Everything the spiritual mafia MOB does is designed to con humanity into believing a fake religion - a counterfeit and non genuine belief system. A ‘con’ is something used deceptively to gain another's confidence. “It is to persuade someone to believe or do something, typically by use of deception”. Lucifer is the greatest con artist the world has ever witnessed. All of Lucifer’s gods we tend to worship are fake. It is a simple as that!
The whole Beast system created by man through Luciferian Intelligence is fake and apostate to God’s narrative of Life. Those who believe the con are heretics from God’s perspective. It is not genuine, Real or True. Literally, we have been conned ever since birth - maybe even our conception - with a false belief system that has impacted our minds and controlled our wellbeing.
The Jesuits call it “mind control”.
John Coleman wrote about MKUltra and the CIA’s involvement in mind control back in the 1990’s - we have no excuse. The MOB from Geneva is the Bilderberg Group. All Intelligence agencies globally are controlled by CERN - all Intelligence agencies globally are tuned into Lucifer’s Intelligence coming from the spiritual portals of hell.
This video is a good summary of how the spiritual mafia MOB plans to control and enslave the masses digitally……. digital dualism is Lucifer’s M.O. - modus operandi -using the dualistic spiritual ‘Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil’ which produces separation and death.
The MOB have no moral compass and they live solely according to Lucifer’s law that states “the end justifies the means”. This is an idiom used to say that a desired result is so good or important that any method, even a morally bad one, may be used to achieve it. This is the openly declared philosophy of the unrepentant Jews and Jesuits who are opposing the creator God. Their ‘end’ is to eliminate the creator God and all of His creation.
That means you and me!
Meet the man designed to be the Nazi’s spokes person for the MOB - Klaus Schwab. Klaus Schwab, the Bush’s, the Clinton - both Bill and Hillary Clinton - Obama and the present President - what his name? [I have forgotten this clone’s name] - are all anti-Christ figures. However, none of them are THE anti-Christ [neither is Donald Trump btw]. THE real anti-Christ will be revealed soon…. like everything - he is profoundly hidden in plain sight.
Like America, the WEF and Davos are all diversions……. the leaders of the Great Reset reside within the combination of CERN in Templar Switzerland [the NWO - representing Lucifer] and the British Crown officiated by the Templar’s City of London [the OWO- representing Satan].
Ravensburg, Germany was never bombed during WW2. Is this a coincidence - a twist of fate or a well planned play that has significant consequences? Nazism is no longer a corrupt philosophy subscribed to Germany - Nazism is now a global spiritual parasitical belief system the is impacting all of our minds. Humanity is now a digitally enslaved enclave without anyone even being consciously aware of it. Lucifer has applied his craft with cunning - having the skill to achieve one’s end by deceit or invasion of another’s freedom.
Absorb just how close Ravensburg is to Switzerland and Zurich. The Swiss provided arms and supplies to Hitler through Klaus Schwab’s father’s company, Escher Wyss AG, an industrial company and contractor for the Nazi regime.
Did you know the words ‘con’ and ‘cunning’ essentially mean the same thing? Why? Because the vibrational frequency of this evil force is the same. All of the world’s religions and the worship of their false gods are a cunning con to deceive humanity and keep them isolated from the Truth.
I don’t care what belief system you follow - or what god’s you believe in - including the worship of your own ego or image - it is a con! Every manmade ‘ism’ including Technocracy and Transhumanism is a con created by a spiritual entity we call Lucifer. If you have not repented before God for the iniquity in your heart, restored the spiritual and energetic quantum entanglement with your Creator - and learnt to trust Him only - then you my friend have been conned.
Lucifer’s plan is to woo every individual away from being spiritually entangled to our personal creator God through shame and fear. Satan makes people believe he is in control of this universe, and he should be feared - therefore his character traits of terror, distress and anxiety are his main weapons.
We are now beginning to witness the physical manifestation of Satan’s spiritual hell on earth. It gives us a glimpse of what hell is like - hell is our own personal separation from God - both now and eternally. The Truth is, our creator God is in total control of everything that is happening. God has already given us a plan which enables us to be saved spiritually from this hell hole. Sadly, not many take God’s free offer of spiritual salvation that is provided by His Son, Yeshua haMashiach, the divine God who came to earth in the flesh, died to erase all ‘error’ (iniquity) from our lives, on our behalf…… then rose again both energetically and physically as He overcame death and the fear of death on our behalf.
What an amazing narrative…. what an amazing God who would care so much for His creation that He would give everything to gain our trust. This is a God whose True essence is unconditional love.
And yet we despise Him and crucify Him over and over again spiritually - and thus physically.
