These are just two high profile puppets of the spirit mafia MOB - our OVERLORDS -that are in agreement.
UK scientists have begun developing vaccines as insurance against a new pandemic caused by an unknown "Disease X". The work is being carried out at the government's high-security Porton Down laboratory complex in Wiltshire by a team of more than 200 scientists. They are all preparing for the next plandemic, creating their narrative and blaming climate change for Pandemic X already.
However there is good evidence that all “vaccines” are harmful and this is a coordinated attack on the public. Please hear this and let it sink in …. prescription drugs are the third leading cause of death after heart disease and cancer. Half of those die due to side affects of the drugs and the other half die because of ‘errors’ made by doctors. Big Pharma is at the epicentre of the global corruption of the healthcare system. Very few people are independent of the money involved in healthcare. That is because money, sex and power rule this Beast system, allowing Big Pharma to make a lot of money on false premises. I personally made a decision 30 years ago not to take any pharmaceutical drugs unless absolutely necessary. I do not regret that decision. That could be why I’m now 70 years old and have only been to hospital once to have my tonsils removed when I was six years old - and I have never had CV-19…… because I do not fear the MONSTER Big Pharma.
About 1,934 years ago, the disciple who loved Yeshua the most, the Apostle John, was entrusted with a vision of the future, given by the Holy Spirit. We now know this as the Book of Revelation. Everyone knows about 666, but that is really just a diversion. It describes how Yeshua is revealing Himself to the masses, just prior to Yeshua’s 2nd coming and God’s judgement of mankind. You may have noticed that people fear God’s judgement more than anything. That is why they hate God so much. They don’t fear God in a healthy, submissive way; they fear God in a very negative, destructive way. In Rev. 18:23 it tells us clearly about Big Pharma ruling the whole world through the Greek word ‘pharmakeia’ which means: the use of medicine, drugs, spells, magic, sorcery, enchantment.
This is how the book of Revelation describes the fall of the Beast system….
“The light of a lamp will never shine in you again [the spiritual mafia MOB], and the voices of a bride [we could maybe interpret this as Satan] and bridegroom [maybe Lucifer] will never call out in you again. For your merchants were the great ones of the earth, because all the nations were deceived by your sorcery [‘pharmakeia’].”
We are at war against the might and strength of the Behemoth, Big Pharma monster. And biowarfare is part of that war. The Behemoth is a massive creature that is described in the biblical Book of Job that is said to be a primeval monster of chaos.
I highly recommend KAREN KINGSTON’s Substack dated MAR 3 - China's War on the US Alliance System. Karen says “We are lucky enough to witness these profound changes; and 500 years of western domination is soon coming to an end; and Americans gnashing their teeth in hell.” China brags about how they have completely infiltrated the US and are masters of the Art of War. That means those who we believe to be our friends and strongest allies, are actually our most threatening enemies.
It is really hard for us to get our head around the fact that the Chinese CCP, Russia, Ukraine, Nato and America are ALL puppets of the same spiritual mafia MOB in Switzerland. That is why Switzerland was made a neutral country in AD 1648. That is 376 years ago folks….. and you don’t believe in long term planning? Since then the Black Nobility from Venice and the Canton of Geneva have created evolution, Marxism, Nazism, Fascism, Communism and now Transhumanism and Technocracy in order to culminate their plan - and Technocratic China is at the forefront of it.
Once again, Karen Kingston is describing the Behemoth’s biological weaponry designed specifically to be used against you…… the main target is your mind!
Hydrogel is made of Graphene Oxide(GO). Hydrogel is manmade synthetic biology that is essentially a white plastic that can self assemble and move itself around the body via the pathway of our veins. It often looks like miniature fibre optic cables. Graphene Oxide is a great conductor of a electromagnetic field - thus the wavelengths emitted by the 5/6G towers are designed to entangle with the GO in our brains.
We all want to feel safe - but where do we run to feel safe these days - there appears in the natural that there is nowhere to hide.
Well here we begin to describe the only safe place left for us….. this hiding place is by God’s design….. it is spiritual/quantum/energetic in nature.
