Sit back and watch - even with amusement - the emotional reaction the masses are having to the “attempted assassination” of Donald Trump. Trump is perceived as a “Saviour” figure by many and that idea is perceived to be so emotive, they would even die for him. Can you even believe that?
The Zionist Christian community is taking up arms! “We are at WAR”, they claim. “What happened on Saturday was astonishing. It was divine intervention. God spared Trump’s life.” High, uncontrolled emotions is how evil spiritual parasites that lie dormant in our spiritual hearts, activate and manifest in this realm….
I do not even have an opinion on this event. I haven’t looked at in enough detail to form an opinion. I am not emotionally involved and this event will not be quantum imprinted on my heart like 9/11 was. My sole intention is to help you learn how to recognise a U.S. Military, Deep State, CIA, FBI & NSA controlled Psyops event. Once you understand the signs, it is so easy to determine the truth.
Before we even discuss the “attempted assassination” of Donald Trump and his role of being a “Saviour” figure, I need to revisit my assertion that we have ALL been “conned” in this Beast system. I’m looking you in the eye here and declaring - ALL OF US - because we all run an unconscious program that enables us to tap into this magic that is evident in the videos below! It is this deep shadow that the spiritual mafia MOB tap into amongst the collective, and leverage this dark energy against us ALL.
Yeshua, the true Word of YHWH calls this distorted quantum energy that makes us susceptible and “cons” us, “the flesh”, our unredeemed ego, unrighteousness, lawlessness, injustice, wickedness, depravity or iniquity. All of these words impact our heart and take us off a moral course. They all describe the evil that lies dormant in our hearts ready to be “triggered”, and the very reason we open ourselves up to be “conned”, manipulated and controlled. This is the core, the epicentre of humanities’ weakness - this Vril or Hermetic energy of magic ingenuity is what makes us vulnerable to being “conned” and humiliated and even mortified. And this is what makes us an endangered species.
I shared one of these videos below back on Nov 28th, 2023 in ‘THE REAL REASON WHY YOUR MOVIES EXIST - The Magical Work of Mind Control’. However, I guarantee 99% of you were still spiritually asleep at that stage…. I can tell that even the readers of this Substack are still under Lucifer’s spell….I’m not pointing a finger with these bold statements - it is not your fault - it is because you have been “conned”. The reason is, you have more than likely been “Trumped” right from birth…. and you have been possessed and indoctrinated with the spiritual energy of DEATH associated with this Beast system.
This is so interesting when we look behind the scenes of a magician! Observe how this energy of “the flesh”, our unredeemed ego, unrighteousness, lawlessness, injustice, wickedness, depravity or iniquity manifests itself through magic. This energy uses combinatorial optimisation and geomancy to pull its tricks and deceive our minds.
For this performance back in 2013, Magic Experience Designers Ferdinando Buscema and Mariano Tomatis took inspiration from Ramon Llull which began in AD 1274, by using a replica of one of his ars combinatoria wheels to perform their magic. Llull’s Art (in Latin Ars) is at the centre of their thought and undergirds their entire corpus. It is a system that uses the same Nordic Vril energy force as discussed in previous Substacks and is based on a set of general principles activated in a combinatorial process. It is all based on random chance - in modern day terms - ‘gambling’ with life.
This energy is what makes the masses left brain only thinkers, conformists and “box thinkers”.
The theories of combinatorial optimisation and Stochastic Random Number Generation goes back to Ramon Llull (1232-1315) and Gottfried Leibniz’s Ars Combinatoriain 1666 [note the year!].
“Quite simply one the key individuals that taught us the basis for the kind of computational thinking that underpins today’s most robust AI systems was a 14th century Catholic missionary from the Catalonia region of Spain. The ‘Angelic Doctor’ Ramon Llull, was passionate about translating the message of “Christ” and had an ardent faith in the Catholic doctrine of God’s perfection. It was Llull’s hope that through this exact science representatives of Judaism, Christianity and Islam would be able to reason together and clearly outline the illuminated nature of Divinity and the perfection of nature found in God’s creation, at least insofar as that’s possible through human reasoning.”
