Technocracy and Transhumanism
Are Technocrats Secretly Stealing And Storing The DNA Of Newborn Babies?
Patrick Wood is the world’s leading guru of The Siamese Twins Of Technocracy And Transhumanism. The enclosed article is so relevant and important, I’ve enclosed the entire article as is -
As you read this, keep in mind that back in the 14th Century AD, the Roman Catholic church began to formalise a ‘claim of right’ over our souls to systematically rape the body, mind, and soul of each individual. [Yes, this is the what we call the Christian church folks!] They have done this using stealth [this is what Lucifer does] by legalising and legitimising their deceptive systems through a sealed document called a ‘papal bull’ which was enacted, then placed in the Vatican vaults for posterity.
This is background information that has been the foundation stone of everything that is being revealed and manifested today in the physical realm.
A papal bull is a public decree, a sealed ‘claim of right’, or charter issued by a Pope of the Roman Catholic church. It is named after the seal (or “bulla”) that was traditionally appended to a decree in order to authenticate it. Each one of these papal bulls is sealed with a spiritual spell dedicating it to Baal [Pharaoh], the spiritual lord of this world whom they secretly worship. These sinister decrees are created at the nerve centre of mission control in the Vatican in order to secretly claim our body, mind and soul.
Many papal bulls have been proclaimed over the years by the spiritual war machine of Rome, but maybe none more important than the decree by Pope Boniface VIII, called Unam Sanctam issued in AD1302. This declares that there is no salvation outside of the Roman Catholic Church…period!
This ‘claim of right’ claims that all the souls in the world are the church’s property. The last line reads: “Furthermore, we declare, we proclaim, we define that it is absolutely necessary for salvation that every human creature be subject to the Roman Pontiff.” This is a universal decree placed on all humanity, so that claim includes you and me! The problem is, we have never challenged that claim of right, more than likely, because we haven’t been aware of it, nor the consequences of such a decree. Unam Sanctam was the first official Express Trust ever created.
The most binding and soul destroying series of 3 papal bulls called “Romanus Pontifex” were enforced between AD1436 -1455. The number we are given on our birth certificate is the number of these three, cestui que trusts. Living beings are therefore regarded as dead, corporate entities recorded as a name written on a piece of paper right from birth. They became subjects of the Crown [think King Charles 111], legally enslaved without that conscious awareness.
If we are declared dead by Decree at birth, the we affectively have no creative LIFE resonating through our DNA. The first Cestui Que Vie Trust that the reining pope endorsed, coming from the papal bull Romanus Ponifex, claims all of our real estate [Hmmm… sound familar? Klaus Schwab’s now famous statement, “You will own nothing - and be happy”.] was created in AD 1481 with the papal bull Aeterni Regis, meaning “Eternal Crown”. The 2nd Cestui Que Vie Trust, created when a child is born and the sale of the birth certificate into the market place erased our “right of use” to all Personal Property. The 3rd Cestui Que Vie Trust, is created when a child is baptised within the Roman Catholic Church. It is the parents’ granting of the baptismal certificate, the title of that child’s soul to the church or Registrar.
Remember that CORONA (as in Coronavirus) means CROWN!
Each of the 3 Cestui Que Vie Trusts is symbolised by the 3 Crowns in the Catholic Church Coat of Arms. These 3 Crowns represent the sale of our body, soul and spirit to the Beast system overlorded by the spiritual mafia MOB in Geneva. Switzerland. Notice the keys with circles on the end which symbolises our energy formed into a X which always signifies our death, elimination or erasal [take a look at the definition of erase]. The goal is to erase our spiritual energy - period! The energy our Saviour, Yeshua, the Lord of LIFE resurrected from the dead!
Be aware that there is in fact, two “you’s” in existence [essentially a virtual digital twin]. There is the physical you that was born into this world as a living, creative being with blood flowing through your veins. Then there is the artificial, virtual “you” that is declared a corporate body created by the State for them to trade for profit. This “you” that is perceived to be a dead, corporate body, is the one that is traded within their corrupt, corporate system.
This is not just physical slavery, but the slavery of our mind, soul and spirit. The masses are held captive against our own free will until such time that the spiritual mafia MOB are ready to reveal the arrival of their planned New World Order. This NWO is the consummation of thousands of years of planning to subjugate humanity and totally control human minds en mass.
Patrick Wood’s observation as Technical News Editor - The hospital industry has largely been taken over by Technocrats who practice “evidence-based medicine.” You see the Technocrat mind at work when it selectively collects certain data while ignoring other data. Thus, collecting DNA from newborns for sequencing and permanent storage should be seen as a “prime directive” for Technocrats. Why? Because this is foundational for the soon-and-coming global digital system that will control all humans on Earth.
This is seen all over the “professional” literature: the Holy Grail of a digital ID system is DNA. For instance, Biometric Update wrote in July,
Biometric identification solutions have become firmly established in our everyday lives, whether at security checks at airports or through facial recognition on smartphones – and the next generation is already waiting. DNA-based processes not only ensure precise identification of individuals but also raise data protection to a completely new level.
In addition to common biometric methods such as fingerprints, iris scans or facial recognition, DNA ID heralds the coming evolutionary step in personal identification and verification. The groundbreaking results of rapid DNA technologies will inexorably increase their acceptance, and it is foreseeable that the technology will find its way into further areas of life. In the future, citizens and governments will benefit equally from the advantages of fast and reliable DNA-based personal identification.
