“The ruling class know all too well, that if you can control Information, you can control public perception; and if you can control public perception, you control people’s interpretation of reality.” - Gavin Nascimento, life coach and political analyst
There is no doubt that the 2024 Paris Olympics are all about changing the perception of the masses and their interpretation of reality. The main goal of the MOB is to make their own debauched minds appear normal to the masses. They do this via the gratification of each individual’s unredeemed ego.
This is a good overview of the debauchery and depravity displayed at the Paris Olympic opening ceremony called An In-Depth Look at the Depravity of the 2024 Paris Olympics Opening Ceremony.
All Olympic ceremonies are inherently highly symbolic and charged with deep occult meaning. Indeed, modern Olympics were revived by Pierre de Coubertin, a French aristocrat who was an active Freemason, on June 23rd 1894. The International Olympic Committee (IOC) was established in - wait for it [drum roll……….] [suspense] [tension music] - Geneva, Switzerland. Yes, even the Olympics are financed, managed and controlled from the opening to the pit of hell - CERN, Switzerland. The first Summer Olympics was held in Athens in 1896 in honour of the Greek god Zeus. The first Winter Olympics was held in Chamonix, France in 1896 in honour of Zeus’ divine son Apollo. This 2024 Summer Olympics, is officially the Games of the XXXIII, 33rd [notice the freemasonry number] Olympiad. It is also a celebration of 100 years since the last Paris Summer Olympics held in 1924.
All Olympic ceremonies are based on Greek mythology. Who is the “light bearer”, the carrier of the Olympic Torch? In Greek mythology, Prometheus is the equivalent of Lucifer, the light bearer. He took the fire of knowledge from the gods and gave it to humanity. Prometheus is perceived as one of the Titans, the supreme trickster and a god of fire. His intellectual side was emphasized by the apparent meaning of his name, ‘Forethinker’ [or maybe SMART-thinker]. The spiritual mafia MOB are merely the SMART Fore-thinkers of the NWO and the demonic takeover of humanity. As the mythological narrative goes, as a price paid for fire and as punishment for humankind in general, Zeus created the first woman Pandora. Well the spiritual mafia MOB certainly opened Pandora’s Box in Paris. The Pandoras’ Box is full of spiritual parasites ready to be released upon humanity.
I have already written about this topic in CERN - The Pandora's Box. The “box'“ being a woman’s vulva…
For the Greeks, “Pandora’s Box” was an essential story to show the downfalls of human nature, mankind’s human weaknesses and the misfortunes and sorrow mankind suffered after opening the Box - they were all the afflictions and ills that humanity could ever know. Therefore, Pandora was seen as a curse on mankind. It also highlights Pandora’s insatiable woman's curiosity, with Pandora lifting the lid on the dark corruption and iniquity in mankind’s heart.
According to Greek mythology and Zeus, the king of the gods, Pandora’s Box was filled with evils bestowed by the gods and goddesses, such as strife, disease, hatred, death, madness, violence, hatred, confusion and jealousy. When Pandora was unable to contain her curiosity and opened the Box, all of these evil [unconscious] gifts escaped, leaving the Box almost empty. As the narrative goes, Hope alone remained behind, while the other gifts flew off to bring evil fortune and countless plagues to human beings. We have already discussed false hope or “Hopium” in previous Blogs.
Isn’t this strange - a woman just text me this random message: “What's the difference between a genealogist and a gynecologist? A genealogist looks up the family tree and a gynecologist looks up the family bush!” I replied “That is where all the bushfires are light!” No reply!
Paris, France is a good example of the Enlightenment culture and the manifestation of our sexuality having been programmed according to Aleister Crowley’s "Do what thou wilt” Kabbalah, occult philosophy.
There is no doubt we are living in a fiction of non-reality and Paris is just one manifestation of that. However, blaming the first woman Pandora for all the evils of the world is definitely more Greek, Pharaonic and mystical than what a morally upright society would believe. This is what an inverted Khazarian Mafia society does to weaponise our fairer sex. It is actually debauched males that hold the spiritual keys to our women’s hearts. So let’s move on….
Which was the most offensive act against humanity at the opening of the Olympic Games in Paris? This act that depicts the world’s nations obediently falling in line behind the occult spiritual mafia MOB’s New World Order….
OR this…. the drag queen mockery of The Last Supper by the Italian High Renaissance artist Leonardo da Vinci? Which act is more offensive to you?
Prostitution frequently symbolizes idolatry or religious apostasy. So does homosexuality the whole LGBTQ+ movement.
However, I want to focus on theses two photos that typify what the Enlightenment and NWO is all about - the control of public perception. May I suggest that the mockery of The Last Supper is a religious diversion - an attempted to create division amongst the 2.2 billion Christians on planet earth. This distraction is merely a smokescreen to divert attention away from their main goal. The spiritual mafia MOB created the “Christ” narrative as a Hegelian Dialectic tactic to create division amongst the masses. They had to create a white male Greek icon called “Christ” in order to later create their “anti-Christ” scenario - the Jewish version of a false messiah who will be perceived as the “light bearer” of mankind. In Greek mythology, this is Apollo, the ‘divine’ son of Zeus.
