And the winner of the 2024 U.S. Presidential Election is - …. wait for it [drum roll……….] [suspense] [tension music]…… the gods of Apollo who manifest through the spiritual mafia MOB, the Swiss Octagon, the Khazarian Mafia (KM), Blackrock, Technocracy and Transhumanism. It is a forgone conclusion.
Donald Trump is a type of the Greek god Apollo. Apollo has been recognised as a god of archery, music, the Sun, light, music, literature, and medicine. In Greek mythology, ‘Coronis’ ( Greek: Korōnís) is a Thessalian princess and a lover of the god Apollo. Is it any wonder the Corona virus was release to enslave mankind during Trump’s first term - with the Military Operation Warp Speed? This narcissist is a Joker, trickster and deceiver of the nth degree.
It is all about a sinister game of perception. Can you image what magic wizardry the Democrats will now have to pull in order to topple the “anointed one of God”?
Donald has “Trumped” everyone playing the “divine intervention of God” hand of cards. It just re-enforces the fact that America is the global stage for the revealing of Lucifer’s global Technocratic rule, the Jewish Kabbalah global religion, the global Digital currency and the global Digital ID health passport.
Notice that all of this is being implemented globally without debate….. all under the guise of our security and convenience….
Donald Trump's Jewish connection. Judaism is obviously in the DNA of the Trump bloodline. In the 1950s, Fred Trump, the President's late father, donated the plot of land where the Beach Haven Jewish Center was built in Brooklyn and contributed towards its construction. This is why Ivanka Trump and her husband Jared Kushner are officially Jewish and were allowed to run the whole Trump administration between 2016-2020.
Is Donald Trump officially a Jew? I have no proof, but “when it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it is probably a duck”. The Khazarian Jews behave and quake like animals.
It is all a game within a global Play that is directed from the modern day Tower of Babel in CERN, Switzerland [it is almost a dream within a dream!]. The final scene is now approaching faster than we can even imagine and the plot is being revealed! The manifestation of Queen Semiramis and her “divine” son Tammuz’s Inception - or the divine son of Zeus and Leto, Apollo - is almost complete. It is an apparition of sensuous activity that impacts our emotions and make us feel good.
With the choice of J.D. Vance as the VP elect comes by default the multi billionaire power broker Peter Thiel, as Trump’s right hand man. Trump now has a full house of cards.
The sad part is - people actually believe Trump that he is the “anointed one of God”! Christians and Jews [Judeo-Christianity] is rushing at Warp Speed to make Trump their “saviour”. He believes it too because his “God” figure is merely the deceiving ‘light’, Lucifer. Lucifer deals the cards on humanity and we do our best to play with the cards we are dealt. A trump card or trump suite is elevated above its usual rank in trick-taking games. The English word ‘trump’ derives from trionfi, a type of 15th-century Italian playing cards, from the Latin triumphus "triumph, victory procession".
Convincing the masses that you are the “anointed one of God” really is the end game for society. All the Democrats could possibly do now is to create a Civil War and have the elections cancelled altogether.
It is totally unbelievable what is going on, however the masses have been conditioned to seek after a “saviour” type figure - and that is because we are spiritual beings who have a void caused by the spiritual and energetic disentanglement from YHWH, our Creator. We all struggle to live with that void. The Jewish Jester, Sigmund Freud called this human weakness - or dark side - “the unconscious”.
We need to be aware that the Christian prophet Brandon Biggs received a “word from the Lord” three (3) months before the Trump “assassination attempt” and has now being revered by every mainstream Christian as being a legitimate voice of God. However, he is obviously a false prophet operating in the same spirit as Donald Trump - they are resonating on the same corrupted frequency. False prophets have the ability to predict the future like this, using the Kundalini spirit to quantum tunnel into the dark, mystical spiritual realm, in order to use energetic ‘remote viewing’. Quantum mechanics and Quantum Computers have proven this to be a very real ‘science’.
However, this is what YHWH says about this: “If there arises among you a prophet or a dreamer of dreams, and he gives you a sign or a wonder, and the sign or the wonder shall come true, of which he has spoken to you, saying, ‘Let us go after other mighty ones – which you have not known – and serve them,’ do not listen to the words of that prophet or that dreamer of dreams, for יהוה your Elohim is trying you to know whether you love יהוה your Elohim with all your heart and with all your being.”
