The Matrix opened in theaters in the United States on March 31, 1999. This was one of the most famous Luciferian based movies of all time. The premiere of the Satanic movie The Ninth Gate showed on 25 August 1999…. just six month later.
These two movies set the spiritual foundation in the West for the next 25 years. The upside down cross tells all symbolically. The MOB’s main opposition is not the cross of Yeshua haMashiach or His death - the MOB’s main opposition is the empty grave He left after three (3) days and three (3) nights. Yeshua’s resurrection and victory over DEATH is the main focus of all counterfeit deception and lies.
That is what they are desperate for you not to know because that would destroy their cover!
Through symbolism, “The Ninth Gate” tells a story of occult initiation while highlighting the elite’s obsession with Satanism. The movie’s director, was Roman Polanski. In 1968, Roman Polanski released Rosemary’s Baby – a psychological horror movie about a newlywed woman who is groomed by a Satanic cult to give birth to the Antichrist. Less than a year after the release of Rosemary’s Baby, Roman Polanski’s pregnant wife, Sharon Tate, was ritualistically murdered by followers of Charles Manson. This series of gruesome murders was carried out by the Manson cult which reeked of MKULTRA involvement.
Precisely 30 years after these events – and at the dawn of a new millennium – Polanski released The Ninth Gate. Like in Rosemary’s Baby, Satan is not the “bad guy” but the powerful figure everyone attempts to please. And, like in Rosemary’s Baby, The Ninth Gate‘s subtext is about the coming of a new era - a NWO a mythical Atlantis utopia.
It is all about what manifests in the material realm when we give our spiritual/energetic allegiance and sovereign identity to Lucifer.
Roman Polanski did not miss the opportunity to use numerology to convey his point. The Ninth Gate is about a demonic book written in 1666; The movie was released in 1999 (1666 reversed). This numerically significant date had to be underscored by a symbolically significant movie. The “anti-climatic ending” is nothing less than spiritual illumination guided by the Whore of Babylon in the flesh.
The Whore of Babylon was released fully upon the earth in 1999. 9/11 occured Sept. 11 2001, exactly [to the day] 11 years after George H.W. Bush’s speech before a joint session of Congress, when he first announced the coming NWO on Sept. 11, 1990.
Everything the spiritual mafia MOB plans and does is associated with their fear of the number 666 and the fear of Yeshua haMashiach’s second coming. Why should they fear? Because they know that Yeshua ben Joseph rose from the grave to overcome their spirit of DEATH in AD30. They found the empty grave - and have never forgotten it. They have spent 1,994 years trying to cover up the Truth so you specifically don’t know. They know! They know that when this Yeshua haMashiach comes again it is game over for this group of psychopaths. They know - that is why they have to keep this news secret from the exoteric masses.
Therefore, they are preparing to war against God at Armageddon, just to the north of Jerusalem, as prophesied in Revelation Chapter 16. That is what this final stage of WW3 is all about. That is why a nuclear war may well manifest very soon - very soon in fact! God’s judgement upon mankind is neigh.
All of these bloodlines have one thing in common - they all worship Lucifer/Satan or Baal, follow doctrines of the Jewish Talmud, the esoteric Jewish Kabbalah, the Occult, and all the other “Hermetic” concepts that aim to ultimately destroy the true Messiah. They also vehemently hate the Creator God. They blame Him for their own unconsciousness or dark shadow! The Jewish Kabbalah is an esoteric, superficial mystic religion that the exiled Jews formed in Babylon prior to 538 BCE when the Jews, instead of repenting before God over their captivity, acted as a spiritual harlot and formed a spiritual union with Lucifer. The occult always twists and perverts the divine Truth. As a consequence, the Zohar which was first published in the 13th Century is a foundational work of Kabbalistic literature.
The Jewish Kabbalah was a forerunner of the Whore of Babylon religious movement that is now culminating into a pinnacle of iniquity or a collaboration of global heart corruption. Now Corporate Christianity has become a harlot apostate church, by leaving and divorcing her first Love.
The climax of mankind’s corruption is fast approaching and the spiritual mafia MOB is getting nervous because they know God’s wrath is about to transpire. We are literally at the zenith of unredeemed man’s survival.
But why specifically 1999? Because 1999 is 1666 reversed. The MOB reverse everything! That is why a inverted cross is predominant in the title of The Ninth Gate. In AD1666, Sabbatai Zevi, an Ottoman Jewish mystic and ordained rabbi from Smyrna (now İzmir, Turkey) declared he was the antiChrist. He is thought to be of Ashkenazi origin. Sabbatai Zevi's followers, both during his proclaimed messiahship and after his forced conversion to Islam, are known as Sabbateans. They changed all the moral Mosaic laws to laws of debauchery and prostituted their own woman for sexual licentiousness.
