This is new revelation from the Author of Eternity. Because of that, this could be the most important, profound and relevant Substack you will ever read! I found it so…
In the world of aviation, airline Captains are trained to ring the emergency alarm 20 seconds before impact or 400’ above the ground when an emergency landing is imminent. Bracing the body for impact is thought to reduce secondary impact.
I do not claim to be a prophet in any way shape or form. I am merely an observer of how the spiritual mafia MOB operate and an observer of the Revelation of our spiritual Saviour, Yeshua haMashiach as opposed to the unfolding of Lucifer’s spiritual kingdom on earth. Some call me a watchman. I have been observing this now for 40 years - ever since 1984, after having been forced to read George Orwell’s book ‘1984’ in my last year of High School. Orwell wrote it as a dystopian novel published in 1949 where he paints a picture of a totalitarian regime that totally controls the citizens of the world through surveillance and propaganda.
Does that sound familiar in any way?
That Predictive Programming of a young naive 17 year old has now become everyone’s’ reality. "1984" was also an American television commercial which introduced the Apple Macintosh personal computer for the first time. This Predictive Programming introduced 40 years of computers, technology, bioweapons, the alteration of an individual’s DNA and AI - and thus the demise of humanity’s freedoms.
The Force of Lucifer’s Vril and Hermetic energy is in essence disruption, destruction and it always leads to the death of our being in some way. If I was the Captain of the good ship ‘1984’ which will usher in the global Reset and NWO, I would be ringing the emergency alarm right now, for all the freedom fighters to Brace for impact. This NWO is also doomed for destruction - its demise is a ‘fait accompli’. This world cannot be operated by this Ponzi Scheme that is totally corrupt. Our Creator hates those who subdue and conquer His Creation and form digital slaves of bondage out of them. Our Creator also hates the top down Aristocratic form of control that is now dictating and ruling the world. YHWH will not stand by and watch this too much longer. Yeshua is coming to judge all forms of corruption and iniquity of heart real soon - and thus restoring peace to the earth.
The Stage is now set for the last scene of the globalists’ Play called the NWO Reset which is Staged in Washington D.C. - the theme of the Play is Satan’s Lordship. It is now manifesting itself! There are so many facets of Armageddon that are now culminating at one time - the time for YHWH’s intervention is now fast approaching and a collapse of society with nuclear War is imminent.
Consider these few videos to help you see that it is time to ring the emergency alarm bell for a forced landing right now…. Then you make up your own mind!
All of the world’s leaders are a part of this play! They are ALL puppets acting their predetermined role!
Like all secret societies, Donald J. Trump's true religion has a foundation of Jewish Kabbalah. This belief system is polar opposite to our trust in our Creator. Trump has no relationship with God, nor has he ever seeked forgiveness and repented for his own narcissism, arrogance and pride. Trump’s main religion is egotistical with “Self” interest only - there is zero humility. Trump’s main support is for Zionist Israel. Trump is an absolute snake in the grass. With his backing of technocrats Elon Musk and Peter Thiel, Trump could well be considered to be a False Prophet or at least acting according to the False spirit spoken about in Revelation 13:11-18.
This Beast is responsible for deceiving everyone on planet earth, telling humanity to make an image to the first Beast - which is the antiChrist. The False Prophet then empowers the first Beast by giving it the breath of AI which will be Satan himself manifested as a human being. The energy of the False Prophet is technology which originated in CERN, Switzerland and was manifested through the CIA and Pentagon in Washington DC - the Stage of their great Play. The False Prophet is responsible for everyone being marked with the invisible or visible mark [it matters not! If we bow our knee, we already have the invisible Mark of the Beast], Luciferian 666 which will force everyone bow their knee to the 1st Beast, Satan.
Donald J. Trump has all the attributes of a car salesman - he can sell ice to the Eskimos. This is the main attribute of The False Prophet - he has charisma to convince the unconscious masses to believe the MOB’s narrative. Many believe the 1st Jesuit Pope, Pope Francis is The False Prophet - this could be true because of his close connection with the Monarchy. Whilst the Vatican is directly connected to CERN and billions of Catholics, Trump has more influence over the Protestant’s Zionist belief system. Let’s wait and see - we will know for sure soon.