Brandon Biggs was twisting and distorting the hearts of many people, by making them put their trust in Trump and his Jewish takeover dream of a utopian “Great Awakening”. If Trump had truly repented before YHWH and seen the error of his ways, then Brandon Biggs could have been seen a true prophet of YHWH. He even said Trump’s eardrum would burst and he would be seen weeping before ‘the Lord’ in the Oval Office. None of these prediction came true.
The other thing that really makes me question Brandon Biggs’ integrity is his use of the words ‘God’ and ‘the Lord’ continually, without using Scripture to prove his position. This is a good example of Orwellian doublespeak. Doublespeak is language that deliberately obscures, disguises, distorts, or reverses the meaning of words.
Therefore one has to wonder if ‘the Lord’ he is worshipping is not our OVERLORD, Lucifer. It certainly has the overtones of an Apollyon spirit of destruction. Whatever the prophets in the Old Testament prophesied, it came true down to the nth degree. The book of Revelation was recorded by the Apostle John approximately 1,934 years ago, yet that is manifesting itself perfectly after all this time, with great accuracy. And that wasn’t given to the Apostle John by any funky “Christianese” icon or ‘the Lord’.
For those who follow Brandon Biggs, may I suggest you read about a certain magician and false prophet by the name Bar-Jesus in Cyprus in AD 48 during the Apostle Paul’s ministry. “When they had gone through the whole island as far as Paphos, they came upon a certain magician, a Jewish false prophet named Bar-Jesus”. In Acts 13:9 it says: “But Paul, filled with the Holy Spirit, looked intently at him and said, “You son of the devil, you enemy of all righteousness, full of all deceit and villainy, will you not stop making crooked the straight paths of YHWH?”
Notice three (3) things: #1. the name of this magician and false prophet was Bar-JESUS. His prophecies made YHWH’s righteousness crooked and distorted. This is interesting because Apostle Paul in the book of Acts always referred to the followers of Yeshua as the “Way” - they were those whose hearts had been transformed to resemble Yeshua, our Messiah’s righteousness. The only mention of the term “Christian” in Acts was mention of the pagan Greeks in Antioch [the followers of Apollo!] who began calling the followers of the “Way” ‘christianos’ in Greek which was a derisive name given to the followers of the “Way” as a collective - it was the same sarcastic energy as “name-calling” like kids in the school yard. #2 Bar-Jesus is deliberately called a Jewish false prophet. The sole purpose of Bar-Jesus’s attendance was to poison their minds and refute the resurrection. #3 Paul commanded that Bar-Jesus be blinded to the natural light of the sun - and it was so. In other words, Paul had the authority of YHWH’s Holy Spirit that most Christians do not have these days.
Zionist Jewry, and now American style apostate Christianity, makeup the greatest spiritual whore in history - Mystery Babylon.
I need to say that I’m not anti-Jewish in any way. However, I am total against the iniquity displayed in most of their hearts. They hate and even loathe YHWH and despise and abhor His Creation. However, some Jews are a part of YHWH’s remnant - some Jews have been spiritually redeemed, just like some Gentiles have been redeemed. Here is an article recently written by Rabbi Loren on March 30, 2024 called The Evidences For And Implications Of Yeshua’s Resurrection which is a very thought provoking document and full of YHWH’s Holy Spirit. Notice that the Rabbi mainly calls our Messiah, Yeshua - because he, being a real Jew, acknowledges that Yeshua is the only Messiah.
The Jesuits infiltrated the American Christian Church, who instead of standing strong in the authority of Yeshua’s resurrection power, have embraced the Jewish “salvation by works righteousness”, and the Luciferian Mystery Babylon gospel of Apollo which says “If it feels good, do it!”. It really has become the apostate church which is the abandonment of, or a willful falling away from trust in YHWH, our Creator and spiritual Father.
This is why the Zionist Christians support Trump and the QAnon movement! It is all the one and same spiritual energy that manifests in the Apollonian narcissism we witness in Donald Trump. To be clear, Donald J. Trump has sold his soul to the devil - and he wants us to do the same.
For those of you who refused to believe that the Swiss Octagon scripted the ongoing American Political play when Donald Trump surprised Hillary Clinton to be “elected” as President of the mighty U.S.A. in 2016, wait until you see what is coming!
