Lucifer: "Come I'll Turn You Into A Beautiful Butterfly".... sucker!
2020-2024 MK Ultra Goes Global
Mind control - that is what everything to do with the spiritual mafia MOB, the WEF, the WHO, the UN and the NWO is all about. It is about the global subjugation of the masses for their spiritual lord Lucifer.
”Where is my mind?” That is the main question in all mind control and brainwashing! In "trauma based mind control", it is normally a male abuser using trauma on his victims from a young age to manipulate their mind so he can control the individual at will. All mind control is based on weakening the Targeted Individual (TI) psychologically in order that the TI complies with their every command. Each fractured, almost completely autonomous part of a person with Dissociative Identity Disorder is known as an alter [this comes from the process of fracturing and creating an alternate mind].
Notice from the MK Ultra/ Monarch video above that the mind controllers - also known as handlers, social engineers or human farmers often target highly sexualised, good looking models and actresses from families with a history of multi-generational child abuse. They are easier to mind control. That is because they already have a degree of unconsciousness and are therefore susceptible to hypnotic mind control training required to create and access alternate personalities. That can be a sex alter in which case the handler can access their sexual alter whenever he so desires, and the woman [or man] TI cannot refuse it - they unconsciously comply as they no longer have conscious awareness. They have no control over it because their free will is isolated in another part of their being - a part where God-consciousness naturally resides.
The degree of this in society today is the reason our children are being openly sexualised, so these pedophiles can access their bodies whenever they so desire.
Do you grasp what I’m saying? This condition of the dark side of humanity has reached a diabolical, unGodly, immoral pinnacle which is totally destructive for humanity. That is also why people felt they had to get themselves “vaccinated” - because they were/are in a state of mind where they were/are brainwashed into believing a lie, because their minds had already been Altered through subtle, subliminal mind control. Now that Stage 1 of the “vaccination” trauma is complete, that trauma has been replaced once again with psychological fantasy candy - satisfying our all-consuming ‘Self’ [ego] by luring individuals into self indulgence and consumerism to satisfy their own “selfish needs”.
Now the masses have stopped talking about CV-19 to avoid experiencing the emotional trauma of the past, not knowing that this is merely the process used in the "engineering of consent” of people’s minds. These Jesuit methods of compartmentalisation of the brain is how human mind control works. And they do it very successfully.
Stage 2 will not be a needle - the next Stage of the play will move to a more convenient method of administering their poison into the body - it will be a MNA Patch. This is a small Patch that will be delivered in the mail and administered onto the skin by the people themselves. There will be no pain associated with this, therefore it will not be seen as traumatic. However, the consequences will be lethal. This will be the FINAL SOLUTION the occult, Vril worshipping Hitler foretold. If we surrender, we will not escape their digital prison. The snake and the dragon will appear to have victory in their attempt to destroy mankind. Then God will step in and slay these evil entities.
GREG REESE wrote a very pertinent Substack on 2 JAN 2024
Trauma Based Mind Control
Human Herding 101
Enclosed is quoted the transcript of this video with my emphasis and added comments:
“In Trauma Based Mind Control, trauma is used to hack into the mind and body’s defense systems in order to train a person’s behavior. This is accomplished in three steps:
In step one, the victim’s identity is destroyed. This is achieved by depriving the victim of their basic needs and inflicting pain upon them until they become exhausted, confused, and disoriented. In this state, they no longer trust themselves and become receptive to guidance from an outside ‘authority.’
[Our identity and self worth are naturally in God because we are created in His image. In order to even become susceptible to mind control, one has to have already been programmed with a corrupted heart and mind in order that our God-given identity and sense of worth has been destroyed.]
Step two, through a strict system of rewards and punishments the victim is imprinted with a new identity. The new identity is trained to self-isolate by having it denounce everything associated with the previous identity.
[Imprinted is a quantum physics word describing how spiritual energy, quanta or nanoparticles are imprinted onto our hearts. When our heart, soul and minds are imprinted energetically we will never forget that experience. 9/11 is a good example of how fear is imprinted onto our hearts, whereas experiencing and entangling ourselves with the creator God is how unconditional love associated with His Presence and goodness is imprinted energetically onto our hearts - likewise, we will never forget that experience.]
