I have chosen to debate these two short video clips of an interview with Dr. Naomi Wolf and Dr. Peter McCullough. Both of these experts have been speaking up for democratic, human freedom since day one of the announcement of the virus, SARS-CoV-2.
Since early 2020 this Blog has established that there is a source of global evil that has its epicentre hidden somewhere underground within CERN, Switzerland - Geneva is the at the centre of global finance and governance. However, this created soulish, human energy is the actual source of destruction and death for humanity.
We have also established that there is a source of Life that exists outside of this spiritual realm of spacetime that only manifests itself when we individuals summons it as an act of our own will.
There is therefore a continual battle raging within our being for the ownership of our heart, mind, soul and spirit. That battle rages between what the bible calls our “flesh” - that part of us which is soulish, self-centred and egotistical - and that part of us which is spiritually connected, and energetically entangled to our creator God.
We then established that the #1 human need is connection. Love enables us to experience that connection, however none of us know how to experience pure, unconditional love since it is more than likely tainted with judgement, bias, self-satisfaction, self-preservation and judgement against God.
We fear death so much we cannot even image life free of these vices.
The greatest destroyer of connection and relationship with God and others is our own inbuilt fears - unconscious fears imposed on us by subtle mind control tactics.
Darkness in our hearts generated by the fear of God is what has manifested the scale of corruption we are witnessing today. We cannot unconditionally love someone we fear - it is impossible.
For some, if not most, it is just easier to embark on self-preservation than to raise ones head above the sand.
With the onset of modern technology, sand comes in the form of ‘in silico’ computer chips - thus the event of The Evil Twins of Technocracy and Transhumanism. In silico originally meant “performed on computer or via computer simulation”, but now Big Pharma has hijacked that term to combine modern biological science as it refers to experimental techniques performed by AI. The mRNA platform and graphene oxide established within our bodies is a good example of ‘in silico’ computer chip advancement within this biology dictatorship.
Self-preservation is a form of self-sabotage which are patterns of thoughts and behaviours engaged in, often without even knowing it, that creates obstacles to achieving our own ethical goals of justice, liberty and freedom.
Our spiritual Saviour, Yeshua haMashiach is the only divine man to have ever walked this earth who was not shackled with these human burdens of judgement, bias, self-satisfaction, self-preservation and judgement against God. Yeshua was - and still is - the perfect administrator of a pure heart, justice and righteousness.
I personally know a multitude of so called “born again”, Pre-Rapture believing Christians who are happy to sit on the fence and watch the battle from the sidelines - thinking there is no need to fear because they are going to whisked off into fairyland with no accountability for the mess they have helped create in society as spiritual prostitutes to the Beast system.
Can you image a pure God coming back to rescue a group who have spiritually prostituted themselves against the Lord of all - and limply called themselves God’s representatives, God’s set-apart ones, “the church”? Who do you think Stella represents - the woman who rode the Beast at the 2022 Commonwealth Games? She is symbolic of the corporate Christian church that has mixed its beliefs with the world system instead of solely trusting the creator God. What has become known as “the church” is no better than the Jews who crucified their own Messiah, Yeshua because of their self-righteous beliefs.
We all know which way “fence sitters” will fall when the crunch comes and we don’t have food to place on our tables!
Here is a BIG warning - “you will not be able to watch forever - the way this is going - this is not going to end anytime soon - we are going from a COVID crisis into a transgender crisis > into an economic digital currency crisis > into a global warming crisis and then onto another plandemic crisis”. Soon, there will be nowhere to hide.
In this excellent video Naomi Wolf stresses how the mRNA injections are changing both a person’s energy fields and spirituality. Dr. Naomi Wolf in her book, The End of America, reveals the frequently repeated 10 steps taken by dictators to overthrow democracies and destroy people’s freedom and liberties. Since 2001, the MOB’s threat was terrorism which was used as the justification to strip us of our liberties. According to Naomi Wolf, the first 9 Steps played out shortly after 9/11 2001. Since Wolf wrote her book in 2007, the 10th Step had never played out, until Feb. 2020. Step 10 was swung into action by the Technocrats. The catalyst was the orchestrated synthetic virus, SARS-CoV-2. The Spike protein seen in electronic microscopy are now proven to be nanotech, intelligent sensor platform structures that are small enough to enter nervous system cells and alter their behaviour.
