“There are two kinds of people: those who say to God, 'Thy will be done,' and those to whom God says, 'All right, then, have it your way.'“ C. S. Lewis
All of this during the 2024 Chinese Year of the Dragon!
Is this a coincidence? Study this Substack with an open mind - then you decide!
I’ve decided to do 4 PARTS to this highly, highly significant topic. There is so much Information to share with you on this topic that it is going to be difficult to fit it in. However, I’ve chosen 4 (four) because those who have been reading my Substack from the beginning will know the significance of the number 4 (four) and the number 3 (three) in the unseen realm of the occult.
Therefore, it is my desire to flip the MOB’s narrative, or inversion of Truth, 180°. The MOB’s narrative is all about them gaining immortality outside of a relationship with their Creator God.
Can I suggest that from God’s perspective, this is absolutely impossible - and even thinking this is insanity - or should we call this state of mind in-Satanity?
4 PARTS to this highly, highly significant topic will be sufficient to smash the deception associated with Elon Musk’s spiritual attachment to the letter “X”. In the next Substack we will look at the significance of the Hebrew letter Tav which is the twenty-second and final letter of the Hebrew alphabet; and has a numerical value of 400. This value is also highly significant! The word TAV means an 'impression' mark, sign, omen, or seal, it is the symbol of truth, perfection, and completion. It is the mark God uses on our foreheads to seal those found righteous in the eyes of God.
In the occult realm of Lucifer’s fallen angels, there are three major symbols to understand; the number 666, the letter “X” and the significance of the cube - or the square box, or digital prison, you are unconsciously trapped in - without knowing it!
Become aware that God’s unseen TAV TRUMPS them all - including all the evil symbolism within the Prince of Wales’ coat of arms! Can you see the unseen “X”?
To understand the significance of the number 4 (four) we have to revert back to the occultist Dr. John Dee. “Besides John Dee and Edward Kelly’s interest in alchemy, from AD1570 Dee advocated a policy supporting the political and economic strengthening of England and the establishment of colonies in the New World. It was Dee's colonisation dream many years before Bacon, who first referred to the new world as “Atlantis”. Dee would have been proud to have read Sir Francis Bacon's book called ‘New Atlantis’.”
Sir Francis Bacon and John Dee both knew that the New World, America, would be used as the stage for the MOB’s play that is now reaching its final scene. If Christopher Columbus “stumbled” upon the Americas in 1492 - this play has been running for 532 years! And all staged by a master ventriloquist on the Crown in England!
Crown? Corona? Hmmm…. that sounds very familiar!
It was Dr. John Dee's angelic communications which brought into focus the parallel roles of magic, science and religion. Therefore, it all began literally hundreds of years prior to the formation of the pit of hell at CERN, Switzerland in 1952. Therefore, Technocracy and Transhumanism took root with communicating with fallen angels some 454 years ago. It is no wonder the first Quantum Computer to be built was a Canadian company called D-Wave - alias “Dee-Wave”.
So what does Dr. John Dee's angelic communications have to do with topics like X Marks the Spot, the Military-grade Binary Weapon Systems, Elon Musk’s satellites, and God’s warning signs during the coming total solar eclipse on April 8th, 2024?
This is a great question. It appears as though the answer is nothing and everything - depending on which Spirit/spirit realm we are entangling ourselves with. If we are spiritually entangled with God’s Holy Spirit, then we will read the signs from God in the heavens to give us a huge boost in God consciousness and spiritual awareness.
If however, we are spiritually entangled with Lucifer’s fallen angels like Dr. John Dee was, then it may have serious consequences to our sanity, health and wellbeing. We may well receive God’s judgement - which is the Vril energy of destruction and DEATH absorbed into the 64 codons of our DNA - as described in Angels in the DNA. What this article is referring to is the energy of the Luciferian fallen angels, having been injected into our bodies or infected into our DNA through the medium of the food we eat, water we drink, or the air we breathe. For the unvaccinated, this also includes shedding and the belief systems we maintain and feed, that are entertaining Lucifer’s fallen angels, whilst not being specifically spiritually entangled with God’s Holy Spirit.
