It is difficult to understand the technology coming out of CERN without understanding the depraved sexual energy coming out of what we could call Apollyon, or “the pits of hell”! When the Satanists want to depict the female sexual organ, they commonly use the circle. In this case, we are showing a type of circle that Satanists really love to use, called the "8-Step Path of Enlightenment". Observe the ancient Egyptian Pharaonic Octagon shape of the circle. This is symbolic of the ‘Nazi Templar of Octagon Switzerland’. Their whole belief system is Pharaonic - Hermeticism comes from the same Egyptian roots. Satanists believe that a person needs to go through 8 separate steps to become fully enlightened spiritually. The eighth and final step is the Sex Act. Notice that the very centre of this symbol is a very small circle. This symbol represents the ultimate female sexual enticement of Lucifer.
Would you believe it? This same representation can be seen at the Vatican.
One must therefore consider that the Vatican is also an occult Pharaonic Templar stronghold. In fact the Vatican and CERN are closely linked through the masters of global mind control, the Jesuits.
Everything in Freemasonry depicts and glorifies the sex act. The letter G is regarded as ‘one of the most sacred symbols, a symbol of deity’. ‘G' refers to the “generative principle". This term, "generative principle", is code for the sex act. Free sex is at the core of all ‘Nazi Templar of Octagon Switzerland’ beliefs. That is why these psychopaths are targeting young children with sexuality and transgender issues and targeting us with COVID-19 biological weapons to inflict mind control.
CERN is no exception….. all secret societies originate from, and are subject to the control of the spiritual mafia MOB at CERN.
Notice that in this CERN dance-opera film (official trailer) called SYMMETRY, the dancers perform Shiva’s ‘dance of destruction’ and then a scientist dressed in a white Pharmaceutical lab-coat performs a dance in the middle of a circle. He is symbolic of Lucifer - then that turns into an orgy of bodies whilst Satan, dressed in black observes the orgy from outside the energetic sex-circle, with approval.
In April 2022, CERN restarted the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) after more than three years of maintenance and upgrades. Do you think it is a co-incidence that the bulk of the COVID-19 mandates occurred whilst CERN was shut down? Since then, experts have worked hard to safely ramp up the energy and intensity of the beams before delivering collisions to the LHC experiments at the world-record energy of 13.6 trillion electronvolts (13.6 TeV). Just imagine colliding two energy beams that are thinner than a hair on our head and travelling at a speed just below the speed of light, covering 26km or 16miles around the circumference of the CERN accelerator, doing 11,000 laps per second!
This event was streamed live on Jul 5, 2022.
When God entered this space time capsule at the time of Babel, “Adonai said, “Look, the people are united, they all have a single language, and see what they’re starting to do! At this rate, nothing they set out to accomplish will be impossible for them!” Genesis 11:6 CJB
Since then, it has now taken man more than 4,000 years to even get close to understanding the realm of unseen physics - the realm of plasma, energy, quantum mechanics and the spirit realm. Something God created instantly at the vibrational command of His voice. As the CERN video says, the MOB are still trying to understand how the combinations of quarks actually bind together.
Yet Scriptures tell us Yeshua, the Word, is binding it all together - the frequency of vibrational His energy is the glue holding everything together - and mankind has NO idea! “He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together Colossians 1:17. The incarnation wasn't Yeshua's beginning. He set the foundations of the world in place before the beginning of time, and He still holds everything together. Hebrews tells us that Yeshua, our Messiah is “sustaining all things by his powerful Word” (Hebrews 1:3).
Can you believe that the MOB is not only determined to eliminate God from the physics equation of E=mc², but they want to war against and annihilate God and His Word at the battle of Armageddon in 2030. Does that sound ridiculous? Well, trust me, that is their plan!
