring of God’s Holy Spirit upon mankind, exactly 50 days after Yeshua’s resurrection.
After all, this is what the contrived religion Hermeticism is all about. It is merely a counterfeit of the Truth - a mystical cover-up or diversion. It is worth noting that a cover-up is defined as “an attempt, whether successful or not, to conceal evidence of wrongdoing, error, incompetence, or other embarrassing information. The expression is usually applied to people in positions of authority who abuse power to avoid or silence criticism or to deflect guilt of wrongdoing.”
This is a good definition of iniquity - something the self-righteous Jews, nor the self-righteous Gentile Christians, have dealt with before God, in their own hearts. Error is always associated with shame and guilt and is usually associated with the manifestation of sin. And the self-righteous Jewish Pharisees or Zionist Jews have always cried “anti-semetism” to cover-up their shame and guilt for crucifying their own Messiah. They succumbed to the hatred and spirit of Cain to do it - then they claimed innocence. Even Cain didn’t do that - he actually confessed the iniquity in his own heart for killing Abel, and then God blessed him for it!
The common denominators that I have personally found with people who believe in the “New Age” or other forms of Hermeticism is 1. they all seem to hate their natural fathers, 2. they all hate God - that is a given 3. consequently, they all fear death and 4. they all are SH*TTING themsleves in fear and absolute terror about the coming judgement of God.
A spirit of fear consists of spiritual parasites or demonic entities that prevent people from entangling themselves with their own Creator and spiritual Father.
God’s judgement on humanity is what the Total Solar Eclipse on April 8th is all about. It is a sign from God Himself that His judgement is just around the corner. It is open so everyone in the world can see the sign so no one is without excuse.
Now God’s sign is “TAV”, not an “X”. Bill Gates may interpret an “X” as “Command - delete” on his computers, and Elon Musk may interpret an “X” as his satellites being used to delete mankind through technology, but God has a different interpretation. The main difference of perspective being, mankind is spiritual entangled to Lucifer having Cain’s perspective of hatred, war, eugenics and DEATH. Whilst God has a perspective of providing us the divine Information of LIFE.
Therefore, the Total Solar Eclipse on April 8th, is a sign of LIFE, hope and purpose. God is saying that He is stepping in to the affairs of mankind to judge the mystical Jews who crucified His divine Son, to judge the spiritual mafia MOB for leading mankind astray, and to judge anyone who does have the mark of righteousness, the sign of the “TAV”, imprinted on their foreheads.
The “TAV” is a quantum seal or impression that is imprinted on our foreheads when we yield to God’s Holy Spirit and we quantum entangle ourselves with His divine energy. In the last Substack we stated that “the significance of the Hebrew letter Tav which is the twenty-second and final letter of the Hebrew alphabet; and has a numerical value of 400. This value is also highly significant! The word TAV means an 'impression' mark, sign, omen, or seal, it is the symbol of truth, perfection, and completion. It is the mark God uses on our foreheads to seal those found righteous in the eyes of God.” However, it is much, much more than that!
The coming Global ID and the associated Patch [which is the MOB’s Final Solution btw, and is definitely the Mark of the Beast] that will be used to pacify your fear of Plandemic “X’, is your ticket to damnation. It means you are selling your soul to the world Beast system, Big Pharma, Lucifer and Satan.
Whereas the “TAV” sign is your ticket to salvation.
Either one of the two signs is indelibly imprinted on our foreheads - neither can been seen with the naked eye - just like we cannot see the COVID-19 or Plandemic “X’ “viruses”, but you trust Big Pharma and believe those “viruses” are there - when in fact they are not! All viruses are man made and are a mystical bogus narrative to generate fear in your heart. It’s theatre… it’s Hollywood…. it’s a joke…. it’s magic….. it’s a hoax! But you cannot see it, so you believe the fear narrative anyhow - in fact you place all your trust in it - but it is a lie and a complete deception.
The Ogdoad and Hermeticism was the best the spiritual mafia MOB could do to cover up the Truth. It is SO pathetic. The Swiss Octagon will soon collapse when God’s judgement begins to show up! They won’t be able to hide in the hidden tunnels within beautiful Swiss mountains because our Creator will expose them in entirety.
The bottomline now is, we either walk with God in the spiritual garden which contains the Tree of LIFE, or we spiritually walk with Lucifer and Satan in the Tree of DEATH. “It is finished.” Time is up! That is the message! It is all about who owns our soul and spirit. Fear and DEATH do not exit in God’s kingdom….. neither fear nor DEATH are Real….. in fact, they are merely man-made mystical illusions.
This is the appointed time!
So let’s wrap this up by going back to the second Enoch found in Moses’ account that we call the book of Genesis. It clearly tells us that Enoch #2 walked with God. “And [in reverent fear and obedience] Enoch walked with God; and he was not [found among men], because God took him [away to be home with Him].” Enoch #2 was a type of and a forerunner to Yeshua ben Joseph, our Saviour. Enoch #2 trusted God so much he was translated or raptured in God’s glory without experiencing DEATH. Enoch #2 experienced resurrection LIFE. He experienced immortality. Enoch #2 had the “TAV” sign imprinted by God on his forehead as a seal of righteousness. He went straight home ….. no holes barred ….. without limits or mind control.