So, do you dismiss the collecting of newborn blood to harvest DNA for ulterior purposes?
One final tell that the Technocrat mind is at work is the fact they have hidden this practice right under our nose. That is, until a few parents stumbled across it and blew the whistle. ⁃ TN Editor
LEO HOHMANN then contributes this Leo’s Newsletter in his Substack on 7 NOV 2023.
There’s something sinister about that little “heel-prick” test that hospitals routinely do on newborns. They say it’s to detect disease but, if that’s the case, why do some states try to keep the DNA samples taken during these procedures and store them for decades without ever telling the parents?
Some parents are wising up and going on the offensive.
A lawsuit has been filed by the Institute for Justice over a state program in New Jersey that has been obtaining, and secretly holding onto, blood from newborn babies.
The Institute for Justice explained in a press release it is representing two sets of parents in the case.
The state claims it can use the DNA from the babies’ blood samples for any reason, without informed consent from parents.
The case charges that state law in New Jersey demands that when babies are born, blood be taken and tested for various diseases. This same demand exists in all states.
But, according to the attorneys representing the parents, what makes New Jersey different is that, “after the testing is over, New Jersey’s Department of Health keeps the leftover blood for 23 years. The state does not ask parents for their consent to keep their babies’ blood, failing to even inform parents that it will hold on to the residual blood. The only way parents could learn about such retention is by proactively looking it up on one of the third-party websites listed on the bottom of the card they’re given after the blood draw.
"And, once the state has the blood, it can use it however it wishes, including selling it to third parties, giving it to police without a warrant, or even selling it to the Pentagon to create a registry—as previously happened in Texas.” (emphasis mine)
Upgrade to paid
That bit about selling it to the Pentagon “to create a registry” jumped out at me.
It’s a documented fact that part of United Nations Agenda 2030 is to create a birth registry for all people. Look it up.
Sustainable Development Goal 16.9 of Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development states, “Create a legal identity for all, including birth registration, by 2030,” and this “has been acknowledged as crucial for advancing the 2030 Agenda commitment to leave no one behind,” according to the website of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP). On that same web page, they state:
Article 6 of the Universal Declaration on Human Rights states that everybody has the right to a legal identity. Sustainable Development Goal Target 16.9 ("legal identity for all, including birth registration, by 2030") has been acknowledged as crucial for advancing the 2030 Agenda commitment to leave no one behind. However, hundreds of millions of people still lack proper identification, and about half of the world's countries do not have a universal system for registering births and deaths.
The United Nations Legal Identity Agenda Task Force, co-chaired by UNDP, UNDESA, and UNICEF, is working with Member States to ensure that more than 300 million people acquire a legal identity by 2025. UNDP is strengthening the capacity of Member States to develop holistic, country-owned, sustainable and interoperable civil registration, vital statistics and identity management systems. UNDP is working to increase the number of countries that address legal identity issues as a foundational pillar of national development plans and strategies and ensure that everyone, without exception, has access to essential public goods and services.
The UNDP site then steers those wanting more information “On UNDP’s work in this important area,” to visit the following websites:
So, with just a little researching we find that this drive to scoop up DNA from newborns is tied to creating a global ID system, and a global digital ID at that.
It’s highly likely that the overarching reason this DNA is being taken and secretly stored has little or nothing to do with fighting disease and everything to do with fulfilling the U.N. mandate for all nations to create a unique biometric identifier on every person, which then can be digitized and filed away for future use in a fully digitized society. With every newborn having a DNA sample already on file with the government, think how easy it would be to create a biometric digital ID for all humans, in full compliance with U.N. Agenda 2030 and a future global government.
If New Jersey has a program to turn over DNA to the federal government, you can bet it’s happening in other states as well. We just haven’t found out about it yet. And why would the U.S. Department of Defense, of all agencies, want to get its hands on this DNA from every newborn baby?
In fact, similar lawsuits already have been brought against Texas, Minnesota and Michigan, and in those cases settlements have ordered the destruction of blood samples held by the states, or the state has voluntarily destroyed them.
The New Jersey Monitor reports that more than 100,000 babies are born each year in New Jersey, meaning the state has stockpiled millions of blood spots from its decades-old newborn screening program. Yet a handout given to new parents doesn’t divulge that the state stores the samples for 23 years, nor explains why.
Rob Frommer, a senior lawyer for the Institute for Justice, stated:
"Parents have a right to informed consent if the state wants to keep their children’s blood for decades and use it for purposes other than screening for diseases. New Jersey’s policy of storing baby blood and DNA and using that genetic information however it wants is a clear violation of the Fourth Amendment rights of all New Jersey parents and their newborns."
The plaintiffs are two Boonton, N.J., parents, Erica and Jeremiah Jedynak, and the Rev. Hannah Lovaglio, a mother of two sons in Cranbury, N.J.
Lovaglio told the Monitor, "It’s not right that the state can enter an incredibly intimate moment, the tender days of childbirth, and take something from our children which is then held on to for 23 years. The lack of consent and transparency causes me to question the intent and makes me worried for my children’s future selves."
This whole spiritual war against humanity comes down to a basic understanding of the importance of our DNA, the information stored in our DNA, blood and blood sacrifice.
Selah & Shalom