
Meet The God You May Not Know Experientially

Leaving The Abyss Of Human Evil

There is infinite hope in Truth! However, be aware that every single person reading this is desperately seeking a messiah/Messiah. Make sure you choose the right One. These eBooks will help you discern that Truth.

These eBooks Contain The Foundation

We live in a metaphysical world that is manifesting insanity within a world of delusion. Naomi Wolfe, with her Jewish background is helping bring to the global forum the most important debate we can possibility have. Our energetic entanglement with the true creator God is our only hope. By the true creator God, I’m not referring to the spiritual gurus of the eastern religions, or the gods of Baal, or your own egotistical “god” within, or the “god” of Western, Greek based religions, or Muhammad within Islam. These are all manmade “gods” of insignificance compared to the living God.

There is not one single religion out there that can automatically erase the shame you carry unconsciously and subconsciously in your heart that is continually working against you.

The reason we do not know, or have ever experienced the creator God is because the Truth has been distorted to such an extent we have become brainwashed with absolute stupidity of mind. Our minds are scrambled with corrupted knowledge and disinformation. I trust this enclosed analogy will enlighten you as to how this subtle intrusion to our lives has played out…… and how you can transform that distortion into something magnificent and glorious…..

We human beings have been compromised…. physically, psychologically, emotionally and spiritually…..

Firstly, our own physical bodies’ health has been compromised. This essentially affects the blood and the interstitial fluids of the interstitium [the interstitium - literally means "space between” - it is a contiguous fluid-filled space existing between a structural barrier, such as a cell wall or the skin, and internal structures, such as organs, including muscles and the circulatory system. The fluid in this space is called interstitial fluid which comprises water and solutes, and drains into the lymph system]. According to Dr. Robert O. Young, this is the largest organ in the body and is susceptible to becoming acidic. Acidity is the origin of all disease!

Have you ever wondered why or how you and you loved ones get diseases? Here is a clear answer. It is all related to how we decipher the symptoms…… through the eyes of fear or gratitude!

I’m quoting directly from the third Chapter of Robert O. Young’s excellent book ‘The pH Miracle’ Balance Your Diet, Reclaim Your Health’. His views on detoxing the physical body is a great analogy to how our spiritual body functions. The Truth is - our spiritual body needs detoxing too.

“Unfortunately, Pasteur’s [Louis Pasteur, 1822 - 1895, was a French chemist and microbiologist who was one of the most important founders of Big Pharma medical microbiology. Pasteur's contributions to medieval chemical science, technology, and medicine are without precedent] confusion of disease with symptoms has come down through the generations as scientific law. To this day, conventional medicine operates under this central misconception, often identifying a pattern of symptoms and labelling them as a disease without any consideration of the underlying cause of the symptoms. And if the underlying cause isn’t considered, it cannot be addressed. Symptoms maybe masked with drugs, but that will not eradicate them. And it doesn’t deal with the accompanying deterioration of the rest of the body, or, of course, do anything about the acids underlying it all. 

The truth is, symptoms are just indications that you are overly acidic. Symptoms are caused by acidic food and lifestyle choices. The so called disease is a general, underlying condition of acidity. If germs are involved, they are themselves just symptoms of that acidic condition. Remember that germs come from our cells, and that germs invading from outside the body can only contribute to a state of imbalance and stimulate secondary symptoms. What most people call disease is really just a collection of these secondary symptoms. Germs are really just the expression of the underlying so-called disease condition (acidity and then evolutionary microform overgrowth). In the same way that a fired bullet does the damage, not the smoke from a fired gun, it is the acid that kills, not the associated germs. 

Over the last century or so, mainstream science has told the public that it has identified the precise cause or causes of some so-called disease. An example would be the relationship of smoking and lung cancer or obesity and heart problems. And yet, for many other serious so-called diseases, scientists admit they are still baffled and need to do more research - and need more of our money for that research. It is important that if you want to be responsible for your own body and the future of your own health, you must start from the premise that acid is the immediate cause of all symptoms that are bothering you. 

