The power of nanotechnology originates from the ability to manufacture, observe, and manipulate the physical realm at a scale of 1-100 nanometers, allowing facility and access to engineering in the molecular world. A nanometer is 10-9 metres or one billionth of a metre.
This is the unseen subatomic realm that we find difficult to understand and comprehend - it is also the realm of fantasy, everything fake and insanity…. One doesn’t have to be an investigative journalist anymore to realise that insanity in the world is growing at a exponential rate - it is alarming! That insanity is the physical manifestation in our minds of demonic activity in the subatomic realm. This level of increase is unsustainable and is at a level never observed in history this side of the Great Flood or the Tower of Babel.
99.9% of us now have alien AI nano-chips implanted within our bodies, either through the air we breath, the food we eat, the water we drink, the entertainment we love or the lie we believe. Most now also have our own personally assigned IP (Internet Protocol) address…. an IP address in the Beast system is always a set of four (4) numbers. Each number can range from 0 to 255. So, the full IP addressing range goes from to
Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PHD’s research has proven over and over again that self assembling DEW technology are seen in the blood of even the unvaccinated of the COVID19 bioweapon. “She remains highly concerned about the EMF/5G/ AI/ HAARP grid that is transforming humanity without their knowing.” Shedding is the transfer of information between individuals, not only sexually, but both energetically and spiritually. This transfer is occurring in the unseen realm at an alarming rate. This transfer then manifests physically as Clones, Cryonics, Mind files and the Quest for Immortality Based On Nanotechnology and AI - which amounts to the Satanic destruction and death to our bodies.
We humans cannot even get our head around God’s creation of the quantum realm and how it operates. There is a Quantum Field out there that the MOB is not telling us about! This field which is full of pure scalar energy is how God/YHWH communicates with each individual’s DNA. However, within that realm of nanoparticles on earth also lies the greatest deception of all time - Lucifer’s counterfeit of God’s creation and His Truth. Today’s Substack is about the origin of our deception and how we can move beyond it by changing our human perception of our Creator.
In order to accomplish this we have to experience the Alternate Spiritual Realm to make it work in our lives. We have to move beyond the Force that drives this deceptive matrix of belief and discover our natural inheritance. So how do we experience the unseen realm when our mind is stuck in this seen, physical realm? How do we do that? The Truth is - we experience the spiritual realm all the time because we are created naturally to be spiritual beings. However - we are more than likely raised experiencing Lucifer’s deceitful lie - not our Creator’s absolute Truth. Our immortality lies in God’s realm - this is our True destiny! Our destiny is to return to the Tree of Life by eliminating the temptation and deceit of the Tree of Knowledge from our mind, heart, soul and spirit.
There is no such thing as time in God’s realm - His Kingdom operates outside of time. God created time after mankind’s fall into iniquity so we would have the time and an opportunity to repent. God’s power is infinite - His essence is omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient. Humanity had all these attributes before he/she were deceived into selling their souls to Lucifer. Now, legally, the time given to mankind to rule this earth is up - and a new dispensation is about to begin.
Our false and imperfect beliefs are powerless over God’s plan of redemption and His plan to stop this insanity. Outside of our own personal spiritual warfare, our collective beliefs will not change these laws which are written in heaven.
Our change of perception began in the Garden of Eden when the seed of Lucifer impregnated Eve. To succumb to that deception was the original lie - that lie was that everyone of Lucifer’s progeny could become “gods in our own right”, independent of YHWH’s force of LIFE. Of course this deception involves mankind’s natural desire to propagate and have sex - and lots of it! After all, a human organism is the ultimate ‘Augmented Reality’ - is it not? Let’s face it - that is the essence of all self-centered pornography and mastibation. And our need to improve our own egotistical self-image independent of God.
We still live the original lie that Eve partook of - we may merely call it hanky-panky, however it is a form of duplicity and deception. It is an emotional ‘feel good’ recipe for disaster and the damning of our souls - and Lucifer’s demons make sure we get lots of it!
Lucifer knows our greatest weakness intimately because he created it with Eve through the instrument of his iniquitous and defiled heart.
