Chaos, corruption, insanity and absolute stupidity are ruling the world - this partially describes the nature of the Beast system. Have you ever wondered why nearly everyone is searching for a physical messiah type figure to come and rule their lives and hopefully restore sanity in the world? The reason we all crave this is because we are all spiritual beings that crave restoration and redemption - a return to what we once had as human beings having been created in the image of God. We are all craving for that which we lost at the beginning of time. When we lost it - time began!
We lost the ability to experience spiritual connection with God’s holy Presence through His provision of energetic, quantum entanglement. Eve, then Adam were deceived by Lucifer, and as a consequence God had to shut the spiritual gateway to His own Tree of Life. Lucifer’s knowledge was activated in them - however, so was death, corruption, chaos and insanity of mind. The relational gyro inside our mind that enables us keep our focus and intention on spiritual true North - and purity -became subject to gross “error”.
Now we live in spiritual “error” that causes deviation [this is what a deviant is: it is a deviation from the plumbline of God’s righteousness or what is Right and True]. That is all corruption of heart is - it is inbuilt “error” that prevents us from navigating life with upright thoughts and in a just way. “Righteousness and justice are the foundation of Your throne”. Instead of living in a realm of eternity and immortality - humanity became trapped in a capsule of time. Instead of living in justice - we tend to judge ourselves, each other and God within that timeframe! Therefore, time is always ticking as we move closer to disease and death.
That is not how it is meant to be - we were created to live in freedom, peace and liberty unrestricted and forever free of death. Just like the Statue of Liberty is a symbol of freedom, inspiration, and hope - but like everything that is created by the secret societies like Freemasonry - their version of Reality is a myth.
Notice that mankind can use “knowledge” to identify the cause of a problem however they have no solutions. The spiritual Tree of Knowledge holds no solutions - only the Tree of Life in the 3rd heaven possesses that. Our Messiah, Yeshua is the only one who can speak the solution into our problems and therefore redeem the situation on our behalf.
This is a brief description of how the 2nd heaven of Lucifer and Satan impacts mankind living in the 1st heaven. The 3rd heaven has no dysfunction, disorder, deviation, disease or death. Mankind chose to experience the spiritual realm in the 2nd heaven so they could be “free” to "Do what thou wilt”. Frank Sinatra sums it up perfectly with his song, "I Did It My Way". However, there is always a cost - [call it karma if you want] - and for humanity who have rejected their only Messiah having paid the ultimate price to eliminate that cost for us. Sinatra sums up that cost eloquently when he states time is up - “And now the end is near!”.
However, mankind in his hubris thinks otherwise. “Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall.”
After the fall, the created then became the creators of their own destiny - we do that by striving, engineering, manufacturing, fabricating and contriving our own destiny. All of our manmade religions encourage us to walk this wide, but barren, road. All we end up creating is a synthetic, artificial and ‘Augmented Reality’. We humans can only hack into that which God created - unredeemed humans do not have the power or spiritual authority to speak the living Word and thus create and sustain natural life. Mankind, in conjunction with Satan & Lucifer can only imitate and counterfeit that which God has already created.
Honestly, liberty through God’s gift of redemption is our only hope - repenting of our deviation from His “Ways” and allowing our Messiah to redeem our timeline.
Words are powerful. I learnt a new word recently - ‘pronoia’. It is a belief system in which people believe whatever they are told by those who rule over them. Pronoia is the opposite state of mind to paranoia. The pronoia (plural pronoiai; Greek: πρόνοια, meaning foreknowledge [pro = fore; noia = knowledge]. Therefore, it is a false belief system in ones mind that our government leaders conspire to do “good” for us. Pronoia in an ancient religious context means ‘providence’ or ‘divine providence’. It is the trust in the knowledge and benevolent provision for all our needs by “the gods”. Secretly, people worship the state, like they worship the sun in the hidden claves of their own corrupted hearts. Data shows that the state is a god in whom they blindly trust. This blind trust is essentially Luciferianism. Many Christians also fall for this false belief system called pronoia.
I don’t know about your country, I can only speak for countries in which I have actually lived like Australia, the UAE and Switzerland. Australians are the ultimate role model for pronoia. They are essentially ignorant and stupid as a collective - and what is worse than ignorance? Australians do not understand that their Government is a Corporation run by Public Private Partnerships (PPPs) - another revitalised Greek concept. The Department of Health in conjunction with the WHO in Geneva is actually now dictating to the Australian Government - and the WHO is controlled and operated by - non other than the PPP, Big Pharma in Basel, Switzerland.