Lucifer, Satan and the MOB are merely puppets being used by God to reveal His very precise plan for humanity. Those who remain faithfully connected to Him have the understanding of what it is……
Here is the promise…. if we understand the beginning - we will understand the end. We are now reaching the 6,000 year mark since iniquity, sin and Time began - the end of Time as we know it is neigh - and very, very few have any idea as to what is going on either physically or spiritually!
This lack of spiritual understanding is fraught with danger!
Meet the revealing of the real anti-Christ figure. Satan will soon embody himself in this pathetic being for a pre-determined period of time - before the real Messiah, Yeshus, steps onto the world scene - again! This is what is going on …………… September 13th to December 12th is designed to change the world forever with the implementation of the NWO cashless society and the complete digitalisation of humanity.
The culmination of the MOB’s Beast belief system will be held from 30 Nov - 12 Dec 2023 at Expo City Dubai. The theme is “Unite. Act. Deliver”. They say “We are at a halfway point. It has been 7 years since Paris [2016], with 7 years to go to 2030”.
This is a complete counterfeit of Scripture’s pronounced 7 years of prosperity followed by 7 years of famine experienced by Joseph in Egypt.
The common denominators are the years … 2016…. 2023 and 2030 which are all 7 years apart.
All of our God-given freedoms will soon be lost - our freewill will be erased according to the MOB - unless of course the divine person Yeshau, God’s Son steps in to save us. According to God’s well defined plan, that too will occur in 2030 - exactly 2,000 years after His powerful resurrection.
The Globalists now have 7 years to complete the final scene of their play - before God literally destroys it! It really is a game! That is why they continually claim that ”we are out of time!” Believe me….. they know God’s Timeline and they are doing their best to derail it and gain victory over it.
This is an impossible feat!
This period of Time really is the manifestation of the greatest con in history - ever since Lucifer’s deception of Eve, then Adam, and the shame that brought to the bloodlines of mankind.
To the MOB, this effort of self redemption requires a blood sacrifice - mainly of children. To the God of creation it required the ultimate blood sacrifice of His Son. The reason is - life and the spiritual Tree of Life is in our blood and our DNA. Yes, the quantum imprint of God is in our blood and our DNA. That is our temple of worship.
That is why the MOB is attacking our spiritual temple and injecting military designed bioweapons into our bodies. The Trojan horse has already been sent inside our spiritual fortress - next will be the main attack within our own fortress. The coming Smart Patch will be known as the FINAL SOLUTION - a term coined for Hitler - now executed by the Nazi regime based at CERN, Switzerland.
We, as individuals, are at risk of defeat and digital imprisonment - both physically and eternally in spirit! The reason for that today is the same reason God lead both Israel and the Jews into captivity because of their rebellion against Him, as a consequence of King Solomon’s spiritual and physical alliance with the Beast system - that which represented the world - namely Egypt. King Solomon married Pharaoh's daughter to cement a political alliance between the United Monarchy of Israel and Egypt. The rest is history.
Freemasons believe their secret society started with the building of Solomons’ Temple. It is this same quantum energy of uprising, rebellion, insurrection and revolution against God that now has permeated society.
Yes, we can be 100% sure that the WEF 4th Revolution is mankind’s collective revolt against God.
God detests spiritual adultery where we humans idolise and worship other gods instead of worshipping and trusting in Him.
God can not entertain the mixture of a pure heaven and a corrupted Beast system. This is exactly what Americanised, Corporate Christianity has done. It has polluted the pure spiritual waters with egotistical error, delusion, misconception and fallacy.
The spiritual energy driving modern day Christianity is the same energy as Solomon possessed. I call it ChristoMasonry. It is essentially Freemasonry in Christian clothes. Christians have become the sheep and the spiritual mafia MOB are the wolves.
This is the tip of the spear of this spiritual war - which God has already won btw - but we human beings refuse to acknowledge the victory or enter into it with the quantum precision of Yeshua’s resurrection power.
Solomon rebelled against God and the Israelites, instead of worshipping God facing west in the Holy of Holies as instructed to worship the spiritual Son, chose to face east and worship the physical sun. In time, both Israel and the Jews were taking into captivity by seperate nations from the east - the enemy physically coming from the direction towards which they faced to worship their gods. The Jews were taken into captivity in Babylon and took on their pagan rituals, just like Solomon had done.
This created the Kabbalah religion which is the foundation of every secret society today.
Now we see the culmination or physical expression of that spiritual worship.
