"Once the herd accepts mandatory forced vaccination, it's game over!
They accept anything - forced blood or organ donation - for the "greater good." We can genetically alter and sterilize children-for the "greater good."
Control the minds of sheep and you control the flock. Vaccine manufacturers can make billions and many of you in this room are investors. It's a big win-win! We thin out the flock and the flock pays us for providing eradication services. Now, what do we eat for lunch?" Dr. Henry Kissinger
Here is that statement for the "greater good." again. This is the spiritual Tree of the Knowledge of “Good” and Evil. It is this side of the coin that portrays Lucifer that appeals to the majority.
However, it is the statement - “Control the minds of sheep and you control the flock” that needs debating here. It is one thing to accept this statement coming from a pedophilia, eugenics expert. But do we accept the Truth of this statement when it comes from a divine Person who is totally quantum entangled to our creator God? Yes, Yeshua too made the analogy that humans in their rebellious, breakaway state of being also behave just like sheep. That means that when we are in an unredeemed state of being, and disconnected from Him, we behave more like animals than we do as moral human beings. Yeshua knows that because He is perceiving us from outside of space and time.
Animals are not designed to have a pre-frontal cortex that have the ability to gain access to the field of God-consciousness. The main purpose of the spiritual mafia MOB is to destroy all God-consciousness through making us unconscious by delighting in self-centredness and iniquity.
Isaiah 53:6 says “All we like sheep have gone astray; we have all turned to our own way, and YWYH has laid on him [Yeshua] the iniquity of us all.” So we need to ask ourselves ‘Why’ and ‘What’ questions. Why is it we turn away from God? Why is it, even God sees ungenerated man as being like sheep? What are the characteristics of sheep behaviour that are similar to mankind? Why did Yeshua have to die for our iniquity and then overcome the power of iniquity, separation, destruction and death through His resurrection power of Life?
Yes, Yeshua has overcome and defeated all of these death generating characteristics on our behalf. Death is an energy void of God’s Presence. Whereas Yeshua’s resurrection power constitutes the energy of Life. This is the energy the MOB is determined to destroy in our beings.
Recently I spent four days down on the family farm drenching lambs that had just been shorn. I was brought up on a sheep farm so I’ve always knew how stupid sheep are. However, this was a real refresher on just how stupid sheep are. After observing the behaviour of ungenerated humans over the last 3 years, I can now see more clearly what Yeshua was referring too when He likened humans to sheep [see John 10 1-19].
These parables makes it clear that humans can be redeemed or unredeemed. They can be sheep that are secure inside the pen of acceptance or feel locked out. To those who feel accepted the gatekeeper opens the door and relates to them by name. Most important - these sheep hear His voice. Or it can be the scenario where the sheep are trying to force themselves into the pen to feel saved. Yeshua is the only door into His sheep pen. However, many try to seek eternal life and experience the spiritual Tree of Life by “climbing in by another way”. This other way is via Lucifer, the “angel of light”.
This false “Tree of Life” staged in Dubai at COP28 is like the virus SARS-CoV-2, the NWO and the Climate Change theory - they are all fake and a counterfeit of the Truth. The COP28 “Tree of Life” is based on the Kabbalah “Tree of Life” that the unsanctified, worldly Jews instigated during their captivity in Babylon. After Solomon married the Egyptian Pharaoh’s daughter, the Jews stopped worshipping God in the Temple’s Sanctuary in Jerusalem which was designed facing West and started worshipping the Sun and Lucifer towards the East. God gave Israel and Judah about 418 yrs of grace from the completion of King Solomon's temple to the beginning of the Babylonian exile.
“For because of the anger of YHWH it came to the point in Jerusalem and Judah that he cast them out from his presence.” 2 Kings 24:20
God was judging the Jews for not obeying His “Ways” and consequently lead them into captivity. However, instead of repenting of their hardened hearts and their sins against God, they started worshipping Lucifer as Lord of their lives and built for themselves the philosophic religion of Kabbalah, a fake theory of God’s Kingdom and their unredeemed version of the “Tree of Life”. The Kabbalah “Tree of Life” consequently became the foundation stone of all the corrupted secret societies and religions. This is the global religion of the NWO, the Deep State Globalist Cabal Ruling Elite, and the ‘Nazi Templar of Octagon Switzerland’.
They are all one and the same thing.
When the Spirit of God is not energetically entangled with our spirit, and we are not trusting God, our mind and emotions rule our entire being. When sheep are not stressed and experiencing the freedom of being out in the paddock, they are much more aware and able to listen to their masters voice. However, once they are penned and perceive they are trapped, their emotions send them absolutely ballistic. They become totally fear based, just like humans who have not discovered the ability to place their trust in God.
One of the traits of sheep is they will always follow a leader, regardless of whether the leader is moving closer to their slaughter or closer to freedom. There is no God- conscious awareness of their state of play. The ‘fight and flight’ part of their brain takes over. Their actions are then merely reactive and shortsighted.
When feeling trapped, a sheep will lower their head and charge the metal mess fence enclosure with absolute determination and out of control insanity - just like a horned ram. They will try to jump over the enclosure or over other sheep in the mob - often trampling the weaker species to death. There is no conscious consideration or empathy towards the other sheep. It is all about self-protection and self-preservation.
Is this not just like human beings who are controlled by fear and anxiety? It is those who have been whooed by the carrot of Lucifer’s deception into a trap, then panic when they feel trapped by Satan’s stick of destruction and the energy of death overtakes their sense of reality.
