Those who regularly read this Substack know that I always refer to us human beings as being Tripartite Beings. Man is a triune being because he is created in the image of God (Genesis 1:26-27), who Himself is a spiritual Trinity [God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit].
“…. and man became a living soul” Genesis 2:7 Hebrew ‘nephesh’: = soul, life, self, person, heart, creature, mind, living being. Therefore our soul is central to our being - it defines who we are!
The function of our soul is mere quantum physics. It is the spirit that gives man the ability to have an intimate relationship with God [or Lucifer]; it is that part of us that God created for us to know and worship Him. The spirit of man is what gets born again or regenerated. However, it is the soul though which we find redemption.
In Quantum Consciousness I explained how our brain is the most powerful quantum computer in the world. We said that our bodies’ DNA is our antenna for data and information. The physical manifestation of the information coming from our energetic minds occurs in the soul - where that energy is converted into a) chemical information and b) electrical information that can be distributed to the cells of the body through the nervous system. Our soul is where that quantum manifestation takes place.
The soul is the immaterial part of man midway between the body and the spirit. In quantum physics we are either the function of an invisible wave - or when observed by a human being, that wave collapses into matter or a physical form. God is pure spirit that we can experience with our spirit, however the soul is the part of us where the quantum mechanics takes place - and we manifest the thoughts in our minds that we are willing to have, thus through the quantum process, the soul becomes the seat of all of our affections and emotions. The soul is where we always manifest that Information which is dominating our spirits.
Now in the spiritual realms Satan and Lucifer deceive us by placing fallen angels over whole nations to destroy their citizens - they are called “principalities and powers”. When nations are invaded, they can even become Empires. Empires always manifest characteristics that describe the essence of the evil controlling that empire. An example of this is the ‘lion’ mentioned in the book of Daniel and Revelation 13:2 symbolically representing the spirit of Babylon - the Beast. It is a counterfeit of Yeshua haMashiach who is called the Lion of Judah.
In God’s Kingdom, the lion symbolizes strength and courage, representing the unwavering faith and protection of God needed to face challenges and Satan’s spiritual “strongholds”. In Satan’s spiritual kingdom, the lion symbolizes his “strongholds” that manifest as deception, fear, tearing of the flesh and destruction.
In the spiritual realms Satan and Lucifer also deceive us by placing spiritual entities over individuals - these are called spiritual “strongholds”. These “strongholds” take over our soul, often residing within our energy chakras and controlling our very nature and personality. They therefore become a part of the characteristics and essence that define us.
These “strongholds” are always lying dormant in the subconscious part of our soul, and are mainly triggered through our emotions. That is why the majority do not even know these are resident within them. A “stronghold” is a biblical word for what I refer to as spiritual parasites - because that is what they are. They are demonic entities that suck the life out of us without us even knowing, or us being aware of their existence.
However, when we quantum entangle ourselves with the spirit of our quantum God, they are easily eradicated from our lives. Once exposed and observed, they cannot cling on…. it is that simple! Light always exposes the darkness.
A subscriber to this Substack, and a dear friend - Richard Bunting - has illustrated this topic very clearly. Listen to his perspective. It is very good and holds a lot of merit.
Spiritual Strongholds: author Richard Bunting!
“What sets us humans apart from the animals is that we have a spirit which enables us to connect with the spirit realms which consists of either :-
The Creator [The Christ] and His minions [angels] or
The Destroyer [Satan/Lucifer] and his minions [demons/fallen angels].
The battleground between these two empires is our mind, the part of us that enables us to think and reason: this in turn affects our will which enables us to make decisions and choices, either wise ones or foolish ones.
From birth we are inclined towards the agenda of The Destroyer [Iniquity] whose minions influence us towards independence and rebellion against the order of things established and decreed by our Creator. Much of humanity, especially the Global leadership, is under the influence of The Destroyer – hence we experience war, disease, famine, crime, cruelty, exploitation, control, greed, poverty and other maladies.
The ultimate objective of The Destroyer is to have everyone under his domination. He exercises control over mankind through his minions influencing the minds and thus the will and emotions of those who are not fully connected with The Creator. The work of his minions is to establish or exploit wrong patterns of thinking [“strongholds”] in people. Most people do not realize they are victims of this psychological and spiritual manipulation. Some of these strongholds are passed down in families by the way parents and other relatives speak to children, and some are engendered by the general tone of the culture in which they live. Other strongholds are established when individuals experience trauma – spiritual parasites [demons] take advantage of these painful experiences to establish harmful patterns of thinking that affect the individual’s physical, emotional and spiritual health. These are at the root of many of society’s problems.
Our interaction with the spirit world, either consciously or unconsciously, has a huge bearing on our interactions with other humans through damaging emotional responses. These manifest in unhealthy relationships in which co-dependency, control, sexual abuse, domestic violence, alcohol and drug abuse, and suicide wreak havoc. All this is underpinned by engagement with destructive spiritual forces. Our world is replete with organisations that enable these evil entities to function – Freemasonry, Kabbala, Buddhism, Islam, Hinduism, New Age Beliefs, Atheism, Witchcraft, Socialism and some sections of Christianity.
Behind the decline of civilization in the Western world is the increasing influence of malevolent spiritual forces which have greater opportunities through the demise of organisations that once resisted them, as well as groups such as CERN [the Vatican and Notre Dame Cathedral] that are deliberately interfacing with the spirit world and thus releasing hordes of spiritual parasites to run amok amongst us.
Is there any solution available to those who are under the debilitating influence of spiritual parasites? Yes, most definitely! There are ways in which individuals can be set free from the bondage of crippling strongholds. This will be the subject of the next instalment of ‘Spiritual Strongholds’.”
What are your thoughts?
On a lighter note to finish….. Johnny Farnham is arguably the greatest pop singer to emerge from Australia, and simply known as "the Voice" for good reason.
"You'll Never Walk Alone"
When you walk through a storm
Hold your head up high
And don't be afraid of the dark
At the end of a storm
There's a golden sky
And the sweet silver song of a lark
Walk on through the wind
Walk on through the rain
Though your dreams be tossed and blown
Walk on, walk on
With hope in your heart
And you'll never walk alone
You'll never walk alone
For those who choose to entangle themselves to the God of the 3rd heaven, this is His Holy Spirit’s promise to you!