Lust can be as subtle as an unconscious carnal desire for pleasure and entertainment. It is a distraction! It is not only sexual, it is mainly emotional and always begins with a thought in our mind - a thought that deep down we know is not edifying for us, but we do it anyway.
Lust is Lucifer’s energetic appeal to our unregenerate ego. Lucifer’s appeal to our ego is the root cause of our disentanglement from our spiritual Father, and lust is the main affect of that rejection. Lust didn’t originate with Eve. Lust originated when Adam began to doubt God and he lusted after a fake empowerment initiated by Lucifer where he began to believe he could be a god in his own right, independent of the One who gave him the abundant energy of life. Adam’s decision embodied Lucifer’s appeal to the energy of destruction and death, as mankind swallowed the red pill.
Before this decision to reject his Maker, there was no death, there was no destruction, there was no division and there was no degeneration of mind, heart, soul, spirit, or body….. and there was no such thing as time. Eternity prevailed. God lives outside of, and above, this dimension of time.
Nothing has changed for 6,000 years. The gods of this world, who encourage us to try to play “God”, are all trapped inside of this realm of time on earth. Men needs to stop blaming women for their lustful thoughts and women need to stop blaming Lucifer for their vanity. And both male and female need to stop hiding from God’s spiritual Presence, because that is exactly what is culminating and manifesting right now before our eyes.
God’s spiritual Presence is the antidote to all of our problems and shortcomings that have been seeded in our minds by Lucifer and culminated by Satan. This is the means by which sin is manifested in our lives. Lucifer acts as the carrot to entice mankind to corrupt him/herself and Satan acts as the Stick to destroy mankind.
In the picture above, Khloe Kardashian and a serpent bite an apple conjointly. This is a very clear depiction of what is going on in the unseen, spiritual and energetic realm. The spiritual mafia MOB know exactly what they are doing. There is a collaboration going on between the serpent [Satan], mankind and the apple. The apple is merely another Hellenised icon - like the Greek icon “Jesus Christ”. There was no real apple involved in the Garden! Just as there is no real apple involved in the deception today. Have you ever considered what the apple represents?
This representation of the apple designed in 6 colours [not seven as in a natural rainbow] is a good example. 6 is the number of man because he is a fallen entity. The number 6 represents iniquity in our hearts. The bite represents mankind engaging with the temptation of Lucifer’s deceitful ways. When we do, our moral compass is decalibrated and we live a life in ‘error’ as to how it is meant to be. Injustice then rules over justice. It is like a demarcation line that we all know deep down we shouldn’t cross [because our God-consciousness tells us we shouldn’t enter it!], but we do anyhow. The desire of our ego [or the iniquity, or corruption in our heart], wins the battle of our fleshly desires that crave to be pampered so that entity defined as “Self” and pleasure thrives. This is what the bible calls “the flesh” - it is our weakness, or spiritual ‘error’ that we cannot possibly correct outside of a quantum connected relationship with our Creator.
This picture above is clear reference of Lucifer offering the proverbial apple to Eve in the Garden of Eden. Our “Self” or ego [that which is disentangled to God’s Spirit] delights in feeling alien-ated from God. The word alien comes from Latin alienus "of or belonging to another, not one's own”. It is the part of us that “belongs to another”. Literally. In this pic above, Khloe bites the apple with great enthusiasm, implying that she (and her coven of witches) enjoy worshipping Lucifer. Lucifer is their Lord. This pic explains why the apple seen above is all a nod of submission to the occult elite MOB and its occult, Luciferian beliefs. It is all about ownership.
But don’t miss the Serpent collaborating with Lucifer and our self-centred ‘flesh”. It is this cooperation [or corporation] that is poisoning mankind. Everything that is bringing death to mankind is the delivery of some form of poison, or toxin, to our mind, heart, soul, spirit and body.
The Garden of Eden was/is all about ”Doing what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law” (Aleister Crowley’s Law of Thelema) and the freedom of sexual pleasure. That is the subliminal conditioning represented in this picture. This is the deceptive lie Adam began to believe and then encouraged his partner, Eve, to beli-eve. They came to believe that a relationship with God wasn’t enough and that they could be independent “gods” in their own right. This belief system is at the root of our corrupted hearts and all of our our human problems and shortcomings.