This Christian missionary, Ramon Llull, was the father of the spiritual energy behind all modern technology, Quantum Computers and religious division. Instead of Ramon Llull’s psychedelic, Alternate Reality dream of bringing Judaism, Christianity and Islam together, these three (3) religions are on the verge of destroying each other - all in the name of varying religious perspectives of an imaginary, Virtual Reality (VR) combination of “God” and “Jesus Christ”.
In Coding the Digital Occult, it illustrates the occult origins of today's digital virtual realities found within computers and computer gaming. Pattern recognition, or combinatorial optimisation, is random number generation involving geomancy divination, having its roots established by individuals including Ramon Llull (1232-1315/16).
Therefore, for us, it is all about deciphering the right Information and sorting real signals from noise.
Notice in this video it is all about meditating on the “Power of God” and tapping into his wisdom. This mystical “con” artist talks about mixing the Kabbalah and Templars philosophy, combinatorial optimisation, random number generation, geomancy and computers together. Now that should be revealing!
But notice specifically that the stage is now set and designed to imitate and counterfeit one thing only - the “Power of God” and the “Power of their fake Jesus entity”. This source of energy opens the door of our minds to be “conned” and deceived because it looks real, sounds real, feels real and makes our emotions believe that it is real - but it ain’t Real. It is merely Hollywood on the theatre screen of your mind. What you are watching on TV repeatedly shown over and over again is all Hollywood. All they are doing is emulating, copying, doing an impression of and impersonating YHWH and the resurrectional power of Yeshua.
They are all actors because of the energy 666 that is imprinted on their hearts. That is why they are continually manifesting symptoms of iniquity and are possessed with the number 666 - as we will soon see.
Watch digital filmmaker Jason Silva’s video The Cyberdelic Singularity below to see how technology has become a mind ‘psychedelic’ that transforms our reality. This is where Ramon Llull’s ingenuity has taken society. “Technology is an extension of human creativity. I think technology is literally psychedelic”, Silva states. “The etymology of the word ‘psychedelic’ is to manifest the mind. Technology is a manifestation of the mind. And we use our tools and technologies to extend our reach, overcome our boundaries and transcend our limitations. Psychedelics ended up having this huge influence on how we thought about technology”, Silva points out. “Eventually, we kind of came to see technology and computers as the new LSD”.
All of the ‘psychedelic’ and “technological’ revolution is succinctly summarised in this one video. This is the Luciferian energy into which Trump’s “attempted assassination” plays out. That is important to understand before going any further. This false Reality is exactly why society has a void as big as an ocean and is crying out for a “Saviour”. I’ve also covered this topic in detail in the eBook: Beelzebub - Descarte's Demons. I had no idea psychedelics were so intricately linked to mind control, computers and technology when I wrote this back in 2022.
This Vril energy is exactly the same energy of “the flesh” that American and Western churches tap into, and then call it the power of the Holy Spirit. This is a huge offense to YHWH - and it is listed as the only unforgivable sin!
Now that we have set this foundation in our understanding, I’m giving you three (3) or four (4) versions of Trump’s alleged assassination attempt from people who have good critical thinking skills. Then we will discuss what to look for in order to determine if this was a planned Psyops or not.
Let’s begin with Jason Christoff. You have to read, see or hear all of these accounts to get anything out of this Substack.… As Jason says, “Please understand that it's very important to know what psy-ops, mind control, brainwashing and psychological manipulation look order to keep your head screwed on straight during such events.”
Then there is Greg Reese latest video ‘The Trump Assassination Debacle’…. Like Greg Reese, I question everything!
Greg says, the most noticeable shooter that the media shows us is the patsy. They are the ones who takes the fall - they become the scapegoat for Deep State activity. Normally in any psyops of false flag operation there will be a patsy who could be a Targeted Individual (TI) under mind control - and a Judas type, like the one who betrayed Yeshua for 30 pieces of silver, the price of a slave's death. Judas is always motivated by greed in his or her heart.
