
Just In: Literally!

Have You Ever Seen How A Direct Energy Weapon Operates With Your Own Eyes?

Watch this several times and give me your thoughts. At 5:05pm CEST on Wednesday the 31st of May 2023 above Lake Thun in Switzerland, this natural phenomena was videoed by many members of the public - one of them is a personal friend. Watch closely to witness the vortex flow which is clockwise in direction. This is a good example of how energy flows in everything physical. Wherever one can witness a physical clockwise rotation of water vapour, you can be sure there is an unseen anticlockwise rotation of energy that can be clearly seen in this video - where the vortex meets the water in the lake and creates a disturbance that is counter-clockwise to the actual visible moisture in the vortex.

This a natural phenomena and demonstrates how energy flows within the structure of hurricanes right down to nano sized particles, electrons, neutrons etc. CERN, in Geneva counterfeited this phenomena many years ago. They stole this technology from Nicola Tesla and developed what is now known as Directed-Energy Weapons (DEWs) to use in military warfare against anything that has been created by God - that includes mankind. A DEW concentrates large amounts of electromagnetic energy on a remote target. A DEW is a ranged weapon that damages its target with highly focused energy without a solid projectile, including lasers, microwaves, particle beams, and sound beams.

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Lyndon B. Johnson the U.S. President who featured in the demise of JFK said in 1962, "He who controls the weather, will control the world." How did he know that back in 1962?

According to a US Air Force Document AF 2025 Final Report, Military Operations use highly accurate and precise civil applications of weather-modification technology to attack the enemy. What they do not tell us is - their enemy is you and me. We are targeted individuals (TI’s) in the MOB’s mass mind control program.

The manipulation of the ionosphere is their main weapon of destruction. Once again the rape and pillage of Nicola Tesla’s technology has enabled the MOB to instigate this technology. The ionosphere’s inherent reflectivity is a natural gift that humans have used to create long-range communications connecting distant points on the globe. History proves to us that those who control communications, control the world. The Greek and Roman Empires both proved this with the control of communications through the use of demonic entities operating through mediums within their ancient Temples.

“The ionosphere is the part of the earth’s atmosphere beginning at an altitude of about 30 miles and extending outward 1,200 miles or more. This region consists of layers of free electrically charged particles that transmit, refract, and reflect radio waves, allowing those waves to be transmitted great distances around the earth. The interaction of the ionosphere on impinging electromagnetic radiation depends on the properties of the ionospheric layer, the geometry of transmission, and the frequency of the radiation. For any given signal path through the atmosphere, a range of workable frequency bands exists. This range, between the maximum usable frequency (MUF) and the lowest usable frequency (LUF), is where radio waves are reflected and refracted by the ionosphere much as a partial mirror may reflect or refract visible light. The reflective and refractive properties of the ionosphere provide a means to transmit radio signals beyond direct“line-of-sight” transmission between a transmitter and receiver.”

DEWs and Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs) are used continually to covertly disrupt weather patterns including creating hurricanes, floods, droughts, earthquakes and bushfires. It is this artificial climate change that is bringing fear to the masses. HAARP’s ELF transmitters are the Pentagon’s most advanced weapons.

Everything the spiritual mafia MOB in Geneva does is destructive, being designed to essentially destroy mankind. It is all artificial and incorporates Artificial Intelligence. It is merely an exploitation of that which is natural.

Geoengineering and mass manipulation methods are being used against us as weapons of mass mind control. I trust that you are becoming more aware that the whole Global Climate Change argument is a fraudulent attempt to generate fear and panic.

It must be said that I do not condone or support the flat earth movement. I do not support such insanity.

So is this all conspiracy theory or conspiracy fact? Watch this video. The 1985 US Patent US4686605A should put paid to any doubts. Labelled “Method and apparatus for altering a region in the earth's atmosphere, ionosphere, and/or magnetosphere” which contains this Classification; namely F41H13/0043  - Directed energy weapons - i.e. “devices that direct a beam of high energy content toward a target for incapacitating or destroying the target.” It actually says in black and white within this Patent that DEWs are used for weather medication.

Therefore the big question is - Are natural disasters really natural - or are they artificially created? What if: what if these artificially created disasters are created by the same group of elite who have created everything else that is artificial, not natural. In fact all they can do is create something that is a counterfeit of that which is natural and created by God.

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However, this short extract is really the key to the spiritual mafia MOB’s mass mind control plans - the brain contains a natural electromagnetic Quantum Computer - the thoughts in our mind are created by electrons passing through microtubules in the brain - if the MOB’s AI technology could interfere with those electrons in the brain surely they could control our minds. The MOB is pumping graphene oxide into our bodies through vaccines, sprays, our food and water in order to create an data based operating system within our bodies that will enable their Quantum Computers to communicate with the electrons in our brains through a natural phenomena called ‘quantum entanglement’.

This is not futuristic science fiction - this is real and happening right now!

That my friends is the Technocrats’ Final Solution - the possession and enslavement of your mind.

Whilst the Swiss news and the locals who witnessed this vortex phenomena claimed it was a natural phenomena - I still have some doubts. Firstly, the rolling cloud formation or “the waterspout” as it rose up as a vortex maintained its shape as if the energy directed through it was reduced. Also it did not disperse in any way like a contrail emitted by airliners that disperses rapidly. It acted more like a chemtrail which do not disperse rapidly. Therefore whilst the vortex was dispersing upwards, the energy was withdrawing by reversing direction from down to back up in the direction from whence it came, not dissipating outwardly and fading away in intensity.

Secondly, notice what appears to be a deviation in the direction from whence it came and to where it was retreating to - to be fair this maybe an optical illusion - however it must be noted that CERN is only 70nm to the SSW of Lake Thun - and in this particular apparent direction. Is this a coincidence - maybe!

So what are the chances this is an artificial phenomena, not a natural phenomena?

I’ll leave it up to you to decide!

The History Of CERN Is Covered Here

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