Time will tell - and if Trump is assasinated, that scenario will create the greatest chaos and confusion for the spiritual mafia MOB. That is their goal now. It could well be scripted into the MOB’s Play to maximise the effect of imprinting falsehood upon the minds of the masses.
Whatever the case, get used to the Jewish religion Kabbalah, because that will be the global State religion soon - and we will have no choice. This is statement comes from
Q: Does Satan exist?
A: There is only one Force, and it is called the Creator. It aspires to bring man to the best possible situation. But that power works on man as two opposite forces, because the attributes of the Creator and those of the creature are opposite to one another.
To the extent that we become corrupted, we feel the positive force acting on us as negative. But after we correct ourselves, we feel it as positive. We ourselves determine if the force is negative or positive, depending on our correction, our spirituality.
We call the negative force, “Satan,” but whatever we name the forces, they are inside us, not outside.
This belief system is poison for our minds. Like Christian Gnosticism, the Kabbalah is the mystical worship of “the god within” and the exaltation of our own unredeemed ego or “Self” - it is all about what we have been deceived to believe we can “gain” in this Beast system. Satan’s spiritual kingdom is a complete inversion of YHWH’s spiritual Kingdom which requires us to die to “Self” and our unredeemed ego in order to be redeemed in the eyes of God, and thus gain eternal life. The inverse is True. In a sense, we have to “lose” what we have been promised to “gain” in this world, in order to gain eternal life - because what we “gain” in this world only brings to us spiritual, and thus physical, bondage and death.
One thing is for sure, Donald J. Trump is not the antiChrist. The one who will be literally possessed by Satan will come from the epicenter of this global corruption. Washington DC is merely the Stage of the globalists’ Play. The Directors of Lucifer’s Play come from Europe. One arm of the Control Centre has been built over an ancient Roman Temple in Geneva, Switzerland.
In Roman times, Saint-Genis-Pouilly was called the Apolloacum, a town dedicated to the Greek god Apollyon, where an ancient Roman Temple was built to worship the demonic deities. The Romans believed this was a gateway or portal to the underworld. Apollyon, the Greek name, like its patron god Shiva, means “the destroyer”. It is described in Revelation as the angel of the bottomless pit. “They were ruled by a king, the angel of the Abyss. His name in Hebrew is Abaddon, and in Greek it is Apollyon —the Destroyer.” (Rev 9:11) BSB. At CERN is erected a 2m tall statue of the Hindu deity lord Shiva. It defines the MOB and CERN’s beliefs.
This arm of the Control Centre represents the NWO [the horizontal structure of the mystical occult cross] and is the epicentre of Lucifer’s technology and the fake religion of Technocracy. CERN is a spiritual portal from which the Force of The False Prophet is birthed.
However, the epicentre of the antiChrist spirit resides in the Knight Templar controlled City of London. This is the other arm of the Control Centre in this system of duality - this is Satan’s domain. The City of London is what is known as The Crown - it is situated within Greater London, but controls the entire world from within one square mile. The City of London not only controls all the Commonwealth countries, it has owned and controlled Washington DC since the American War of Independence. The public face of The Crown is presently King Charles 111. He represents the OWO - or the vertical structure of the mystical occult cross. King Charles 111 was chosen to be the one possessed by Satan even as far back at his investiture as Prince of Wales in 1969.
Tim Cohen has the best credentials to handle this divisive topic - notice the supernatural X formation at the 32:00 minute mark whilst the Queen was placing the Crown on Charles’s head. Then maybe we can begin to understand why Elon Musk changed Twitter and renamed it X. Like Q and QAnon, they all have their origin in the Monarchy.
It was Tim Cohen who revealed that The Antichrist Was Just Revealed to the World at the Birmingham Commonwealth Games staged between 28 July and 8 August 2022. Prince Charles opened those Games which used a giant Moloch bull, 10 meters in height, being worshipped in front of a mock Tower of Babel. This opening ceremony was one of the most descriptive narratives of occult Predictive Programming we have ever seen.