They all became spiritual harlots as they divorced their Creator God for instant gratification. This occurred in AD 1666, now again in AD 1999 and nothing has changed.
We live in a world of debauchery and contempt towards God.
Therefore God’s judgement is now coming towards us faster than a freight train - and most have stranded themselves on the track of destruction. We, as a collective, are now vulnerable to a global disaster like never witnessed before. The spiritual mafia MOB know this - but it is quite apparent, the masses don’t.
It makes me so sad to witness this crash of mankind…. and Lucifer and Satan will appear to have won their war - until Yeshua haMashiach steps into our realm once again and obliterates their phoney spiritual kingdom.
We, as a collective, are guilty before the divine Ruler of the Universe of being unfaithful, committing spiritual adultery and prostituting our souls to the evil energy of Lucifer & Satan - all for apparent power, greed and gain.
All we can do now is repent and truly feel remorse for our egotistical, iniquitous hearts…..
Greg Reese has recently lived in Russia for a short time and personally witnessed the effects of repentance upon the people in Russia. The Russians experienced their own spiritual mafia MOB created holocaust during the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution. You can be 100% sure that this Revolution in Russia was planned and orchestrated in the Canton of Geneva, Switzerland - just like the 2024 Revolution in America is, and will be.
You will discover that the spiritual mafia MOB - our OVERLORDS - are not very inventive at all - they pull the same old, same old magical tricks every time because we fail to call them out.
You can watch the whole Greg Reese video here…..
Your unconscious flesh may not like this prophetic warning below, however this guy Brandon has nailed the root problem within lukewarm American Corporate Christianity teaching perfectly. Brandon says: “They attack the fruit [sin] of the problem, not the root” [iniquity, compromise or darkness of heart]. This whole issue is a manifestation of a heart problem. There is no holiness in our hearts anymore - we have been compromised and raped of God’s Presence and Information. I cannot fully endorse everything Brandon says - the fact that he uses the word “Lord” all the time raises a big question mark for me - however on this one topic of iniquity, he absolutely nails it.
Folks, I cannot give you this Truth in a clearer way. This is it…. I’m not sure I’ll be able to continue these Substacks for much longer if we all lose internet.
When Brandon talks about God lifting His hand off us, I also believe that God is about to lift His Holy Spirit as prophesied in 2 Thessalonians 2:6 and the rest of the year 2024 will be like hell on earth. If you do not earnestly seek God’s redemption, you will experience in the next few months what it will be like for eternity. Hell is the absence of God and God-consciousness in totality. None of us have experienced this darkness yet, not even the proud, arrogant spiritual mafia MOB members.
God has already given us all 40 days from April 8th, 2024 to repent as described in The April 8th Solar Eclipse Is Highly, Highly, Highly, Highly Significant - PART 4. I don’t know about you, but I haven’t witnessed too much repentance during that time. Instead mankind has hardened their hearts even more with PRIDE month being celebrated globally in the month June. “Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall.” We now live in the most prideful and arrogant society in history. So BOOM! Here we are! Now, after 90 days from April 8th, 2024, God is about to lift His hand of protection from us.
What is coming truly will be a New World DisOrder - and it ain’t going to be pretty! After that, the Messiah will introduce God’s own New World Order.
We have taught extensively about mind control and emphasised the fact that mind control is really Luciferian control over our mind, heart, soul, spirit and body.
So here we present the only alternative - how to gain the Mind of our Creator and Sustainer of LIFE, Yeshua haMashiach. The fellowship of “Ruach” is what we all need! That could solve every problem you presently have - right there!
History tells us that the Tower of Babel was a interdimensional spiritual portal through which the Nephilim of that day could inter-react with and quantum entangle themselves with fallen angels. Then unredeemed man used Greek and Roman Temples for the purpose of communicating with each other via demonic entities. CERN Switzerland is the modern day Tower of Babel through which interdimensional spiritual entities pass into our realm.
As Alan Horvath says, God’s Spirit (“Ruach”) is undefiled - it is pure. The MOB knows that if they can twist, distort and change the meanings of words over time, they can change and distort whole groups of peoples, customs and cultures. To find the Truth, we have to go back to the original Paleo-Hebrew script or at least the Aramaic Hebrew language. A person’s name defines their character and shapes their identity. Likewise with God. The MOB have changed God’s name to the likes of “our Lord”. What an absolute insult to YHWH. YHWH does not LORD it over us. That is what Lucifer does. Lucifer and Satan are our OVERLORDS - that is their character and identity. Then the MOB changed Yeshua’s name, the divine Son of God, to the Greek translation ‘Jesus Christ’. Yeshua, our Messiah is not a Greek icon, He is a Real Being.