Truth and sanity of mind come from our Creator God. Truth has its origin in the 3rd heaven - Truth is not a part of this Beast system. The spiritual mafia MOB who control all the global media outlets absolutely hate anything that resembles the Truth. That is why we now have a real threat to free speech in Australia. A Government Parliamentary Bill has now been brought before the Australian Corporate Parliament called the “Combating Misinformation and Disinformation” Bill which is one of the most “dangerous pieces of legislation” ever to go before the Australian Parliament.
Given the timing of this Bill, the life of these Blogs maybe restricted, time wise. If you like this content, maybe it would be wise to download my eBooks and these Blogs onto a hard-drive before these restrictions become law.
Our freedoms and liberties are now running out of time.
George Orwell’s 1984 “Thought Control” will more than likely be here by 2024…. 40 years after its was prophesied to happen. Before Orwell died, he had one final warning…. “Don’t let it happen!” He stated emphatically: “It depends on you!”. And so it does!
Orwell’s French teacher was Aldous Huxley. Aldous Huxley was more than likely George Orwell’s mind control handler. Both men belonged to the British Fabian society. Whereas Huxley’s mind controller was H.G. Wells of The War of the Worlds fame. A futurist and "visionary", Wells foresaw the advent of aircraft, tanks, space travel, nuclear weapons, satellite television, and something resembling the World Wide Web (www). Why did Aldous Huxley share the ultimate vision of the future in Brave New World? Was he intuitively warning us so that we would be vigilant? Or, did he come out of a mind controller’s planning session, and subsequently wrote down the Approved Operating Program in fictional form? I believe it was the latter, judging from the company he kept, his family ties, and other words he wrote and spoke. If that’s the case, why is it so? Why do they so openly show their hand? Why not operate in total secrecy? If you have been reading my Blogs, I think you will know why!
Listen closely to the words of H. G. Wells 's The War of the Worlds depicting Martians invading Earth - these Martians emerging from the Titan and the Trojan Horse are in fact invading demonic entities - spiritual parasites. What we need to comprehend spiritually is that this is not an external battle - although they may present hologram representations of a Martian invasion - no, this is an internal battle. Our spirits are at war with the World, Beast system.
The battle is a personal, subjective battle - and your spirit, heart and soul is the target.
Go back and listen to George Orwell’s video again and heed his warning….. “In our world, there will be no emotions, except, fear, rage, triumph and self-abasement. The sex instinct will be eradicated. They will abolish the pleasure of orgasm. There will be no loyalty except loyalty to the Technocratic Party. Power will be intoxicating. If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot standing on a human face.”
If you think this is futuristic or mere fantasy, listen more intently to the Jewish, WEF mouthpiece, Yuval Noah Harari or one of the original founders of the Quantum Computer, Geordie Rose who says “We are now summoning robot "entities" who will treat us like ants”.
The reality is - right now we are living at the eve of the greatest war for our minds the world has ever seen. In The War of the Worlds, the narrator says “the Devil and demons alight on the spirit of man….”. One can only be void “cause your not here” [1:49] if we are void of God consciousness in any area of our life. The “unconscious” [as Sigmund Freud labelled it] areas in our life are where demonic entities can alight and bring confusion and turmoil to our entire being.
Now here is the bottomline; fear is the #1 demonic oppression in each one of us. These spiritual parasites within our body are toxic to our wellbeing. Physical parasites are more common than we can even imagine. Just like our body needs detoxing and cleansing of physical toxins like parasites, bacteria, fungi and mold, so does our spiritual, energetic body. Spiritual parasites make the pH in our bodies acidic and thus destroys our immune system, depriving our body of oxygen.
There is no doubt about it. Our political and religious leaders are psychopaths who are themselves held to ransom by the Swiss Pharmaceutical companies. If an individual has never cleansed, nor detoxed their own body, heart, soul and spirit of spiritual parasites, then we are unconsciously apart of the collective problem. Fasting and a change in diet may eradicate the physical parasites from our body, however fasting or a change of diet will not permanently drive out our spiritual parasites. That can only be done spiritually by submitting our will to our creator and Saviour, Yeshua haMashiach. “Surrender” is the key word here! Only the blood of Yeshua, our Messiah, has the ability to redeem us! His blood is the only thing that can redeem our spirit, mind, heart and soul.