You may know the joke about the inebriated fellow looking for his keys under the streetlamp: He dropped his keys up the block, but he was looking in this spot because that is where the light was. It’s the same with medical research. They are doing almost no research were the problem is and where the solution lies…. at the intersection of nutrition and blood. Instead, they are looking at symptoms because that is where the research money from the medical machine and the pharmaceutical companies is focused. The pharmaceutical companies support research that brings them more labels, products and profits….. not research that’s actually going to find the keys. Actually finding the keys would put them out of business! 

So in this sense that I say, There is only one “disease”… And that one disease is acidosis. Thus, the thousand-plus names for so called diseases are simply a compendium of symptoms. These symptoms are the body’s creative and intelligent ways of keeping acid focused on some less vital area of the body …. and not the critically delicate balance of the blood. If all this acid were to get directly to the blood, you could be dead in days, or even hours.” 

Now I’m going to create an analogy from Robert O. Young’s transcript on the bodies’ health, and compare it with a direct correlation between his very meaningful words and what could be a precise précis from my own excellent eBooks which could be titled ‘The Miracle Balance Of Your Spirit, Mind, Heart and Soul, Eliminating Disease and Recuperating Your Health’. This addresses the topic that the health of our own minds, hearts and souls have also been compromised.

Before I begin, I just want to comment on Dr. Robert O. Young’s last paragraph were he says “the thousand-plus names for so called diseases……… and not the critically delicate balance of the blood.” The occult warfare strategy that Dr Young is highlighting here is called “diversion”. It is a mental, physiological, spiritual, heart string-pulling ploy that needs clarifying. It is used regularly by the spiritual mafia MOB, and it appears to woo individuals off to sleep!

The definition of this word “diversion” is SO important, I’m giving you two sources of definition….

  • The act or an instance of diverting or turning aside; deviation

  • Something that distracts the mind and relaxes or entertains

  • A maneouver that draws the attention of an opponent away from a planned point of action, especially as part of military strategy.

Here are some major points to consider 1. we have been at war spiritually since 9/11 - the target is our minds and hearts 2. diversion is a military strategy 3. what they do is distract our minds 4. this is a clear occult manoeuvre 5. the spiritual mafia MOB uses us as guinea pigs for their own entertainment 6. the word deviation or “error” is just one of the many definitions of the word iniquity [Lack of equity; gross injustice; unrighteousness; wickedness. NOTE: iniquity is NOT sin. Iniquity is the root, sin is the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Iniquity and sin are two sides of the same coin. Just like Lucifer and Satan are two sides of the same coin]. One has to believe the message in their mind before physically eating the fruit. In the spirit realm, the first is a ‘being’ dynamic, the other is a ‘doing’ dynamic. The subtle voice of Lucifer is the most subtle and deceptive of all.

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“Diversion” is an example of divination - clairvoyance, sleight of hand or trickery. How does the military strategy of “diversion” play out? Let me just give you a few relevant examples - 

  1. America is probably the best example of a “diversion” that is playing out in this present era. Ever since Sir Francis Beacon [the author of ‘New Atlantis - Gateway To A New World’] envisioned the New Atlantis, their NWO has been the ultimate gaol. Americans are being used and abused - and I think they will be very angry when they discover the truth. Americans have been targeted since Christopher Columbus discovering the Americas in 1492. The spiritual mafia MOB in Geneva is the epicentre of all occult activity, however they “divert” the attention away from themselves and their own Satanic, occult activities at CERN, Switzerland. Don’t be fooled, the Black Nobody were well advanced in their NWO plans in 1492. The global elite MOB is mocking you America and laughing like the Joker!

  2. All manmade religions are a “diversion” away from our Messiah and spiritual Saviour Yeshua haMashiach. Yes, that includes Judahism which walked away from the Truth after King David ruled and also the Greek based, Gnostic Gentile religions which have been labelled Roman Catholicism and then Protestantism which has held sway in the Western countries since the C16th. They are all Gnostic religions created by the spiritual mafia MOB.