And finally with step three, through the continued use of trauma, the rebuilding of the victim’s new self is crafted and maintained however the mind controller chooses.
For this to work, the subject must remain oblivious to the fact that they are being ‘trained.’ This is accomplished by keeping them in a helpless victim state of mind with the use of trauma.
The entire method requires regular ritualistic abuse to keep the target in the victim state. Declassified documents show how drugs and sensory overload are used to inflict trauma upon the public, but high-level slaves are often procured from families with an established history of child abuse.
Inter-generational, or multi-generational trauma abuse is when a person abuses their child, and that child grows up to abuse their child, and that person grows up to abuse their child, and so on. This increases a person’s susceptibility to Trauma Based Mind Control.
Experiments with mice have shown that the offspring of a traumatized pregnant mother are born depressed and exhibit problems socializing with others. A nurturing upbringing by a healthy surrogate mother did not reverse the abnormal behaviors, indicating an in-utero transformation of the brain. And bioinformatic analyses revealed long-lasting alterations in the DNA. This is why the CIA is known for targeting children from families of multi-generational child abuse. They are easier to mind control. This is why world leaders are all from the same bloodlines.
[That is exactly what the mRNA “vaccines” are doing - they are transforming our DNA from the receivers of God’s Intelligence to being receivers of Lucifer’s Intelligence. Life is being replaced by death within our bodies. An Altered mind transforms our DNA, however the “vaccines” bypass this process and alter our DNA directly.]
This brutal technique has been used and understood for centuries. And if a group of people vying for power wanted a loyal army of soldiers, the easiest way would be by breeding them. And the evidence shows that this is how our society was created.
From the middle of the nineteenth century and well into the next, hundreds of thousands of orphans were distributed and sold in the United States. And millions worldwide. They were advertised, delivered by train, and sold at fairs. In America, these orphans were being managed and distributed by a private organization from Britain known as the Oddfellows. Many of whom were orphans themselves.
The Ancient Order of Oddfellows is an international fraternity whose members, such as Albert Pike and several US Presidents during the Orphan Train years, were often members of Freemasonic lodges as well. With their first official lodge in the United States established in 1819, the Oddfellows are officially committed to educating orphans, but they seem to have been procuring them and breeding them as well.
The Oddfellow’s first female chapter, The Daughters of Rebekah, was founded right before the orphan trains began and a depiction of their work shows hints of mass breeding and surrogate motherhood. They worked closely with the Oddfellows at large institutions known as Orphan Asylums and Foundling Asylums where many members themselves were born.
The Rothschild banking dynasty provided funding for several of these orphan asylums. According to Phillip Eugene de Rothschild, the family has privately bred over a hundred thousand offspring, including Adolf Hitler.
This is why pedophilia is so prevalent among the families of world leaders. While it is used for extortion, its primary function is for Trauma Based Mind Control. Because to the mind controller, trauma equals transformation. And there is nothing more traumatizing to a person than pedophilia.
If you had a million Mind Control Slaves placed in positions of power, then you could control entire nations. But only if the masses were also kept in a relative state of trauma.”
Cathy O’Brien told us back in the mid 1990’s how the compartmentalisation of traumatic memory abuse in the brain operates. She also foretold of how a criminal element was planning to use mind control to establish a NWO. Project MK Ultra was crested in 1953, the same year as DNA was supposedly founded, the final draft of the CERN Convention was agreed upon and signed in June 1953 and the first official Welsh flag, containing a small red dragon was created for the Queen's coronation in 1953. The coat of arms of the Prince of Wales, Prince Charles with the same red dragon was designed specifically for his reign.
Prince William was appointed a Knight of the Garter in 2008. This is very pertinent to the whole fiasco. You may not see the connection between a red dragon, a snake and mind control, but I can assure you these events are all connected.
