I had no intention whatsoever to write on this topic….. but here we go. This is how God’s Holy Spirit speaks to me during the night…. and I just obey to investigate and report His insight….. This quantum process occurs through the prefrontal cortex of my brain whilst I sleep…..
In the last Substack I stated; “Whilst Kingsley L. Dennis acknowledges the fact that the Quantum Field is actually consciousness - he fails to decipher the difference between God’s pure Quantum Field [or the Absolute Matrix] and mankind’s counterfeit, distorted quantum field [that is entangled to Luciferian energy and a counterfeit, perverted matrix of mind and thought].”
Then that very same morning even before publishing Quantum Consciousness, I received a barrage of messages from the New Scientist publication and the WEF about the release of “new” Quantum Technology to the public.
Whilst the New Scientist headlines says: ‘A new kind of experiment at the LHC could unravel quantum reality’. “The Large Hadron Collider is testing entanglement in a whole new energy range, probing the meaning of quantum theory – and the possibility that an even stranger reality lies beneath.”
another headline says: ‘Large Hadron Collider turned into world's biggest quantum experiment’. “Physicists have used the famous particle smasher to investigate the strange phenomena of quantum entanglement at far higher energies than ever before…”
The MOB’s quantum reality is offering an strange, artificial, perverted, disturbed Alternate reality for us digital slaves. “The results, demonstrating entanglement between two subatomic particles called quarks, are the first of new efforts to test whether strange quantum phenomena can occur at extremely high energy levels, and could reveal new insights into the fundamental nature of reality. Entanglement is a strange quantum effect where objects or particles are…”
“Doing so could reveal whether space-time is fundamental or perhaps unveil a deeper reality that is even stranger than quantum mechanics.”
This is a hard sell…. something strange is going on right now. They are starting to reveal what they have known for years. And consequently, I’ve known for years the importance of quantum entanglement.
A third headline dated 19 April 2024 in New Scientist says: ‘Quantum-proof encryption may not actually stop quantum hackers’. “Cryptographers are scrambling to understand an algorithm that could undermine the mathematics behind next-generation encryption methods, which are intended to protect against quantum computers. An algorithm that could break supposedly future-proofed encryption methods has cryptographers scrambling to understand the threat, though there is no immediate danger of hackers gaining access to encrypted data.
Quantum computers threaten to one day crack the widely used encryption…”
Let us home in on this last statement because in the quantum computer world and within the spiritual realm, our security becomes very, very important….
We actually touched on the topic of spiritual encryption in our last Substack, Quantum Consciousness when I quoted Kingsley L. Dennis who had a great analogy on how God designed our DNA…
“Think of an encrypted message. You don't know the meaning of the message until I give you the key. Depending on what key I give you, the message may change dramatically. DNA is the encrypted message. In order to "read" the message, i.e. the instructions on how to make proteins, we need a system capable of "translating" the message. It's a very delicate and complex system. And while our DNA is exactly the same in every cell of our body, the epigenetics is different.”
Our spiritual beliefs [i.e. the one in whom we trust spiritually] holds the key to our gene expression….. This is why what you believe about yourself, about your world perspective, about your fellow man and about your God is SO important. This is what “Quantum Consciousness” and "Epigenetics" really is. Our spiritual beliefs code our DNA, either working for us, or against our wellbeing.
The best-selling author of The Biology of Belief, Bruce Lipton brought Epigenetics to light, then in typical fashion, the MOB stole his creativity and implemented it into their own belief system. Lipton says: “Epigenetics is the study of cellular and physiological traits, or the external and environmental factors, that turn our genes on and off, and in turn, define how our cells actually read those genes….. It is the environment, NOT YOUR GENES, that determines how well you function. Can you appreciate the magnitude of that? You are NOT a victim of your genes!”
Note - Bruce Lipton, who was a cellular biologist was cloning stem cells back in 1967! Let that sink in! The teaching that our genes alone determine life - the theory called genetic determinism where genes are believed to solely control our traits, behaviour, physical characteristics etc. - is just another MOB deception that we are pressured to learn at the Rockefeller /Rothschild and MOB controlled universities.
The cultural environment in which we choose to live actually determines which genes are "turned on" and which are "turned off". In other words, what we believe and more importantly, the one in whom we trust spiritually and sell our souls too determines our wellbeing and which genes are "turned on" and which are "turned off". It is all about which Data, Information and Intelligence we are tapping into, and entangling ourselves with, spiritually.
Cloning for instance, has been around since WW2. This Vril knowledge is coming from Vril aliens living underground. Those Vril entities are going to be revealed to the public real soon as a precursor to the UN Agenda 21/2030 "New World Order” cashless society and global ID being introduced. Can you imagine the fear that will produce amongst an unsuspecting, unconscious - already brainwashed, predictive programmed public?
