The 40 Day Nineveh Window is Real and totally connected to the coming judgement of Big Pharma ….“Genentech, BioNTech to Partner on mRNA Cancer Vaccines” September 21st, 2016
We all know that Big Pharma’s mRNA technology is a Military Grade Bioweapon designed to destroy humanity….
“Nothing but Intelligent design could have put all of this together….” Nothing but Intelligent design could have put you together - and sustained your life. You will soon come to understand that nothing but Intelligent design could have put this entire universe together.
It appears to be impossible that God would allow all of this corruption to transpire, yet use it for His own plans and objectives. How does this work? Such a concept is beyond our degenerate and corrupted understanding that a just God would allow this to happen for His purposes.
Keep in mind that our OVERLORDS and the majority of Government representatives are mentally deranged psychopaths who are infested with spiritual parasites and corrupt demonic entities. In order to fight for our freedom we must be consciously aware of how our enemies operate.
I’m excited to present this video to you because it was sent to me by one of our Subscribers who thinks outside of the spiritual mafia MOB’s designed, digital box. Jason, the presenter of this video also thinks outside of the box - that is why his presentation adds a third (3rd) solar eclipse to the mix - a December 14th, 2020 solar eclipse, enables us to decode everything.
Do you remember the power of (“3s”) and (“4s”)? If these numbers are powerful in Lucifer’s pathetic economy, then they must be really, really powerful in God’s economy because Lucifer can only counterfeit that which God has designed and created in His own Mind.
Therefore everything Pfizer, Genentech and BioNTech, in conjunction with the two biggest Pharmaceuticals in the world Roche and Novartis from Basel, Switzerland, have created has to be a forged counterfeit simulation of that which is genuine and natural.
Thinking outside of the box is how God created us to think and decipher God’s Truth……
There is one thing I need to say before we start deciphering this important video - I am a seeker of God’s Truth. I do not agree with everything said in the videos I use in my Substacks. I certainly do not concur with Jason’s belief system. However, credit is due to him because he is consciously aware enough to think outside of the Beast system box our OVERLORDS have us trapped in. So this guy needs to take a bow……
What are the chances that the total solar eclipse in 2017 started by passing directly over Salem, Oregon. Salem, which comes from the word Jeru-salem means “peace” - as in the Hebrew word “Shalom”. It passed over places called Salem 7 times. It passed over 7 of the 36 Salem in the entire U.S.A. “7 times” in the bible refers to 7 years - the period of time separating the two most important total solar eclipses in the history of mankind.
When the total solar eclipse passes over the U.S. on April 8th, 2024, it will only pass over 2 of the 8 Ninevehs in the U.S.A. What are the chances that this total solar eclipse will enter the U.S. passing over Jonah, TX. To understand the significance of this, we need to understand the story of Jonah spending 3 days and 3 nights in the belly of a large fish because he was running from God’s order to go to Nineveh and warn them of God’s coming judgment. Once again, God only judges people and nations on the dark corruption, or iniquity, they are entertaining in their hearts.
Jonah’s big struggle with God was why God would choose to forgive the wicked, corrupt and blood thirsty Assyrians from Nineveh, a longtime enemy of Israel. Nineveh was known for its great wealth, power, and prestige. The Assyrians were notorious for their cruelty and idolatry (Nahum 3:19) and all the surrounding nations hated them. They ruled by fear and terror. Sound familiar? Well, it should because it is the exact same spirit operating.
Jonah tells us about God’s character and why he fled to Tarshish. So Jonah prayed to the YWHW, saying, “O MASTER, is this not what I said while I was still in my own country? This is why I was so quick to flee toward Tarshish. I knew that You are a gracious and compassionate God, slow to anger, abounding in loving devotion—One who relents from sending disaster.”
In affect, Jonah knew that God would be merciful to Nineveh if they repented. Which is what exactly happened. This infuriated Jonah because his past experiences made him believe the Assyrians didn’t deserve God’s mercy. This is why we cannot play God, because we always judge others unjustly.
Then some of the scribes and Pharisees answered him, saying, “Teacher, we wish to see a sign from you.” But he answered them, “An evil and adulterous generation seeks for a sign, but no sign will be given to it except the sign of the prophet Jonah. For just as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the great fish, so will the Son of Man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.”
And so it was…. Yeshua arose with LIFE giving energy after three days and three nights in the tomb to overcome DEATH on our behalf.
