“It is not a matter of what is true that counts, but a matter of what is perceived to be true.” - Henry Kissinger
Life is all about how we perceive it!
With the advent of the internet in the early 1990s, which has become a major means of brainwashing the masses, we have all developed a dark side that is destroying our hope and trust in our authorities….. and has transformed the way we perceive life.
The evidence shows that this is rightly so! But why is this so? Is this intentional?
“Today, America would be outraged if U.N. troops entered Los Angeles to restore order. Tomorrow they will be grateful! This is especially true if they were told that there were an outside threat from beyond, whether real or promulgated, that threatened our very existence. It is then that all peoples of the world will plead to deliver them from this evil. The one thing every man fears is the unknown. When presented with this scenario, individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well-being granted to them by the World Government…” - Henry Kissinger in an address to the Bilderberger meeting at Evian, France, May 21, 1992
“Once the herd accepts mandatory vaccinations, it's game over. They will accept anything - forcible blood or organ donation - for the 'greater good'. We can genetically modify children and sterilise them - for the 'greater good'. Control the sheep minds and you control the herd. Vaccine makers stand to make billions, and many of you in this room today are investors. It’s a big win-win! We thin out the herd and the herd pays us for providing extermination services.” - Henry Kissinger WHO Council on Eugenics, February 25, 2009
Henry Kissinger was correct in stating that it is how we perceive life that will determine the outcomes. It is also True that how we perceive God will determine our outcomes. Whichever source of energy we participate in, and place our trust in, determines whether or not we resonate with the Truth or a deceptive lie.
Henry Kissinger was a prototype of a grim reaper because he manipulated the masses to believe in Lucifer’s lie [a matter of accepting what is perceived to be true]. However, that dark side which generates the energy of DEATH lurks in each of our hearts - it is this shadow or energy force that is the actual grim reaper.
The grim reaper is the repressed shadow inside of each of our hearts.
Remember we have said that the Nordic Vril energy force and/or the Egyptian/Greek Hermetic belief system “spiritually slims” us with spiritual parasites? This is the spiritual energy behind the NWO and WEF global religion that will soon be enforced upon all mankind. The essence of this energy is confusion, terror, violation, destruction and death.
There is a clear cut distinction between DEATH and LIFE. They are rooted in two distinctly different spiritual energies. The moment Adam and Eve broke relationship with their Creator God, they were quantum disentangled from God’s Presence and DEATH and time were enacted upon. Separation from God’s goodness and unconditional love brings forth the energy of death. God created time to enable us to have the opportunity to be redeemed and saved from that spiritual energy of DEATH.
From these indiscretions of lawlessness and injustice, the bloodline of Cain came forth….. if we choose not to resonate spiritually with God’s justice and we are in an unredeemed state, we are automatically resonating at that same energy as the bloodline of Cain and will suffer the consequences of disease and death from it.
Meet this self professing occult witch, Amanda Yates Garcia. Then read how Garcia’s writing on witchcraft turned into a full-time income, reaching six figures in less than a year. Citizens of this world are running full steam ahead towards this energy associated with disease and DEATH. It proves that all forms of man’s religion has a foundation of money, sex, and power. The world tends to worship the perceived power behind this fake energy. Individuals are not hungry enough for the Truth to experience LIFE - instead they would rather run after deception and DEATH.
How insane is that? How unconscious are we that we would willingly plot our own demise?
Our spiritual Saviour Yeshua HaMashiach overcame DEATH on our behalf when He was resurrected from the dead by His spiritual Father in heaven. Therefore this provision means we don’t have to resonate with this Vril spirit anymore. This proves that Yeshua HaMashiach was, and still is, indeed divine - in fact He and God are One in essence.
Dr. Douglas Hamp gives a great talk on Yeshua’s Resurrection LIFE. Vibrating with and entangling ourselves with this Resurrection LIFE is how we deal with the repressed shadow inside of ourselves. If you don’t have time to watch it right through, I’ve broken the video into short segments which are the most meaningful to our discussion on choosing LIFE.
This is the story of how Yeshua our spiritual Saviour raised Lazarus from death after 4 days.
Here is a general principle in God’s kingdom. He who is forgiven much is loved much by God. Yeshua loved Mary so much because she had been saved out of and redeemed from a very colourful past of sinful behaviour.
We too can have all of our shame and guilt erased when we trust God’s redemptive plan. We can only fall in love with Yeshua when it is revealed to us just how depraved and unworthy we really are living in our present deprived Beast system, and we therefore perceive our need to be sealed with His unconditional Love.
Biophotons (from the Greek βίος meaning "life" and φῶς meaning "light") are photons of light in the ultraviolet and low visible light range that are produced by a biological system. Biophotons are natural and deliver life-giving energy to us in the form of scalar energy. However there is also another forms of life-giving energy that is spiritual and comes directly from our creator God. That is the power of His resurrection LIFE - and is delivered to us in a quantum instant.
