So Who are the Real Jews?
Conspiracy fact: The Khazar ancestry is the single largest element in the Ashkenazi gene pool....
For those of you who read my Substack post Predictive Programming of Fear, maybe you are starting to see the importance of understanding the connection between the present Jewish celebration of Hanukkah with the erection of a statue of Zeus in the Temple of YHWH by Antiochus Epiphanes IV and the sacrifice of pigs in the Holy of Holies in BC 167.
There is nothing more sinister than the poisoning of our minds. This Abomination that causes Desolation is right now happening all over again - lead by the Zionist Jews and two of their programmed messianic figures, Donald Trump and Elon Musk.
These are the actions of the antiChrist spirit that are about to manifest once again, very soon. There is nothing new under the sun and this repeat of history is all about Lucifer’s control of our minds. Instead of this abomination being inflicted upon the Jews in BC 167 as a consequence of them rebelling against YHWH, they themselves [the Zionist Jews] have become the inflictors of the same spiritual slavery upon the Gentiles.
Both groups show a disdain for our Creator God and the spiritual laws that God has declared will enable us to live righteous lives according to His principles of justice.
This desolation in BC 167 went on for 3 1/2 years desecrating the Temple of God. This is exactly what has transpired in the last 3 1/2 years since March 2021 - except now, ever since the death and resurrection of our Messiah, all human beings have been declared to be the living Temple of God. That means YHWH is keen to personally communicate and resonate with each one of us.
The Jewish Zionists do not believe this - that is why they are trying to now rebuild their own physical Temple - the one YHWH had the Romans destroy in AD70 because of the Jew’s rebellious attitude. The Jewish Temple as a method of worshipping God was made obsolete with YHWH’s death and resurrection. This fact was made evident after the Kabbalah and Talmud believing Jews kept trying to connect with God - with zero success - in their physical Temple for another 40 years after they crucified their own prophesied Messiah.
The destruction of their Temple occurred, not only as judgement upon the Kabbalah believing Pharisees, but also as evidence that a physical Temple was no longer required to connect with YHWH’s Presence in the Holy of Holies - because the physical bodies of both Jew and Gentile themselves are now declared to be the Holy of Holies in which YHWH can reside and communicate with us. This is done instantly through what we now know as quantum mechanics.
That means we do not need a medium, mediator, arbitrator or channel like the Pope, or any other priest or pastor to connect with, fellowship with or quantum entangle ourselves with our Creator. The majority of these mediums have in fact become impostors, merely trading the souls of men and women for their own financial gain.
When we wilfully or even unconsciously bend our knee to worship Satan or Lucifer our spirit is sealed with the spiritual Mark of the Beast, and our Holy of Holies is desecrated both spiritually, energetically and therefore even physically. A clear example of this is the mRNA sabotage of our bodies that has changed our DNA - and since our DNA is the receiver of Intelligence within our own Holy of Holies, our Temple has been defiled and Desolated of YHWH’s Holy Spirit.
The MOB, the Jesuits and the Zionist Jews are doing this to turn the masses into a mindless mob of passive sheep who are held in ignorance of what the MOB themselves hold in secret within their societies. The masses have been moulded into passivity of mind, thus accepting anything told to them by their governmental leaders and mainstream media. Our ability to received life and liberty has been slowly washed away by this antiChrist spirit. This is the very same spirit that drove the insanity of Antiochus Epiphanes IV in BC 167.
The reason I know how significant this is, is because after I finished writing Predictive Programming of Fear, one of our subscribers sent me this video below by Jim Staley who articulates better than me, what I had already written. The other reason I know it is God’s understanding is because the whole story of Antiochus Epiphanes IV was prophesied to happen in Daniel 8 & 11 - then it did happen literally in BC 167. The vision recorded in Daniel 8 came to the prophet in the third year of the reign of King Belshazzar of Babylon (553-554 B.C.), some 386 years earlier. Then the final reason is - the significance of this teaching has been hidden from the mainstream Laodicean apostate Christian Church as it opposes the Jesuit teaching of dispensationalism, the Pre-Trib Rapture and the theory of Zionism. Remember from Everything in this Beast System is Rigged that the city called ‘Laodicea’ was named primarily in honor of King Antiochus II’s wife Laodice and defines the iniquitous state of the end-time church.
So Who are the Jews? And What are the Jews……
If you do not understand the history of the Jews and the State of Israel, it is impossible to understand the 7 October 2023 Hamas-led Palestinian attack on Israel from the Gaza Strip and why Israel let it happen. This planned event will be recorded as the beginning of the battle of Armageddon in the Middle East.
