The latest is, Elon Musk's brain-chip startup Neuralink says it will begin recruiting for the first human trial of its brain implant for paralysis patients after receiving approval from an independent review board in the U.S.
For those of you who don’t believe the Vril Society is creating a Technocratic Nazism being global Nazism encoded with AI, then watch this video. Surely waatching these foreigners of the U.S being shipped to New York in Nazi styled train carriages with the intent to create chaos, must start to hit home.
So you want to argue that there are no clones of people? Then watch this….
Influencers are paid to sell their souls and pull others into the mire…..
How can we discern that we are literally on the verge of the 7 year Tribulation period?
Well…. that is an easy question…..
And what is the main proof that the Vril Society is creating a Technocratic Nazism being global Nazism encoded with AI? The answer is mind control that was enhanced by the Jesuits since their conception in AD1540 - the Jesuits were formed by the MOB - actually Khazarian Zionist Jews - to operate within the Roman Catholic Church. The Society of Jesus, also known as the Jesuit Order or the Jesuits, is a religious order of clerics regular of pontifical right for men in the Catholic Church headquartered in Rome. It was founded in 1540 by Ignatius of Loyola and six companions, with the approval of Pope Paul III.
MKUltra or mind control has been forming our belief system for decades. The Jewish Kabbalah, Khazarian Zionist and the Jesuits have been running mind control programs within Hollywood, using predictive mind control tactics in movies, TV, advertising and music ever since Edward Bernays began opening changing the minds of the masses through subtle persuasion, influencing and conditioning.
Bernays was an expert at using propaganda and the scientific technique of shaping and manipulating public opinion, which he famously dubbed "engineering of consent”. Bernays was the father of advertising and public relations because he understood the ‘shadow side’ of humanity and how to manipulate their collective weaknesses. Bernays correctly viewed the masses as prone to their all-consuming ‘Self’ [ego]. Bernays used this human weakness to lure individuals into self indulgence and consumerism to satisfy their “selfish needs”. Therefore, Edward Bernays was one of the most influential occultists to have ever lived.
It is what American theorist Edward Bernays referred to as “an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country.” Edward Bernays originated the whole concept of being a social “influencer”. He targeted specific themes in his advertising, like vanity and enhanced image in women, to establish dissent between groups. He was an expert in knowing the weaknesses in both men and women [think about the occult art of compromising an individual’s moral standards through subtle unethical persuasion, whilst fully knowing their weaknesses]. Therefore everyone became Bernays’ target market.
The MOB blames God for mankind’s weaknesses, but our own ego is their main target of exploitation.
The root of all evil corruption is the iniquity, the instinctual or unconscious desires we individually hold in our own heart. It is a subtle antagonism towards God that we are not even consciously aware of. That is why the personal, Creator God gets such a bad rap. This attitude of heart becomes the bane and ruin of the collective. Sigmund Freud referred to these desires as “hidden irrational forces” or primitive uncontrollable forces inside a human being. This is the essence of the corrupt energy the Khazarian Zionist Jews are quantum entangled with.
Freud’s nephew, Edward Bernays was the one who learnt to monetise this powerful human weakness. Iniquity manifests as individual and corporate corruption and Bernays seized the opportunity to exploit it. Corrupted hearts soon became the new norm as the Beast system was built out! Bernays unlocked the key to the self deception and self corruption of the masses, thus entered the foundational cornerstone of a totalitarian regime. Bernays’ Century of ‘Self’ has moulded the American masses as well as American Christianity.
A consumerism society was formed where man’s desires overshadowed his needs. Bernays called it “the engineering of consent”. However mankind’s new sense of ‘Self’ left the masses feeling fearful, empty, despondent and in despair [because our spiritual void cannot be filled with material gain]. This feat of engineering consent [our will] through consumerism then became the template for the whole world.
The MOB’s goal was to create a world of selfish individualism. What we are witnessing today is the pinnacle of that goal. According to Freud (1915), the unconscious mind is the primary source of human behaviour. Like an iceberg, the most important part of the mind is the part you cannot see. Our feelings, motives and decisions are actually powerfully influenced by our past experiences, and stored in the unconscious. Freud suggested that the binding force of the crowd emerged through any man adopting the drives shared by the collective. The essence of this uncontrollable force is self-hatred, the hatred of God and the hatred of our fellow man.
I contend that Freud’s unconscious, the “hidden irrational forces” of an individual and the binding force of the crowd are nothing other than what the bible classes as ‘iniquity of heart’ within an individual. Iniquity is the enemy within each individual that totalitarianism endeavours to control. It becomes our primary motivation force to be corrupt, unethical and move away from all forms of morality.
It is difficult for people to accept and trust that this raging bull within us is chaotic and destructive, being a consequence of listening to the Serpent’s voice, whilst disentangling ourselves from the personal, Creator God. Whilst totalitarianism endeavours to control this iniquity of heart within an individual, the religion of modern Christianity chooses to ignore the problem altogether. Christianity only attacks the cause of the problem, being sin, not the root of the problem, iniquity of heart or the “hidden irrational forces”.