In our error, we are not worshipping, spiritually engaging or energetically entangling ourselves with the creator God - we are mixing the worship of God with the worship of the Beast system - and God detests that unrepentant, remorseless, unregenerate, unredeemed, unjust behaviour.
There is therefore much confusion - the definition of the term Babel - amongst Christians and their interpretation of Scripture.
Here is one man who, like Moses, is actually listening to the creator God and heeding the Truth. Watch as CJ Lovik unlocks an end-times mystery with a prophetic key revealed by Moses 3,500 years ago! 2023 END-TIMES PROPHECY (70th Week of Daniel Revealed) appears to me to be a very accurate appraisal of the Tribulation period. His conclusion reveals the importance of the year 2030 on God’s prophetic Timeline.
Notice I didn’t say Christian prophet’s prophetic timelines - which are mainly fake and false.
There is a lot to absorb in CJ Lovik’s video - we will discuss it more in the next Substack.
Now, I’ll finish by telling you why I believe this is a True and accurate presentation.
CJ Lovik is a commoner - he is not a man of the cloth - a Priest or Protestant Minister who has been brainwashed in Theological Seminaries that have been influenced by Jesuits within the MOB. Yeshua used fisherman to be His disciples. In the days Yeshua walk amongst mankind, fishermen weren't considered to be members of high society. In fact, the occupation of a fisherman was considered the lowest of the low in society. God generally uses the humble who are willing to submit to His rule, His Ways and His unconditional love. Nothing has changed in this regard today. CJ Lovik is obviously a humble servant of God, otherwise he would not have received downloads of Truth direct from the 3rd heaven.
CJ Lovik’s understanding and wisdom of dates and the essence of God are very accurate. AD30, the date of Yeshua’s resurrection, with the resultant destruction and demise of death is accurate.
Yeshua was crucified on a Wednesday, not a Friday. He was buried 3 days and 3 nights and arose on the Jewish Sabbath - a Saturday. This is very important to understand. Sunday worship and the religion called Christianity is a fairytale made up by the hurting Jews who had had their 2nd Temple destroyed by the Romans and the 13 Elite Papal Bloodlines [who were the spiritual mafia MOB during that period of time]. They made a plan in Hermetic influenced Alexandria, Egypt, after AD70 to neutralise the power of Yeshua’s resurrection - thus the seed and birth of the Christian religion was born 242 later in AD312 by the Roman Emperor, Constantine.
Sunday worship, Christ-mass and Easter are all fairy tales that originated in the ancient Persian Mithra religion which worshipped the Sun - it has more to do with the mythical red Santa [Satan] and white Easter bunnies [Lucifer] - than is has to do with our spiritual Salvation.
God gave the Jews exactly 40 years to repent of the iniquity in their hardened hearts which crucified their Saviour, Yeshua. Yeshua even prophesied this event - then BOOM - exactly 40 years after He was crucified, Jerusalem and the Jewish Temple was erased. That has never been restored up until now - leading up to this Tribulation period.
Iniquity in our hearts - or the corruption associated with entangling ourselves with Lucifer - is what prevents us from connecting with God’s unconditional love - even today. Nothing has changed over time - it is just becoming more pronounced as the fruit of iniquity ripens to its full fruit bearing stage.
The number 40 in God’s economy and Timeline represents testing. If we take 2023 - 40, we get 1983. If we take 2030 - 40 we get 1993. Both of these years are highly significant in the MOB’s planning of Climate Change and the fairytale narrative of Sustainability. In Australia, Gough Whitlam made Australia a Corporation and made a virtual Constitution in 1982-3. It then becomes a projection - our Constitution then became a ‘digital’, virtual reality that is not real - it is merely a figment of our imagination.
The concept of Sustainable development formed the basis of the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development held in Rio de Janeiro in 1992. The summit marked the first international attempt to draw up action plans and strategies for moving towards a more Sustainable pattern of development. Climate Change is a global religion created and formed by the MOB to enhance global mind control - it is also a figment of people’s imagination. This is now evidence based fact.
The god of the religion, Christianity, is the same - it is a figment of people’s imagination. This is not the God of the 3rd heaven - our Creator. We can communicate with, and receive healing, restoration and the power of redemption from this God. It all comes through His unconditional love - the essence of our survival as human beings.
The MOB’s United Nations and WHO is in reality the World Holocaust Organisation. The MOB invented Nazism and this 4th Revolution is Lucifer, Satan and man’s attempt to erase all God-given energy and God’s quantum field from existence. The World Holocaust Organisation (WHO) will administer it!
Good luck with that is all I can say……. AND…….. of course God wins! After all - it is His Timeline and His Creation!
Until next time ….. Shalom!