Abraham was - and still is - the father of our faith - or more accurately, the father of our trust in YHWH’s provision. Many Jews who are now living in the 1948 Rothschild, Freemasonry State of Israel may well believe that Abraham was their own Jewish patriarch. He was not. In fact Abraham was neither a Hebrew, Israelite or a Jew. Abraham was actually a Chaldean from the Godless land of Babylon who learnt to listen to the voice of YHWH instead of listening to the voice of the Babylonian gods.
In obedience to YHWH, Abraham left Babylon, which is a type of the world and the Beast system, and journeyed towards what would become the Promised Land. Because this one man, Abraham listened to, and trusted this spiritual voice from the 3rd heaven, YHWH made a blood Covenant with Abraham and his seed that they would become the remnant in every Abraham religion that listened to, fellowshipped with and spiritually entangled themselves with their Creator. A ‘Covenant’ is a formal, solemn, and binding agreement usually under seal between two or more parties. Any breach, nonperformance or violation of which gives rise to a cause of action. A covenant is a written promise between two parties that cannot be violated otherwise the agreement is made void.
A blood Covenant takes the concept of a ‘Covenant’ to a whole new level. That is why Yeshua made a blood Covenant with us in AD 30 that enables us to enter into eternity with Him - and why Satanists and all occult activity requires a blood covenant to be made with Lucifer, demonstrated with the sacrifice of innocent children.
YHWH is a relational, Covenant keeping God who demands that we learn to listen to His voice in order to maintain that spiritual agreement with Him. If we do not listen and obey His Laws, that agreement is broken - it is that simple.
The Hebrews and Israelites had a long history of leaders, like Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph and Moses who were in a Covenant relationship with YHWH, but the masses failed to respond to YHWH and keep His divine given Laws. All, but a small remnant who trusted in YHWH actually entered into the Promised Land after 40 years in the wilderness, being lead by Joshua and Caleb - the only two who did not fear the Canaanite giants of the day, but trusted YHWH for their provision of victory. The story of Joshua and Caleb’s entry into Canaan is a powerful testament to the importance of faith, obedience, and trust in God’s promises. While the rest of their generation faced the consequences of their unbelief and disobedience, Joshua and Caleb stood firm in their faith, trusting that God would fulfil His promises despite the apparent obstacles.
YHWH had promised the Holy Land to Abraham and his descendants who remained in a Covenant relationship with YHWH - like all Covenant relationships - that was conditional on both parties maintaining that agreement. Like King Solomon, most Israelite broke that Covenant relationship and refused to worship their spiritual King in the Holy of Holies whilst facing west within the Temple of Solomon. Instead they faced east towards the sun and the gods of Babylon. In their hearts, the Israelites yearned to return to the gods of Babylon or Egypt to fulfil their hedonistic, fleshly desires that Lucifer tempted them with in their hearts.
Lucifer always brings confusion and division. As a consequence of their broken Covenant with YHWH, He allowed the one nation of the Israelites to divide into two separate countries [duality] - ten tribes to the north and two tribes to the south. The two tribes to the South, Benjamin and Judah became known as Jews. Therefore, only descendants of these two tribes can be referred to as Jews. These are the Real Jews.
Then as a subset there are the unredeemed Jews who are no longer in a Covenant relationship with YHWH - and a small remnant who are Jews who are established in a Covenant relationship with YHWH - as was the father of their faith, Abraham.
Today, generally hedonistic, self-indulgent Christians have been deceived into believing they will be blessed of God if they support the Zionist Jews. This is a complete lie. There is even great confusion as to who and what a Jew actually is. A Jew (prior to the resurrection of Yeshua) was one who came from the Southern Kingdom of the 12 Israelite tribes, namely Judah and Benjamin. And the Israelite tribes had to be of the bloodline of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (it was this bloodline the birthed their Messiah, Yeshua Ben Joseph). The Israelites began to turn their back on YHWH shortly after Solomon completed the construction of the first Temple - their desire to satisfy their flesh became too great for them). The Israelites became a law unto themsleves. Once again - instead of seeking YHWH’s Presence in the Temple’s Holy of Holies facing West, they delighted in facing the Sun in the East and worshipping Baal and the gods of the Canaanites. Solomon himself married Pharaoh’s daughter who represented the worldly Beast system. After Solomon’s death, the confusion caused by Luciferian and Baal worship, lead a split within the one Israelite kingdom with the 10 tribes of Israel occupying the Northern Kingdom and Judah occupying Jerusalem and the Southern Kingdom.
Many believe that this rebellion marked the beginning of Freemasonry. They could well be right because this is the time the Israelites hearts became defiled the same as the Canaanites and the rest of Cain’s descendants, who were Godless neighbours.
The Israelites and Jews were YHWH’s chosen, Covenant people because it was the bloodline through which Mary divinely conceived Yeshua ben Joseph. However, they were only blessed of YHWH if they worshipped Him in a righteous Covenant relationship in His Spirit and in Truth according to His righteous giving Laws. Once again, this was only a small remnant.