Trump now has a full house of cards to instigate the emergence of the NWO, the Great Reset, the Singularity, the 4th Industrial Revolution, or the Khazarian Mafia (KM) rule of Lucifer. This is the goal of the Jewish cult that is bent on working towards manufacturing their own messiah, who they hope will resemble the Messiah they crucified in AD 30.
You are obviously aware by now who the main players are in the Final scene of the Zionist Jew lead Play in America - if not, let me introduce them….
I’ve been impressed with the alternative media who picked up about Peter Thiel’s involvement quick smart. There is so much Information out there now regarding this topic that I’m not going to write about this myself. I only try to cover what everyone else is not covering in the spiritual realm. I’m going to recommend one outstanding article for you to read. This article was posted recently by Patrick Wood who is undoubtedly the foremost expert on Technocracy and Transhumanism - this is his article Technocracy’s Final Assault? When Technocrats Came For The White House. This well researched article was initially POSTED BY: WHITNEY WEBB VIA UNLIMITED HANGOUT JULY 23, 2024.
This is Editor Patrick Wood’s comments prior to reading Whitney Webb’s post -
“One crude headline in 2022 described Peter Thiel as a “Sociopathic Billionaire Man-Child Who Wants to Eat the World.”
Elon Musk and Thiel are both known for Asperger’s traits, but both are dyed-in-the-wool Technocrats and Transhumans. Both are huge contributors to the Trump campaign. J.D. Vance, also a Technocrat, was employed and groomed by Thiel for his entire adult life. Thiel subsequently financed Vance’s successful Senatorial campaign and then jockeyed him into the vice-president nomination.
If the Trump/Vance ticket succeeds in November, it will mark a significant victory for Technocracy in America. For over 15 years, I have been sounding the alarm that this outcome was inevitable if technocracy was not firmly rejected by the public. Instead, America seems to be embracing it.
Thiel and Musk have signaled to their billionaire technocrat and transhumanist friends to rally to the Trump/Vance ticket, so you can expect a stampede to pile on the cash. Already, I have identified several: the Winklevoss twins, Ben Horowitz. David Sacks, Marc Andreessen and Joe Lonsdale.
Let me say again: Technocracy is not Communism, Socialism, Marxism, or Fascism. It is a perverse economic system driven by a scientific dictatorship. Alas, by the time that Americans wake up to this, it will be too late to shrug it off.
Friends, it’s time to turn to face the music. ⁃ Patrick Wood, Editor".”
As you read Whitney Webb’s post The Man Behind Trump’s VP Pick: It’s Worse Than You Think remember that this is the Kabbalah religion’s full disclosure of what is coming down the pipe right now with Technocracy and Transhumanism. It is a authoritarian dictatorship on AI steroids. “Peter Thiel is so smart. I’m not being sarcastic. I’d venture to say that Thiel is a genius, even a prodigal visionary.” Peter Thiel is undoubtedly possessed with demonic entities and CIA Information that is coming directly out of the open spiritual portal at CERN. Peter Thiel is at the top of this Technocracy and Transhumanism pyramid. He is now surrounded by Technocrats who have been groomed by him, including the likes of J.D. Vance. In MK Ultra mind control terms, there is no doubt whatsoever that Peter Thiel is J.D. Vance’s occult mind control handler.
Remember, Peter Thiel is a WEF trained expert on the god Apollo and Greek based Public-Private partnerships that function between government agencies and the likes of his own private-sector company, Palantir, that can be used to finance, build and operate projects particularly coming from the US Military and Intelligence communities. Palantir is a CIA contractor and the Pentagon is Thiel’s connection to the Canton of Geneva in Switzerland.
Never forget the source of all this Intelligence and occult Information is detailed in my eBook Are You Con-CERN-ed? is Apollyon —the Destroyer….
“The nuclear research facility known as CERN built the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) on the French/Swiss border, in the suburbs of Geneva, Switzerland. In Roman times, Saint-Genis-Pouilly was called the Apolloacum, a town dedicated to the Greek god Apollyon, where an ancient Roman Temple was built to worship the demonic deities. The Romans believed this was a gateway or portal to the underworld. Apollyon, the Greek name, like its patron god Shiva, means “the destroyer”. It is described in Revelation as the angel of the bottomless pit. “They were ruled by a king, the angel of the Abyss. His name in Hebrew is Abaddon, and in Greek it is Apollyon —the Destroyer.” (Rev 9:11) BSB. At CERN is erected a 2m tall statue of the Hindu deity lord Shiva. It defines the MOB and CERN’s beliefs.”