COVID-19 was a totally fear-based plandemic that inserted mRNA lipid nanoparticle (LNP) and graphene oxide particles into our bodies. This was the spiritual mafia MOB’s Trojan Horse that was designed to distribute billions of quantum sized, spiritual nanoparticle parasites into our bodies.
Now the war for our immune system has truly begun. These fake, artificial spiritual parasites are what is destroying our immune system and creating the fertile soil for bacteria to breed and be spread to others through shedding.
The approximate sizes of microbes can be approximated by using the following rule of thumb as taught by the MOB’s medical profession:
VIRUSES are the smallest of all infectious agents, averaging about 100 nanometers (100 billionths of a meter) in length. They have so few genes and proteins of their own that in order to reproduce they need to commandeer the machinery of the cells they invade.
BACTERIA vary widely in size and shape, but tend to be at least 10 times larger than viruses, or at least 1 micrometer (1 millionth of a meter) long. They are single-cell organisms that reproduce independently.
SINGLE-CELL ORGANISMS tend to be at least 10 times larger than bacteria, or about .01 millimeter long.
MULTI CELLULAR ORGANISMS are so large they can usually be seen with the naked eye. Tapeworms, for instance, can reach a length of 6 meters (20 feet).
This is the MOB’s narrative. The truth is - viruses do not exist. Only fear based spiritual parasites exit that destroy our immune system and create airborne bacteria like the Spike protein that generates disease and death. The Spike protein is produced by the electromagnetic frequency within the environment of a synthetic protein [this is the toxin that does the damage] - thus it changes the DNA structure within the cell.
The released Pfizer documents confirmed that COVID-19 was not a disease as promoted by the MOB controlled press - however, it was one of the largest mind controlled coverups of all time.
Clearly, what we individuals are doing as a society is not working. We need a different paradigm, a different model of diagnosing and treating illness that can match and beat this new epidemic of chronic disease. The concept of disease as we know it is a false idol. We're taught there are infectious microorganisms that can enter our bodies and make us sick. This view on illness is called germ theory. Though widely taught and accepted, there's no scientific evidence for it.
Disease does not exist, at least not in the way we think about it. Disease is merely dis-ease or ‘not at’ ease. The toxicity causes inflammation within the cells. The names we give disease are useful for finding the right medication, but not for truly getting to the root cause or creating a healing response.
Asking ourselves “why” we have disease is a great question to ask. Only then will we find the root cause.
In regards to Patent WO2020160397 which is the global patent for the mRNA lipid nanoparticle (LNP) vaccines granted by WIPO to Moderna on August 6, 2020, Karen Kingston wrote; “I believe they will conclude that the COVID-19 injections are bioweapons that contain gain of function (GOF) chimeric viruses and toxins under the guise of mRNA therapeutic vaccines combined with a ‘diagnostic/therapeutic’ lipid nanoparticle (LNP) platform. Per the patent, the LNP can target specifics organs and systems throughout the body, including, but not limited to reproductive, cardiovascular, pulmonary, and the central nervous system, specifically crossing the blood brain barrier.” (emphasis mine)
Spiritual and artificial nanoparticle parasites are our greatest enemy……… whether injected or received into our body through our “unconscious” mind.
Can they be overcome? Absolutely…….. it all happens through a quantum mechanics principle called energetic “entanglement”………. and a transformation of our belief system.
This Blog has been edited by a qualified nurse of 16 years who saw the errors within the Big Pharma medical system ……. and resigned! The truth is; you have been lied too!
Have you seen the row of statues atop the buildings that surround and form the Vatican courtyard? If not, definitely check them out. Exactly what you talk about, in the open, flaunting their abuses.