Israel’s [situated in the North] rebellion against YHWH continued until they were decimated by the Assyrians. To this day, they still remain known as the 10 lost tribes of Israel. Many were dispersed throughout the globe which included Africa, Europe and America. Judah’s rebellion against YHWH continued unabated until they too were captured by the Babylonians. Instead of repenting before their Creator, the majority of Jews doubled down with their hardened hearts embracing the Babylonian mystical worship of Lucifer. Thus a covenant was etched with Lucifer and the Kabbalah belief system was born. They called Lucifer, the “angel of light” which is a counterfeit of Yeshua’s pure Light, and thus the stronghold of bitterness and hatred in their hearts labelled their Creator God, evil.
Of course there was a remnant who remained faithful to YHWH. There is always a small group - or remnant - who stay True to the Covenant keeping YHWH - at this particular time in history, that needs to be you and me. To do this, their hearts needed to be made pure and their Temple cleansed of all imperfection.
Nothing has changed over time.
Both the Israelites and the Jews failed in their mission to be a witness of YHWH’s goodness to the surrounding pagan nations. They were indeed a chosen, set apart people who were meant to demonstrate YHWH’s character to the world. They failed miserably, just like the modern hedonist Christians have failed. For the majority of Jews, their fate of apostasy was sealed when they took on board the Mark of the Beast back in Babylon and as a consequence instigated the Kabbalah religion and Babylonian Talmud.
That is why the Pharisees crucified they own Messiah in AD 30. Today, there are many, many people who call themselves Jews - but they are not the Real Jews as defined by our Covenant keeping YHWH. This is how Yeshua sees the majority of Jews today “….and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.”
YWHW calls the majority of people living in 1948 Zionist formed Israel “the synagogue of Satan”. The Zionists have used the name ‘Israel’ to confuse the masses and also to hide behind a belief system that portrays a message that they are blessed by God regardless of what they do, when we know that is not the Truth. It is the same motive as the activities of the Deep State in the U.S.A hiding behind the National Security Act of 1947 - which was instigated about the same time by the global elite headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland.
Really, modern day Israel should be called Zion and those of the synagogue of Satan should be called Zionists. Very few that are labelled “Jews” and are living in 1948 established Israel are really God Covenanted Jews. The majority of Zionists are fake Jews - Khazarian Jews, the Ashkenazi Jews, the Sabbatean Jews or the Khazarian Mafia (KM). The infiltration of these fake entities and bloodlines into the original Hebraic tribes even goes back to the ancient Edomites through intermarriage. These days, the spiritual mafia MOB who control the world are either Khazarian Mafia (KM) or Catholic Jesuits who all hate the Living God.
The country of Israel is a Luciferian, occult concept to create this Apocalypse scenario we are now living through. The plan is for the Jews to recreate their Temple in Zion, sacrifice blood within their own Temple once again, whilst creating their false Messiah and ruling the Gentile slaves during the Millennium. This strategy is merely a prop to hide behind whilst they are establishing Lucifer’s kingdom on earth.
The present day country of Israel is not of God, although YHWH will use the likes of Benjamin Netanyahu to establish His Kingdom on earth in Zion, Jerusalem.
Zionism is a political movement spearheaded by an agnostic Jew, Theodor Herzl (1860 –1904). Herzl is known as the father of modern political Zionism. Herzl formed the Zionist Organization and promoted Jewish immigration to Palestine in an effort to form a Jewish state. Then Herzl met with the Pope, and within 50 years, the world saw WW1, WW2 and the creation of the State of Israel in the Middle East.
The Zionist State of Israel
The Zionist State of Israel was financed by the Khazarian Jewish Rothschild dynasty.
The so called Star of David has nothing to do with the Israelite King David. This star called Remphan is a word mentioned by Stephen in Acts 7:43 as an object of Jewish idolatrous worship. Stephen at the time of his death told the Pharisees: “And you took up the tabernacle of Moloch and the star of your god Rephan, the images that you made to worship them….” “The star of your gods” is also associated with Saturn in Amos 5:26. This symbol was not used as a symbol in historic Jewry, but was devised by no other than the father of Zionism Theodor Herzl in 1897.
The Ashkenazi or Zionist Jews are the epitome of blood sacrificed, Baal worship and covenant injustice. This article Leaked report: Israel acknowledges Jews in fact Khazars absolutely confirms the conclusion written in Chapter 7: The Zionist: Khazarian Jews within my eBook Are You Con-CERN-ed? published back in 2022.
“It is well known that, sometime in the eighth to ninth centuries, the Khazars, a warlike Turkic people, converted to Judaism and ruled over a vast domain in what became southern Russia and Ukraine. What happened to them after the Russians destroyed that empire around the eleventh century has been a mystery. Many have speculated that the Khazars became the ancestors of Ashkenazi Jews.”
