
Revealing the Deep Secrets of Extreme Corruption in the United Nations

To Enslave Humanity

This video endorses our view that almost everything in society is now corrupted.

The oligarchs that I call the spiritual mafia MOB own the United Nations. All the employees of the United Nations are employees of the oligarchs. They are paid lucratively to compromise their own hearts and souls for the benefit of the spiritual mafia MOB in Geneva.

The spiritual mafia MOB created the theory of evolution. Charles Darwin was a mind controlled Targeted Individual (TI) of the spiritual mafia MOB - just like Greta Thunberg is! The theory of evolution is a myth [just like climate change], just like all other myths they invent in the fantasy of their minds. The original Darwinians claimed we came from monkeys. Now the modern Darwinians claim we come from robots - it is called ‘evolution by intelligent design’

Everything the oligarchs do is a myth. Climate change is a myth. The plandemics are a myth. They are all predicated on the ultimate instrument of control - fear. If they are not creating myths, they are creating virtual realities. The internet is a virtual reality that was created at CERN, Switzerland. It has become a mind changing, mind bending drug for humanity that is leading us directly towards Transhumanism.

The UN is the face of the global government - the Beast system - whose intrinsic nature is total corruption. Everything today has been corrupted - because the collective has allowed it to be so. So what does it mean to be corrupt?

Corruption is defined as “dishonest or fraudulent conduct by those in entrusted power, for private gain, typically involving bribery.” It is associated with a society that is physically decaying or rotting. Therefore it is associated with spiritual death and destruction - the essence of the god Shiva. Corruption generates the most appalling social injustices, cruelties and inequalities.

corruption (n.)

mid-14c., corrupcioun, of material things, especially dead bodies, "act of becoming putrid, dissolution, decay;" also of the soul, morals, etc., "spiritual contamination, depravity, wickedness," from Latin corruptionem (nominative corruptio) "a corruption, spoiling, seducing; a corrupt condition," noun of action from past-participle stem of corrumpere "to destroy; spoil," figuratively "corrupt, seduce, bribe”

corrupt (adj.)

early 14c., "corrupted, debased in character," from Old French corropt "unhealthy, corrupt; uncouth" (of language) and directly from Latin corruptus, past participle of corrumpere "to destroy; spoil,

corrupt (v.)

mid-14c., "deprave morally, pervert from good to bad;" late 14c., "contaminate, impair the purity of; seduce or violate (a woman or man); debase or render impure (a language) by alterations or innovations; influence by a bribe or other wrong motive," from Latin corruptus, past participle of corrumpere "to destroy; spoil," figuratively "corrupt, seduce, bribe”

The spiritual mafia MOB are the mediums for the spiritual portal that connects them with “the gods”. As we have said, CERN, Switzerland, the founder of the internet, is the epicentre of the modern day ‘resonate generators’, or spiritual portals - it is the modern Tower of Babel. What we can determine from these definitions of ‘corruption’ is the physical manifestation of a perverted, depraved spirit and wicked, unrighteous, crooked and morally perverse heart, that leads to injustice, unfairness and inequality. It is not how life ‘ought to be’.

Keep in mind that we as a collective “get the government we deserve”. Long term studies have speculated that tipping points can range anywhere between 10 and 40%. Estimates say roughly 25 percent of people need to take a stand before large-scale social change occurs. That means the global tipping point towards total corruption has well and truly been met.

This is not a myth. We are a degenerating society and destruction is at the epicentre of this hardcore Nazi-Transhumanism religion. This is hardcore truth. It all revolves around “the love of money”, sex and power.

The physical manifestation of this spiritual mafia MOB corruption is the likes of global child trafficing, harvesting adrenochrome, sex trafficing and blood sacrifice. Like Lara Logan, “my job as an investigative journalist is to ask the questions most people do not want to answer.” Why do people refuse to rise up against this Satanic behaviour that is permeating society and pervading our minds? The answer is, their hearts are also perverted and driven by the spiritual parasite of fear. 

Why does Lara Logan have to fight this battle alone? Where, for instance is the Christian “church”, who is meant to be and represent the antithesis of this corruption. Check out the ANTONYMS FOR corruption and tell me honestly if your heart can be described as clean, pure, wholesome, honest, moral and full of compassion? If we, the collective, had any of these qualities we would not allow our children to be sacrificed to “the gods”, either physically, mentally, spiritually or by being impregnated with Satan’s venom in the form of military grade bioweapons called PEGylated lipid nanoparticles (LNPs).


We are literally selling our souls to the spirit of Beelzebub - Satan and Lucifer.

So where is the Christian “church” in all of this? If one is not fighting against this corruption, they too are corrupt of heart. I salute Lara Logan! A lone voice in the wilderness. Lara Logan has experienced the spirit that is in tune with the intrinsic nature of Yeshua haMashiach - the true Messiah.

Lara Logan shares the key to her success as an investigative journalist - she says “God has stripped me of all those things I do not really need, so I can focus on what really matters…” She has come out of the Beast system because she has experienced the Truth.

NO! It is not ok what we, as a collective, are doing to our children…. and doing individually to ourselves! We don’t have to live with a corrupted heart….. but that is another story! Life can be ‘as it ought to be’.

I just want to remind you that our enemy, the spiritual mafia MOB, is not as SMART as they think they are…. the construction of Nimrod’s Tower of Babel occurred BC 2246, thus it is 4,269 years since they built the original portal “to the gods”. They have taken 4,269 years to rebuild what the creator God can destroy in an instant. That is not real SMART!

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