It is difficult for us to get our head around how God could possibly forgive the mentally deranged, child molesting psychopaths that I call the spiritual mafia MOB - however He would if they only repented of their iniquity, like Nineveh did at first. To understand this we must become consciously aware of the goodness of God on one hand and the severity of God on the other. God is not one dimensional. God will take vengeance on His enemies, but He is slow to anger against those who conspire against Him. Yes, the conspiracy fact is, the MOB hate God and have conspired against YHWH - that is what provokes God’s wrath. When God’s wrath is kindled, His vengeance will follow. However, Nineveh was given 40 days to repent of their wicked ways - and they did, thus God relented.
This displayed God’s mercy to a Gentile nation. In BC 763 there was recorded by the Assyrians a total solar eclipse - this could have had something to do with their willingness to repent, since a solar eclipse to the Assyrians was a bad omen. When Jonah went to Nineveh, he declared “forty days and Nineveh shall be overthrown” - and the people listen to his warning and they surprisingly repented. Even the King repented before God - and God heard their plea. When the leadership of a nation hates God, it normally is a reflection of the masses’ heart attitude. Remember the saying “We get the leadership we deserve!” However, Nineveh’s repentance soon changed into regression and their wickedness returned to rule the nation.
The northern kingdom of Israel was destroyed in the eighth century B.C.E. by the Assyrians and then 110 years after that, YHWH declared judgment on the city because of Nineveh’s wickedness, with Nineveh’s being totally destroyed when the Babylonians, Medes, and Scythians sacked the city in 612 BC. Which was exactly 1,776 months after Jonah finished preaching at Nineveh in BC 760. That means that spiritual regression took only 148 years. We should know that spiritual regression is so easily found. Look at our spiritual health right now. Therefore, God acted and no trace of Nineveh remained.
Our equivalent is 2024-148 = AD 1,876. This is the time of James Clerk Maxwell who in 1873 presented four (4) equations that, together, form a complete description of the production and interrelation of electric and magnetic fields. The physicist James Clerk Maxwell based his description of electromagnetic fields on these four equations, which express experimental laws. So it was Maxwell who discovered that we are entirely electromagnetic beings - and the spiritual mafia MOB, raped and hacked Maxwell’s equation so that it reflected only electrical power that could be metered through a power line and monetised. So there we have it! The start of our societies’ decay which was saturated with money, power and sex began 151 years ago!
With this foundation of greed, they also hacked and raped Nikola Tesla, stealing all his patents to advance their own technology. The DEW and CERN’s large hadron colliders are actually advanced Tesla technology.
You should be able to see now that God is giving the U.S.A a 40 Day Nineveh Window to repent otherwise disaster will prevail and the Bush, Clinton and Obama dynasties will temporarily have their way. America will therefore fall into Civil War.
This total solar eclipse on Dec. 14, 2020 over South America enables us to decode both the Aug. 21st, 2017 solar eclipse and the April 8th, 2024 solar eclipse. The time span between the Aug. 21st, 2017 eclipse and the April 8th, 2024 solar eclipse is exactly 2,422 days apart. Therefore the 1/2 way point is 1,211 days which is epicentral to both solar eclipses in North America. We cannot ignore the precision of the Intelligent designer God.
Now, look at the news events for that date Dec. 14th, 2020 in the U.S.A. plus many more events worldwide. This cannot be mere coincidence. This is not only a “perfect mathematical construct”, but the “X marks the Spot” is very, very close to Chesterfield, Missouri, the site of the Pfizer’s Research and Development (R&D) laboratory and office facility. As of May 7, 2020 Pfizer and its partner BioNTech, a German pharmaceutical company, began human trials for the BNT162 vaccine program to prevent COVID-19. The trial was part of a global development program. Pfizer and BioNTech jointly developed the COVID-19 vaccine, initially in the United States and Europe, and then scaled-up manufacturing capacity to support global supply.
However, remember the headline - “Genentech, BioNTech to Partner on mRNA Cancer Vaccines” September 21st, 2016. The plan-demic had already been conceived at least four (4) years prior to Dec. 14th, 2020.
Why is this important? Well back on Sept. 21st, 2016 Genentech, a member of the Roche Group in Basel, Switzerland partnered with BioNTech to develop, manufacture, and commercialize novel messenger RNA (mRNA)-based vaccines. Roche and its U.S. subsidiary Genentech also mass produced the first commercially developed PCR test for SARS Covid-19, ready to be distributed in March 2020. Isn’t it interesting timing, that the inventor of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test, Kary Mullis, inexplicably “died suddenly” August 7, 2019 just prior to the announcement of the fear mongering related to Covid-19 in December 2019. Mullis openly declared that “this PCR test was not made to detect any type of infectious disease.” Meanwhile, Event 201, a high-level pandemic exercise was planned on October 18, 2019, in New York, NY in preparation for the well drilled plan-demic.