The power of DEATH is nothing compared to the power of resurrection LIFE. Death had a legal claim over mankind until Yeshua rectified that disparity in AD 30. That legal claim was nullified with Yeshua’s blood.
That is why our OVERLORDS demand the blood sacrifice of our children - it is a counterfeit to gain the power associated with that legal claim - that has now been totally nullified.
Yeshua claimed that we will know Him when He opens our personal graves…. at that point we are quantum entangled to our creator and spiritual Father, YWHW [which means ‘He exists’]. I like this translation of Exodus 9:16 “That my character, may be recounted through the earth.” ‘My character’ is YWHW’s character. The name YWHW describes His character as “I am”. Just like Lucifer’s name describes his character as a deceiver of mankind.
In this present moment, YWHW is drawing us back into His fold. It doesn’t matter who you are or what your qualifications in this Beast system are [Doctor, lawyer, CEO, employee, business owner, the poor or society outcast], God Himself is your shepherd….. and God’s heart yearns for the captivity of your heart.
God is not interested in your perceived worldly status or your perceived worldly image. He is only interested in transforming your status and image into His likeness.
When the scales fall off our eyes and we receive the revelation that Yeshua is God, we will experience firsthand His resurrection LIFE - it is imprinted into our hearts by the God of quantum physics. God’s promise is: “I will put My law in their minds and inscribe it on their hearts. And I will be their God, and they will be My people.” God is merely trying to pass on to us His values that are congruent with His character.
Can you believe this? What are the OVERLORDS attacking right now? Our minds and our hearts! Right? They are doing this by changing our blood and DNA.
We complain about what is going on in the world, and we even resort to blaming God. What we don’t understand with our own myopic perspective is this - God always has a bigger plan and purpose than what we can see.
Just like the spiritual mafia MOB who operate mainly within the Canton of Geneva…. because we live in and operate within a spiritual parallel universe, they too have a bigger plan and purpose than what we can physically perceive. The MOB used the equivalent of MK Ultra mind control methods to conceive and train Adolph Hitler to lead Germany into the Vril spirit/energy of Nazism. When Hitler became myopic and focused on this feat of Nazism for Germany only, the spiritual mafia MOB stopped WW2, made Germany appear to loose the War, and instantly began to spread Nazism worldwide via America and all the Commonwealth countries. The spiritual mafia MOB from the Canton of Geneva had a much larger objective than conquering just Germany - they wanted to take the whole world and make it Marxist, Nazi, Fascist, Communist, and every other …..ism, with the use of Technocracy and Transhumanism.
Why 4 days? This number happens to be very significant spiritually….. it is because in the occult world 4 is symbolic of DEATH - after 4 days, your not coming back. One example of this is the symbolism associated with the Freemasons Square and Compass.
Freemasonry uses a counterfeit, phoney belief of the Reality that Yeshua rose after 3 days and 3 nights in the grave - and then began administrating justice and LIFE, instantly at the beginning of the 4th day. In God’s spiritual kingdom the #4 is symbolic of LIFE.
The choice we have is LIFE or DEATH! Which one do you choose? You cannot have both - that is impossible!
The Square represents 4 sides of a receptor whilst the compass represents a round, circular “one eyed” phallus. The number 4 represents the base of the pyramid whilst the number 3 represents the triangular sides of the pyramid. Remember, 4+3=7, and the 7th number in the alphabet is the letter G in Freemasonry. ‘7’ is the holy number of Pharaoh and the pyramid. All of these symbols are related to the occult.
In the occult world, Lucifer demands a blood sacrifice before men and women can access the power of knowledge and foreknowledge. This requirement is a counterfeit of the blood sacrifice Yeshua made of Himself on our behalf. This blood sacrifice enables harmony to be restored between man and God. Human or animal sacrifice destroys our spiritual entanglement with our creator God. Restoration and LIFE is God’s main theme - for Lucifer it is destruction, violation and DEATH.
God weeps for those of us who are the walking dead - He feels the pain we are going through as we live out this fake reality, whilst being traumatised with fear and the spirit of death. He feels our pain of being terrified, violated and confused. Yet the power of death is nothing compared to the power of God’s resurrectional life. Until Yeshua died on our behalf and rose again after 3 days and 3 nights, death had a legal claim over those living on planet earth that had to be settled spiritually. That is why Yeshua is the only “Way” to finding restoration to eternal life.
When we experience this spirit of LIFE firsthand there is no doubt in whom we will place our trust. We then experience the Reality that Yeshua is God - and that is quantum imprinted onto out hearts!
This is what is being revealed to us right now. The book of Revelation reveals iniquity [666], but more importantly it reveals the only One who can erase iniquity from our hearts - Yeshua ben Yosef, the Word of God. Yeshua ben Yosef, the Word of God is the Truth. Truth is a divine Person, the Son of God.