How does this play out today? What we are now seeing is the culmination of this ‘error’ in judgement, this distortion, this warped, twisted, contortion and disfigurement of our God-given image. All of this leads us to experience doubt, injustice, fear, intolerance and corruption of heart. This becomes the dark, rich soil in which we experience life - or more accurately, the energy of death we experience whilst struggling to live our lives.
Separation [or quantum disentanglement] from God spiritually = the energetic Force of destruction and death to our minds, hearts, souls and spirits. It is energetic in nature - and it literally changes our nature.
Here is how subtle this energy is. Lucifer is the Lord of the “white hats” - the “do gooders” who think they can save humanity from this dilemma we find ourselves in. Donald Trump and Mr. X [Elon Musk] are good examples of “white hats”. Any human who has not experienced and received God’s redemptive package - that eliminates corruption or iniquity in their heart - is a “white hat”.
Connecting with God is not about “doing good”, instead it enables an individual to “be good”, or pure in heart to a greater degree - it is solely a heart issue that needs rectification. We were created to be human beings, but Lucifer transforms us into artificial human doings. We then perceive that we have to earn our redemption and salvation - because let’s face it - we all know deep down that there is something awry, or flawed, in our being.
In essence, Lucifer appears as the “angel of light”, being perceived as playful and even appearing as “loving”, as he woos humans to participate in his temptation and subtle deceit. Lucifer represents the “good” aspect of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. Lucifer’s message to mankind is that we can overcome our weaknesses by abiding by his unlimited laws. Satan represents the “evil” aspect of the same spiritual tree of Knowledge. Immoral sexual activity is the #1 lure used by Lucifer to tempt mankind into turning their backs on, and sinning against, God.
This is how Lucifer and Satan collude to destroy humanity. Or more succinctly, they collude with humanity to destroy themselves. This spirit of death is a Trifecta!
Even Kabbalists believe that the Garden of Eden is a play ground of pleasure where mankind is able to explore their sexuality with great freedom. Our “flesh” is tempted to engage Lucifer’s spirit, which is that part of us that is disentangled from God-consciousness, and therefore creates a void and a sense of emptiness that developes a need or desire to feel fulfilled. That void is what “Self” gratification, pleasure and entertainment are designed to fill.
The Luciferian Snake is full of poison and toxins, many of them associated with the unseen realm. This is what I call spiritual parasites. These microscopic bludgers suck the life out of us like leeches and bring the energy of death to our entire being.
A man is created to be a warrior and protector, but pride and ego distorts his God-image and drives him towards power, lust, money and the desire to control and manipulate women - and be competitive with other men. A woman is created to be a receptor of love and affection, but pride and ego distorts her God-image and drives her towards the desire to experience pleasure through manipulating how she looks and that engenders vanity and conceit. For a woman, her image and how she is seen to be is paramount.
For woman it is all about feeling appealing and seductive. At present, Taylor Swift’s unprecedented media frenzy leading up to the Super Bowl on Sunday 11th Feb., provides a classic example of Lucifer providing her with the supernatural, psychic ability to appeal to the masses and each one’s individual egos.
Men and women both hate God because they find it impossible to restore their image to how they were created, outside of attempting to physically take a knife and have their image surgically transformed.
All humanity wants and desires is to be restored to how they were before the fall of mankind from God’s grace. However, according to mankind, it must be done man’s way, in a false matrix of apparent pleasure - not God’s “Way”. It is all about the restoration of our image - our way - using an unredeemed energy of utter rebellion against God.
God demands that we die to “Self” and yet instead we bask in our desire to pamper “Self” through pleasure and self-gratification. The American Super Bowl is a grand example of this manifestation.
Illusions, by their very nature have a precarious existence in that they can only be maintained by constant deception, which requires an enormous amount of effort, resources, trickery, distractions and collaborators to keep it going.
Note that! - trying to live whilst disentangled to God takes a lot of effort, uncertainty, doubt and confusion to maintain sanity and the energy pertaining to Life. Whilst entangling ourselves to the creator God is easy and light. There is no work or struggle required, because there is no work to be done. All it takes is a change of perception in the way we perceive God and become consciously aware of His presence next to us. If you will, our true Self is a pure clone of Yeshua. He is instantly present by our side if we so desire to quantum entangle with His Holy Spirit. God is not a magician, nor is His spiritual kingdom an illusion. God’s Presence is His quantum Reality.