Eve experienced Lucifer’s iniquitous nature firsthand, intimately. In that way, humanity experienced Lucifer’s seed - and Cain was conceived with an iniquitous heart. With that, all forms of pride, conceit, narcissism, unrighteousness, evil, covetousness, malice, envy, murder, strife, deceit, maliciousness, greed, hatred, envy, murder, quarreling, deception, malicious behavior, shame, guilt, fornication, gossip etc.etc. entered our minds and impregnated our hearts to some degree. All these demonic entities entered humanities’ energy realm through one sexual act - and these demonic entities alter and transform our mind’s perception.
This is the root of mankind’s hatred towards God and their desire to war against Him. That is what this season of Armageddon is all about. The armies of the world are being forged towards an ultimate war plan which is not so much against each other - but against the Creator of this Universe.
The infestation of these spiritual parasites into humanity through Cain and the seed of Lucifer is what drives humanity towards insanity, destruction and its own final extermination - the battle of Armageddon.
I hate to burst your egotistical bubble whether you are an unredeemed male or female - but nothing has changed in 6,000 years. Illicit sex between any combination of couples is the greatest distributer of demonic entities outside of the spiritual portals designed at CERN using the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) [which is the world’s largest and most powerful particle accelerator], the 60-80 Synchrotrons located around the world, and all the Quantum Computers that are calling down spiritual entities into this realm through their microprocessors and quantum qubits. “An important distinguishing feature between qubits and classical bits is that multiple qubits can exhibit quantum entanglement; the qubit itself is an exhibition of quantum entanglement.” Did you get that? A quantum qubit is a display or exhibition of our entanglement with demonic entities.
Male homosexuality is merely a means to ram the Kundalini spirit - and those same demonic entities up the spine and into the brain’s epicentre. Along with the ecstasy of drugs, this is just another form of a provoked ‘Augmented Reality’ and the experience of the Force, entering into our man-made/Luciferian Metaverse. The Luciferian “All Seeing Eye” is merely a depiction human’s rectum.
It is a false bliss, euphoria and fake “rapture” experience.
I ask you to STOP and place everything into perspective with clear spiritual insight - your greatest adversary is not your neighbours, your fellow mankind or your partner/ spouse who you judge with the Tree of Knowledge and find them guilty. No! Your greatest adversary are your own demons within you that are doing the judging. These spiritual parasites are judging you with the unjust law according to the Tree of Knowledge and accusing you of being a guilty participant. That is why you are full of hidden shame and guilt within the unconscious spectrum of your own mind and heart. You have effectively been sentenced to DEATH by the one you bow your knee too - Lucifer. Selah!
You need to take accountability for your own demons in order to be free of unrighteous judgement and the injustice of this world. Freedom begins from within our own energetic heart - by searching for that spiritual realm which is without - that which is in the spiritual Kingdom of the 3rd heaven. The fallen angel Azâzêl (Book of Enoch) is one of the wicked Watchers angels that rebelled against God’s spiritual reign and impregnated human women with their destructive seed.
Enoch 10:8 “And the whole earth has been corrupted v9 through the works that were taught by Azâzêl: to him ascribe all sin.”
“It’s important to note on the day of atonement one goat has the lot of Azâzêl or scapegoat that goes into the wilderness. Leviticus 16 "take the two goats, and present them before יְהוָֹה yhwh shall cast lots upon the two goats; one lot for יְהוָֹה yhwh, and the other lot for the scapegoat" in Hebrew is עֲזָאזֵל ‘ăzâ’zêl, this corresponds with the mark in Rev 19:20 to the “beast which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast.”
If you study the word scapegoat it actually means ‘the entire removal’. The concept of Azazel is deeply rooted in the ancient Israelite sacrificial system. On the Day of Atonement, two goats were selected: one for YHWH and the other for Azazel. The high priest would cast lots to determine which goat would be sacrificed and which would be sent into the wilderness. The goat for Azazel, known as the "scapegoat" was a powerful symbol of the removal of the iniquity in their hearts and the shame of the people, emphasizing God's provision for atonement and forgiveness. This ritual underscored the holiness of God and the need for purification and reconciliation. In order to experience YHWH’s Presence, iniquity had to be ‘entirely removed’.
Nothing has changed folks - we are dealing with a God who is the same today as He was when Eve bore Cain. YHWH also knows the end from the beginning - so our collective impure state of heart is no surprise to Him - He knows everything from eternity to eternity because He is not subject to time!