The patsy is not a professional marksman. The TI would have been programmed by his or her handlers to do this particular mission well in advance, and that programming can lie dormant for years until he or she is given a trigger words which activates the program inside their brain. That patsy would then become like a hypnotised zombie and automatically do whatever they are programmed to do, unconsciously - they have no conscious awareness of their actions because they are operating as another personality which is in an Altered or Alternative part of their brain. In this case, the fall guy may, or may have not even fired a shot, but was positioned in the right place to be sacrificed.
You can be sure of one thing - if it was a professional marksman shooting that shot, the “Saviour”, Donald Trump would be dead now.
Notice that the secret service and law enforcement stood by pacifly as the deranged looking teenager - with a rifle clearly visible - was allowed to wander in with a ladder and gun and climb on top of a roof that was conveniently situated with a clear shot at the podium, some 30 minutes prior to his own death. Does that make any sense? How did he even get in with a rifle? Then professional snipers were not given orders to shoot the patsy until after Trump goes down behind the podium. Trump goes down behind the podium - now that is a clue! These morons always work with magical coverups and diversion tactics. Like, “watch closely my left hand over here whilst I pull the wool over your eyes with my right hand”. That suggests a coverup right there.
Notice how convenient the position of the podium was to cover Trump once he fell. Hiding evidence is another trick of all master magicians. Also notice how convenient the position of the building was right next door on which the patsy was positioned. Too many coincidences going on here!
Below are some good illustrations on how TI’s are targeted these days with the use of 5G subliminal messaging. This is how TI’s receive their directions that trigger them into acting. It is all done with technology….
From my eBook Are You Con-CERN-ed? we read….
“In fact, I contend that the power structures for the Beast system are ruled from the Canton of Geneva itself and more specifically through the entrance of CERN - the modern Tower of Babel. The Temple dedicated to the god Apollyon is the home of the global Intelligence community. CERN acts as the perfect cover for the secrecy associated with a global CIA.
Even the United States President’s Daily Brief which is directed to the President, selected cabinet members and national security policy makers, is generated from the global CIA in CERN. It is a classified, high level summary of Intelligence and analysis about national security threats, global unrest and other information that prompts the governmental puppets to make the decisions at the behest of the global CIA. We can be sure that this information is directed to all national leaders globally and they are told what to do in unison, from just one source. That source is the epicentre of the Beast system. What better place than a location where the Beast can be spiritually channelled regularly and spiritual entanglement with Baphomet is an everyday practise.”
It is my understanding that the daily global Intelligence brief coming out of CERN, Switzerland containing all of Lucifer’s daily Information hits the U.S. at 0800 EST BEFORE the opening of Wall Street. That means that both Trump and the cloned President Joe Biden, the U.S. Military, Deep State, CIA, FBI, NSA, the secret service and all U.S. law enforcement agencies were briefed on the scenes to be played out on the global stage for that particular day.
Why do you think the 9/11 attacks began on September 11, 2001, at 8:45 a.m? Dick Cheney was positioned in the bunker in the White House, the little insignificant “boy Bush” was position out of harm’s way at a kindergarten in Florida and the morning Intelligence brief had been received that it was all systems go!
Therefore, everyone was fully briefed and on the same page at 0800 on September 11, 2001. Likewise, everyone was fully briefed and on the same page at 0800 on the 13th July 2024. Everyone was briefed on the fact that the scene was set for an attempt on Trump’s life and it was to begin at around 6:11 p.m. (911) local time, when Trump was speaking on stage. Take note that our OVERLORDS use 611 and 911 repeatedly for their rituals.
Notice how Trump trusted his handlers explicitly. If you don’t think Trump doesn’t have multiple handlers, then you simply don’t know how the MOB’s Swiss Octagon’s system works. Even the White Pope has the Black Pope as his handler.
As Greg Reese correctly points out, an occult blood sacrifice was also planned for the 13th July 2024 at California’s Bohemian Club ritual, the Cremation of Care. WHAT REALLY GOES ON AT BOHEMIAN GROVE? Each July, members participate in this bizarre ceremony known as the "Cremation of Care".