When the people of Israel were enslaved in Egypt [which represents the world Beast system], they cried out to God for deliverance. Then God answered their cry, using the expression “I am who I am” (Exod 3:14) to introduce himself as their deliverer. “I am” means YHWH, Jehovah or the Westernised, Yahweh. YHWH is God’s personal name. Confusion arises about the meaning of God’s name translated “I am” and the related “Yahweh” when we read those terms through Western lenses. In biblical Hebrew, the being verb hayah conveys not just existence but manifest existence or presence. It indicates the appearance, presence, or standing of a thing. In the name YHWH, God made himself known as a Present being—present with and for his people. And wherever God’s presence is invoked [His glory], that announcement is pregnant with the certainty of His attention, His care, His power, and His grace. Perhaps a helpful paraphrase of God’s words at the burning bush would be, “Say to the people of Israel, ‘I Am Present’ has sent me to you.’”
YHWH hates the iniquity in our heart and He also hates genetic tampering. Genetic modification changes His Word, and His Name which is written on our DNA. Lucifer is endeavouring to change our God-given Information within our DNA - and yet the majority of Christians are convinced this is not Satan’s Mark of the Beast. This is insanity and gross deception.
Note - Alan Horvath is saying the Mind of Yeshua cannot be gained through the Greek, Western mindset. That is why the American, corporate church, particularly the Christian Zionist church has become an apostate church of little significance, authority or power.
Here is one man, Abraham Ojeda, who understands the Mind of Yeshua haMashiach. I believe Abraham from Overcome Babylon is interpreting scripture accurately when it comes to the topic of the 1948 Israel, the true dispersion of the original Israelites, and his take on the significance of the Solar Eclipse on April 8th, 2024 and the judgement of God starting April 8th + 90 days, which coincides with the New Moon ushering in of the 5th Jewish month and the first harvest of grapes.
Folks, I’ve taught for months that this is about to happen. Now the time is neigh. I’ve tried to explain why God’s judgement is happening now. I’ll try to summarise it with two simple analogies.
I was brought up a farm boy. There was nothing better than picking a bucket full of fresh field mushrooms and having thickened mushrooms sauce and eggs for breakfast. Yesterday I found a paddock full of what appeared to me to be field mushrooms. They looked like mushrooms, they smelt like mushrooms, they felt like mushrooms and I was initially tempted to taste them as mushrooms. Fortunately, I used the my last 5 senses, and drop of intuition, to listen to what the locals thought about them. These “mushrooms” they said are called “yellow stainer mushrooms” and they are poisonous. Can you imagine my disappointment?
However, I have had mushroom poisoning before, and it is not very nice - I was green for days. I’ve also had Luciferian poisoning and that is not very nice either - I was off colour for multiple years. You see, Lucifer may look like Christ to our unredeemed eyes, and his energy may feel like Christ and appear to have all the attributes of what we classify as “good” - but he is full of spiritual, energetic and physical poison. He has done a great job of poisoning our minds, our hearts, our souls, our spirits and now our bodies. And soon he will manifest as the antichrist or pseudo-messiah. In Greek ‘anti’ can also mean ‘one who puts himself in the place of’- Christ. He will perform miracles like Christ, tell you he is “the way” to salvation like Christ and that you will become immortal like Christ. The only thing is, he is a liar - and full of poison.
Finally, we all have Greek “knowledge” about the “apple” in the Garden of Eden - and we have even experienced it firsthand. There is no actual evidence that the forbidden tree in the Garden of Eden was actually an apple tree, but Apple Computers have made you believe that to be true. Anyhow, let’s use a bright, new apple bought from your local store for illustration purposes. These days, there is a good chance that that apple has been GMO grown, picked early so it contains no goodness in it because it is not fully sun ripened, it has been stored in cool rooms for months and dipped in a wax solution to make it “look good” - and the wax also enables them to store it for longer. So you were tempted to pay for this apple - only to find that no matter how good it looked on the outside - it was rotten at the core.
That is what God observes when he perceives us from on high. Iniquity and our dark energetic hearts have deemed us rotten at the core. We may look shiny and beautiful on the outside - but inside our hearts are tainted, decayed, rotten, mouldy, full of mildew, rancid and infested with spiritual parasites. The presence of mould and spiritual parasites in our body are paramount to our ill health and wellbeing.