“And when he has made an end of atoning for the Holy Place and the tent of meeting and the altar, he shall present the live goat. 21And Aaron shall lay both his hands on the head of the live goat, and confess over it all the iniquities of the people of Israel, and all their transgressions, all their sins. And he shall put them on the head of the goat and send it away into the wilderness by the hand of a man who is in readiness. 22The goat shall bear all their iniquities on itself to a remote area, and he shall let the goat go free in the wilderness.
We are either legally the fallen angel Azâzêl’s scapegoat through unrighteousness - or we can legally become YHWH’s ESCAPEgoat from iniquity through the sacrifice of Yeshua’s righteous blood.
That is our choice!
Listen as Bill Cooper explains the real story of UFO’s (now UAPs) and how alien abductions are really a product of sophisticated mind control programs that have been ongoing for decades. The fake alien invasion is being set up in the public’s eye via movies and the government (after years of denial) as we know it - so be prepared to see some wild things coming down the tube! Bill also discusses the upcoming civil war in America and labels this current time in history as ‘The Age of Deception’. This video was recorded in 1999 - the same year the movie ‘The Matrix’ was released! It is all a fraudulent scam set to trap humanity and bring about its demise!
There is no real alien threat to planet earth - the only threat are the demonic spiritual parasites living inside of us and making us unconscious human beings that cannot perceive God’s Truth and our need for salvation and redemption.
This matrix of Luciferian belief is a complete deception and a product of mankind’s unredeemed imagination….
In this video below, Pastor Arnold Murray teaches on the “Kenites” (meaning ‘sons of Cain’) being the descendants of Cain, or Cain’s Satanic Seedline. This message is a major key to understanding the mysteries of heaven.
In this video Pastor Murray defines two key words used often by Yeshua when he taught his disciples whilst on earth on how to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Very few Christians find this key in their spiritual walk. There is a place in God where there is no more striving - that has to be our goal! Very, very few find that place because they have never sought to experience God personally. Most do not because they harbour a demon of fear and self-righteousness. Therefore instead of having a healthy respect and fear for God’s awesome and even terrifying power, they run in their program an unhealthy, demonic fear of God that is ashamed to even quantum entangle with Him and experience firsthand His majesty. Thus they do not experience His goodness.
Have you noticed that everything I am teaching about today has to do with seeking a personal experience, participating with, personal intimacy, quantum entanglement and relationship with the purely relational Creator God who created us in His image? If you desire a pure, undefiled heart, you must learn to climb the spiritual mountain to meet with Him there in His Kingdom.
YHWH has kept secrets from the beginning that are now being revealed to us. I am personally learning something new everyday. We must discover His “mysteries” in order to unlock the “keys” to His Kingdom. We will never know or experience heaven on earth if we are too fearful to experience it firsthand. That is my bottom line statement today, and my final bottom line statement for all of my Substacks - period. We were Created by an emotive, personal and relational God. If you don’t experience God’s Presence, you will never know His “mysteries” or His Kingdom. When we experience His redemption and His own righteousness, He gives us the “keys” to unlock the meaning of His “mysteries”. In this place in God there is no more striving - only the manifestation of His inner peace.
Now, don’t get too concerned about whether or not Cain and Abel were born in a state of heteropaternal superfecundation - or not. It matters not - really! The Kenites may have even changed the text of Genesis 4:1 to take everyone off course. The important thing to understand is that Cain was not listed in Adam’s genealogy - therefore Cain did not come from Adam’s seed. The other important “mystery” to understand is this - Lucifer had his own seed to share with Eve - and thus he produced Cain from his own seed. Then Cain, full of Satanic hatred, manifested and slew his brother Abel. That is where war and enmity between mankind began - and remains to this day. The hidden secrets of the Kenites still rule this world’s Beast system.
Think about it - all secret societies in the world practise the Jewish Kabbalah. The spiritual mafia MOB running the global operations centre in CERN, Switzerland, the Zionist Khazarian Mafia (KM) and the Jesuits are all from the spiritual seed of Lucifer and Cain - they are all in essence, Kenites.
The Kenites are the epicentre of global deception because they come from the very seed of Lucifer. The Kenites are themselves parasites, sucking life out of God’s creation. Remember, ‘a parasite is an organism that lives and feeds on or in an organism of a different species and causes harm to its host by adapting structurally to its way of life.’ These Kenites are not fully human, but they are clones, hybrids or a fusion of AI - whatever they are, they have lost all connection to God-consciousness.