The aim of Project MK Ultra was outlined in a Memo published in 1952 which asks “Can we get control of an individual to the point he will do our bidding against his will and even such fundamental laws of nature such as self-preservation?”
If you want to learn about this dark underworld of mind control consider reading Fiona Barnett’s book Eyes Wide Open. This will truly open your eyes. Or read any of Fritz Springmeier’s books written back in the 1990’s.
So you may ask what authority do I have in writing about this subject? That is a good question. I personally experienced physical and religious subtle mind control as a child and in my youth. Subsequently had to learn how to set my own mind free of all unconscious, iniquitous, crooked and corrupted energy. I was the youngest child born into a poor family of nine children. The first year my father made any money after clearing his property was 1953 - the year I was born. My mother was tired after having laboured with nine children and my father was feeling the affects of having very little money to survive on. The second WW had a traumatic affect on everyone worldwide. Fear was imprinted onto everyones’ hearts.
All of these aspects produced trauma in my parent’s lives. As Greg Reece suggested, our family was a victim of multi-generational trauma abuse. Traumatic Information was resident in their blood and in their DNA. My Grandfather on my father’s side was a Freemason of Scottish descent. My father hated this belief system so much he tried to move away from this deeply occult religion by embracing the Christian faith. In hindsight, this was merely jumping from one blatant frying pan of deception into a more subtle frying pan deception - both religious narratives are tainted by the Jesuit mind control doctrines inscribed into their narrative many years ago.
My parents did the best they could given what conscious Information they were given at that time immediately after the dark years of WW2.
Therefore, our “Christian” family proved to be totally dysfunctional because they did not understand the necessity to break off the symptoms of multi-generational trauma abuse that was still pervading the family at the level of their DNA and energetic heart and soul. They failed to actively pursuit God’s Truth which says ‘Nevertheless, God’s firm foundation stands, bearing this seal: “The Lord knows those who are His,” and, “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord must turn away from iniquity.”’
Iniquity or unconsciousness is the fertile soil in which multi-generational trauma abuse and mind control can be asserted. Therefore our families’ Christian experience was more like belief in a powerless Gnostic gospel that did not have the power or authority Yeshua demonstrated whilst on earth. Spiritually, Yeshua still demonstrates this resurrectional power if we willingly quantum entangle ourselves to His energy.
Anyhow, whilst under financial and emotional pressure, my parents decided to try and abort me in the 2nd trimester with a knitting needle. As an affect of that decision, I came into the world as an angry young man, highly sexualised since birth and full of hatred in my heart - mainly towards my father and God. Why God? More than likely because our fathers represent God in the eyes of an innocent young child, so if our fathers are abusive, then automatically, because we are created in the image of God, we associate our father’s darkened behaviour with that of God. This multi-generational trauma abuse works. It is defective, distorted information that is stored in our DNA - remember we said that an Altered mind transforms our DNA indefinitely.
This maybe hard to comprehend, however there is growing evidence that shows that an unconsciousness belief system and iniquity or corruption of heart impacts both our blood and our DNA. It is not a coincidence that along with our heart and brain, our blood and our DNA are the main targets of the toxic COVID “vaccines”.
My life started to turn around when at about the age of 30 years old I made a conscious decision to forgive my earthly father, and my heavenly Father.
What I began to learn in doing so is that an unconscious, iniquitous mind, or the dark-side of humanity, is what Yeshua haMashiach, our spiritual Saviour, calls unrighteousness. It simply means life is not “how it ought be”!. It is literally “not right” - it is unjust! The ONLY antidote for unrighteousness, injustice, corruption in our heart, or iniquity of heart, is God’s spirit of righteousness and His administration of justice. This is only available through the acknowledgement and engagement of Yeshua’s resurrectional power. In other words, only God can redeem our hearts and make our heart and minds as they ought to be!
Another “Way” of saying this is - only the engagement with God’s unconditional love can remedy the fear we hold in our hearts and straighten out, or erase the ‘error’ that has faulted our perception of how we see God, and how we therefore see our own lives.