Leonardo da Vinci’s The Last Supper was painted in about AD 1495-1498, even before Martin Luther supposedly initiated Protestantism in AD 1517. These dates are not coincidence because the spiritual mafia MOB were more than likely involved in the development of both of these defining parts of history.
I personally consider this photo of a rider on a white horse to be much more disconcerting to what is transpiring in the world today…. here the spiritual mafia MOB - our OVERLORDS - are telling us exactly what their interpretation of the book of Revelation is. Is their interpretation True? Absolutely not, however they are using it as their Playbook and trying to make it come true.
Many reason through their Enlightened thinking, that Yeshua is not a divine source of heaven being revealed to mankind, but rather it is argued that the book of Revelation is solely the MOB’s Playbook or script that they are working too. I believe they are working to the book of Revelation, however it is not because they wrote it - it is because they know that it is divine inspiration, the divine Word of YHWH and that it will come to pass. Therefore they are determined to prepare themselves for the return of our Messiah, Yeshua ben Joseph. They detest Yeshua, our Creator so much, they are preparing to war against Him in an attempt to destroy Him. That is how insane these psychopaths are.
Here is our problem. Many are quick to jump to the interpretation of the book of Revelation and conclude that the horse carrying the rider of death, in Paris, is the 4th Horseman alluded to in Revelation. Does it represent the pale horse of the apocalypse? I hope not because, as Revelation 6:8 states, “Then I looked and saw a pale green horse. Its rider’s name was Death, and Hades followed close behind. And they were given authority over a fourth of the earth, to kill by sword, by famine, by plague, and by the beasts of the earth.” If the Paris Olympics are as predictive as the 2012 London Olympics, then this is not a good look for our near future.
The problem I have with this interpretation is it was a white horse, not a pale green horse. Where have we seen a while horse or unicorn before? The unicorn is one of the most famous mythical creatures, often depicted as a white horse with a spiraling horn erupting from its forehead. This mythical horn is, as you will see, more than likely mythical symbolism associated with Sodomy and anal intercourse.
Given how everything is coming to a climax and Babylon the Great is on the verge of collapsing, there is a good chance the white horse displayed at Paris was an attempt to counterfeit the coming Messiah who is depicted as coming back riding a white horse. Revelation 19:11 says “Then I saw heaven standing open, and there before me was a white horse. And its rider is called Faithful and True. With righteousness He judges and wages war.”
This verse list some of the character traits of Yeshua haMashiach. Lucifer’s character traits are 180°divergent from these. Look at the parallels between Truth, reality and YHWH’s righteousness. The only “Way” we can overcome our human error, iniquity and the darkside of our own character is to connect spiritually with YHWH’s righteousness. Otherwise mankind will automatically descend towards the debauchery and depravity displayed at the Paris Olympics. It can be no other way. Sodom and Gomorrah activities are manifesting themselves ….. these traits are the main characteristics of the Kabbalah, Khazarian Mafia (KM), the disciples of Zeus, Apollo and Prometheus.
The Paris Olympics is merely mankind manifesting his/her own egotistical self-righteousness. The “saviour” that will soon manifest will be of the character society deserves - initially it may be perceived to be antiChrist, but more importantly it will be anti-Yeshua haMashiach - or 180°divergent from Truth.
Following the French Revolution Joseph de Maistre (1753 - 1821) quoted “Every nation gets the government it deserves.”
But really that choice is no choice at all - all politics are merely semantics - it is the relationship between signs and symbols that really matters.
This is a Masonic image with the occults’ Luciferian motto. Have you ever noticed that the seduction of the promised ‘Enlightenment’, and the popular ‘Hopium’ of a coming “Great Awakening”, all comes to us through an Altered State brought about by a ‘Single Eye’?
What is this ‘Single Eye’?
Once again, it is a mythical fabrication of that which is natural and morally right. This is where Sodomy and anal intercourse comes to the fore - or maybe even the foreskin!
Now we are getting down to the root cause [so to speak] of iniquity and the corruption maintained in each of our hearts. William Schnoebelen (1949-) is a fundamentalist Christian who claims to have been a Satanist, a Freemason, a member of the Illuminati, and even a vampire. You may be shocked, you may think what he shares is a load of Sh*t, however the spiritual mafia MOB knows that Sodomy is the quickest way to access Alternate universes or Alternate Realities (AR) - especially with young innocent children involved - and they know that this is the thing YHWH despises the most. Sodomy is the most prominent sign that we are indeed at the end of the ages.
Schnoebelen's autobiography, ‘Lucifer Dethroned’, is a gripping account of his descent into the darkest side of mysticism and magick and his subsequent restoration and spiritual redemption through the mercy and the love of our Messiah Yeshua haMashiach. He claims the ‘Single Eye’ is the ‘Eye of Lucifer’…. which make perfect sense since Lucifer was excreted as waste out of heaven by YHWH.