Controlling these unconscious drivers is an impossible task that man cannot possibly succeed at. Only God Himself can erase our iniquity of heart.
You have to understand how serious this mind control SH*T is! And the corporate Christian church has no answer to it ……. AT ALL! Why? Because it too is a part of the Beast system’s ability to predictive mind control people. They use it in their teaching and worship. It is called soulish worship and entertaining the sins of the flesh. Edward Bernays knew this game so well and influenced the influencers within the church system.
Let’s be honest - very few Christians have actually experienced God’s glory by energetically entangling themselves to Him in the 3rd heaven, God, His Son, Yeshua or His Holy Spirit. Woman are now programmed to hate God because He is deemed to be male, and to despise men. Likewise, men are now programmed to hate God and to despise women.
“The Social Dilemma” in 2020 identifies how the internet is vying for our attention, and how that is creating an illusion regarding our reality. ‘Nefarious’; means ‘iniquitous’. Iniquity is that which is twisted or morally distorted; not straight; crooked, corrupt, perverse. Iniquity has to do with our state of being that is inherently in error. Iniquity also “implies an absence of justice or fairness”.
A ‘distortion of reality’ is the operative word! A ‘nefarious’ society induces tribalism, chaos and division whilst their selfish acts destroys democracy.
In “The Social Dilemma” Tristan Harris says: “When we think about technology being an existential threat, it is a big claim. But it is not really about technology being an existential threat, it is the technologies ability to bring out the worst in society that is the existential threat!” This one statement identifies the true meaning of the root problem associated with the word ‘nefarious’.
Iniquity means to have a ‘calibration’ error because of our lack of entanglement and connection to our creator God. Iniquity establishes an illusion within us that we believe is true, but is in fact a lie.
In “The Social Dilemma” Tristan Harris went on to say: “If we don’t agree on what is true, or there is such a thing as truth, we’re toast! If we cannot agree on what is true, then we cannot navigate out of any problems.”
Cathy O’Neil says: “We are allowing the technologies to frame this as a problem that they are equipped to solve. That is a lie.”
We live in a ‘distortion of reality’!
There are so many revealing videos to share to prove that we living in a ‘distortion of reality’ and literally on the verge of what the bible calls the Tribulation period of 7 years of tyranny - however there is not a more important topic to consider than predictive programming.
This movie video from 1985 uses predictive programming for the MOB to openly tell their agenda and influence the mind of the masses in a way that causes fragmentation of one’s mind.
A targeted subject’s mind, in order to protect themselves, flees to a safe place and a new identity and a new entity is formed within them. That entity is a spiritual parasite or demon. Each time a target experiences trauma, a spiritual parasite is reinforced within their mind and thus possesses the brain.
Often, for the general public, this process is so energetically subtle, individuals are not even aware that this corrupted quantum field process has actually happened to them and has transformed that way they think and behave.
The new entity is full of self-centredness and ego - those taken over are often focused on priding themselves on knowledge gained from the CERN’s internet, being right and being judgemental. This is the essence of being possessed with a demon. They judge themselves to be right all the time, and everyone else in their space is wrong.
Individuals actually pride themselves on the knowledge they know, however it is that knowledge that is bringing fragmentation of mind, cloning and death to their bodies. They do not understand that God’s wisdom and understanding is what brings life and wholeness to our beings and makes us human. Connecting with this divine energy is what brings forth true, pure intuition.
The clairvoyant women’s belief system that is associated with the quantum energy of Hermes Trismegistus or the Jewish Kabbalah does not reveal an intuition that is entangled with God’s pure energy.
Remember we are in a spiritual war - that war is for our minds. The U.S. Military - and thus now every Military in the world - is using this one subtle tactic to control our minds [and thus win the war] and the chances are you are not even consciously aware that you have fallen for this trap - that means the chances are you yourself are mind controlled without your conscious understanding or awareness.
We are all mind controlled to varying degrees.
If you are trying to live a life within this Beast system, without having the spiritual protection of the male Saviour of the world, Yeshua HaMashiach, you are already brainwashed into believing the MOB’s narrative.
You already have a spiritual chip in your mind - and that will soon manifest into a physical chip whether you like it or not.
That means your free will is gone….. and to be honest it is probably already!
The fragmentation of our minds is the MOB, the Military, the Corporations and the Government’s secret weapon against us - it is the creation of a morally corrupted narcissist. Whenever a person is subtly infested with a spiritual parasite, a narcissist entity is born….. and the world is now infested with billions of narcissists. Narcissism is now manifesting in plague proportions - hence the time of revealing Lucifer. But more importantly, the time of Revelation of the antithesis of Lucifer and mind control, our only spiritual Saviour, Yeshua HaMashiach is being revealed.