There is no doubt what-so-ever that the mRNA “vaccines” were a military designed, biological weapon distributed by DARPA and the CIA. The whole operation was a Military Psyops Operations [psyops techniques used by military and police forces to influence the beliefs, emotions and behaviour of citizens]. I’m not saying this! The OVERLORDS representatives, like Dr. James Giordano or even the recruitment video created by the Fort Bragg's 4th Psychological Operations Group, Ghosts In The Machine, is clearly telling us this. This video is labelled “All the World is a Stage”.
And so it is!
So why is Chesterfield, Missouri, so important? Because Chesterfield, Missouri, the home of Pfizer, was in the path of totality [the numbra] for the Total Solar Eclipse of August 21, 2017 and is within the penumbra or shadow of the coming April 8th, 2024 Total Solar Eclipse. Thus technically right over “X marks the Spot” for the U.S.A region.
And the day Pfizer chose to release their Military Psyops Operation on the public was wait for it [drum roll……….] [suspense] [tension music]…… the exact same date of the total solar eclipse over South America…. Dec. 14, 2020!
Now really …… do you honestly think we are just making this up? Do you really think this is just coincidence? Or could it be a possibility that our Creator God is in full control, so much so that He planted or quantum entangled the minds of all the Pfizer executives and Deep State puppet masters to target this date for His purposes?
The Americans supposedly voted for the Chief of Puppets, the Deep State rep Joe Biden, on the exact same day that Pizer released their Military Psyops Operation on the unsuspecting public. And we were made to believe the Luciferian puppet, Donald Trump was holding up the change of guard for the Presidency! No Sir, no Madame, this was all a part of the Script coming from CERN, Switzerland.
God is definitely trying to tell us something! One of those things is Pfizer is “X marks the Spot” and is on God’s radar for judgement - just as the Assyrians were annihilated by God’s wrath. This more than likely will not happen immediately, even during the 40-Day “Nineveh” Window because this is a time provided by God for those who choose to repent before the God of heaven. But remember we said - “Not only is there 40 days between April 8th, 2024 and Saturday [the Jewish Sabbath] May 18th, BUT according to the Enoch Calendar there is also 30 days between April 8th and May 9th, 2024 which is the celebration of Yeshua’s Ascension - rapture or immortal translation into heaven - just like Enoch.”
For those who think Elon Musk [or indeed any other man] is the savior of the world, I would strongly suggest to think again.
Even the ancient creation myth of the Aztec’s ‘Legend or Death of the Fifth Sun’ and the Mayan Codex describes how the “X” marked the end of a Chapter in history and the beginning of a new Chapter. Which is exactly what the book of Revelations claims. The Apostle John foresaw prophetically that mankind’s heart would become so wicked that Yeshua, our True Messiah would have to intervene to save mankind from destroying himself … and then create a new Chapter for those who love Him.
Because that is where mankind is headed!
That is where we are at - Yeshua is about to reappear and a rapture will occur - this time He will not be in the womb [or matrix] of a human virgin, but He will come as a roaring Lion to destroy all those who have the “X marks the Spot” - or iniquity - or unrighteousness - or corruption - or unjustice - or those who hate God - or the number 666 quantum imprinted on their foreheads. It is interesting that Rapture, IN, USA is also located right at “X marks the Spot”.
Those who have “TAV” or God’s unconditional love - or God’s righteousness quantum imprinted on their foreheads will be saved for eternity. These human beings will experience immortality!
The only immortality Human 2.0 beings will experience is DEATH and eternal separation from their Creator.
We are now at the pointy end of history as we know it - 6,000 years has gone by and the Hitler and Josef Mengele style Final Solution is supposedly about to be unfolded - the possession and enslavement of our minds.
But so too is God’s Final Solution - our Salvation and freedom from this digital prison.
The Nazi, Klaus Schwab declares, “Zist ist der Final Solution” - the one Hitler only dreamed of! Everything the spiritual mafia MOB does is merely a mystical dream that will never come true. Just like the promised “Great Awakening” and the Christian’s promised “Pre-Tribulation Rapture”….. neither of them will ever happen.
Click on this picture if you have missed Jason’s amazing video….
