In 2004, Gregg Braden wrote ‘The God Code’ which argues that every human being has the name of God literally embedded in his or her DNA. He begins by correlating the essential elements of the human body (hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen and carbon) to their Hebrew equivalents, then he calculates their alpha/numeric values and finds that these elements spell out the Hebrew letters for God--YHVH. He speculates that "through the primal act of creating human life, God shared a part of himself as he 'breathed his breath' into our species.” Braden states that “the whole point of discovering the God Code is that scientific evidence no longer supports Darwin’s theory of Evolution as the source of our origin.”
DNA digital data storage is the process of encoding and decoding binary data to and from synthesised strands of DNA. Our DNA has the ability to store data and information longterm and has a thousandfold denser storage capacity than any flash memory disk. Plus is consumes zero energy to maintain. Mankind has now learnt to write onto the DNA and then store it forever. Gregg Braden says; This opens the door to Whoever is responsible for our existence…. and if we are the product of some Intelligent invention, as the evidence suggests we are, then it makes perfect sense that that Being would have left a signature of some kind, telling future generations the exact nature of our origin, within a single cell of our DNA. Since we have 50 trillion cells in our body, we are reminded 50 trillion times of the message that is encoded into the first layer of the DNA in our bodies which literally reads “GOD ETERNAL WITHIN THE BODY”.
This makes perfect sense because after all, He is our creator God and we are His creation by intentional design!
According to a neuroscientist, Dr. Andrew Newberg, M.D. and a communications expert, Mark Robert Waldman, words can literally change our brain. In their book, ‘Words Can Change Your Brain’, they write: “a single word has the power to influence the expression of genes that regulate physical and emotional stress”. Something in the unseen realm has the ability to literally shift the fundamental code of our biology that expresses itself physically. That means our genes are subject to resonance and frequency.
What needs to be highlighted here is the fact that the creator God spoke “the Word” [Yeshua haMashiach] and it was so. Since we are made in His image, we too have the ability to do the same….. if we are spiritual entangled to the spoken “Word”, or adversely to the words of the Serpent. The Serpent’s words hold sway in the spiritual jurisdiction of the 1st and 2nd heaven. God, speaking “the Word” holds sway in the spiritual jurisdiction of the 3rd heaven…. the spiritual jurisdiction where God resides and administers justice in Person. It is this spiritual jurisdiction that communicates Intelligence into the first layer of our DNA, resonating with the frequency of GOD ETERNAL WITHIN THE BODY.
One spiritual kingdom is ordered…. the other is completely random.
Everything concerns Intelligence. We either download God-given Intelligence into our DNA which is a natural process - or we download Satanic/Luciferian Intelligence into our DNA which is either, counterfeit, synthetic or fake.
It is all about ownership - which spiritual kingdom rules our heart.
Given that we were created to communicate with, and relate to the creator God, our main goal in life should be to entangle ourselves emotionally, mentally and spiritually with Him and engage with the character of His voice and instructions. So why would 90% of Australia’s Christians indulge in changing their DNA in order to submit to occult Intelligence? And what about Christians who claim they are in-tune with the God of creation, however hardcore evidence proves otherwise. One is therefore forced to deduce that there is no difference between the average Christian belief system and the pagan community who make up this Beast system.
It has been left to a non-Christian to discover the key which is energetically imprinted on our DNA - “GOD ETERNAL WITHIN THE BODY” - so why would someone of the Christian faith turn their back on what God is so clearly communicating to us?
Before you lynch me for heresy allow me to suggest that it is Christians who have been conned into severing relations with their Creator. Christianity is a manmade conspiracy designed to counterfeit the True message of ‘the Way’.
Why else would we willingly inject ourselves with Satan’s toxic venom in the form of military grade bioweapons called PEGylated lipid nanoparticles (LNPs)? It is designed to change our DNA and destroy our immune system.
A January 24th 2023 press conference discussed the ongoing military deployment of bioweapons in the world. Katherine West, gave a law researcher’s summary of what has been going on behind the scenes. I think it is very accurate. This is the first video I have found that admits this plot has been going on for centuries, involving globalist merchant bankers who finance military programs. They have set this Fascist, Nazi system up to embrace legal impunity. It includes 1. the Bank of International Settlements from Basel, Switzerland which forces all sectors of the global community to comply to their scheme 2. the WHO which is a military arm of the NWO 3. the instigators of 9/11 and the Patriot Act created a permanent state of war - a global war on terror where every individual in the world became a presumptive combatant or enemy target. It began to enforce a global martial law act. 4. The use of bioweapons is a joint project between Department of Defence (DOD) {America], Central Banks, WHO, BIS and the UN.
Take note that the last four corporations are based in Switzerland. As is the World Council of Churches and the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation. The epicentre of the Beast system is CERN, Geneva, Switzerland. This is the epicentre of Satan/Lucifer’s spiritual Intelligence gateways to humanity.
The bottomline is - 9/11 began WW3 and the enemy target is either your mind, your heart or your body!
So why is the Christian “church” complicit with this global genocide? Why are they supporting death and not God’s eternal life? The fact that they are is hard evidence that generally, Christians do not know how to listen to the voice of God, because they have never really experienced His goodness and intimate Presence. They are too busy engaging in the Serpent’s words and satisfying their own selfish needs, instead of engaging in “the spoken Word” - Yeshua haMashiach - the only Saviour of humanity.
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