  3. The disappearance of MH370, where a perfectly operational B777, in 2014 was one of the classic “diversions” of human attention away from the truth re its mystical disappearance. This was a classic spiritual mafia MOB/ Rothschild operation that entailed a narrative that created a meaningless search in the Indian Ocean that took everyones attention away from the truth. All because the masses believed the MOB’s fairytale claiming a false narrative about satellite Intelligence - how fickle we can be!

  4. 9/11 was also a classic “diversion” - but that maybe too painful to discuss here - how fickle we can be! All subsequent malevolence came forth in the name of “security” and mass mind control!

  5. In recent times, the supposed release of the virus SARS-CoV-2 (and its mutations) is also a classic “diversion” to keep the sheeple engulfed in fear whilst the spiritual mafia MOB had National armies erect 5G and 6G towers all over the world in preparation for the Global Reset and NWO which is still yet to come. There was no such disease released in Wuhan, China. It was the EMF signals from the planned 5G network coverage for the 7th Military World Games which killed the Chinese in Wuhan, and that global fear caused the masses to inoculate against an invisible enemy that never was. Did you get that? It was a Military Bioweapon released at the Military World Games - in China.

  6. The internet and all computers are based on geomancy and witchcraft. Read all underneath the heading ‘Geomancy and Mathematics’ and you will discover the alchemic science behind Quantum Computers. They gave us the internet and computers as a “diversion” away from their ultimate ‘Final Solution’ of mind control using quantum entanglement. Incidentally, the occult icon John Dee was instrumental in establishing Britain’s first Intelligence service, the forerunner of MI5 and MI6. Dee's angelic communications brought into focus the parallel roles of magic, science and religion. D-Wave, the original inventor of Quantum Computers honoured John Dee in their companies’ name D-Wave - aka Dee-Wave!

  7. Given this briefing on “diversion”, now focus on the precise précis from my own excellent eBooks which could be titled ‘The Miracle Balance Of Your Spirit, Mind, Heart and Soul, Eliminating Disease and Recuperating Your Health’.

Here we go……

“Unfortunately, John Dee and Sir Francis Beacon’s [the author of ‘New Atlantis - Gateway To A New World’] confusion of sin with symptoms has come down through the generations as alchemic scientific folk-law. To this day, conventional religion operates under this central misconception, often identifying a pattern of symptoms and labelling them as ‘sin’ without any consideration of the underlying cause of the symptoms. And if the underlying cause isn’t considered, it cannot be addressed. Symptoms maybe masked with a medium or sharman’s remedies, but that will not eradicate them. And it doesn’t deal with the accompanying deterioration of the rest of the soul, or, of course, do anything about the iniquity of heart underlying it all. 

The truth is, symptoms are just indications that you are overly corrupt of heart. Symptoms are caused by lifestyle choices that feed our ego - and corrupt our soul. The so called sins are a general, underlying condition of iniquity of heart. If demonic entities are involved, they are themselves just symptoms of that iniquity of heart condition [corruption] that happens to be the soil in which sin can grow and thrive. 

Remember that demonic entities come from our Beastly, worldly environment [the spiritually polluted quantum field] thus impacting our bodies’ cells, and those demonic entities can only contribute to a state of imbalance and stimulate secondary symptoms. What most people call sin is really just a collection of these secondary symptoms. Demonic entities are really just the expression of the underlying so-called sin condition. In the same way that a fired bullet does the damage, not the smoke from a fired gun, it is the demonic entities acting as parasites in our bodies that kills and destroys, not the associated sin. 

A lot of disease is caused by spiritual parasites [demonic entities] that create increased acidity in our blood and within the interstitial fluids of the interstitium. Fear and anxiety are such typical examples of acidic influences.

Over the last century or so, mainstream alchemic science has told the public that it has identified the precise cause or causes of some so-called disease. An example would be the relationship of smoking and lung cancer or obesity and heart problems. And yet, for many other serious so-called diseases, church mediums admit they are still baffled and need to do more research - and need more of our money and church tithes for that research. It is important that if you want to be responsible for your own spiritual body and the future of your own health, you must start from the premise that iniquity of heart [corruption of one’s heart] is the immediate cause of all symptoms that are bothering you.