Is this all a coincidence? Was it a miracle from God? Did YHWH answer millions of American Christian’s prayers? I’ll leave you to decide!
Consider this before we end this Substack - Trump’s ceremony involved blood, because to an occultist the sacrifice of blood brings a greater increase in power. All occultists sacrifice either an animal or human before any major event in order to offer up penance to Satan. This is their atonement ritual to pay for more power. In this case, the major event was the Republican National Convention!
The Republican National Convention opened its doors on Monday 15th and Donald Trump made a surprise appearance at that Republican National Convention, his first public outing since an assassination attempt. Former President Donald Trump entered the Convention on Mon 15 Jul 2024 at 8:23pm to accept the 2024 presidential nomination. He also announced his running mate, Ohio Sen. JD Vance, a 39-year-old freshman from Ohio, [we’ll discuss Vance in the next Substack]. They were both formally nominated as the GOP ticket for the 2024 presidential election by the Republican National Committee.
Hallelujah - or is it Hell-elujah praise their LORD, god of this world!
However, in this case was it real blood or was a Hollywood substitute? Is this natural blood, or the magical work of Ramon Llull’s mind control?
Maybe this video below will now have more meaning to you than before you read this Substack…..
What I do know is…. it is all a game - and Donald J. Trump is just one of the chosen lead actors. They are using him to play with your mind if indeed you have sold your soul to these psychopathic criminals.
What has convinced me was not the theatre of Donald Trump’s “assassination attempt”, but everything else going on and manifesting behind the scenes.
The "Cremation of Care" was one of those, but this one really “took the cake”! The most outstanding news in this last week was Elon Musk’s announcement of his plans to donate an eye watering amount of money per month to a new political group backing ex-President Donald Trump. Elon Musk plans to donate around $45 million (AUD $66.6m) per month to a new political group backing ex-President Donald Trump in the 2024 election. This announcement occured …. wait for it [drum roll……….] [suspense] [tension music]…… three(3) days after the occult events of 13th July 2024.
Honestly - as one of our faithful Subscribers says "You cannot make this stuff up"!
Honestly, I don’t have the imagination to make all these coincidences come together - all I do is observe with eyes that are no longer “conned” by these clowns. I understand their game which is staged in …. wait for it [drum roll……….] [suspense] [tension music]…… America of course!
It has always been planned that way, even before the Mayflower set sail from England to the New World in AD 1620 with Pilgrims on board armed with …. wait for it [drum roll……….] [suspense] [tension music]…… the newly printed, but corrupted Geneva Bible - coded GNV! This is how the MOB’s occult Rosicrucian message was transmitted around the world.
“Praise our LORD”, the Rosicrucians/Freemasons of their day would have yelled in excitement….
I’ve been saying for years that Elon Musk is a Luciferian. So is Donald Trump. So is Vladimir Putin. So is Benjamin " Bibi " Netanyahu. They all have one thing in common - their belief system. We’ll discuss this in the next Substack. Elon Musk just pulled Trump’s pants down and exposed him as “the Emperor that has no clothes”. This phrase has become an idiom used to describe someone who is pretending to be something they are not, or when someone is revealed to be a fraud. It’s a way of pointing out that someone is not as powerful or impressive as they claim to be. It exposes a lie or deception.
What is that lie? We’ll discuss that next time! All is being revealed in this time of Revelation or the “Revealing of the True Messiah” - Yeshua haMashiach.
However, here is a hint I covered in my eBook ‘Beelzebub - Descarte's Demons’.
This goes back to 2018. “I want to leave you with another forked tongued serpent, Donald Trump, and his meeting with Vladimir Putin in Helsinki July 15, 2018 [so much symbology in this video if you know what to look for!]. When Trump and Melania [notice the butterfly on her buckle] were gifted with a soccer ball from Putin, Trump boldly announced: “That will go to my son, Barron…. Melania, here you go”. These puppets never do anything without symbolism. What was the symbology behind this one act?”
You have to know the significance of the shape of a soccer ball to know what the insider’s joke was here….
This is exciting times in which we live….. may you awaken to the Truth my friend!