This person Yeshua is the only one who can set us free of spiritual parasites and our narcissist attitude towards ourselves, others and God. Yeshua is the ‘Way‘. He is not an icon to be worshipped. He is a living spiritual being who actually holds all of Creation together with the energy field CERN scientists labeled “the God Particle”.
Connecting with Yeshua’s energy is the only ‘Way‘ we can hold our minds together and remain sane.
Listen to the definition of the word fragmentation shown to us in plain sight by the executors of Yeshua HaMashiach, the Zionist Khazarian Jews, who publish Wicked-pedia.
Fragmentation (biology definition); in multicellular or colonial organisms is a form of asexual reproduction or cloning, where an organism is split into fragments. Each of these fragments develops into mature, fully grown individuals that are clones of the original organism. The organism may develop specific organs or zones to shed or be easily broken off. If the splitting occurs without the prior preparation of the organism, both fragments must be able to regenerate the complete organism for it to function as reproduction.
Fragmentation as a method of reproduction is seen in organisms such as filamentous cyanobacteria, molds, lichens, sponges, [this is what hydrogel within the vaccines is] acoel flatworms, some annelid worms and sea stars.[1]
Now here is the punch line for us Goyim. “As this process is a form of asexual reproduction, it does NOT produce genetic diversity in the offspring. Therefore, these are more vulnerable to changing environments, parasites, and diseases.”
Please take this in - for your own good and survival. Since Hitler’s Nazi regime in WW2, the MOB’s bloodlines have perfected genetic engineering, fragmentation of biology, fragmentation of our minds, cloning and therefore mind control.
Fragmentation and cloned intuition is a counterfeit energy that is prevalent today. Intuition is a subatomic energy. This is what creates a narcissist. Like a well of water, its purity depends on its spiritual source.
“Molds, yeasts and mushrooms, all of which are part of the Fungi kingdom, produce tiny filaments called hyphae. These hyphae obtain food and nutrients from the body of other organisms to grow and fertilize. Then a piece of hyphae breaks off and grows into a new individual and the cycle continues.”
Remember, spiritual parasites are entities that lives and feeds on or in an organism of a different species and causes harm to its host. Mould effects the brain and molds/moulds the mind. Mould [mold], yeasts, fungi and any other parasite that causes our body to become acidic and destroy the oxygen flow within our body, does the same thing.
Parasites are soul destroying - and life destroying.
This is important to understand: the changing environments of our mind impacts both the information that is allowed to pass into the nucleus of our DNA, and what we believe about ourselves, others and God. Fragmentation creates access for spiritual parasites. Fragmentation also creates clones of the true being we human beings we were designed by God to be.
Here is the MOB’s definition of fragmentation:
The act or process of breaking into fragments.
The scattering of parts of a file or files throughout a storage device, as when the operating system breaks up the file and fits it into the spaces left vacant by previously deleted files.
Separating something into pieces or fine particles synonyms: atomisation
The disintegration, collapse, or breakdown of norms of thought, behaviour, or social relationship.
BOOM! This is exactly what the spiritual mafia MOB from CERN are doing to society - they are deleting God-given files in our mind and inserting into our fragmented minds corrupted files that transform our beliefs, thoughts, behaviour and social relationship.
That is what the quantum physics learnt at CERN is all about - they smash fine subatomic particles together at speeds just below the speed of light to fragment God’s creation and create disruptive, chaotic energy.
Do you have an uncontrollable habit? Maybe even something as inconspicuous as drinking too much coffee? Or smoking! Or being triggered into accessing another personality in your mind? Who is your best imaginary friend that you escape in times of abuse or trauma? What makes you uncontrollably fearful, anxious, angry or impatient?
What about an anxiety disorder? Anxiety disorder is at pandemic levels today. An anxiety attack is an obsession, or an endless thought loop that leaves one exhausted. Anxiety is the worry or fear felt in response to a perceived threat. Anger is also a threat response, but it’s coupled with a strong sense of annoyance of not being in control.
Circumstances outside of ones control are fictional narratives that play out in our minds. They are not real. The Truth is - God is in control of everything that is going on in this Beast system. If we find spiritual refuge in Yeshua, their is no reason to fear or be anxious.
All negative emotions cause physical symptoms by releasing powerful hormones into our bloodstream. That environmental belief system is then released into the nucleus of our DNA. This changes our DNA - maybe permanently - and is past on to the next generation.
All of these false beliefs come from spiritual parasites that are unconsciously given our authority to reside in our mind, change our brains, then our whole being - whilst creating disease. From these fragmented, false beliefs mould [mold], yeasts and fungi are formed. The spiritual and physical parasites are defecating in our being. It is this act of excrement from spiritual and physical parasites that causes dis-ease in the body.
This is a HUGE monetary bonus for the pharmaceutical companies gaining a monetary benefit at our spiritual and physical expense. The cost is our souls - and theirs.
Fragmentation of the mind is what not only creates dis-ease in the body, but it sends an individual INSANE - all the world’s insanity is rooted in ‘The Tree of Knowledge”, judgement, dualism, cloning and fragmentation.
Only you can change that!