The answer actually lies in this well researched video…. I hope you are not skimming over this video like most people do today having lost their ability to retain information, and think critically. So I’ll present this video in another format…… click on the photo of John Dee below to watch the video entitled Enochian Magic, Tesla 3, 6, 9 - RESURRECTION Of The DEAD with ANTHONY PATCH. Then notice the sinister, evil eyes of this father of alchemy science, sorcery, vaccines, man-made viruses, quantum computers and your own digital prison - the digital box [four (4) sided box] the spiritual mafia MOB are endeavouring to trap us in.
Anthony Patch’s [his name sake is aligned with the coming Patch that will be used for the Disease-X manmade virus] video is the absolute Truth recorded back in 2017….. So you may ask…. How did he know what was coming? Anthony Patch not only gives us the keys to the model of the universe, being God’s 600-cell tetrahedron model that is a sphere composed of tetrahedrons, but also how Enochian mathematics creates a cube [four (4) sided box] model which is a false, counterfeit concept that contemporary science uses. All present day alchemic science is all based on Enochian magic.
I trust you are beginning to see that demonic entities, Luciferian fallen angels and the fallen Enochian language are ALL a reality…. be that as it may, a false, Alternate reality…. a false matrix of belief - and they are ALL designed to alter our DNA, our blood, our heart, our mind and our soul into the energy of DEATH and a future of eternal Hades.
This my friend is the bottomline….. this is serious SH*T ….. and the spiritual mafia MOB may well use the coming total solar eclipse on April 8th, 2024 as a lever or trigger to expedite WW3 and the coming storm on humanity. THIS IS A REAL POSSIBILITY! Then the spiritual mafia MOB from Geneva, Switzerland can blame the solar eclipse for the destruction they have preordained. The MOB delights in hating God and blaming their Creator for everything! That is Lucifer’s modus operandi.
Shawn Paul Melville from Civilian Intelligence Network (CIN) certainly thinks it is a possibility… he says “Physicists refer to this process of “mind uploading” as the “Quantum Leap”. Everyone on Twitter is referring to the April 8th solar eclipse event as the “Quantum Leap”. So will they be initiating phase one of their Transhumanist Agenda on April 8th? We believe this may be the case but this does not mean death but transformation to the new “machine” you!” In fact CIN believes the April 8th, 2024 solar eclipse is so important, they have just released a video with their inhouse biochemist to elaborate on its possible side effects.
So what is the science behind the “Quantum Leap”? You would have to read Shawn’s article to determine that….. what is important to our discussion is the fact that the MOB may well use the total solar eclipse on April 8th, 2024 to blame God for the advancement of their grotesque and sinister plans to control, man-ipulate or destroy mankind. But maybe follow the CIN’s recommendation by not exposing yourself to the April 8th solar eclipse. That would be good advise!
Sandwiched between a Lunar Eclipse on the 25th March and the Total Solar Eclipse 14 days later on April 8th is Christianity’s celebration of Easter - originally a Nordic Saxon word “Eostre” that signifies the worship of a Vril energy goddess. This goes back to the captive Jews in Babylon and the formation of the Jewish Kabbalah and their worship of Lucifer.
The Israelites stopped worshipping their Creator in Solomon’s Temple about BC 957 because their King, Solomon, had disobeyed God and married an idol in his own heart, the Pharaoh’s beautiful daughter from Egypt [representing the pagan world]. God’s Temple was designed with the worship of God facing west - as designed by God Himself with the Holy of Holies facing WEST.
King Solomon’s rebellion towards God is why the occultish Freemasons can legally claim their craft goes way back to the Temple of Solomon.
In rebellion, the Israelites collectively started to worship the gods or idols in their own hearts towards the EAST - they turned away from God 180°- btw, Babylon, the country of Judah’s ultimate captivity, is almost directly east of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. because of their disobedience, the 12 tribes were split into the 10 tribes of Israel in the north, and 2 tribes of Judah and Benjamin in the south, which had Jerusalem as their capital.
