What is it with this Inferno Chaos that is imprinting fear on the minds of the masses? One thing we need to ask ourselves is - are these fires natural or man-ipulated? I personally think the masses are beginning to earnestly ask that question now.
This short video shows just a few apocalyptic images of the catastrophic fires in Los Angeles, Palisades, Malibu, and Pasadena.
REINETTE SENUM Jan 8’s Substack The Palisades Protocol: A Calculated Catastrophe eloquently summarises this tragic event like this: “The ongoing fires in Los Angeles, Palisades, Malibu, and Pasadena bear striking similarities to previous catastrophic fires in Lahaina, Paradise, and Santa Rosa. These recurring patterns suggest more of the same that goes beyond mere coincidence. Key anomalies include rapid fire spread, inadequate initial response, firefighters facing water shortages with non-functioning hydrants, and multiple fires starting at once. Evacuation routes have become jammed, forcing officials to use bulldozers to clear abandoned vehicles. Questions arise about brush management and fire mitigation efforts in high-risk areas, as well as the absence of key leadership during the crisis, with the LA Mayor reportedly out of the country.”
Could this possibly be Maui 2.0? These are tough questions, but questions that need to be asked.
Another question we need to ask ourselves is, are these fires indeed ‘apocalyptic’ in nature…. and if so, what is this telling us about the times we are now living in?
According to Wikipedia, the word ‘apocalypse’ has come to be used popularly as a synonym for catastrophe, but the Greek word apokálypsis, from which it is derived, means ‘a revelation’. So what are these disasters revealing to you and me?
For me, these catastrophes worldwide are making me dig deeper into what is Spirit and Truth linked together. This takes revelation from the Holy Spirit. According to The American Heritage® Dictionary the word ‘apocalypse’ /ə-pŏk′ə-lĭps″/ is defined as -
The Book of Revelation.
Any of a number of anonymous Jewish or Christian texts from around the second century BC to the second century AD containing prophetic or symbolic visions, especially of the imminent destruction of the world and the salvation of the righteous.
The end of the world, especially as described in one of these texts.
A great catastrophe that results in widespread destruction or the collapse of civilization.
A prophetic disclosure; a revelation.
One of a numerous class of writings proceeding from Jewish authors between 250 b. c. and 150 a. d., and designed to propagate the Jewish faith or to cheer the hearts of the Jewish people with the promise of deliverance and glory; or proceeding from Christian authors of the opening centuries and designed to portray the future.
Specifically, the revelation delivered to St. John, in the isle of Patmos, near the close of the first century, forming the last book of the New Testament (called Revelation or the Apocalypse).
And according to Merriam Webster Dictionary the word ‘apocalypse’ /ə-pŏk′ə-lĭps″/ is defined as -
1a: one of the Jewish and Christian writings of 200 b.c. to a.d. 150 marked by pseudonymity, symbolic imagery, and the expectation of an imminent cosmic cataclysm in which God destroys the ruling powers of evil and raises the righteous to life in a messianic kingdom
1b capitalized : REVELATION sense 3; an apocalyptic writing addressed to early Christians of Asia Minor and included as a book in the New Testament
2a: something viewed as a prophetic revelation
3a: a large, disastrous fire : INFERNO Most foresters agree that small, "prescribed" burns, carefully controlled, are essential to prevent the larger apocalypse.—Lance Morrow
3b: a great disaster; an environmental apocalypse
I think we could all agree that these are ‘apocalyptic’ scenes that are imprinting fear on our minds, however we also need to ascertain the source of this ‘apocalyptic’ energy. The Merriam Webster Dictionary definition of the word ‘apocalypse’ actually holds the key to defining the energy behind the word ‘apocalypse’ and the word ‘Revelation’. It defines ‘apocalypse’ as an imminent cosmic cataclysm in which God destroys the ruling powers of evil and raises the righteous to life in a Messianic kingdom.
This is in itself an amazing revelation, because we are actually witnessing the end of the proposed NWO and “The Great Awakening” and the manifestation of the Kingdom Age of the remnant of Yeshua haMashiach - this is happening right before our eyes. Lucifer’s NWO is about to be destroyed by Yeshua Himself.