Basel in French means Bâle meaning evil; harm; misfortune or Baal, the main “god” of Big Pharma [Revelations 18:23] and the spiritual mafia MOB in CERN, Geneva. Our Messiah, Yeshua identifies Baal Zebub as Satan himself. This is the “god” pronoias citizens worship and place their trust in for providence and their own fate.
Therefore, unredeemed pronoia citizens blindly trust their Government leaders who mandate them to inject themselves with a military grade bioweapon that will kill surrounding cells in their body and tissue when activated with 5G EMF. The initiative to merge biology with technology comes from PPPs like Big Pharma. We have been injected with electromagnetic nanoparticles to provide the spiritual mafia MOB with access to our mind, heart, emotions and free will. Their plan of convenience is to implant our digital cell phones inside our body as an operating system that they can control.
The MOB says this is the dawn of a new day - being Lucifer’s rule of the world - quoting “digital gives us power”. Yes it does - Satanic soul power.
The UN Secretary-General’s High-level Panel on Digital Cooperation was co-chaired by Melinda Gates of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and, Jack Ma, creator of China’s Social Credit Scoring system. This group of arch-Technocrats is deciding the future of mankind: total digitalisation and total control. Watch the energy of Melinda Gates: she is the embodiment of Semiramis’ spirit, the Legendary Queen of Babylon.
There is an emerging ideology, called Dataism which is based on digital data flow. The ultimate goal is to increase the amount of Information flow through algorithms. It is not the Information flow through our DNA coming from God, but through an alternate reality that uses synthetic algorithms created in silicon which are producing the data. This will be the essence of the proclaimed One World Religion.
Based on its grandparent ideology Darwinism, Transhumanism views humanity as a “biochemical algorithm,” as it does all biological life. It teaches, humanity’s own creation of “electronic algorithms,” such as computers and AI, will surpass both God’s Intelligence and humanity’s Intelligence itself. This event is known as “Singularity.”
Yuval Noah Harari wrote in Homo Deus. “Dataism declares that the universe consists of data flows, and the value of any phenomenon or entity is determined by its contribution to data processing.” Dataists believe that life itself is made of algorithms and the transfer of Intelligence. This view owes a great deal to work such as Darwin’s ‘On the Origin of Species’ and the identification of DNA in 1953. The flow of Information is essential to living creatures, therefore if our bodies were to halt the transfer of data from the environment, we would die - hence, it is argued by the Dataist that obstructing data-flow is what they classify a sin. They believe that if life is the movement of Information, then we should extend and deepen it to include everything within the universe. In this ideology, freedom of Information is for the “greatest good”. Unlike liberty, freedom of expression and freewill, freedom of Information is a right given to the Information itself rather than to any person.
Therefore we now know where the spiritual mafia MOB is endeavouring to lead humanity into. As Harari says, it is literally Human 2.0 - humanity void of God. The MOB desires to create the world as they want. This is the physical manifestation of Aleister Crowley’s "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law”. This is unredeemed man’s way of manipulating time.
Can you imagine life without nature? Life that has no value? Life without light? You guessed it - life without God leads to the dark side and death. So will the spiritual mafia MOB succeed in their wild endeavours? Absolutely not! It is impossible.
You may find this hard to believe, but the spiritual mafia MOB know the scriptutes of the written bible inside out. Much better the most Christians mind you! However, many of the MOB are Jesuit priests and Zionist or Ashkenazi Jews, and their interpretation of scripture is often totally inaccurate - as is any unredeemed man’s interpretation. The common denominator amongst this group is their hatred of God the creator - however, they do understand the timing of God and they know their time is short before God inevitably intervenes. Therefore their bold, hubris plan is to fight God and eventually take Him out is prophesied to occur at the Battle of Armageddon in 2030 - exactly 2,000 years after Yeshua’s victory over death, iniquity and sin, which was established at His resurrection.