Most people today have no idea what-so-ever that the Israelites and Jews came from two separate countries and regions. The 10 tribes of Israel in the north were scattered right throughout the earth and have not reformed to this day. Many of these Israelites migrated to America. That is why this is highly significant with the total solar eclipse on April 8th, 2024. God has said that He will re-establish His covenant with these people, as they turn back to Him in repentance.
Essentially, during this next short period of time, the Israelites will realise - remember, it all comes back to our perspective of God - that their blood brothers, the Jews, sacrificed their Messiah.
BOOM! That is what the total solar eclipse on April 8th, 2024 is all about. That salvation also extends to the Gentiles. For those who wish to learn more about the differences between Israel and the Jews download Lorenzo Garay's Full Presentation for FREE here.
The Pharisees and Sadducees who crucified the Son of God, Yeshua ben Joseph, in AD 30 were obviously practising Kabbalists, rooted in spiritual Babylon. They hated God and refused to accept God’s divine Son who came in the flesh to destroy the energy of DEATH on our behalf - even though Yeshua was prophesied to be their Messiah literally hundreds of years prior to this. Yeshua, also our divine Saviour, was the ultimate scapegoat for all of our iniquities - or corruption of heart. Yeshua’s resurrection power constitutes the energy of Life. Therefore, Yeshua is the only “Way” or door into His sheep pen. EVIL is a 180°inversion of how to LIVE life. Embracing Yeshua’s resurrection life is the key to living a fulfilled and content life on this planet.
The celebration of the Feast of Unleavened Bread in one weeks time is all about us embracing Yeshua’s resurrection life - remember, we live in a quantum, participatory universe. This is exactly what the Jewish Zionist, the Jesuits, the Catholic Church and the spiritual mafia MOB are ALL trying to cover up with their Enochian, or Vril Luciferian energy.
However - the evidence proves that Yeshua’s grave is empty! That is the MOB’s main concern!
The guilty Pharisees who crucified their own Messiah, when they found the tomb empty as soon as the Sabbath day had finished - remember, it was Saturday evening, after sunset - instantly moved to divert attention away from the Truth, to counterfeit, replicate and hijack God’s plan of redemption for mankind.
This is why the guilty Pharisees deleted the book of Enoch from their texts and created the Jewish Calendar that diverts the attention of all believers from the Truth.
And now the same guilty Pharisees, or the equivalent today, the Zionist Jews are beyond desperate to reveal their own messiah - one who is not from God - but growing out of their own Alternate reality.
“We need to find God, and he cannot be found in noise and restlessness. God is the friend of silence. See how nature - trees, flowers, grass- grows in silence; see the stars, the moon and the sun, how they move in silence... We need silence to be able to touch souls.” Mother Teresa
The fallen Enochian language brings to us anything other than silence and resurrection LIFE. This Vril energy is all about seperation, destruction and the spirit of DEATH.
James, the brother of Yeshua recorded it this “Way”. He was warning against false teachers - those who were accepting the Pharisees and MOB’s narrative …….
“Woe to them! For they walked in the way of Cain [rebellion against G-D, engaging in hate, judgement and death] and abandoned themselves for the sake of gain to Balaam’s error [iniquity of heart] and perished in Korah’s rebellion. These are hidden reefs at your love feasts, as they feast with you without fear, shepherds feeding themselves; waterless clouds, swept along by winds; fruitless trees in late autumn, twice dead, uprooted; wild waves of the sea, casting up the foam of their own shame; wandering stars, for whom the gloom of utter darkness has been reserved forever.14 It was also about these that Enoch, the seventh from Adam, prophesied, saying, “Behold, the Lord comes with ten thousands of his holy ones, to execute judgment on all and to convict all the ungodly of all their deeds of ungodliness that they have committed in such an ungodly way, and of all the harsh things that ungodly sinners have spoken against him.” These are grumblers, malcontents, following their own sinful desires; they are loud-mouthed boasters, showing favoritism to gain advantage.”
This Scripture in James 1:11-16 could well be a prophecy for today’s apostate church - a religion who have a form of godliness but denying the power of Yeshua’s resurrection.“But understand this: In the last days terrible times will come. For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, unloving, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, without love of good, traitorous, reckless, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having a form of godliness but denying its power. Turn away from such as these!”