From this understanding we can discern the spiritual energy behind the word ‘apocalypse’ comes from either -
our Creator God’s natural Kingdom of righteousness and justice OR
Lucifer’s fake, counterfeit spiritual kingdom of unrighteousness and injustice
And both of these spiritual kingdoms define our perspective of these words - and that perspective will generated either fear or a deep sense of peace (shalom) and gratitude within us depending on how we perceive it spiritually and energetically.
In other words, the book of Revelation [or ‘apocalypse’] is revealing both God’s divine Son, Yeshua haMashiach AND Lucifer’s counterfeit messiah which is - at present - mainly promoted by the fake Zionist Jews.
Satan’s counterfeit spiritual energy, Lucifer - the angel of fake light expressed through the metaphysical ‘Christ’, the Cosmic Christ, Christ Consciousness, Progressive Christianity, Zionist Christianity, the New Thought movement the New Age Movement and every other ‘ism’ that generates the hatred of the One True God and generates fear in our hearts.
This is the essence and character of this Inferno Chaos in both California and Maui.
As a consequence - THE PLAN for 2025 is manifesting itself.
“The Great Awakening” that Donald J Trump keeps blowing his trumpet over is New Age enlightenment or another word for the false revelation.
Trust the Plan, Q, and The Great Awakening, are none other than Lucifer’s Plan to bring in the actual final world order and Antichrist, by exposing the dark side and moving the world to the ‘light’ side… establishing an age of Aquarius, or enlightenment, on earth. This Plan was channeled through light side occult workers such as Alice Bailey and Helena Blavosky, but comes straight from the pit of hell itself. Bailey taught that The Plan would begin in 1975 and would be ready for its full completion ruled by the “Christ” (Antichrist) by 2025. So here we are….
Don’t trust The Plan. It’s a trap.
“They seek to destroy Christianity. The leaders of this New Age religion have set forth a new age plan which they call The Divine Plan, or The Plan, designed by none other than the master deceiver satan himself.” From Dark Secrets of the New Age by Texe Mars, 1987
Students of the writings of Alice Bailey know that the year 2025 is anticipated to be of vital spiritual significance. Alice Bailey (1880-1949) was a writer and theosophist whose works have significantly influenced the New Age movement. Her book Externalization of the Hierarchy, published posthumously in 1957, contains a series of writings that describe a spiritual hierarchy and its supposed plans for humanity's future.
One of the most striking aspects of Bailey's work is its seemingly predictive nature, particularly regarding events projected to occur around 2025. The book speaks of a "great General Assembly of the Hierarchy" and the "Externalization of the Hierarchy", suggesting that spiritual entities will manifest physically in the world. This controversial book explores her channeled "revelations" of a coming global order guided by what she terms "higher spiritual entities." Her prognostications, particularly those centered around the year 2025, have drawn parallels with the concept of the Illuminati's "New World Order".
From Alice Bailey’s book Externalisation of the Hierarchy, p. 531 she writes….“Thus a great and new movement is proceeding and a tremendously increased interplay and interaction is taking place. This will go on until A.D. 2025. During the years intervening between now and then very great changes will be seen taking place, and at the great General Assembly of the Hierarchy—held as usual every century—in 2025 the date in all probability will be set for the first stage of the externalisation of the Hierarchy. The present cycle (from now until that date) is called technically “The Stage of the Forerunner”. It is preparatory in nature, testing in its methods, and intended to be revelatory in its techniques and results. You can see therefore that Chohans, Masters, initiates, world disciples, disciples and aspirants affiliated with the Hierarchy are all at this time passing through a cycle of great activity.”
‘The Hierarchy’, or what I refer to as the spiritual mafia MOB are the Masterminds of this plan.
In Externalisation of the Hierarchy, under the heading ‘Religious Organisations in the New Age’: Alice Bailey states, “The Masonic Movement… will meet the need of those who can, and should, wield power. It is the custodian of the law; it is the home of the Mysteries and the seat of initiation. It holds in its symbolism the ritual of Deity, and the way of salvation is pictorially preserved in its work. The methods of Deity are demonstrated in its Temples, and under the All-seeing Eye the work can go forward. It is a far more occult organisation than can be realised, and is intended to be the training school for the coming advanced occultists.