Whilst most of us get to experience DEATH, just like the game of monopoly, 'Do Not Pass Go, Do Not Collect $200' which is stated on the 'Go to Jail' card. If we do not walk with God and do not have the “TAV” sign imprinted by God on our forehead, we too are destined for the eternal the 'Go to Jail' card.
The spiritual mafia MOB has us playing a game of Chance with our souls. However….. this is not a game of Chance! Their outcome of DEATH is Guaranteed!
The spiritual mafia MOB is endeavouring to experience - immortality, but separate and independent from their Creator God. They don’t want to experience the Jail that is totally separated from God’s divine Light.
Experiencing immortality outside of God is absolutely impossible!
Enoch #2, like Yeshua ben Joseph, our Saviour did not experience DEATH. DEATH could not defeat Yeshua ben Joseph. That is exactly what the MOB is trying to cover-up with their secret Swiss Templar Pharaonic Octagon and the British Monarch Order of the Garter. Btw, the current Prince of Wales, previously the Duke of Cambridge is the 1,000th appointed Order of the Garter. Does that make Princess Dianna’s son the chosen one? With all the buzz of Kate’s wellbeing, we can be sure there is something cooking in the witch’s cauldron. What we can be sure of this - the buzz is a diversion away from the Truth and God’s message to us on the April 8th Total Solar Eclipse.
That is how the occult operates.
Diversion: this is the spiritual mafia MOB’s own definition from the Latin ‘divertere’ to ‘turn aside’-
The act or an instance of diverting or turning aside from its course; deviation [this is an exact definition of iniquity or corruption of heart btw]. A red herring - any diversion is intended to distract attention from the main issue.
Something that distracts the mind and relaxes or entertains; turning aside, divergence, bypass, entertainment, amusement, recreation, pastime, game, play, pleasure, delight, beguilement, charm or enchant
A maneuver that draws the attention of an opponent away from a planned point of action, especially as part of military strategy
A ‘red flag’ - a warning signal; something that demands attention or provokes an irritated reaction; a distraction, disturbance, deflection , deflexion , deviation , digression , divagation, rerouting, a smoke screen.
Diversion is a military tactic used against our minds!
Which of these words describes your experience of life?
Need I say anymore?
The announcement of the Beast system’s coming false Messiah will be a complete distraction from the Truth. The implementation of Klaus Schwab’s NWO, the Global ID, WW3, the WHO, the U.N., the implementation of the Plandemic “X” Patch, anything coming out of the British Monarchy, anything coming out of the Canton of Geneva, anything coming out of China or Russia and anything coming out of any Government in the entire world, is nothing more than a diversion away from the Truth and God’s message to us during the April 8th Total Solar Eclipse.
The spiritual mafia MOB has been using America as a diversion from their own wicked concepts and actions since the formation of the Illuminati in 1776 - that is 248 years ago. By human design, all eyes in the world are diverted onto America over the last 70 years - that is why God is delivering His sign solely over America. Then God’s judgement will begin and Civil War in Freemasonry and “Christian” America will be inevitable.
Our humanity is being hacked by these Ogdoad believing secret pedophiles.
Well now their “truth” is about to be exposed by a Higher Truth.
Enough said - except - the punch line!
The Hebrew letter “TAV” represents Truth and God’s righteousness, and God’s righteousness is mankind’s ONLY antidote for the corrupt iniquity in ALL of our hearts. No one is excluded, even though most prideful egos believe they are not included. This is what leads us ALL astray into self-righteousness.
The divine Jewish Saviour, Yeshua ben Joseph claims He is the "Alpha and Omega," "The First and the Last", “The Beginning and the End", "The One Who is and was and is to come". Within the Hebrew Scriptures is a tiny little two-letter word "et" (אֵ֥ת), spelled with two Hebrew letters "aleph" and "tav," which are the first and last letters of the Hebrew "aleph-bet."
This is an excellent article that explains the history of the Hebrew letter “TAV”. We can see here that the “X” is rooted in the Phoenician and Canaanite cultures. This is the belief system of the MOB, our OVERLORDS. Whereas Paleo-Hebrew is God’s picturail language to us mere mortals, which shows the “TAV”.
In the 2nd last book of the bible, in Revelation 21, Yeshua [the one who knows the “Beginning and the End” because He lives outside of time] declares, “It is finished! I am the Alpha and the Omega [“TAV”] - the Beginning and the End. To all who are thirsty I will give freely from the springs of the water of life.”
The only other time Yeshua declared “It is finished! was as He took His last breath before He passed into unconsciousness. Yes, He experienced our unconsciousness and lack of awareness and God-consciousness.
The Hebrew letter “TAV”, written right across the sky is God’s sign to all that “It is finished! Man’s propensity towards iniquity is finished! Man’s propensity to sin is finished! God will not allow the spiritual mafia MOB to destroy His Creation through eugenics - this is His warning sign to them that He has had enough and will soon intervene!!!!!!
Maybe surprisingly to you - the MOB knows that war against God is inevitable. So watch the space!
There is now nowhere to run…. this is our only HOPE: “To all who are thirsty I will give freely from the springs of the water of Life.”