The sad thing about it - we are so mind controlled to think we are ok! We think it is just everyone else that has a problem in this world. We have been brainwashed to be total unaware and totally unconscious of our state of mind and state of heart. We therefore ignore our hopeless condition and we thus remain spiritually bankrupt.
This is why our Creator is bringing judgement on this Beast system - and we all belong to that system whether we like it or not. Lucifer and Satan’s spiritual agreement and partnership with the spiritual mafia MOB has guaranteed it to be so! Those agreements, covenants, oaths and contracts are sealed with blood - normally the blood sacrifice of a terrified, innocent child.
The ONLY reason I’m even writing this Substack is because I care passionately about the human race and I do understand that the war we are in is two sided, but it is not a war between Good vs Evil. This is the last and most important point I am going to make. Like everything else, we have been conned and blindsided. This is just another magic trick - “look over here, whilst I pull the strings over there”. Almost 100% of the collective have been wooed into believing that the war is between Good vs Evil. This is far, far from the Truth. In fact, it is an error that is deviated 180°from the Truth.
We cannot win a war if we do not know for sure what, why and who we are fighting against.
Lucifer, the false light bearer, represents “good” in the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. “Good” does not belong to the Tree of Life - “good” is banned from the spiritual Tree of Life, or heaven. “Good” represents the ultimate deception for mankind. No, the war we are in is between LIFE and DEATH.
Listen and look with your God-conscious eyes to what even Wicked-pedia says about Lucifer and Gnosticism -
“The 1409 Lollard manuscript titled Lanterne of Light associated Lucifer with the deadly sin of pride. Since Lucifer's sin mainly consists of self-deification, some Gnostic sects identified Lucifer with the creator deity in the Old Testament. In the Bogomil and Cathar text Gospel of the Secret Supper, Lucifer is a glorified angel but fell from heaven to establish his own kingdom and became the Demiurge who created the material world and trapped souls from heaven inside matter. Jesus descended to earth to free the captured souls. In contrast to mainstream Christianity, the cross was denounced as a symbol of Lucifer and his instrument in an attempt to kill Jesus.”
Can you feel the energy of pride, hatred, confusion, deception and insanity in this definition? This mysterious conundrum is the root of insanity. Lucifer is the genius of evil. Period!
Can you now see why the month of June is the globally declared PRIDE month?
Come on - awaken from your spiritual slumber - snap out of your hypnotic state of mind control - before it is too late! This is serious SH*T! We all have commited spiritual adultery against our Creator.
You can opt out of Satan’s Beast and Lucifer’s ‘Whore of Babylon’ system; but that can only be done through the conscious recognition of Yeshua haMashiach’s blood sacrifice and your trust in what He has done on our behalf. Yeshua haMashiach has already defeated DEATH, Satan, Lucifer and all of their evil minions. Only Yeshua’s blood on one hand, and His resurrection power over DEATH, on the other, can set us free and propel us into the spiritual Tree of Life. Therefore, only a grounded relationship with Yeshua can resolve our dilemmas and problems. That will polevalute us out of this corrupt matrix into heaven’s Matrix where peace, justice and sanity prevail.
YHWH’s Tree of Life is not found in an empty cross - YHWH’s Tree of Life is found in an EMPTY TOMB. He’s not there - that should be our most passionate news and greatest victory. DEATH and deception need no longer rule our lives.
Thus we need to immerse ourselves in His Holy Spirit and cast off the spirit of this world lead by Lucifer, trying to earn salvation by being “good”. It doesn’t work for any of us - including Lucifer!
All of this comes down to one personal decision: Who do we give our allegiance, loyalty and devotion too spiritually? That decision has eternal ramifications because there is one thing you cannot change, and that is the fact that we are all spiritual beings and we all live spiritually forever - either spiritually and energetically entangled to Yeshua’s Spirit OR Lucifer’s feeble, destructive spirit.
If you care at all about your family and friends then follow your gut feel and God-consciousness and pass this on…
Thank you for your input - freedom of speech is so important - Julian Assange has just proven this to the world. You might be right about Sharon Tate - I might be wrong, but it is merely your judgements given voice. All due respect, but your judgements have absolutely nothing to do with this discussion - they are not adding LIFE to the discussion and they are a good example of mindlessness.
This is one of the most randomly written pieces toggling between a storyline and the Bible. Read almost like an infomercial. And for the record. Sharon rates murder was faked. I suggest you look closer into that Hollywood production