This weeks Substack is to advise you that I’ve just published a new eBook on Amazon called Beelzebub - Darwin’s Demons. Study this picture and notice that even according to the occult MOB, our DNA takes centre stage!
I know a lot are struggling with what I have been sharing thus far on Substack. I get it! It is like a knockout blow to what we thought we knew and believed in! It is revolutionary, revelational thought to the generally accepted narrative. This goes beyond manmade accepted knowledge, and into gained or acquired Godly Intelligence. In order to experience Yeshua HaMashiach firsthand it takes a revolution of our mind, soul, heart and body. Our old patterns of thoughts and beliefs according to this Beast system need to be radically revised - yes, even what we believe.
God told me that opposing the Corporate church and Beast system would be like taking on “Behemoth” (Job 40:15) which metaphorically means any extremely large or powerful entity which is a beast of chaos [a religious spirit]. Behemoth is traditionally paired with the other chaos-monster, Leviathan, and according to later Jewish tradition, both would become food for the righteous at the end-time. The “Christian church” has become the Goliath to those who truly trust in God - but, like Goliath, it will fall. Behemoth [or beast] is a powerful monster that will be used by God to bring firstly judgement and then divine justice upon the earth.
Truly, Leviathan is king over all the children of pride! Hint: one cannot move into the blessings of God as in Job 42 unless he/she eliminates the iniquity of pride in his/her heart as in Job 41! Essentially the Corporate “Christian church” teaches in the flesh that we can have the blessings of Job 42 without doing the work to “continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling”. Please note well. It is impossible :)
I’ve been studying the MOB’s “coverup”, we are now experiencing firsthand, for the last 40 years. It all began for me in 1983…. what a journey it has been! Thirty years ago in 1993, I had an experience with the glory of God that transformed my life. When we truly experience God’s Presence it is indelibly imprinted onto our soul, heart and mind. It never leaves us. It is embedded into the fibres of our being. Many years later I learnt that this energetic impression is an affect of how quantum mechanics works in our lives. God’s righteousness is the cause, His mark is the affect!
Quantum Field Theory (QFT) is how God’s creation operates at the level of nanoparticles. Just how small is a nanometer (nm)? Picture this - a nanometer is a billionth (10-9) of a meter. Or 1/100,000 the size of a millimetre. Therefore a single human hair is about 80,000 to 100,000 nm wide. The quantum field that God created consists of nanoparticles that manifest as matter. If and when we get inoculated, literally billions of controllable nanoparticles are being pumped into our body - those graphene oxide nanoparticles will be used to manipulate and control our minds.
Looking back, I can see that God’s hand was upon me since my conception in 1953. It turns out that 1953 was such an important year for the MOB. The discovery in 1953 of the double helix, the twisted-ladder structure of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), by James Watson and Francis Crick marked a milestone in the history of science and gave rise to modern molecular biology, which is largely concerned with understanding how genes control the chemical processes within cells to manufacture proteins. In 1953 CERN - the modern day Tower of Babel and spiritual stargate started gaining traction in Geneva, Switzerland. Also in 1953 at the Queen's coronation, the first official Welsh flag was created comprising a small red dragon. Believe it or not this is also very significant……
40 years and 40 days are very significant numbers in God’s kingdom. 40 in the bible generally symbolises a period of testing, trial and then, finally, triumph. That is why it is not surprise to me that the MOB has announced that “This year, 2023, is Year One of this new global order”. The Intelligence delivered to our DNA has been tempted, trailed and tested for 40 years. Now it is the time for our triumph!
For me, it took that long to finally break free of traditional thought, defeat the giants in the land of my own soul and then enter the Promised Land of God’s ‘shalom’- as it ought to be! Yeshua despised the Jewish Pharisees when He walked the earth and thus their reaction was to crucify Him. He also despises the Gentile Pharisees of today. The prideful, self-righteousness of the modern day Christian Pharisees is a stench to His nose.
We now have limited time to make ourselves ready for the Bride, Yeshua HaMashiach. We need to experience Him personally in order to be empowered to go through the Tribulation period. This eBook will help you do just that. It is a practical guide.