Thiel’s venture capital firm is registered as Mithril Capital Management. Mithril is a fictional, imaginary metal found in J. R. R. Tolkien 's Middle-earth writings. It is described as resembling silver, but being stronger and lighter than steel. Mithril was a mythical precious metal highly prized for its strength, light weight, and malleability. The mystical Elves called this substance mithril, but the Dwarves had their own, secret name for it. Mithril - Mithra - get it? Mithra is an ancient Indo-Iranian deity associated with a mystery cult that worshipped the rising sun, justice, contracts, and war within mystic, pre-Zoroastrian Iranian and later, as the central Roman religion. The founder of the Roman Catholic Church in AD 312, Emperor Constantine, was also a worshipper of Persian Mithraism. What Constantine saw in his vision was not the cross of Yeshua, but the Hermetic ankh or their false ‘key of life’ which is an ancient Egyptian hieroglyphic symbol. This is the Hermetic ritualistic symbol which is a counterfeit of the key to the Real Tree of Life, Yeshua haMashiach.
Thiel is a key member, and one of most influential figures of the controversial, closed-door and overtly globalist Bilderberg conference. Newsweek once called Thiel one of the most influential figures at Bilderberg.
While Peter Thiel has long marketed himself as a libertarian, his track record from PayPal on has revealed him to instead be an architect of the modern surveillance state and a successor to the neoconservative Cabal [the Deep State] that had once tried (but failed) to do the same. Remember that Peter Thiel’s role in the Swiss Play that is staged in America is that of a “provider of light”, along with Trump and his co-founders of PayPal, Mr. “X”, Elon Musk and Mr “Z”, the Jewish Khazarian Mafia (KM) wizard, Mark Zuckerberg.
In 2003, Thiel co-founded Palantir, a data-analytics company whose software is said to represent the “ultimate tool of surveillance.” Facebook was one of the main sources of our public data and Information. Peter Thiel was the first outside investor into Facebook. Palantir was created to be the privatized version of a post-9/11 surveillance program designed by the US Military Industrial Complex to control our minds. Remember that!
September 11, 2001 was also used as an excuse to remove Information “firewalls” within the National-Security state, expanding “Information sharing” among agency databases and, by extension, also expanding the amount of data that could be accessed and analyzed by Main Core and its analogues.
I suggest that whilst reading this article you follow the money since 9/11, 2001. The unconstitutional Main Core database, CIA, the PROMIS software scandal that was pushed by media baron and Israeli “super spy” Robert Maxwell, the father of Ghislaine Maxwell and reportedly the man who brought Jeffrey Epstein into the Israeli Intelligence orbit. Like PROMIS, Main Core involved both US and Israeli Intelligence.
Called Total Information Awareness (TIA), the program sought to develop an “all-seeing” surveillance apparatus managed by the Pentagon’s DARPA. TIA’s supporters argued that invasive surveillance of the entire US population was necessary to prevent terrorist attacks, bioterrorism events, and even naturally occurring disease outbreaks (such as pandemics) before they could take place. The architect of TIA, and the man who led it during its relatively brief existence in the Pentagon, was John Poindexter. One of Poindexter’s key allies was the chief information officer of the CIA, Alan Wade. The TIA program was eventually forced to shut down after considerable criticism and public outrage.
The same month as the Total Information Awareness (TIA) name change, Peter Thiel incorporated Palantir [Check the TIA logo above!]. Coincidence? Thiel’s incorporation of the outlawed TIA program into a Privatised version by DARPA’s US Military Industrial Complex was orchestrated by none other than John Poindexter. Thus Peter Thiel’s Palantir entered the market via a backdoor. This is how the Jewish Khazarian Mafia (KM) always works. This is how the CIA, FBI and NSA have hidden behind the National Security Act since its inception in 1947.
Notice well the players here - they are all somehow linked to Israeli Intelligence which is a cover for Swiss Intelligence - the global CIA. ALL of these puppets, whether they be Republican or Democrat, Luciferian or the Deep State, with its allegiance to Satanic rituals, are agents of the Swiss Intelligence at CERN, the Headquarters of Apollyon, the spirit of destruction and death. Remember that, since 1999, Israel is the first and only country outside Europe to be granted full membership status of CERN. The CIA held the unique position of being Palantir’s only client until 2008.