The magician is only as good as his capacity to make you believe in the illusion. The minute you see the technique behind the trick, the power of the illusion collapses instantly [another quantum physics reality].
The same thing is true with the fake matrix that has been ‘over imposed’ on our reality. Once you see how the MOB has manipulated, lied and deceived you through re-written history, religious dogmas, indoctrination, drug dependancy, mindless entertainment and the constant feeding of fear to make you feel powerless, weak and vulnerable, it loses its grip on you; the illusion falls apart. The veil of deceit can no longer hide the truth, for now you can perceive the trickery.
The Khloe Kardashian picture above is representative of Lucifer’s Garden of Eden which is a play ground of pleasure and self-gratification described as ‘the world’, ‘the flesh’ and ‘the Devil’. EVIL is a 180°inversion of LIVE. Embracing Yeshua’s resurrection life is the key to living a fulfilled life on this planet. It is the only thing that will free us of the MOB’s collaboration with Lucifer’s spirit of death.
Moral relativism is the new religion….. Moral relativism is the idea that moral standards are culturally-defined by the spiritual mafia MOB and that there is no universal or absolute set of moral principles.
In this video, Laura Aboli articulates Lucifer’s final goal to eradicate humanity as we know it.
“Vaccinations” to fight a so called “virus” is one of those magical illusions. It is played out in the unseen realm by the spiritual mafia MOB to generate fear and anxiety amongst the masses. It is now official….. Bill Gates announced at the recent 2024 WEF meeting in Davos, that needles are out - and the Vaccine-containing MicroArray Patch (VMAP) is in - the VMAP will be used to fight the coming Disease X plandemic. This is no longer speculation - this is a present tense, in the moment reality. Click on the photo below….and watch the video of Gates.
The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has given $23.6 million to U.S.-based life science company Micron Biomedical to fund the first-ever mass production of needle-free vaccine technology. The technology works by delivering the vaccine via dissolvable microneedles attached to the skin on a patch-like device. Global health experts have long argued for the potential of this technology to make “vaccination” more convenient, pleasurable and painless. These vaccine patches will be mailed directly to peoples’ homes to self-apply. It will be beneficial for those with a fear of injections. It reduces the need for a cold chain for distribution and does not require a trained professional to give the vaccine. Doctors, who have acted as puppets to Big Pharma will be circumnavigated in the future - and will themselves become Targeted Individuals (TIs).
Doctors, CEOs and politicians who have aligned themselves with this Beast system will soon discover that they too are dispensable and injustice will prevail for them too.
This is God’s judgement on unredeemed man. And this just God always warns us before He judges - and that is what he is doing right now. The unjust spiritual mafia MOB are forced by God to reveal openly everything that is going on - and so they have. Everything has come out in the open over this last 3 years so not one person has an excuse not to repent before the creator God. Everything I’m revealing to you is open source information.
Nanoparticles (NPs), Quantum Dots and Hydrogel makes up the infrastructure for this inconspicuous, and painless Vaccine-containing MicroArray Patch (VMAP) that will 1.when the Patch is applied onto the skin, the microneedles quickly dissolve and deliver the medication just under the skin. 2. part of the MNA system delivers Quantum Dots (QDs), or "artificial atoms", which are embedded with Lucerifase, the luminous material that will be detectable with near-infrared light 3. the released Quantum Dots also deliver messenger RNA (mRNA) into the bloodstream 4. it releases a hydrogel that, when combined with the magnetic nanoparticles (NPs) they act like minute robots that are be able to enter the cell’s nucleus, changing the DNA permanently 5. the hydrogel, combined with the QD’s, functions as a biosensor that will monitor, receive and transfer information 6. this biosensor system will automatically connect individuals to the blockchain, in the technological hive mind 7. it provides proof of vaccination or global ID 8. this is the interface for AI and the IoT’s that will connect us to the Quantum Computer global network (SWS) 9. it will be the only form of global identification; patented by ID2020 10. the mRNA, once established in our cell’s nucleus, will trigger a replication process that produces a new, artificial DNA sequence (Spike protein), that rewrites the original host DNA code, thus changing the human genome 11. the MNA patch will change the original God-given DNA of an individual, marking their allegiance to the Beast system 12. it will transform our spirits to align them to the spirit of Lucifer 13. they will become a computer program aligned with the Sentient World System (SWS), making their lives become like hell on earth.