This eBook is not written for gain. Monetary gain, the gain of power, the gain of status all originate in the Beast system. Instead, this is written with self-sacrifice in an effort to save just one soul - hopefully many. Whether you get inoculate or not is a wilful choice. However you need to be informed that the toxins contained within it cause radiation poisoning of the blood, and you will experience some form of death if you do choose to be inoculated, “as a human right”.
I just want you to be empowered so you can make wise choices with clarity of mind.
This eBook is a self-sacrifice because its content is exposing the spiritual mafia MOB ruling the entire world. I know that my life is at risk - I could well be taken out by the MOB at any moment of time. That is a very common experience for many who oppose the MOB. Please do not waste any time before you experience your own empowerment of God - these eBooks will not be available for too much longer.
This is the short summary of my eBook, Beelzebub - Darwin’s Demons that is posted on Amazon……..
There is in existence an opposing energy that prevents us energetically “entangling” with, or simply connecting with our creator God. Some call this dark part of our soul “our shadow”, whilst Sigmund Freud called it our “unconscious” mind. In the movie “The Matrix”, whilst Agent Smith was hacking into Morpheus’ mind, he described it as “a state of mind where billions of people are just living out their lives. Oblivious....” The antidote to being ‘Oblivious’ is conscious awareness which comes only from God’s source of consciousness and wisdom. Sigmund Freud described the unconscious as the thoughts, feelings, and urges that are outside of awareness.
Some perceive themselves as a program which is full of “bad data”. Edward Bernays, Freud’s nephew, who was considered a pioneer in the field of public relations (PR) and propaganda used what Freud perceived was the greatest weakness in mankind to exploit it commercially. Society is now a byproduct of Bernays’ ability to shine the light on our fearfulness, lustfulness, self-centredness, self indulgence, desire for entertainment, expediency and egocentric convenience. The main focus for many has now become satisfying our own ego. This is the subtle energy of the Beast system.
This dark energy is driving all of society right now... our collective energy is in opposition to the creator God, thus God is in the process of withdrawing His conscious awareness from us, both individually and collectively.... in which case all hell will break loose on planet earth. How do we prepare our hearts for this calamity?
We are witnessing a global spiritual coup d’état. These people creating this spiritual Revolution are biological terrorists. This spiritual coup began gaining momentum with Thomas Henry Huxley (1825-1895) - who become known as "Darwin's Bulldog" - Charles Darwin spiritual occult handler - along side Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution.
Therefore, it all comes down to WHO we trust - the destructive force of Lucifer or the resurrectional power of our spiritual Saviour, Yeshua haMashiach - which narrative is energetically etched and imprinted into your heart? Do you have the seal of iniquity or the seal of righteousness inscribed on your forehead at the quantum particle level? Which energy are you resonating at and resonating with? These are core questions that need to be answered.
We are at war folks, whether you know it or not. The battle field is our minds. The Art of War is an ancient Chinese military treatise and is the work attributed to the ancient Chinese military strategist Sun Tzu. Sun Tzu was a Chinese general and philosopher in the 6th century BC. One of Sun Tzu’s best known strategies was: “if you know your enemies and know yourself, you will not be put in jeopardy in a hundred battles”. The truth is, we do not know our enemy, nor do we even know the epicentre of its extended operation. More importantly, we do not know ourselves. We have been set up to fail, not knowing our true identity.
The object of this eBook is to help you know your enemy. More importantly, it will help you to know yourself. You are setup to believe you are an object to be abused - a commodity to be traded. That is not how to fight a spiritual war. You are a created being of incredible worth and value. Discover that and the war is over!
This is a Revolutionary war…. knowing yourself takes a Revolution - a coup - an uprising from that which we know, feel and desire.
Oh… and yes we do have the capacity to overcome unconsciousness - the bible calls unconsciousness, iniquity of heart. This “bad data” lies at the core of each individual’s heart - no one escapes it - even self-righteous Christians. However, Yeshua has given us the means to eradicate these spiritual parasites and set us free spiritually - the spiritual realm always manifests in the realm of matter and our physical world…. even in your life!