9/11, 2001 was the beginning of The Silence of the Lambs [1991 movie] which was so called because lambs, when they are led to slaughter, go quietly and without making a sound. Today individuals are being silenced, initially through COVID syringed injections, but soon through a Smart Micro Needle Array Patch (MNA). We are now officially those lambs being led to the slaughter.
The last and final step in the implementation of tyranny, Dr. Naomi Wolf’s Step 10, involves the creation of a surveillance state where emergency law is enacted, or martial law enforced. Since early 2020 and the declaration of a state of emergency globally, the rule of law has been eroded. Emergency law will soon be re-enforced globally through the WHO. Step 10 will be completed when the Great Reset is introduced. In a recent video Naomi discusses “Why Vaccine Passports Equal Slavery Forever”. The vaccine passport platform is the same platform currently exercised in China as a social credit system.
We are not far off American and Australian democracy being sacrificed by the MOB in Geneva.
“The flesh” ….. or unredeemed ego …… continually argues, inside our head, for self-preservation - in the hope [hopium] that things will just blow over and the storm will pass.
Our flesh has no interest in leaving our comfortable, self-satisfying lifestyle. Fearful people, want to remain anonymous and hidden [just like the secret societies that control them].
Fearful people do not like to be seen. Adam and Eve manifested this behaviour after the iniquity in their heart lead them to be tempted and deceived into disobeying God.
You can reason and rationalise and excuse your own logical data - but the truth is - soon you will begin to loose everything you are hanging onto within this Beast system. There will not longer be any props to lean on. What then?
In whom will you trust?
If I was the devil…..
Is this video comedy or conspiracy reality? Do we laugh or cry? Who is this devil? What impact does he have on our lives?
Why is it we have trouble calling God, “He “and we therefore believe God is dualistic - both male and female, yin and yang - yet we are happy to call this devil “he”!?
Interesting isn’t it! Our flesh [that energy which is independent of the creator God] works and controls our thoughts in mysterious ways……….. the fact that the MOB is getting away with this crime against humanity is unconscionable.
Remember the word ‘pronoia’? It is a belief system in which people believe whatever they are told by those who rule over them. Pronoia is a false belief system in ones mind that our government leaders conspire to do “good” for us.
‘Pronoia’ [or fear based brainwashing] is what keeps our head in the sand…. and our “good” deeds are confined to one side of the same coin - good and evil. Lucifer and Satan.
Who is the author of human deception?
Wow! I appreciate your comments. This is very encouraging for me to read because the sole purpose of this Blog is not to gain numbers, but to let folks like you know that you are not alone. To push back against the Beast system and embrace Yeshua's goodness can be a very lonely "road". I love Luke 24:13-35 because this took place immediately after His resurrection - it is the key to experiencing the real quantum entanglement. Place yourself and your wife in that scene and experience the power of God's goodness for us. This spiritual road is "the Way"!
👍The tragic irony of these times is that the humans at the top of his tower of Babel human food chain pyramid have absolutely zero doubts of his direct authority over them, & thus over all humans; while Christian🐑 debate or even reject his existence, even as the abbatoir doors close behind them. I lay that on the unbelieving religious leaders, the goats who are leading the flock down this wide highway to destruction.
As for me & my clan, I lost 2 children directly because of him & his ilk. Things once seen can never be unseen, & to deny the reality of that is to deny yourself any chance of salvation or victory. I couldn't change the world but Yeshua saved my wife's & my life, & after 10 years of fighting evil with evil, I finally surrendered to Him. He changed me, which changed the world (& some of the folks) around me. The father of lies is real AF but- righteous fear is reserved for I AM alone. The evil one can only destroy the flesh, but only through His Son can save your eternal spirit. Excellent groundzero post Graeme, because all our troubles emanate from there. 🙏