This could well occur sometime shortly after the 40 Day Nineveh Window we are now experiencing right up to the Day of Pentecost on May 19th, 2024. This discussion can be found here….. The FINAL SCENE Is Now Unfolding. Sometime shortly after that date, God Himself will bring another sign to prove we are indeed living in the last days of mankind’s, rebellious, corruptive ways, by Being instrumental in an earthquake bigger than the planet has ever experienced - 9.5 on the Richter scale +. God’s judgement is about to begin for those who do not repent now. This is predicted in the book of Revelation by the beloved Apostle John.
The Prophet Ezekiel spoke these words to a disobedient Israel, some 2,600 years ago. But these same words are also relevant to our situation today. “And I shall deal with them according to their way, and judge them with their own right-rulings. And they shall know that I am יהוה!” or “I will deal with them because of their conduct, and by their judgments I will judge them. And they will know that I am YHWH.” Ez. 7:27…. Do you get that? God will do it…. not man …. and then all will know that He is a just God who judges fairly and makes that which is twisted and perverted, right.
The world is awash with perverted MKUltra algorithms that produce unethical unconscious, subconscious programming that the public is actually running towards - this is insanity on steroids! This is because Lucifer has been handed the keys to humanity’s minds and hearts. This is a form of hypercommunication. In their terms, hypercommunication is a data exchange on a DNA level. Any method of technology our OVERLORDS use to destabilise our brain waves brings a tremendous degree of quantum, and thus physical, decoherence. This is how the quantum realm operates.
The encryption of our private Information is very important …. we are told for instance that our unique private keys when holding Crypto currencies are totally secure …. Right?
It is not! Quantum Computers have the ability to crack any code the MOB so desires. That is one of their most highly guarded secrets. Remember, the Swiss Pharaonic Octagon based in Geneva is the most highly guarded secret society on the planet.
This article is very informative: What is a Private Key in Crypto? Now, because I have hard data to confirm that generally, you guys are too lazy and unconscious to actually click on embedded links, I will translate this important information onto this page for you. It is that important! This is a very important pattern to observe in predictive programming.
Travis Walton, an alien abductee explains this unconscious phenomenon very well in this quote as he explains how humans make judgments based on their preconceived notions, jumping to conclusions and then acting accordingly. “I have come to realise that the biggest problem anywhere in the world, is that people’s perceptions of reality are compulsively filtered through the screening mesh of what they want, and do not want to be true.”
It is all about our perceived perceptions! What he is saying is, people are not looking at things rationally and considering whether something is true or not true, and then deciding to adjust their perception accordingly - no - it is the exact opposite! Instead they think in their heart - “I have my perceptions as to what I think is true, and what I’m comfortable with accepting, and anything that is not aligned with my screening mesh needs to be rejected entirely. Because I AM going to determine what is true and what is not true based on what I want to be true and what I don’t want to be true - based on what I judge as right and what I judge to be not right.”
The foundation of human control is the control of human perception!
When someone is in this mindset, they are essentially claiming to be God themselves! That means we get to make up what our reality is in every instant. “It is a great mystery that, though the human heart longs for Truth, in which it alone finds liberation and delight, the first reaction of human beings to Truth is hostility and fear.” Anthony De Mello.
The spirit of fear is our greatest enemy - and most of us are unconscious of the fact that we actually live in fear! Fear and playing God is what prevents us from clicking on any embedded links like What is a Private Key in Crypto? in order to understand our dilemma from God’s perspective.
God’s perspective is what matters - always! Because that is where we discover Truth, wisdom and understanding. That is what King Solomon had, but lost, because he turned his back on the Creator God. That is what the Israelites and the Jews had, but lost because they turned their back on their Messiah. The Kabbalah, the Talmud and the Sabbatean Cult are all based on this rebellious energy, infuriation, anger, impatience and hatred of God. That is what “Christians” had but lost because they failed to engage with the One called Truth. “For this reason God will send them a powerful delusion so that they believe the lie, in order that judgment may come upon all who have disbelieved the Truth and delighted in wickedness [iniquity or unrighteousness].” This began in full force during the fear driven deception of the 2020 lockdowns.
“Imagine you’re about to send a critical message to your boss. A message with sensitive and private information that must remain secure. In this digital age, a private key becomes your virtual guardian, a crucial alphanumeric code that acts as the gatekeeper to safeguard your message. Private keys are indispensable, serving as digital signatures that validate ownership and authorize transactions.
Typically, all crypto wallets generate private keys. This process is crucial for ensuring security and eliminates the need to trust third parties.
A private key takes the form of a 256-bit generated code of numbers. The randomness of this number is essential to its security; attempting to create one manually would be futile. Typically, a private key looks like a complex string of numbers, making it impractical for everyday use. Here’s an example in binary form, though the actual one is significantly longer than what we can display here. This is an example of a Private key: 1157920892373161954235709850086879078528375642790749043826051631415181614943
It is also worth noting that “The language of DNA is digital, but not binary. Where binary encoding has 0 and 1 to work with (2 - hence the ‘bi’nary), DNA has 4 positions, T, C, G and A. Whereas a digital byte is mostly 8 binary digits, a DNA ‘byte’ (called a ‘codon’) has three digits. Because each digit can have 4 values instead of 2, a DNA codon has 64 possible values, compared to a binary byte which has 256.”