Now you may understand why the original apostate Roman Catholic Church labeled the counterfeit Easter - East-er. Because this encouraged their worshipers to prostrate themselves and willingly bow towards their Sun gods in the EAST.
How subtle the deception has become, staged right from AD 30!
Enoch, was the seventh from Adam, referred to in the first five books of Scriptures that are sometimes called the Pentateuch, or the Law, given by the YWHW through Moses to the people of Israel. This Enoch that was taken to heaven without dying, and his role is an example of the coming Rapture of the righteous in Yeshua. This Enoch was so quantum entangled to God and trusted Him so much, he experienced instant immortality and was translated into heaven without experiencing DEATH.
This is the evidence of the immortality that Anthony Patch is referring too in the above video. Immortality outside of the resurrection power Yeshua provided for us is the true modus operandi of mankind.
Listen intently to what Anthony Patch teaches about coherence and decoherence. This is another quantum phenomenon which highlights how our Creator God entangles Himself to us. It is all about resonance and frequency. If we resonant with God’s Holy Spirit in heaven, we must get into that space where we trap His energy and maintain coherence with God for such a time that allows us to be sealed and imprinted with His mark of approval - His unconditional love for us.
Decoherence is when the data is corrupted and there is error [iniquity] in the data [Information] coming inbound to our triple [3] strand of DNA. This is what the Seal of God corrects within our mind, heart and soul. The 3rd strand of DNA is like gold - it is God’s source of pure quantum Information. The Spirit of God is our Real, pure Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). The American mind control CIA and Swiss Octagon, global mind control CIA are counterfeits.
Remember we said in the last Substack that EVERYTHING in this Beast system is a counterfeit of God’s Truth - EVERYTHING! Well, check this out……
This represents D-Wave - alias “Dee-Wave”’s Quantum Computer. The qubit-based quantum computer chipset is a direct replica of the design God gave Solomon to build in God’s own original Temple in Jerusalem, so that the Israelites could communicate with His Spirit.
The MOB wants us to believe that their narrative of the Black Cube is the model to live by - or survive by - when in fact it is a digital prison leading to sickness and DEATH!
Mankind’s modus operandi is all about covering up Yeshua, their Messiah’s resurrection and thus counterfeiting, replicating and hijacking God’s plan of redemption for mankind, and God’s provision of eternal life. Mankind desires immortality void of any interaction, connectivity or entanglement with God.
It is that simple!
However, can I once again suggest that this is absolutely impossible! Think about it - if the MOB gained their self-centered, egocentric desires of eliminating God - their Sun, moon and Saturn would be gone - the very things they worship - and everything else that is natural would be gone. It would be dark and lifeless just like hell, which btw our own separation from God!
Thus, this sets the foundation for us to understand the 40-Day “Nineveh” Window. Not only is there 40 days between April 8th, 2024 and Saturday [the Jewish Sabbath] May 18th, BUT according to the Enoch Calendar there is also 30 days between April 8th and May 9th, 2024 which is the celebration of Yeshua’s Ascension - rapture or immortal translation into heaven - just like Enoch.
PLUS according to the Enoch Calendar, the Feast of Trumpets in 2024 is on 9/11 - Sept. 11th. Folks, this is NOT COINCIDENCE! 9/11 was also a counterfeit blood sacrifice that cost 3,000+ lives, sacrificed by the Deep State to Lucifer and Satan.
The last thing I want to say in this Substack is this - Abraham in this video correctly calls it the 40-Day “Nineveh” Window. In fact, I highly endorse the YouTube channel Abraham - Overcome Babylon. He is one of the few out there in the wilderness that is teaching the Truth from God’s perspective.
May I suggest - there is a LOT to process here - so go back to this Substack many times until the Truth set you free!
However, if you desire to learn to LIVE in a DEAD world system, you need to take this Substack very, very, very seriously………and remember, the answers to all of our dilemmas can only be found spiritually - in the 3rd heaven - in God’s domain.