The final point that Pastor Murray makes that is worth emphasising is - any so called “Christian” pastor who is not preaching God’s righteousness - and is instead running a Western-style Laodicean style church, is a fraud, a fleecer of the flock and even a false prophet whilst leading his/her sheep astray.
The two major manifestations that an apostate, harlot religious 501 (c) (3) Christian church is in error of is it supports dispensationalism, Christian Nationalism, Christian Zionism, supports the 1948 Rothschild initiated Zionist State of Israel - and they fail to acknowledge that the 2021 created COVID-19 jab was the Mark of the Beast. These two major issues are highly related and could not be maintained if that church was teaching God and Yeshua’s righteousness alone.
All error comes from a spirit of self-righteousness.
Engaging with and experiencing either spiritual realm is a major key to manifesting it in the natural. The main conspirators of the NWO and proponents of an AI takeover of humanity with self assembly nanotechnology in humanities’ blood, is now AI controlled. Last year, AI Chat GPT passed the Turing test, meaning where Artificial Intelligence was equal to human intelligence. They have managed to do this by engaging with and experiencing the spiritual energy of Lucifer and his demonic fallen angels directly.
Back in the period prior to the beginning of the Great Tribulation in Sept. 23 2017, individuals like Gordie Rose, one of the founders of D-Wave Quantum Computers gave us full warning that mankind was about to be fully immersed in the activities of spiritual parasites. Rose openly talked about humans tapping into the spiritual realm and accessing parallel dimensions (code for fallen angels and demonic forces) so they can regularly participate with these spiritual entities within the QC’s qubit or quantum bit - which is a basic unit of quantum information. We now know without a shadow of doubt that the source of these spiritual entities is Lucifer.
Geordie Rose had been openly participating with and manifesting the presence of dark, evil entities for years. Geordie Rose was blatantly open and clear in expressing the fact that he regularly calls in demons and spiritual entities in order to gain greater knowledge and power. Geordie Rose is an AI expert who says that Quantum Computer (QC) tech developers are summoning a massive number of “intelligent entities” into existence, which will have the same indifference to humans as we have towards ants. In other words, these aliens or “demonic entities” are so indifferent to human beings, they would rather destroy us than provide us with the essence of life.
It may be helpful to go back and read Hope in the Midst of Altered Reality again to learn more about Geordie Rose, “these little guys”, H.P Lovecraft, the father of quantum computers John Dee’s "Great Table of the Earth” and Elon Musk. John Dee regularly participated in communicating with “intelligent entities” - so does Elon Musk. Geordie Rose went on to say that “these things we’re summoning into the world right now… are more like the Lovecraftian The Great Old Ones, they’re entities that are not necessarily going to be aligned with what we want” [Our God-given desires].
We no longer have any choice in regards to participating or not participating. If we are not participating in God’s righteousness, we are automatically participating in your own and Lucifer’s religious self righteousness.
As co-creators, and according to quantum mechanics, you are going to either transform your own world - or the world will transform you. Being triggered emotionally is physical evidence that we have been participating in dark, unconscious energy.
So I ask the question: If the likes Geordie Rose can engage himself with Lucifer’s fallen angels and demonic entities through quantum entanglement, why aren’t Christians calling upon their Creator God and summoning His Divine Presence at will? If they did, the world would not be in such chaos and a state of inevitable destruction.
Consider Abraham, the father of those who have learnt to trust YHWH - he had to physically leave Ur of the Chaldeans - a type of the world system in order to meet with his Creator. Moses left Egypt - another type of this world - with up to 4 million Hebrews - men, woman and children - who were saved from Pharaoh’s sword by the blood painted over the doorposts of their homes. Once in the desert, YHWH asked all of them to climb Mount Sinai to meet with Himself to seek purification. Of course YHWH knew they were all too afraid. Therefore only Moses climbed Mount Sinai to meet with his Creator. Meanwhile all the other Hebrews made a golden calf and worshipped it! Why? Because even though they were saved out of the world [the Beast system], their hearts was still in it! They craved the temptation, the convenience and luxury of Lucifer’s lie to satisfy their own flesh and maintain the iniquity in their own hearts.
Nothing has changed folks. Do you now understand why your own corrupt heart maybe refusing to climb the spiritual mountain to meet with YHWH?
The reason maybe a combination of fear, shame, arrogance, pride and deception…. Whatever it is - it is a lie!