There are 64 codons, of three nucleotide units each, used by DNA and RNA to specify the amino acids needed for protein synthesis. In essence, according to our OVERLORDS the Kabbalah’s false ‘tree of life’ is a symbolic way to express the patterns found in DNA.
Remember we said in The End of our Freedom is Neigh that “Humanity’s digital prison is all played out on Luciferian numerology, codes and encryption. It was John Dee’s communication with fallen angels back in AD 1570 that gave humanity the keys to Satan’s Intelligence and Information network that is now based in Geneva. It is all founded on Enochian magic.
The number 4 is very important in the fallen angels Enochian language and the "Great Table of the Earth” given to John Dee and Edward Kelly who both sort direct access to the divine gods. Dee argued back then that a British Empire could become reality through maritime supremacy. Dee was also practical and, as well as being the first person to apply Euclidean synthetic geometry to navigation, he also built many of the instruments the early navigators needed on their journeys.
Dee and Kelly sort visions, fables and instructions from these fallen angels. This involved establishing a table of names and numbers which could be used to call up spiritual forces, in particular those governing political rulers. Eventually they accessed the fallen angel’s Private encrypted spiritual keys of the gods.
Likewise, if we are spiritually entangled with Lucifer’s fallen angels like Dr. John Dee was, then it may have serious consequences to our sanity, health and wellbeing. We may well receive God’s judgement - which is the Vril energy of destruction and DEATH absorbed into the 64 codons of our DNA - as described in Angels in the DNA. What this article is referring to is the energy of the Luciferian fallen angels, having been injected into our bodies or infected into our DNA through the medium of the toxins in the food we eat, water we drink, or the air we breathe.
The goal is to hack our DNA and change our genetic code so that our bodies’ operating system is not automatically and subconsciously receiving data and information from our personal Creator God, but receiving data and information from a fake alternative source, Lucifer/Satan. Remember, they perceive Satan to be the good God and God to be evil! The MOB are changing the data and information within our DNA to match that of Lucifer/Satan and thus causing our destruction. Once they have our DNA and its unique electromagnetic resonant frequency, the proteins in the axons of the brains’ microtubules can be targeted and that person’s mind controlled.
So what is the Mark of the Beast? It is Satan/Lucifer’s energetic imprint upon our mind, soul and spirit, via a genetic change of our DNA sequence and frequency. We are either imprinted with God’s seal of righteousness or Satan/Lucifer’s mark of iniquity.
The simplest way to accomplish this is to re-engineer the biological, organic body with genetic engineering, thus permanently altering our DNA. Then they will begin connecting organic and inorganic to create cyborgs (part AI and/or part animal) through the production of chimeric DNA. They are deleting genes and inserting a synthetic chimeric assimilation that alters our DNA permanently.
We are discussing two major topics here 1. quantum entanglement 2. spiritual, and thus physical, encryption…. and they are both related.
The Truth is, we are born into and live in the confines of a corrupt Beast system. We already covered this in Technocracy and Transhumanism and Creator vs Destroyer when we discussed the little “heel-prick” test that hospitals routinely do on newborn babies.
“The most binding and soul destroying series of 3 papal bulls called “Romanus Pontifex” were enforced between AD1436 -1455. The number we are given on our birth certificate is the number of these three, cestui que trusts. Living beings are therefore regarded as dead, corporate entities recorded as a name written on a piece of paper right from birth. They became subjects of the Crown, legally enslaved without that conscious awareness.”
Our souls are literally - this is not hocus pocus or conspiracy theory - sold to the State by the Christian church, and you have a Private encrypted spiritual key of the gods imprinted into your mind, heart and soul whether you are aware of it or not.
This Private encrypted spiritual key of the gods is a reality. It is the essence of all corruption and perversion in this world. In the bible it is called ‘iniquity of heart’. The MOB makes sure we are encoded with iniquity from birth. The “Christian church” does not acknowledge the topic of iniquity or deal with it - that is why it has become the apostate church and why Yeshua Himself says “So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth. You say, ‘I am rich; I have acquired wealth and do not need a thing.’ But you do not realize that you are wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and naked.”
There is only One encrypted code that can break open the Private encrypted spiritual key of the gods. And that encrypted code lies within the blood of a divine Person - Yeshua haMashiach, our spiritual Saviour. Only His righteousness and justice can circumnavigate the iniquity, perversion and corruption fully instilled, quantum entangled and imprinted into our hearts. Only “the Way” has the ability to transform our mind, heart, soul and spirits into a totally new form of spiritual ownership. One that establishes eternal LIFE and erases Lucifer’s temptation and offer of DEATH.
All of our communication and entanglement with our spiritual Father is encrypted with the purity of His Son’s untainted blood. That blood alone is the key that opens the lock of the door to eternal life experienced within the Real Tree of Life. Only this divine Data, Information and Intelligence will make our hearts and minds right and enable our sanity to prevail.
There is a good reason why our OVERLORDS are revealing the topics of quantum entanglement and quantum enlightenment to the masses right now - let’s see what exactly it will be! Only God knows the details!