Like the sheep, unredeemed man has no conscious awareness that he/she is being drafted, sorted and counted out digitally into pens of human existence. The MOB is now even classifying these human pens as 15 minute cities. This will be your digital prison in the future, if God doesn’t intervene.
I said in the last Substack that “These unseen demonic entities are farming the creativity in our souls for their own destructive purposes - and we are not consciously aware of it because this corruption in our hearts blinds us and has been made to appear “normal” and acceptable.”
Lucifer and Satan are the two faces of the one same coin. They both represent the Devil or the Master of Evil, wickedness and unrighteousness. All of these words define iniquity or corruption of heart. Could it be that God is using the Devil to successfully draught, separate and sort the sheep from the goats?
In Matthew 25:32-33 Yeshua uses the metaphor of a shepherd separating the sheep from the goats. In this parable, the sheep refer to those conscious, fearless sheep who have learnt to hear and obey the Shepherd’s voice. This takes meditative prayer where the main feature of prayer is listening to what the Master says. This verse refers to redeemed “sheep” who have the situational awareness to engage quantum entanglement to embrace the Master Shepherd privately, one to One.
Whereas, the Devil is always referred to as a goat.
Baphomet is a deity which the Knights Templar were accused of worshipping, that subsequently became incorporated into various occult and Western esoteric traditions. The name Baphomet appeared in trial transcripts for the Inquisition of the Knights Templar starting in 1307. This is who the spiritual mafia MOB still worship in Geneva, Switzerland. The remnant of the Knights Templar today is a secret society called the Swiss “The Pharaonic Octagon” or as we know it, “The Beast System”. This is who your Government leaders bow down too and worship today!
The spiritual mafia MOB uses the Hegelian Dialectic principle [thesis, antithesis, synthesis] over and over again to bring about their global spiritual coups. It is a virtual reality using an artificially created problem [something that creates division like narrative of the virus they called SARS-CoV-2] to provoke a reaction, then to bring about a self determined solution. The Hegelian dialectic is actually an old alchemy motto Solve et Coagula as represented in the picture of Baphomet above.
The alchemist model was called ‘Solve’ [meaning dissolve] et ‘Coagula’[meaning rejoin]. Solve et Coagula expresses transmutation from base metal (lead) to a finer state (gold), which is viewed by the alchemist as being the perpetual goal of spiritual growth and human evolution. Thus it means that something must be broken down [dissolved or diluted] before it can be built up [coming together again into an integrated whole, representing the new synthesis or “build back better”!].
Ultimately, the unredeemed sheep [Luciferians] and the goats [Satanists] are two sides of the same coin of evil intent.
In Leviticus 16:21-22 we see where the term ‘scapegoat’ came from. A live goat over whose head Aaron confessed all the iniquities of the children of Israel on the Day of Atonement. The goat, symbolically bearing their iniquities and sins, was then sent into the wilderness.
“And Aaron shall lay both his hands on the head of the live goat, and confess over it all the iniquities of the people of Israel, and all their transgressions, all their sins. And he shall put them on the head of the goat and send it away into the wilderness by the hand of a man who is in readiness. The goat shall bear all their iniquities on itself to a remote area, and he shall let the goat go free in the wilderness.”
A scapegoat is someone who is blamed for the wrongdoings, mistakes or faults [iniquities] of others, even though it was not their fault. Yeshua, our divine Saviour, was the ultimate scapegoat for all of our iniquities - or corruption of heart.
In the Garden of Eden, Eve was Adam’s scapegoat for the iniquity [Lucifer induced] and sin [Satan induced] he had committed. Whilst Satan was Eve’s scapegoat for the iniquity [Lucifer induced] and sin [Satan induced] she had committed.
Here is the bottom line - a pure God cannot possibly entangle Himself with a human who has iniquity or corrupted intent in his or her heart. It must be cleansed with the sacrifice blood of His divine Son before relationship can be restored.
Lucifer is continually drafting off those sheep whose iniquitous hearts are rooted in his rich soil of rebellion against God. Remember, iniquity is the root problem and sin is the fruit. One cannot uproot a tree by picking or trying to attack the fruit. The tree will only produce more. This is what the religious, corporate Christian church does. That is why it is a lame dog and literally has no affect or impact in the world.
God hates an iniquitous, faulty, erroneous, heart attitude that transforms our perspective of God into ‘error’ and misinterpretation. That is Lucifer’s main goal.
If Lucifer can twist our perspective of God to hate Him and blame Him for our weaknesses - then it doesn’t take much persuasion to get the unregenerate sheep to love and worship him - that is the power of deception.
This is what the power of the dark energy of iniquity does - it uses fear to turn the human sheep into stupid, crazy animals who have no moral compass.
Once we entertain the pleasure of Lucifer’s iniquity in our minds - it is only a matter of time before we manifest Satan’s temptation to sin. This trap is where we feel compromised. When we feel shameful and unforgiven, the spiritual parasites take up residency in our bodies. We often manifest Satan’s spiritual parasites emotionally - and more often than not, we are not even conscious of it.
However, our partner in life will be conscious of it! Like Adam and Eve, we are driven to blame someone for our own weaknesses - or iniquity of heart.
Yes, we can see the iniquity in other people’s hearts, but our own corrupted ego makes us blind to our own iniquity. That is why we need to listen to a divine Being from another dimension who has the ability to judge justly.
Finding justice in this unjust world is a major key to opening up the right door to the sheep pen.
Thank you my friend. It is so good to have you on board.... it is a pretty lonely road.... but oh so rewarding!
This is the truth, Graeme. Explains why The World is going crazy.