This is my 100th Substack in one year. I only tackled this because very few are teaching the Truth from God’s perspective. We have all developed twisted minds, through the MOB’s brainwashing that has imprinted an Alternate reality in our minds called Hopium. Some smoke grass, but nearly everyone is presently smoking this energetic drug called Hopium. Hopium places its hope in human beings, alien beings, spiritual parasites or their own ego to save the day. Let’s face it, I think most are aware enough to know that humanity in deep SH1T! But nobody knows how to get out of it!
Humanity has a spiritual problem that can ONLY be rectified with a spiritual solution. And that spiritual solution cannot be found by employing the same spirit that is causing the problem. That my friend is an impossibility! Far, far, far more impossible than believing in a creator God.
The “white hats” - yes the likes of Elon Musk and Donald Trump and their cronies, will surely fail to please the crowds because they are playing the game on the opposite side of the same coin as the Deep State and their cronies. There is not one “do gooder” who will save the day for us. There will be no New Age “Great Awakening” nor any Christian “Pre-Trib Rapture”. These Jesuit created false narratives merely lead to us smoking our spiritual mafia MOB Hopium.
Our only hope is to start trusting God - that’s it. There are no other options…. We gain Hopium by continually experiencing Luciferian hypnosis through modern technology and experiencing hypnotic frequencies in the alpha-wave brain state whilst watching movies and TV.
MIRI AF eloquently says: “And let us not forget just how compelling telly is: able to induce an alpha-wave brain state (just as is experienced when one is under hypnosis), messages directed at us from flickering screens, delivered by professional actors, can, ultimately, become far more "real" to us than actual reality, with which - with the rise of work from home and an ever-expanding cornucopia of absorbing screen-based entertainments - we are rapidly losing touch: just as the ruling classes have planned.
This is crucially important to bring attention to and to fully grasp and understand, because fundamentally, this is what comprises the world stage and so much of what we think of as current affairs and global events - actors reading from scripts, creating an entirely false reality, and convincing us to suspend all critical faculties and invest in it as "real".
What Shakespeare meant by "all the world's a stage and the men and women, merely players" was precisely this: that prominent, newsworthy events that are presented to us as unplanned and organic, are actually tightly scripted, rehearsed scenarios being produced and directed by a hidden hand. These productions are immaculately performed by highly trained actors, with their hypnotic abilities to captivate and mesmerise an audience: to convince them to invest in what they see before them as "real".
Listen to Gordie Rose, one of the founders of D-Wave Quantum Computers where he openly talks about humans tapping into the spiritual realm and accessing parallel dimensions (code for fallen angels and demonic forces) so they can regularly participate with these spiritual entities within the QC’s qubit - which is a basic unit of quantum information. Geordie Rose describes how demons will treat humans when the aliens are made public. Remember he said, “The same way that you don’t care about an ant is the same way they’re not gonna care about you”. According to Geordie Rose, the Great Old One's are a cosmic force, more so than a tangible being.
So I ask the question: If the likes of Geordie Rose can resonate with Lucifer like this, why aren’t we calling upon our own creator God and summonsing His divine presence? If we did, the world would not be in such chaos and inevitable destruction.
Why are we trusting false, artificial gods (AI) to save us?
Here is the Truth from God’s perspective - when we inject toxins into our bodies we are actually injecting spiritual parasites and physical (artificial) parasites into our bodies. When we give our authorities consent to do this, we are making an agreement with Lucifer to willingly handover our soul to Satan. This is now becoming a evidence based reality.
Some may wonder how we can summons God’s divine presence. Yet many individuals are calling upon, channeling and summoning spirits of the dead, demons or the Great Old One's. So why cannot we channel and summon God’s Holy Spirit? It is all a matter of our wilfulness and an independent spirit that demands to ”Do what thou wilt”.
My one goal is to show individuals that they can experience YWHW and Yeshua first hand with very little effort. Why does engaging with God’s pure quantum field appear so difficult to us? If just one person could learn how to experience YWHW and Yeshua firsthand it would totally make writing these 100 Substacks worthwhile.
Whilst channeling God’s Holy Spirit ask Him to show you the condition of your own heart. He will gently show you. Oh yeh, we are all experts at seeing the corruption in everyone else’s heart and then enjoy judging them, but we cannot see the scales over our own spiritual eyes, as our ego has convinced us that we are right and everyone else is wrong. That is the characteristic of iniquity.
If you desire to experience the real Tree of Life you need to change this up…..
This would turn your Hopium into HOPE, the energy of DEATH into the energy of LIFE, slavery into FREEDOM and turn trying to be a “do gooder” into resonating with God’s goodness. It would turn your dark shadow, grim reaper side of your character into REAPING peace, joyfulness and gratitude.
If you desire to stop complaining and hating God - then take this bold step - look your Creator in the eyes whilst summoning and channelling the energy of LIFE.
This takes courage……