This mystery is no longer a mystery. All the adherents to this perverse mystery religion are now manifesting as those who have sold their soul to Lucifer - those who have made a blood covenant with the fake “angel of light”. This is what the perverse Ashkenazi/Zionist Jews have done. That is what makes them fake Jews who have aligned themsleves in an illegal spiritual contract - the agreement signed with their own blood.
In The Invention of the Jewish People by Shlomo Sand he concludes that “the Jews should be seen as a religious community comprising a mishmash of individuals and groups that had converted to the ancient monotheistic religion but do not have any historical right to establish an independent Jewish state in the Holy Land. In short, the Jewish People, according to Sand, are not really a “people” in the sense of having a common ethnic origin and national heritage. They certainly do not have a political claim over the territory that today constitutes Israel and the occupied Palestinian territories, including Jerusalem.”
In 2012, Israeli researcher Eran Elhaik published a study claiming to prove that Khazar ancestry is the single largest element in the Ashkenazi gene pool. This proves that Benjamin Netanyahu is himself a terrorist, acting for the Khazarian Mafia (KM) on behalf of the global elite headquartered in CERN, Switzerland.
And the Khazarian Mafia (KM) has brought absolute global confusion by calling modern day Palestine ‘Israel’ since 1948. However, what we know as Israel is a fake State created by fake Jews. This is a major, major distraction and deception of the Truth. The Ashkenazis are hiding behind this massive deception.
Now it is time to zoom right out in order to perceive what is really going on. Then you might be able to understand why for instance Ukraine’s history defines why the country is so corrupt and why they have a President who is a Jew that belongs to the global Khazarian Mafia (KM) ring. Then you might be able to understand why Volodymyr O. Zelenskyy has been programmed since birth to be an actor. Then you might be able to understand why the Khazarian Mafia (KM) infiltrated Nato, the West and Russia, Iran (Persia) and China are all a part of the global Cabal that is determined to eradicate -
all those who have made a blood covenant with our Living God whether they be Christian or Israelite or Jew.
the Living God Himself at the battle of Armageddon, in the Valley of Meddigo (Valley of Jezreel) just north of Jerusalem. Megiddo's strategic location is at the crossing of two military and trade routes. This crossing point maybe one of the reasons for Elon Musk’s perverse intrigue with the letter X. Mankind’s dream is to rule his own image devoid of his Creator’s spiritual energy. Only a fool thinks like this!
It is difficult enough for us to get our head around the fact that Russia, Iran (Persia) and China are all batting on the same team as Nato and the West in this global Play. Their unified goal is to destroy YHWH and His Creation - period. Yet we refuse to believe that China became a Technocracy years ago after David Rockefeller and Zbigniew Brzezinski formed the Trilateral Commission in 1973 and now China controls its citizens with a totalitarian dictatorship using Quantum Computers built by D-Wave Systems which uses developed quantum annealing and quantum entanglement, having been built in Vancouver/Los Angeles. We need to wake up to the fact that China is no longer a Communist dictatorship - it is a Technocratic dictatorship controlled by AI and alien entities.
Now here is a much bigger mind bender. We cannot even comprehend how YHWH will accomplished this biblical prophecy. It appears to be an impossibility! But here it is - When the Israelites turned their back on their Creator God and worshipped the pagan gods, YHWH divorced them spiritually. Years later YHWH divorced the Jews for their disobedience, lawlessness and the breaking of their Covenant with their Maker as they were taken captive into Babylon. 70 years later, at least some of the Jews returned to Jerusalem and rebuilt the Temple with the intent to worship YHWH. However - the 10 lost tribes, Israel, never returned. Instead, they were dispersed all around the globe - mainly to America.
Now here is the real mind-bender for us to understand - YHWH clearly prophesied through the ancient Jewish prophets that one day He would annul those divorce proceedings in the Universal Court of Heaven when His Son, Yeshua haMashiach died so that both the Israelites and Jews could be legally freed from those binding divorce proceedings. This can only occur legally when one of the Covenant partners is legally declared deceased - as was Yeshua, the divine Son of God in AD 30.
YHWH has sworn that those He made a Covenant with in Old Testament times, BC, will return to His spiritual Kingdom in total and re-establish that relational Covenant. See Jeremiah 31:31-35. This is the primary purpose of the New Covenant established by Yeshua for us all in AD 30.
That my friend has never happened yet - but it will! The “Word of God” has been spoken it ot be so - so it will be. There is nothing surer! That may even occur in the next Millennium when King Yeshua Himself rules this world with pure justice from Zion, Jerusalem - I’m not sure of the timing of this.
As Gentiles, all we can do is learn from the Jewish and Israeli rebellion against YHWH and correct the error of their ways.
Great summary of what is really going on- how we have been deceived by the Great Deceiver!!