Have you noticed how Christianity tries to attack sin which is the fruit of the problem, not iniquity of heart which is the root - or the heart - of the problem? Yeshua’s resurrectional power changes and transforms our hearts.
Both spiritual kingdoms require a blood sacrifice. In the occult realm, witches and warlocks know that in order to gain power they have to make a blood sacrifice of either an animal, or the most power comes from the blood sacrifice of an innocent, terrified child. Fear in our blood is what drives and appeases Lucifer and Satan.
If we were to call the spiritual mafia MOB, “Goliath”, then Goliath made a huge ‘error’ of judgement when the Jewish Pharisees, who worshipped the god’s of their Kabbalah religion founded in Babylon, crucified the divine Son of God, Yeshua haMashiach - whom the Greeks subsequently called Jesus the Christ - on April 5th AD 30. Amazingly, and to the unconscious Pharisees’ utter disgust, Yeshua haMashiach rose again on the 3rd day, conquering the power of DEATH on our behalf.
This can be seen as akin to D-Day on June 6, 1944 with the Allied invasion of western Europe during World War II at Normandy, France. Historians often refer to D-Day as the beginning of the end of World War II. Likewise, Yeshua haMashiach’s April 5th AD 30 defeat of Lucifer and Satan was the spiritual D-Day and the beginning of the end of Satan’s kingdom on earth. Even though the spiritual war continues, death and Satan’s total defeat is now neigh.
Essentially, what we lost at the fall of mankind in the Garden of Eden, when our iniquity of heart isolated us from the Tree of Life, was reinstated in AD30. Death, both spiritually and physically, was overcome with eternal life and unconditional love. Those who trust the creator God’s plan of salvation became the recipients. This means of restoring relationship with a pure God reintroduced mankind to what is now known as God’s quantum field - which is a quantum sea of God-consciousness that is accessible to all of us. The void we all experience in our souls ever since the fall of Adam and Eve can once again be filled with God’s unconditional love. BOOM!
Experiencing God’s unconditional love within His participatory universe transforms our spirit, mind, heart and soul - permanently.
As a consequence of this experience, individual’s who have God’s Mark of Righteousness upon their forehead cannot be mind controlled - it is impossible to hypnotise someone who is consciously awake with God-consciousness. We hear a lot about the Mark of Iniquity, 666, but how often do we hear about God’s Mark of Righteousness or the seal of God upon the forehead?
Here is the bottom line - the Lord God drove a nail into Lucifer and Satan’s plan to destroy mankind through death after sunset following the Jewish Sabbath, on April 8th AD 30. Yeshua arose from the grave exactly 3 days after His burial - death could not contain His divine essence. The very instant Yeshua’s resurrectional LIFE overcome death on our behalf, He showed up on the road to Emmaus [that same evening He drew along side two of His disciples, Cleopas and more than likely his wife Mary]. Neither of them recognised Yeshua because they were still unconscious and suffering emotional trauma and paralysing fear after witnessing the cruel crucification of the One they had placed all their trust in - their Messiah. “But their eyes were kept from recognising Him.” Does this sound familar? Yet later that evening, “While He was reclining at the table with them, He took bread, spoke a blessing and broke it, and gave it to them. And their eyes were opened, and they recognised Him. And He vanished from their sight.” Luke 24
This to me, is the most exciting scripture in the bible because it highlights the importance and significance of God’s resurrection power. The Roman Emperor Constantine distorted the Truth by diverting everyones attention away from the resurrection, and focused attention on death on the Cross - they changed the narrative to make Yeshua’s resurrection appear to be on the Sun-day….. so they could follow the ancient Mithra religion of worshipping Lucifer - or the Sun - on the first day of the week - Sunday, as opposed to worshipping God on the Jewish Sabbath, as instructed.
Whilst Yeshua was a blood sacrifice on the cross for our sins, the breaking of bread represents His body being broken for our iniquitous and corrupted hearts that are regularly engaged with Lucifer’s Vril spirit of death. Yeshua’s divine resurrectional LIFE conquered Lucifer’s spirit of DEATH at this point in time.