…The Church finds its mission in the helping of the devotee, in aiding the great public which is innately religious and of good will. It hides in its heart those who vibrate to the great love ray, the second Ray of Love-Wisdom. Christ Himself works through it and by its means seeks to contact the vast Christian public. It is the leaven in His hands to leaven the whole lump, and being in a form comprehended by the people, it can touch the great masses of seeking souls.
In the esoteric group, which is composed of the true spiritual esotericists found in all esoteric occult groups, in the church, by whatever name it may be called, and in Masonry you have the three paths leading to initiation. As yet they are not used, and one of the things that will eventuate—when the new universal religion has sway and the nature of esotericism is understood—will be the utilisation of the banded esoteric organisms, the Masonic organism and the Church organism as initiating centres. These three groups converge as their inner sanctuaries are approached. There is no dissociation between the One Universal Church, the sacred inner Lodge of all true Masons, and the innermost circles of the esoteric societies.”
“There is no question therefore that the work to be done in familiarising the general public with the nature of the Mysteries is of paramount importance at this time. These Mysteries will be restored to outer expression through the medium of the Church and the Masonic Fraternity… When the Great One comes with His disciples and initiates we shall have the restoration of the Mysteries and their exoteric presentation, as a consequence of the first initiation.”
The initiates evolve into a god themselves. Aleister Crowley boasted, “This serpent, SATAN, is not the enemy of Man, but He who made Gods of our race, knowing Good and Evil; He bade 'Know Thyself!' and taught Initiation.” The initiates come to believe that they themselves are “I am”, or gods themselves, being egotistical and self gratifying gods in their own right!
“Initiation has no other end than this - conscious union between the individual soul and the Universal Divine Spirit.” [the Masonic and esoteric gods] This Universal religion has a Mystic Tie that binds them all together. This New Age religion believes in the Ascended Masters, the Seven Rays that all connect back up to the Logos, the One Light - Lucifer and thus Satan. This is the revelation of the New Age Christ - the one who appears to be ‘the same as’ Jesus Christ, the Real Messiah, but at the same time is the antiChrist - as in the one who is totally opposed to Jesus Christ, the Real Messiah. Once again, these are two sides of the same coin - but bottom line - both sides are the counterfeit of YHWH’s divine Son, Yeshua haMashiach, our only Messiah.
Folks meditate and go into trances to connect with the Kundalini demonic entities - and therefore they personally experience Lucifer’s gods and demonic spirits. This is what Masonic Initiation is! This very experience is what Christians should be doing in relationship with God and His Holy Spirit - but few do! They fail to commune with the Holy Spirit because of their unconscious desire to continue to entertain iniquity in their own hearts and thus fail to keep God’s righteous and just laws. 2025 has been chosen by The Hierarchy when the ‘spiritual Masters of Wisdom’ from another realm will materialise or manifest in this physical realm - and The Plan will come to fruition to deceive the masses.
So how do the producers of the Simpsons know well in advance how future events will manifest? Are they Psychic? Is this Mysticism? Well no, not really, they are Freemasons who have been initiated into The Plan and therefore have foreknowledge of these events. These people are the writers and directors of The Play - they know the script.
A really honest investigator Dane Wigington @ www.geoengineeringwatch.org states “For over a decade and a half Geoengineering Watch has warned of the coming firestorms, worse is yet to come. Climate disruption operations must be fully exposed and halted….Was it is a coincidence that the firestorm ignitions were in locations that maximised the devastation given the unseasonal blowtorch windstream trajectories? You decide!”
So we need to ask ourselves, what is the difference in the Pope opening five spiritual portals on Christmas eve 2024 whilst publicly moving the Church into the inner sanctum of Freemasonry and the control of the weather to generate 100 kt winds to proliferate the L.A. apocalyptic fires?