In order to replace HOPE for the drug ‘Hopium’, it is really important to watch this interview with Dr. David Martin who has total clarity of mind. He is someone who knows and understands what is going on behind the scenes. The topic is how to overcome fear of this Babylonian spirit. This is one video you should watch right through and be sharing with others because it contains great spiritual insight.
Remember that every strategy coming out of our OVERLORD’S secret closet is a military style behavioural modification exercise. This is really important to grasp. This war is a spiritual assault on human dignity and morality.
For those of you short of time, at least watch this video from the :43 minute mark. The analogy given by David Martin is taken from the 2006 movie 300. It is a great depiction of the parallel ‘reality’ we live in. The reason I’m highlighting this is because I also know that the rhino [the Beast] which represents DEATH, is already dead.
We as individuals cannot possibly fight and win this war in our own strength. It is impossible! We cannot throw a spear and kill the Beast system - that strategy is what has been labelled ‘Hopium’ on display. Our ego likes to think we can overcome and arise to an “Awakened” state - but the reality is - we cannot and we will not! That is not written in God’s Script. That is merely a novel illusion that will never play out in full.
However, our HOPE lies in another spiritual dimension - another Script - written and produced another “Way”! The One who actually threw the spear is the divine God/man Yeshua, our spiritual Messiah. He fatally wounded the rhino [the Beast] in AD 30 when He defeated DEATH, but the Beast is still charging at us 1,994 years later. The Beast looks furious - the Beast looks terrifying - the Beast looks like it is going to destroy us - BUT IT CANNOT BECAUSE IT IS DEAD.
The Beast represents DEATH because the Beast is death. Yeshua represents LIFE because He is LIFE - that is His character, that is His essence, that is His nature, that is His name - the Word of God and creator of LIFE.
As we humans quantum entangle ourselves to Yeshua, we intimately share that LIFE, that victory, that resolve, that trust, that hope. All we are asked to do is to stand firm.
There is no need to fear something that is DEAD! The thing that we perceive as coming towards us with terror in its eyes we don’t have to fear, because that energy disipates the instant we stop fearing it. It is not real - it is a mythical illusion!
Fearing the Beast is pointless and a waste of energy. Just stand your ground - because when we are positioned in Yeshua’s army the rhino [the Beast] cannot reach us - it is impossible! We are energetically and spiritually protected.
Most Christians do not really know that in their heart - that is why 80% of Christians got vaccinated with a bioweapon in Australia that is designed to kill them - because of FEAR. 80% is the same ratio as those they judge to be pagans. So where is their trust in God? Instead they cowed in fear and submitted to the Beast.
The Beast has been declared dead already. It even knows it is dead. All it can do is to deceive you into thinking otherwise by changing your perception through mind controlled propaganda. It is actually struggling to breathe - having its last gasp to try to save itself.
We don’t have to throw anymore spears - because it is ALREADY DEAD! Fear - our fear - is the only weapon the MOB has against us - and if we get rid of that fear, nothing matters. It is impossible to fear something that is dead.
I have nothing more to say……..this is SO profound……
If you, my fellow sojourner could only grasp this and appropriate this Truth as your right, you wouldn’t need to read this Substack anymore!
You would have learnt to STAND YOUR GROUND, void of fear!
This Truth needs no defence…..
Benito Mussolini moved to Switzerland [what a surprise!] to promote socialism from 1902 -1904 before founding the Fascist Party in Italy in 1919. This is what justice looks like - this is an original picture taken of Mussolini, the deposed Italian fascist dictator, who was executed by an Italian partisan in a village near Lake Como in northern Italy on 28 April 1945, in the final days of World War II in Europe.
The bottomline is - the theory of evolution, Marxism, Nazism, Fascism, Communism, Transhumanism, Technocracy, the NWO, the UN, the WHO, the WEF, and your national Government all represent the Beast of DEATH. And like Mussolini, they will be judged real soon.
God Himself will be the Judge of the next International Court of Justice. What mankind failed to do, God will do with ease. God will be the next administrator of justice of a world full of injustice and a collective wallowing in iniquity or corruption of hearts. God killed the Beast on our behalf and will soon bring complete justice to planet earth…. now we are witnessing the Beast’s final breath.
For your own sanity, personal self worth and identity, this is really worth thinking about…….