The data that Facebook users make public invariably winds up in Palantir’s databases and helps drive the surveillance engine Palantir runs for US Police departments, the Military and the Swiss directed Intelligence community. Facebook’s public personal data has been described as the “CIA’s wet dream”. Read the whole story regarding the Swiss CIA and U.S. CIA’s move towards mass surveillance, and remember Palantir enjoyed a windfall under the first Trump administration.
Palantir collects data, processes data, analyses data and uses pattern recognition to interpret Information in order to help the Military, Government and Public-Private partnerships make better operational decisions and predict outcomes. This is what Quantum Computers can do. The Military ‘adversaries’ mentioned in this video are you and me. This is WW3 - the takeover of the human mind.
Having now laid a foundation - this is what the media is not telling you.
The palantír, also known as the ‘Seven Stones’ or the ‘Seven Seeing-stones’, were spherical stone objects used for communication and Intelligence gathering. Named after the omniscient crystal balls in J.R.R. Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings trilogy, Palantir’s success was initially enabled by a $2 million investment from In-Q-Tel, the CIA’s venture capital firm. Using a palantír required a person to connect with demonic entities or parallel universes. This is now done within Quantum Computer qubits - this has taken over from Vril energy clairvoyants.
The MOB now possesses Quantum Computers that operate faster than as our brain. Quantum Computers networked together form the Sentient World Simulation (SWS) - this is the physical manifestation of the Beast system. Thiel was initially contracted by DARPA and has since become instrumental in designing the software for the Sentient World System (SWS) project.
So tell me: Who was the U.S. President when all the governments of the world instructed their Military to roll out and erect 5G towers when the masses were all in lockdown in early 2020?
“A palantír was an indestructible ball of crystal, used for communication and to see events in other parts of Arda, whether past or future.” — Palantir’s Wiki
You are already a node living in a simulated artificial reality within the global SWS, Beast system. Each individual exists as a digital replica of ourselves. You gave all your information and data away to Peter Thiel’s SWS somehow…… that I can assure you. It could have been via the COVID-19 swabs taken from your nose or mouth.
James Corbett provides a treasure of information in Meet the Sentient World Simulation: How the Government Predicts the Future where he defines the aim of the “Sentient World Simulation” program as…. according to its creator, as being a “continuously running, continually updated mirror model of the real world that can be used to predict and evaluate future events and courses of action.” “The original concept paper for the project was published in 2006, and in 2007 it was reported that both Homeland Security and the Defense Department were already using the system to simulate the American public’s reaction to various crises.”
As Kingsley L. Dennis says - The SWS creates an environment for testing their psychological operations - and how the public will respond. For instance, the SWS was used for Event 201. The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation hosted Event 201, a high-level simulation exercise for pandemic preparedness and response, in New York on 18th October 2019. This event was advertised three (3) days prior by the WEF in Geneva, Switzerland.
The spiritual mafia MOB already knew how the public would respond to the fear generated by the COVID-19 “vaccination”, before they even pulled the trigger in Wuhan in 2020! Overnight the fear moved to the Province of Lombard in northern Italy, then NY. If you have read my eBook Are You Con-CERN-ed? you would already know the significance of the Lombard bloodline and where it originates…. and how it is controlling the Olympic Games in Paris. All of these events are related to 5G+ activation.
The spiritual mafia MOB is Game playing everything - and human life is now reduced to a piece of digital data that is encoded within the SWS. This data can be programmed through propaganda and the conditioning of our mind, heart and soul to be responsive to certain stimuli - thus we become totally predictable in emotion and action. Therefore we have lost our YHWH-given conscious spontaneity that only our natural human nature can provide.
The Sentient World System (SWS) is designed to control your everything…. you will either be a robot controlled entity or they will switch you off. When you are hooked up to the SWS using ‘the entanglement of electrons’, you will have been transmuted into a hybrid. They will then control your perception of reality and you will have lost your soul. This is the coming Jewish Khazarian Mafia (KM) reality lead by the false Jewish messiah - however, nobody is talking about it! This Information is covered up…. and all have been silenced.
I don’t get it!
Meanwhile the occult chant remains - “If It Feels Good - Do It!” That is the main message from Paris! Those emotions and actions of absolute convenience - along with the stroking of our own ego is what keeps us individuals blinded to the Truth and trapped in a digital prison. This is the weaponisation of our minds by the great harlot, the Whore of Babylon !