From that point on, Yeshua revealed Himself to His disciples as the divine spirit/man, walking through walls, eating together and imprinting His disciples with a new identity of unconditional love which drove away all their fears.
When their spiritual eyes were opened, they recognised Yeshua as their Saviour - and fear, anxiety and their perception of death and destruction disappeared instantly. This is a quantum reality!
Now, for us God reveals the End from the Beginning - that is why He alone can be trusted by us! God wants us to solely trust in Him. That is the key to unlocking the door to His spiritual Kingdom of unconditional love.
The spiritual energy driving modern day Christianity is the same energy as Solomon possessed. I call it ChristoMasonry. It is essentially Freemasonry (the wolf) in Christian (sheep's) clothing. Christians have become the sheep whilst the spiritual mafia MOB and the Jesuits are the wolves. Like the Jewish Pharisees in the time of Yeshua, modern day Christians have become the self righteous hypocrites of our day, spiritually crucifying Yeshua over and over again, and ignoring His resurrection power. Therefore many Christians also possess crooked, unredeemed hearts that are all too ready to deny their Saviour. God hates this spiritual adultery.
Lucifer appeals to our ‘Self’ or ego. It is the part of our being that is connected spiritually to Lucifer’s Vril energy and drives people to believe they are a god in their own right. Aleister Crowley’s Law of Thelema summaries this dilemma perfectly - ”Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law”. Lucifer says “Come join my team of “light bearers”, and if your trust me, I’ll bring about a metamorphosis process that will fill your void and propel you into the eternal Tree of Life. I'll turn you into a beautiful butterfly that is free to fly anywhere and do anything!”
This is Lucifer’s promise of empowerment. It is a lie. Many believe we are going through this metamorphosis process of pain and trauma so they can enter into immortality within an unseen Utopia through A.I., totally independent of the Creator God. This promised Utopia, New Age, Sion, ‘Age of Enlightenment’, or the New Atlantis are often called ‘The Great Awakening’. Like the Christian narrative of the PreTribulation Rapture, where they believe they will all be whipped off into Utopia, leaving all their own trauma’s, fears and pain behind, ‘The Great Awakening’ just ain’t gunna happen!
Lucifer’s lies never come to fruition! All of these narratives are fantasy! Like all Alternate realities in our mind, they are not natural, they are not of God and they are totally, artificial realities.
However, be assured, this unreal, artificial fantasy world can easily be overcome. There is not much sense becoming a butterfly if there is no oxygen, no CO2 for photosynthesis, no conscious energy and no God-given quantum field to live in, because death and destruction has robbed us of life and placed us in a digital prison that Lucifer rules.
My own Christian sisters could at best only tell me the rational knowledge as to why I was a dysfunction human being in my youth. They told me my parents had tried to abort my fetus. They could easily see and judge the dark side of their youngest brother, however they were completely blinded to the iniquity in their own heart. Therefore none of my brothers or sisters had the spiritual authority of Yeshua to correct and make the dark side of my being, right. I had to work it out myself by participating with, and entangling myself to God’s resurrectional energy - it is a total quantum experience that imprints His life-giving energy onto our minds, heart and soul……
As a matter of interest, my darling Mother suffered from the shame of her actions all of her life - eventually she succumbed to breast cancer. Not knowing how to deal with the iniquity in her own heart, she refused to believe that her faith in a healing God had not been heard - she therefore died a bitter woman, angry at God for not healing her.
This absolutely rocked my boat and forced me to digger deeper than the artificial Christian religion.
And the God of Creation did not let me down….
Having eyes (both eyes, not one eye) opened by God’s Spirit describes the true metamorphosis experience - not the counterfeit, corrupted ‘one-eyed’ fantasy. The real God - of everything natural - never, ever controls us! Nor let’s us down.
That is because His character is Pure, Right, True and totally Reliable.
Yeshua is continually drawing close to us and walking down the road of life with us - but do we see Him and recognise His intuitive Presence? And do we invite Him into our hearts to commune with us?……………… That takes a quantum leap of trust!
The fact that you are reading this Substack means He is sitting right beside you! Can you discern what He is saying?