In aviation, the Swiss cheese model of accident causation is a model used in risk analysis and risk management. I have personally experienced this trap as a B777 Captain where I personally averted a major accident in Singapore right before the last hole, literally minutes before takeoff, merely by listening to the Holy Spirit’s intuition and me not feeling right about that particular situation. I somehow identified an inbuilt error in one of the early onboard computers being used that was giving us erroneous takeoff data. The definition of the Swiss cheese model states: “Latent errors are then triggered by a series of active errors, which are unsafe behaviours carried out by individual parties.” ‘Latent errors’ is also a good definition of the root cause of iniquity that lies dormant in our hearts until it is triggered emotionally.
“An accident occurs when all hidden factors line up in a congruent manner.” This is a profound statement. All accidents occur when hidden ‘latent errors’ become aligned.
The errors associated with the Swiss cheese model occur in our own lives frequently…. even much more frequently now since the application of the mRNA “vaccinations”.
In the case of the spiritual mafia MOB, they are man-ipulating the alignment of a multitude of ‘gross latent errors’ that will crash not only the economy, but the whole fabric of society. There will be no turning back from this revolt against humanity and against YHWH. The MOB is using intimidation, manipulation and domination to align specified ‘gross latent errors’, all at one moment in time, to bring to fruition the Reset for their fake NWO economy, religion and cashless society which are all based on their own digital blockchain.
We now have a convergence of events that are about to take place - Craig Bong says that 2025 is a year of critical juncture -
Hanukkah, the “Festival of Lights” falls on Christmas Day in 2024. This Jewish celebration commemorates the rededication of the Second Temple in Jerusalem after a successful revolt of the Jewish people led by Judah Maccabee against the Greek oppressors led by Antiochus Epiphanes IV. In BC167 he placed a Hellenistic Priest in the Temple, massacred many Jews and prohibited the practise of Judaism in an attempt to force the Jews to forsake their belief in the God of Israel. He stopped the “daily sacrifice” and substituted idolatrous worship in its place.
Antiochus Epiphanes IV erected a statue of Zeus into their Temple of YHWH and sacrificed pigs - the most unclean animal- in the Holy of Holies. Thus God left the Temple. This is the same Abomination of Desolation that the spiritual mafia MOB are now pumping into our bodies which God refers to as being His Temple of the Holy Spirit.
This historical account is exactly what will happen when once again the antiChrist will set up an idol on our Holy Altar and desecrate the Temple.
The historian, Flavius Josephus tells us in ‘Jewish War’ that “Antiochus Epiphanes IV put a stop to the Jewish practise of a daily sacrifice of expiation for ….. [drum roll……….] [suspense] [tension music]…… 3 1/2 years”. Think about it - the COVID-19 “vaccines” were propagated from approximately March 23rd, 2021 until Sept. 23rd 2024 - the end of the Great Tribulation period. In this time the enemies of YHWH desecrated our Temple and set up an idol within. Now we are in the period of Armageddon, fireworks and YHWH’s judgement upon mankind!
It is time for us to clean out our Temples [no idols or strongholds] with the aid of the Holy Spirit and rededicate [Hanukkah] them back to YHWH before it is too late!
We too have to lay down our lives like Judah Maccabee who, having gained victory over the Greeks against all odds, was a type of Yeshua haMashiach. Yeshua literally is the Light of our Temple - and we are meant to be the Light of the world! Ooch!
Can you now see why this Jewish Festival, the “Festival of Lights”, is SO important to celebrate? It represents Yeshua, the True Light of this world, coming back to restore, purify and redeem our Temples with His blood. The Jewish Menorah represents the Tree of Life and the Word of God - the True Light of the world. Those created in the image of God need that Menorah shining inside of us!
On Christmas eve the Jesuit Pope will address the world with a message of Global Peace. On Christmas day, 2024 King Charles will address the world with a message of Climate Change and Sustainability. Both of these detestable humans are Kenites parasites and the message will be akin to the deception of Antiochus Epiphanes’ which is the antiChrist spirit. Very soon the antiChrist spirit will manifest in the body of King Charles. Reread about the Abomination of Desolation and the Antiochus spirit in Everything in this Beast System is Rigged. Honestly, if you desire to understand what is transpiring in both spiritual realms right now, you need to read this Substack thoroughly. That Substack is probably the most significant document I have ever written prior to this one.