There is now no doubt that this Vaccine MicroArray Patch is the culmination of the Mark of the Beast as described in Rev.13:18. The CV-19 injections are best described as Trojan Horses - they got inside the enemies’ castle and started the process of total control of our bodies. Everyone who is not redeemed by God has the Mark of the Beast (666) quantum imprinted on their forehead - it is the mark of iniquity or unrighteousness. If we have been redeemed by God, we have have a Mark of His righteousness imprinted on our forehead. It is either one - or the other.
Many people fear the coming Mark of the Beast when in reality iniquity is already written on their energetic heart. That is what creates their fear. The Beast system is totally fear based - fear describes its character and its essence.
This MNA patch is the interface for humanities connection to the quantum computer global network. We should really take notice of the meaning of names. For instance Anthony Fauci - Fauci is a Sicilian word for people who used “sickles”. We know that Bill Gates comes from a bloodline of those who believe in and practise eugenics. Gates is a puppet guardian of the Gates of Hell. The co-Founder of Micron Biomedical, the creators of the Vaccine-containing MicroArray Patch (VMAP) - often perceived as the Final Solution, is Mark Pransnitz. The Final Solution is generally believed to be the Mark of the Beast. Mark Pransnitz - do you get it? I’m starting to think that the manifestation of this dualistic energy is not a coincidence.
One of the most brilliant minds on the topic of Quantum Computers and the MicroArray Patch is Anthony Patch. Anthony ‘Patch’ - once again, excuse the pun.
Regarding the pledge of allegiance we will be making with Lucifer if we consent to using this Patch, Anthony Patch said back in 2021: “Due to the introduction of the man-made SARS-CoV-2 virus, we are seeing how the human body is set to become one-with-technology. The “Final Solution” to the current pandemic is the administration of a transdermal drug delivery system distributed by way of micro needle array patches (MNA’s), introducing mRNA into the human body that rewrites the DNA code changing the human genome. In addition, it will introduce nanoparticles functioning as biosensors that permanently alter the host DNA. It will leave embedded Quantum Dots (artificial atoms) and a bioluminescent material called Luciferase as proof of inoculation. This biomarker/tattoo will emit a near infrared energy signal detectable by IR-equipped filter applications. This is the “abomination which causes desolation” spoken of in the Bible. The temple of God/the human body is poised to sacrifice itself on the alter of technology thus wilfully giving up God’s inspired and unique design in favour of social convenience and synthetic advancements in modern science, the new religion. Satan's final solution for humanity is eternal damnation of their souls. Humans taking the mark of the beast will be quantum entangled with the mind of the antichrist indwelt with the spirit of Satan”.
We will soon see how this mark of iniquity is in essence the quantum entanglement of our modified DNA with a universal quantum computer, using the quantum entanglement of “electrons” for communication and absolute control of our minds.
The Jewish holocaust was called “the Final Solution” by Hitler himself. In the holocaust, “the Final Solution” was a Zionist movement whose purpose it was to establish the State of Israel. The “final solution” that we are now facing is a denigration of the intrinsic value assigned to human beings, showing absolute adversity to both God and all of his creation. That is why it targets biology and mankind’s most valued blueprint, our blood and DNA. DNA is the information molecule. Our unique traits and qualities, including our special purpose in life is transmitted to us through our DNA via the quantum field. That is why bioengineering has become a major weapon against humanity.
These unseen demonic entities are farming the creativity in our souls for their own destructive purposes - and we are not consciously aware of it because this corruption in our hearts blinds us and has been made to appear “normal” and acceptable.
This is enough to digest - it is difficult to believe because of the MOB’s brain washing we have experienced since conception. Man’s “Final Solution” totally opposes God’s creative Mind - therefore it opposes Truth.
Great write-up thanks they have been at this a while:
Absolutely! Thanks you for expressing your view. You are very discerning. I'll use this video in a future Substack and dedicate it to you. The key to this video is Springer's declaration - "I am the father of the destruction of Western civilisation". There is nothing surer - that is about to happen.