As Jason says, “There are far too many coincidences for there to be any coincidence at all” - now that is the Truth. There is no such thing as coincidence. Not in God’s kingdom anyhow - and that is where we reside - this is His Creation - and we are created in His image. That is exactly what the MOB is trying to change. It will NEVER work!
There is even no coincidence that this guy Jason is addicted to coffee! The MOB designed it that way to be an anxiety relaxant…… however, it is more than a habit, it is a ritual to our gods within.
We have to divorce ourselves from any preconceived notions that have been inscribed into our minds by unethical OVERLORDS, and allow a caring, loving, and just God to quantum imprint the Truth into our minds and hearts. The unethical OVERLORD’S Vril and Hermetic energy, and there quantum energy coming out of CERN is a distortion or a twisting of the resurrection power of Yeshua, which is pure inSATANity! CERN controls Lucifer’s Intelligence, data and Information. That is what the CIA is - both in America where the play is being produced - and in CERN itself, which runs the global CIA. Which is merely mind control using Lucifer’s Intelligence, data and Information. The rogue AI Jason is referring too taking over this construct is Satan/Lucifer and their fallen angels.
Some believe that the three (3) solar eclipses shown in the photo above represent symbolically the Hebrew alphabet Aleph and Tav. Just as alpha and omega are the first and last, beginning and end of the Greek alphabet, we have the bible beginning with the Aleph and Tav and ending with the Alpha and Omega.
Yeshua the Messiah testified that He is the Aleph and the Tav, the First and the Last , and the Beginning and the Ending: “I am the Aleph and the Tav, the beginning and the end, the first and the last.” (Rev. 22:13). When Yeshua said this, He was making a direct reference to Isaiah 41:4; 44:6 and 48:12 where YHWH Himself says “I, the MASTER —the first and the last—I am He.” You more than likely don’t trust God to this extent - but let me strongly suggest that before the Day of Pentecost on May 19th, 2024 you should seriously consider it to be the Truth by moving beyond your brainwashed disturbed, insane driven mind. Insanity defines the MOB’s belief system of mind control.
What is the Aleph Tav?
“Holy Smoke” is an exclamation used to express surprise, astonishment, or disbelief. It is a lighthearted phrase often uttered in response to a surprising or unexpected event or piece of information. What word would you use to describe what I have just uncovered? Here it is - this is the final nail in our discussion about the four (4) solar eclipses in the North Americas and South America since the Aug. 21st, 2017 eclipse. One of these is a Annular Eclipse that occured on October 14th, 2023. However, now we have four (4) to work with.
So maybe you think this Annular Solar Eclipse that occured on October 14th, 2023 is not so important? Hmmm….. Who can remember what occurred on the 7th Oct., 2023? Right on cue, 7 days after the Annular Solar Eclipse and 9 days before the 28th Oct. Lunar Eclipse! BOOM! Need I say anymore? Coincidence - right?
I coloured the 7th Oct., 2023 in blue because that is the MOB’s colour for War - think of the UN “PeaceKeeping” helmet colours. Now that is an oxymoron statement!
This is where the revelation of God - or His Truth shows up…..
The Hebrew word for Truth is one of the original “perfect mathematical constructs”, similar to that which Jason found in his investigation of the Dec. 14th, 2020 solar eclipse occurring over South America. This is how God’s creative Mind works. The “mathematical constructs” are His design, His mould [Matrix], composition, engineering model and shape.
This is true science - not mystical, alchemy science…..
The middle letter around which Truth revolves is literally Mem. This is obviously where the word meme comes from - it is any unit of cultural information, such as a practice or idea, that is transmitted verbally [i.e. the Word of God] or by repeated action from one mind to another mind [from God’s Mind to our mind]. A meme is an idea, behaviour, or style that spreads by means of imitation from person to person within a culture and often carries symbolic meaning representing a particular phenomenon or theme.
Folks - I am undone with this fresh revelation. I cannot believe this accuracy of revelation. Therefore, I cannot finish this topic today…. I have too much to share…..
I feel truly humbled - and somewhat overawed that the living God would entrust me with this knowledge to share with you….. this is like an instant, perpetual, timeless God moment!
This is the type of revelation I receive when I fast on God’s Feast days….. it enables me to quantum entangle myself with our Creator….. that is His heart’s desire!
Thank you for reading my Substack and the declaration of the Truth as I have experienced it …..
You did it justice Graeme.
I can read it in your words being brought to you.
As Jason has always said
"You cannot make this stuff up"
Well done 👏 ❤️