YHWH perceives this solely as a means of profaining, desecrating and even the ‘abomination that causes desolation’, of what YHWH calls His Temple of the Holy Spirit - our bodies - which contains our blood and our DNA. Sodomy opens up the base of the spine to be a receptive spiritual portal of the Kundalini spirit that is literally pushed, pumped or shoved up the spine to the pineal gland, to act as a distributer of Lucifer’s spiritual parasites to every cell in our body. The end product [excuse the pun] is the DEATH to our soul and spirit.
Notice that the Kundalini spirit is always represented as three (3) coils of a snake. This is a mockery of Yeshua’s claim that He turned death into LIFE whilst in a tomb for three (3) days and three (3) nights, on our behalf.
You should be starting to see why Sodomy is the “end game” for YHWH. This is why Yeshua is now declaring “It is finished!” or “It is done!” [or as the original Hebrew it says “This is over!”]. It is violating YHWH’s natural reproductive plan and the pleasure of sex that was given to mankind as a gift. That gift has been desecrated through the MOB’s debased profanity. To desecrate means -
To violate the sacredness of; profane.
To divest of a sacred character or office; to divert from a sacred purpose; to violate the sanctity of; to profane; to put to an unworthy use.
To profane or violate the sacredness or sanctity of something.
That is exactly what the Kabbalah believing Khazarians, Zionist Jews or Sabbatean-Frankists are doing to YHWH’s divine Temple. David Icke claims that the Sabbatean-Frankists are an inversion of the original Pentateuch and Torah believing, and YHWH fearing, Israelites of the bible. They hate YHWH’s chosen people who were the bloodline of His divine Son, Yeshua ben Joseph. Just like they hate and despise YHWH and YHWH’s creation. The Zionist Jews and/or Sabbatean-Frankists souls are totally possessed with demonic entities or spiritual parasites because they have sold their soul to Lucifer - and they are demanding that all of us follow suite.
They were behind the Vril spirit that created Hitler, Nazism, Fascism and Communism. These imposters - like the Hermetic spiritual entities driving them - were behind the establishment of Freemasonry, the Rothschild driven formation of the State of Israel and the destruction of Palestine. They were definitely behind 9/11, all of the Arab Spring overthrow of governments and the overthrow of the Ukrainian Government which made it a U.S./ NATO/Deep State/Black Nobility controlled country. They plan, finance and control ALL wars. If you don’t understand this, you will never understand the disappearance of MH370 and MH17 which both occurred in 2014, shortly after the overthrow of the Ukrainian Government.
Demons are attracted to antimatter or the darkness of our unconscious state of mind. That is what the IOC are generating in Paris in order to control Information, control public perception and control people’s interpretation of reality.
Instead of owning our own depraved unconscious state of mind and repenting of it, thus seeking YHWH’s free offer of redemption, we as a collective double down and fight it - this opens the door to an even more binding Luciferin connection. This is what the Jews did in Babylon and thus created Kabbalah. The Gentiles are now following suite and making the same horrid ‘error’. Like Walt Disney's 1953 adventure fantasy film Peter Pan, we are all dancing to the tune like mindless sheep.
To fully understand the events at the Paris Olympics, it may help to watch a couple of videos from ‘the pursued’ perspective - in order to understand ‘the pursuers’. Paris Olympics Mocks Christianity, Then THIS Happens and Christians Started Boycotting the Olympics, THEN This Happens.
There is one thing for sure - there is an invisible line that each of us choose to cross - either consciously or unconsciously. Notice in all of these videos our OVERLORD’S main theme includes words like ‘tolerance’, ‘liberty’ and ‘inclusivity’. These are all fantastical ideas from the gods that change the masses perception. Notice they don’t use the term ‘cancel culture’ in the MOB’s ‘inclusivity’.
“Everyone born of Elohim overcomes the world. This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our trust in the Son of Elohim.”
Herein lies the key to immortality - it is a free gift - anyone can be born of Elohim [YHWH]. Notice it doesn’t say “saved” or “born again” which are very nebulous terms written into the Christian religious script - the Word of YHWH says born of Elohim. That requires submission to the will of YHWH - 180°divergent from Aleister Crowley’s "Do what thou wilt” Kabbalah script. And it is a personal relationship with our Creator in heaven which is an amazing quantum entanglement and spiritual experience, that doesn’t require someones dirty dick, full of spiritual parasites, rammed up one’s anus.
Years ago we used to say that a nightclub was “a den of iniquity”. Now we can safely say that the “Enlightened Parisians” and the entire LGBTQ+ movement is “a den of iniquity”.
From YHWH’s perspective, maybe He sees the entire world being “a den of iniquity”. That is when judgement time becomes inevitable.
If we are in a state of being mind controlled in any way whatsoever, at the very least we are experiencing emotional shafting and the establishment of an Altar in our mind - and the loss of our soul to the OVERLORDS.
Both are spiritual experiences - which one do you prefer? In answering this question remember, our personal perception is paramount. That is what determines what we experience in life. Really, the only choice is the energy of LIFE or DEATH - and it should be really clear by now where the IOC is leading humanity.
So let’s see what the Paris Olympics closing ceremony reveals from the spiritual mafia MOB. This next week could begin to reveal a totally collapsing society!
Selah - Shalom
Some great insights, Graeme. If only more people would "see" what you're saying.