And the answer could well be - nothing - there is no difference because both of these events come from the same spirit…. they are both a part of the 2025 PLAN in which everyone will be forced to sell their soul and bow their knee to Lucifer. The Jesuit Pope, representing the Church, has sold its soul to the Plan, along with the likes of Protestant Progressive Christianity, New Thought, Christian Zionism and Christian Nationalism.
Like the Jesuit Pope and the Roman Catholic Church at large, the Protestant Church has been deceived into believing in ‘The Hierarchies’ Plan. And the saddest truth is - the Christian narrative makes Christians believe they cannot be deceived because they supposedly have their concept of ‘God’s’ kingdom on their side. Like the Jews, the Christian Church has come to believe God has their back even after they have broken Covenant with Him. Now that is the ultimate deception. It is the same deception the Jews fell into in Babylon when they changed their narrative to embrace Lucifer’s gods and thus construct their own Talmud text based on their mystical Kabbalah beliefs which are the cornerstone of every secret society, including Freemasonry.
Likewise, the cornerstone of The Plan is mystical deception, deviousness, craftiness, crookedness, injustice, perverseness and corruption. Therefore, many Christians have been deceived into unconsciously following their own fleshly desires instead of seeking the Holy Spirit’s direction. We are in a spiritual war, however many passive Christians have no idea who or what their enemy is and they have not learnt how to have the authority to fight their own spiritual war. They therefore remain head-in-the-sand inept believers who have never dealt with and eradicated the spiritual parasites in their own lives. Neutralising Christians effectiveness and spiritual authority, making them of no effect, has always been The Plan.
What is the common denominator between the horror of 9/11, the California fires and the engineering of our natural weather?
All of these U.S. Military devised Psyops generate fear amongst the masses. Fear and destruction are the essence of Luciferianism and The Plan. Fear makes the masses easy to manipulate and mould. These images are then quantum etched onto our minds - and can even go so far as to create an Alternative Reality of fear in our minds. These are warlike tactics - that is why we have to know our enemy.
They all involve Direct Energy Weapons (DEW’s) technology as disclosed by Dr. Judy Wood. Given the evidence, Dr Judy Wood statement that the Twin Towers were “Dustified” [“the process of turning a solid structure into powder or dust”] by DEWs using Tesla’s technology, appears to be correct because her 10 years investigating and compiling forensic evidence pertaining to the destruction of the seven buildings in Manhattan has been covered up and totally discredited. The truth always is! Dr Judy Wood states that Scalar energy was used to pulverise or “Dustify” the total mass of the 110 story Twin Towers on 9/11. Dr Judy Wood says “There is one irrefutable conclusion; 9/11 was well planned and executed by free energy devices. If we can see that energy used destructively, right in front of our eyes, just imagine what could be done with it if turned to peaceful purposes.”
They were all man-ipulated and controlled by the Deep State, CIA, DARPA and the MOB in CERN, Switzerland in accordance with the blueprint laid out in The Plan.
Now Donald J. Trump has been chosen by the Zionist Jews to reveal and implement Q’s Plan, thus ushering in their egotistical and narcissist manifested false Messiah. Our Creator God gave humanity free energy to tap into. However The Hierarchy is using that distorted free energy against us. The global elite are therefore like Vultures feeding off of the dead remains that the masses provide for them energetically and spiritually. A vulture is a bird of prey that scavenges on our dead and decaying flesh - Scripture calls this unconscious state, iniquity of heart.
We were not designed to be Vultures or Parasites. We were created to fly like Eagles in unison with our Creator.
Finally…. what is with the colour blue that the All The Simpsons Prediction for 2025 predicted? How significant is that prediction? Does it prove that laser beam DEWs are being used by The Hierarchy of the Plan?
The Plan stipulates “We will rebuild!”, “We will rebuild!”, “We will rebuild!” Where have we heard that cry before? Oh, yes….. what a surprise! The Hindu god Lord Shiva sitting proudly outside the entrance to CERN, Switzerland is known as the god of both destruction and the life force that rebuilds.
The Plan is to destroy you, so the The Hierarchy can build back better - using their man made evolution by design! It is all man-ipulation to satisfy The Hierarchies desire for power, the ultimate sense of self-gratification.