In the meantime, Daniel’s prophesy is being fulfilled right before our eyes. God used King Nebuchadnezzar of the Babylonian Empire to chastise His people for not following Him. God used Daniel to interpret King Nebuchadnezzar’s dream in about BC 603, which was in fact a vision of the future kingdoms of the world. Daniel described to King Nebuchadnezzar the meaning of a grand statue which defined 4 earthly kingdoms - Babylon [head of gold], Medo-Persian [its chest and arms were silver], Grecian [its belly and thighs were bronze[, and Roman [its two legs were iron]. All of these Empires that represent earthly "kingdoms” have ruled the world. One is yet to come that will cause the entire statue to fall. Its feet were part iron and part clay - Daniel took the presence of two immiscible substances in the statue's feet as an indication of a fracture in the kingdom - "it will be a divided kingdom." (2:41) It is this "division" that is responsible for the fragility and weakness of the fourth kingdom [the WEF Fourth Industrial Revolution - co-incidence? I don’t think so!] and of the statue as a whole.
My question is simply, what is the clay? It would appear that symbolically, the mixture is of humanity and machine - iron indicates strength of the kingdom; clay indicates weakness. Daniel’s own interpretation tells the story - “And just as you saw that the feet and toes were made partly of fired clay and partly of iron, so this will be a divided kingdom, yet some of the strength of iron will be in it—just as you saw the iron mixed with clay. And as the toes of the feet were partly iron and partly clay, so this kingdom will be partly strong and partly brittle. As you saw the iron mixed with clay, so the peoples will mix with one another, but will not hold together any more than iron mixes with clay. In the days of those kings, the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be destroyed, nor will it be left to another people. It will shatter all these kingdoms and bring them to an end, but will itself stand forever.” Dan 2:41-45
Daniel makes it clear that during the "latter stages" (2:42) of the fourth kingdom, there will be increased "mixing" of people, not only of various ethnic and linguistic groups, but also a mixing of genetic materials to form hybrid entities. But the people will not "adhere" to one another, and at the time of the image’s demise, the world will indeed be politically fragmented - so too the minds of the people! Neighbour will not be able to trust their own neighbour - nor probably their own partner. Essentially our relationships have become toxic because our own entire beings have become toxic.
The spiritual mafia MOB’s longterm plan is all about corrupting the image of God - by corrupting the seed of man. We know that “they” will attempt to mingle with the seed of men. But who is the “they”?
The kingdom of God introduced by the resurrection and ascension of the prophesied Yeshua haMashiach would spread worldwide and would last forever [the stone became a great spiritual mountain and filled the whole earth]. That is yet to come - first there must come a mass rebellion against God.
In Daniel 2:43 it is written, “as you saw iron mixed with ceramic clay, they will mingle with the seed of men; but they will not adhere to one another, just as iron does not mix with clay, that seems to describe a hybrid of man (clay) mixed with machine (iron).” And as transhumanism and biotech gains momentum, armies of hybrid humans of iron and clay may be a real possibility in a not too distant future world.
A worldly kingdom is coming having spiritual entities with feet of clay that may appear powerful and unstoppable, but they cannot support their arrogant splendour, and will easily be knocked over. These spiritual entities that are being mixed with humanity [the clay] are clones, hybrids having been mixed with AI (computers-metals).
In this article Douglas Hamp claims “they” are not themselves of the seed of men, which is to say that “they” are not human. He believes all the Empires down through history represents the leadership of fallen angels. “They will hybridise [mingle, mix, crossbreed] themselves with the genetic material [seed] of mankind”.
What Hamp is referring to here in this article is the manifestation of spiritual demons. He says: ‘Daniel 2:43 predicts that demonic entities will crossbreed with humans in order to destroy the image of God in the last days.”
The unseen problem humanity has is the infiltration of spiritual parasites. Many of these are released from the biggest spiritual portal in the world - CERN, Switzerland….. and we individuals have given them the freedom to enter into our bodies and manifest themselves within.
Our greatest threat to life comes from within our own human being……….
If we as individuals are going to live in freedom, peace and liberty we must eliminate these spiritual parasites from our bodies which are happily living off of our once natural, God-given energy.
…….. and we can if we entangle ourselves to our spiritual Messiah - Yeshua haMashiach!
Thank you Sandy. I know what I am sharing will pop a few circuit breakers because essentially we have been brainwashed by the global elite to think and act in a way that is not bringing life and vitality to our entire beings.
Graeme, must compliment you on your writing, it has a fluidity and effect as your readers are also given the opportunity to read , digest and form their opinion and hopefully to one's truth girding our hearts.
I say with all encouragement.