You may know the joke about the inebriated fellow looking for his keys under the streetlamp: He dropped his keys up the block, but he was looking in this spot because that is where the light was [this is a great analogy of how Luciferianism works]. It’s the same with medical research. They are doing almost no research were the problem is and where the solution lies [in our spirits, minds and hearts]…. and that spiritual environment is at the intersection of nutrition and blood. Instead, they are looking at symptoms because that is where the research money from the church/synagogue /temple/mosque and the pharmaceutical companies is focused. These religious organisations supports research that brings them more souls, labels, products and profits….. not research that’s actually going to find the keys to their assembly/congregation’s salvation. Actually finding the keys would put them out of business! 

Yes, all religions are about usury and doing business at your expense!

So in this sense that I say, There is only one spiritual “disease”… And that one disease is iniquity or corruption of heart. Thus, the thousand play names for so called sin that creates dis-ease are simply a compendium of symptoms. These symptoms are the soul’s creative and intelligent ways of keeping iniquity focused on some less vital area of the body …. and not the critically delicate balance of the blood. If all these spiritual parasites were to get directly to the blood, you could be dead in days, or even hours.

Iniquity or corruption of heart is the origin of all sin and more importantly, our separation from God’s spiritual energy!


Clean up the garbage in your heart and the spiritual flies will automatically disappear! Spiritual parasites hid inside of our energy chakras. I know this firsthand because I’ve functioned as a Kinesiologist using this knowledge. Christians think they don’t have spiritual parasites - which is one of the greatest deceptions of all time. The majority of Christians do not possess the spiritual authority of Yeshua to cast any spiritual parasites out of one’s soul.

One can get ride of these spiritual parasites as quickly as Robert O. Young corrects one’s pH level. There is no difference all, however it takes is spiritual understanding. If our spiritual pH is balanced, there will be no contamination in our spirit, soul, mind or heart. However…. there is only one “Way” we can transform our own heart. And that is to seek the awareness and revelation of our spiritual Saviour, Yeshua haMashiach.

It is that simple!

Honestly - Sigmund Freud couldn’t do it - he ended up committing suicide trying - neither can you or your spiritual guru. An ayahuasca experience may enable you to “see” within the darkness of your own soul - however it all comes back to the purity of your blood. Only Yeshua haMashiach’s pure, divine blood can cleanse our hearts of iniquity and corruption.

Are you tired of the corruption in the world? Then the only thing you can do affectively is to allow God to transform your own heart.

Do you want to see justice and righteousness affectively rule this world?

Then it all starts with you. Sorry, but the Truth is painful! You are a part of the collective that is creating the collectively corrupted energy that empowers the spiritual mafia MOB. Yes, I know…. we ALL look at the corruption in everyone else’s heart and judge them…. but we fail to see the corruption or iniquity in our own hearts. Oops!

That has to change, otherwise corruption in this world will fully manifest itself right before our eyes. Iniquity is reaching the fully ripe stage of maturity and is about to fall to the ground with a thud…… that will be the end of time as we know it!

Did I warn you that this is painful process - but very, very rewarding? If you desire to transform from a caterpillar into a beautiful butterfly, it requires transformational effort…. not human effort, but spiritual understanding and wisdom from God.

How do you know you have the right "creator God” and you are not worshipping “the artificial gods” most refer to? Answer… “the gods” cannot transform your heart attitude into a state of purity, righteousness and holiness. It is an impossible feat! Thus corruption and injustice will continue to manifest in your life…. especially when under the pump. Does this sound familar? It should, because that is what these spiritual parasite are called - familar spirits - because they know you better than your own conscious self awareness!! Soon these familar spirits will be robotic AIs.

These eBooks Are Foundational

“And if My people who are called by My name humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways [wickedness = iniquity], then I will hear from heaven, forgive their sin, and heal their land.” 2 Chron 7:14 BSB

Thanks for publicly leading the way Naomi Wolfe!

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