In that Substack it declares “Antiochus changed the name of God to Zeus of Olympus” and “Antiochus actually commits the Abomination of Desolation in the Holy of Holies on Dec. 25th.”
Holy smoke! Are you beginning to see the significance of this? This event in BC167 is an archetype or prototype of that which is coming this Dec. 25th, 2024. Pope Francis has declared 2025 the Jubilee Year of Hope. Pope Francis will open 5 sacred doors or spiritual portals on Christmas Eve 2024 — a ritual that’s never been done before. These facts cannot be classified as “conspiracy theory” anymore - this is now manifesting as evidenced based fact. The year of Jubilee for the Israelites was a year dedicated to rest, to restoration of property, and to freeing people from debts, servitude, and slavery. Pope Francis having declared 2025, the Jubilee Year of Hope, is a counterfeit celebration to their Luciferian gods of ‘light’.
Pope Francis is opening the floodgates in the Catholic Church to demonic entities, just like Antiochus Epiphanes did in BC167 - this is what desecrates, profanes and violates our spiritual Temples within our own human spirits, minds, hearts, souls and bodies. Pope Francis an imposter of the Truth.
Then we have this congruence of events coming together as a convergence in the 3rd week of Dec. 2024 -
I say again - Hanukkah, the “Festival of Lights” falls on Christmas Day in 2024. Lucifer, “the angel of light” will counterfeit Hanukkah, the “Festival of Lights”, when Pope Francis opens up these spiritual portals to the invasion of demonic entities, fallen angels, alien entities and his counterfeit appeal as the “angel of light” - they will all be revealed. This phenomenon is being revealed with mysterious UFO sightings being witnessed all over the USA. Those who are confused about who is operating the New Jersey Mystery Drones…. read this and note “something big is about to go down”…..
On Christmas day, another imposter, King Charles will address the world with a message of support for his false baby narrative “Climate Change and Sustainability”, that he alone has birthed.
‘International Epidemic Preparedness Day’ Dec. 27th, 2024 - getting ready for the next plandemic which will not contain any placebo shots this time. It will be applied with a Micro Needle Array (MNA) Patch that will join everyone up to the MOB’s occult hive mind.
World Day of Peace lead by Pope Francis is on Jan. 1st 2025
The biometric digital ID is ready to go!
The Pact for the Future is now in place from Sept. 21st. The U.N. will “Trample and break to pieces all that resist it….”
Seismic earthquake activity above 7.0+ is on the increase and could rock the entire globe very soon with tsunami activity resulting. Scientists fear the ‘Big One’ is coming.
The localised Armageddon which has seen the fall of Damascus [the war in the Middle East] and an escalation in the global Armageddon in Ukraine is ready to explode into nuclear war that will impact the entire globe.
⚠️ ‘When Syria Falls, the World Burns’: Baba Vanga’s Chilling Prophecy Sparks Alarm
Baba Vanga - the “Nostradamus of the Balkans” - had warned that Syria’s fall would mark the start of a devastating global war.
Her prophecy states: “When Syria falls, a great war between the West and the East will follow. In the spring, a conflict will ignite in the East, leading to a Third World War - a war that will destroy the West.”
Vanga passed away in 1996 but gained fame for her prophecies, including the 9/11 attacks and the Kursk submarine disaster. Her warning about Syria has drawn renewed attention: “Syria will fall at the feet of the winner, but the winner will not be the one.”
After Israel’s success in knocking out Syria’s air defences, they are now preparing to strike Iran’s nuclear facilities.
Maybe you are starting to see what I see as a watcher on the walls. I trust this moves the needle enough for you to also take Command of your own ship and ring the emergency alarm. With the speed and velocity that this whole thing is moving, this could be your last Christmas to make amends with your Creator God before Yeshua returns to judge the world with fire and vengeance.
“An accident occurs when all hidden factors line up in a congruent manner.” This is exactly where we are at as we approach Christmas 2024 - the worship of Saturnalia. We have been Programmed for years for such an event.
I watched a video last night on aeroplanes and missiles moving at 4,600 nautical miles per hour. Wow! That is 10x faster than a commercial jet airliner! However that will be snail pace compared to Yeshua’s reentry into our sphere of influence.
We will soon see a side of God’s character that we have never, ever seen before.